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1. What is poetry?

Poetry is a type of literature that aims to evoke an emotional

response in the reader through language chosen and arranged for its meaning,
sound, and rhythm. It’s mostly written based on the imagination of the author to
affect the feeling of the readers.
2. List five elements of poetry and define each in a sentence.
 Meter- is the basic rhythmic structure of a verse or lines in verse. Many
traditional verse forms prescribe a specific verse metre, or a certain set of
meters alternating in a particular order.
 Rhyme- is the repetition of syllables, typically at the end of a verse line.
Rhymed words conventionally share all sounds following the word's last
stressed syllable.
 Scheme- is the formal arrangement of rhymes in a stanza or a poem. If it
is one of a number of set rhyme patterns, it may be identified by the name
of the poet with whom the set rhyme is generally associated
 Verse- A verse is formally a single metrical line in a poetic composition.
However, verse has come to represent any grouping of lines in a poetic
composition, with groupings traditionally having been referred to as
 Stanza- a stanza is a group of lines within a poem, usually set off from
others by a blank line or indentation. Stanzas can have regular rhyme and
metrical schemes, but they are not required to have either.

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