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New Edition SURVIVAL ENGLISH International Communication for Professional People dane ae MACMILLAN (Toric UNIT COMMUNICATION GRAMMAR AREAS: (CULTURE FILE rT Perooral conversation; taxis procent simple Tips TM 2 Introductions Introductions: cresting is/are: was | were Names IEEE 3 Appointments | Making appointments; cates present continuous futur Time, dates ‘can future appeintments EB @ Arangemen’s | Future plans: timetables, 900g fo fue: timetable future Cel phones 5 Watcoycuder | Describing jobs; personal detals present simple; was /were (bor) | Difficult questions TH & Trecomenience | Buying things; polite response; Could | fave) 7: Prices, tax store inguties Wal there be 2:18 (have). [EM 7 Checkin at ahote! | Chocking in; hotel faciltioe; Wor...2:70; Would youlie...2 | Creat cards paying by card EME 8 Hoteliniormation | Tolepnoning: making a reservation; | Do you have...2:'d ike Hotel facittias describing a room IEEE & Nesting people | Formal and informal graatings present continuous Greetings ‘and introductions future continuous B10 Staring Conversation siratesies present perfect vs. pest simple; Stenting Conversations _| exchanging information How / How long? conversations 11 Aresteurant meat | Ordering a meal eating out want / 1 have Lunch present simple routines 12 Flight uar55 ‘Chooking-in at an airport Checkin B18 Secutiy Going trough a security check: Security polite requosts BB 1 Taveing ‘Talking to strangers offers: present continuous; will have fo Titles and jobs ‘companions apologizing EE 15 Infight LUstening to announcements prosont perfoct; past cimplo In fight TEBE 16 Congaiulations! | Usino, understanding numbers: be past simple; past simole Numbers, paying compliments tomporature ‘Atte Devereux's | Intreductions; greetings in the home; | present perfect; used to do; Etiquotto manners teflexive pronouns IE 18 Courtecios “Thanking; saying goodbye; apologizing | to hope; d bettor Sociaiing 19 Atiptothemal | Shopping: sizes present vs, past: May ...2;made in| Weights end measures 9 20 Hotetonby Requests for assistance; offers ot help | V.../ Could you 2; wif forfuture | Cars ME 21 Fitess center | Starting a conversation; inetructione; precont portect + over | Maintaining 2 ‘continuing a conversation ‘conversation TE 22 Business ovonts | Discussing /comparing experiances | present perfect; past simple ‘Business events ‘Small talk ‘Suitable topes of conversation; making social conversation present and past tenses “Topics of convoreation| TEE 2 Localspociatios | Taxing about monue; food would ike; won't prosent pertect | Food taboos Wicusiness MI Socializing Ml Travel Hotels. Ml Money Ml Food 8 Drink ‘il Communications TOPIC UNIT ‘COMMUNICATION GRAMMAR AREAS CULTURE FILE |» 25 Ontne pnone Telopnoning clartying; asking for clartication | present cimplo Phones: EH 2% Onthonet Using the internet; instructions imperatives: [The internet talking about the internet punctuation TE 27 Aiportarrvats | Going teough immigration; ‘How fong + future plans: Immigration contol forming: personal detals instructional language TEN 2 Lostbaggage Dealing with problems ‘baat simple ireguiar verbs; [Airine baggece Sequences in the past 22 Customs Going through customs. ‘may /can for permission; [Atowancos Do you have. anything to deciar}?; Few much / How mary ..? TE 30 Acking for dictions | Asking for and giving steet directions Prepositions of place and Walking in the USA, ‘movement isttuctions I 31 Tire zones “Telephaning; narect questions and statomonte | incveet questions; when | Dayiight Savings Time I 2 Broakfast in Amorce | Ordering breaktest; explaining have (something) done ‘American breakfasts [9 Making conversation| Conversation strategies; nquiring after paople | describing paopie; aojectives | Deseribing people 7 [34 Describing people | Taking about other people tolativa pronoure; adjectives _| Describing people 2 TH 35 Deceribing things | Describing things ticking to a point; ‘comparative, superlative: ‘Comparing things Stopping interruption ‘ow wee / Fong | high te IEE 85 Taking about ‘Job descriptions; daly routines; frequency adverbs; Working times yourjob working conditions time expressions; Rave to (2) I 37 Taxing avout Talking about vacations; doscritive language; wes tke; | Vacations vacations eseribing places uestion words IEE 35 Options aking aire reservations; booking 2 ticket | woulet companizons; I. Air tickets (EMM 39 Reservations ‘Restaurant and theatorrecorvatione: assie: printed, assigned Paying over the credit card slips were sois out phon TEM 40 Medical problems | asking tor aavce; ging aawee; tring | shou; neod Modieal services 5481 Hotel problame | Controntatione and how to avoid them want to do: clauses: unt; could | Confrontations 42 Complaints Complaining: dealing with complaints resent perfect continuous: Complaining have (¢omeone) do M43 Somewhere ogo | Making suagestions: expressing would rather / preter: Concieme preferences Wry don'tyou.? sorvces 44 Invitatone. Making / ccopting / reusing invitations talking about the future lnvitations ow / What aout cong) 45 Carrontal rganizng car rental; explanation; otfore Renting a cer 48 Experiences Language experience: acceating / ‘Compliments rejecting compliments ME 47 Check-out Checking out of ahotek: checking: past simole Check-out ‘explaining, apologies 1 48 Gooceye ‘Thanking people; eaying goody ‘resent perfect; adjective + infinitive | Geodbyes keeping in touch Tanscrpts pages 56-59, Communication Activties ps. 60-71, Grammar Flee pe. 72-0, Vocabuiry Fes pe. 81-88, Cukuro es rom page &4 — Introducing the course — These are some of the characters that you're going to meet in the book. There is no story, but you will see these people several times. You'll also meet other people from all over the world. Enjoy the course. b Jessica Actams Comeory Proscet Michael Rabertgon crac Menage no Mon I Oh bree S) | Cover Corpses me | ‘Wilbur Meeks “Merton, Solos Roveoeriate = Devereux Computers 2 sem: Nancy Lee | Computer Stone ak “in trie , Designer ion tenho | vt Kramer / \ ea ay = s yon Thomes cw (eet cas erage Rebecca Larsen (were Ener ariorato ul | Consuela Rodriguez _ Famburer or MocanY | ees §=WVElComc Welcome to this exciting and practical course for people who need English for work or travel. This book is based around real-ife situations, and along with the cassettes or CDs, gives you everything you need to survive in English. There's a Practice Book too, if you want more written work. Every page is easy to use and learn from, and gives you important new language which you can read, listen to, Practice and use. You'll be able to make simple everyday ‘conversations, order meals, make reservations, check in to a hotel, have meetings and much, much more! You can access the book page by page, or dip into it by using the topic symbols to find the situations and language Which you need most. At the back of the book, in adcition to the Student CD, you'll find: helpful cultural information related to every unit (Culture Files); useful vocabulary lists (Vocabulary Files); ‘grammar reference and verb charts (Grammar Files); and the Communication Activities for extra speaking practice. You'll also find additional transcripts for the listenings found on both the Student and Class CD. Whether you need English for business trips, vacations or work with English speakers, this course is right for you! ‘Symbols TT By Recordings marked with this symbol are on the Class CD/Cassette only. The numbers indicate the track numbers on the Class CD. e.g. Class CD 1 Track 2. 188 Fiflg Recordings marked with this symbol are on the Class CD/Cassette and on the Student CD found in the back of his book The number indicate the track numbore on the Class CD. e.g. Class CD 1 Track 8. Transcripts for these recordings ae inthe back of tle book. Pairwork activities are marked with this symbol, Index of topics Business 2,8, 4, 8, 9, 16, 22, 23, 26, 31, 35, 96 Socializing 2,9, 10, 14, 17, 18, 21, 23, 24, 33, 34, 36, 37, 44, 46, 48 Travel 1,4, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 22, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 37, 38, 40, 43, 45 Hotels Money 1,6, 7, 16, 19, 39, 47 | Food and drink 14, 17, 18, 24, 82 Re Communications 3,8, 15, 25, 26, 28, 38, 39, 40 La @ tan King has just arrived in Atlanta. 7 Well, here we are, This is the Sheraton Century Center. That's $16.80. Jan: Thank you, Keep the change. Driver: Hey, mister! This is 2 five dollar bill lan: Sorry. l thought it was a twenty. There you go. Driver: Thanks. Have a good stay. lan King: Taxi! Cab Driver: Hi, mister, Where to? lan: The\Shération, please: Driver: Waiel one? There are three Sheratons here in Allanta, lan: Oh, sony. The Sheraton Century C Driver: OK Ave you hiere in business or Jan: On business, Driver: Right. Hey, wirere ate you from? lan: England. Driver: England? Which part? lan; Winchester, Do you know it? Driver: No, Blut | was in London lest year. Great country. cri Change the conversations above. Use these expressions: Where to? / Where are you going? ‘Ave you here on business or on vacation? / Is this trip for business or pleasure? Where are you from? / Where do you come from? $16.80 / five dollar bill /a twenty / $42.95 / ten dollar bill fifty Have a good stay. / Enjoy your visit e iD Ask and answer: 2 Match. a Do you tip in your country? acent —~_@® yes U sometimes U never anickel b ({fyou tip) Who do you tip? O waiters O cab drivers 2 other hairdressers. ellhops adime ere ¢ (If you tip) How much do you tip? Usmalichange 10% 0 15% U more than 15% 141 fly Michael Robertson has atived at Chicago Associated Industries. Michael: Good moming, My name's Michael Robertson, PA; Good morning, Mr. Robertson. How can |help you? Michael: | have an appointment with Ms. Adams. PA.: Ah, yes. Mr. Robertson. Ten fifteen? Michael: That's right. Sorry I'm late. PAA; No problem, Please folow me. I's this way. ety Jessica: Mr. Robertson? How do you Michael: Fine, thank you, Me. Adams. And you? dessieat I'm tne, Please, call mo Joss. Michaol: OX, Jessica. Ard Im Michael dessica: So, how was the tip, Michael? Michael: Not too bad. Butte plano vas lato. m sory. dessiea: Thats OK. How was tho tafe trom the apr? Michael: Pretty baci Match the greetings with the most likely responses. Greeting How do you do? Good morning, Good afternoon, Response Hello. Good morning. Good evening, Good to meet you, too. Hello, there. Fine, thank you. And you? Hil Good evening. Good to meet you. Good afternoon. What is the general rule for responses to greetings? Practice greetings and responses. U6 @y There Ie a knock at the door. Jessica: Oh, that'll be Dave. Come in. Michael Robertson, his is Dave Scott, our Canadian representative Michael: Good to meet you, Dave. Dave: I''s good to meet you too, Michael Jessica: Michae! is the Purchasing Manager at AlshaCom in Toronto, Dave: Yes, | know AiphaComn ... Tell me, is this your first ‘tip to Chicago, Michael? Michael: Yes. Yes, 3 Look at the conversations and highlight the three questions which are useful for ‘breaking the ice’ (starting a friendly conversation) What other things could you ask about to ‘break the ice’? QHow was your trip? Ol How was the traffic (from the airport)? Do you like (this city)? Did you find our offices easily? How is your family? Ulls this your first visit to (Chicago)? Culture File 2 | Names = 9 3 Appointments 14? fy Julie is phoning Ryan Thomas in Los Angeles. - Julie: Mr Thomas? L Ryan: Yes? Ryan Thomas speaking Ths is Jlle Morison from NSW Mea in Sydrey. 0d 10 speak with you, Jule. What can I do for you? dllie: Pm planning to be in L.A. nex! week. Can we mast? Ryan: Sure, How about the 15ih? Julie: What day ofthe week is that? Ryan: Wednesday lie: Tht’ fre. Morning or afternoon? Ryans I'm tre all day. lle: Then how about 12:20? We can have lunch yan: Great. See you at 12:30 on Wednesday. @new Mreply reply atl delete @send & re notes vacation month January Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur Fri. February March 1H2n3 April May 7| {8 ][e] [10 ae July 4 Ls] 6 17 ae September at | [22] [2s] [24 ae November 3s December Culture File 3 | Time, dates and times on the calendar. Change the words in blue. 4 © What dates are important to you~ 2 Look at the calendar and make sentences for February to December. January's the first month of the year. It's (cold / hot / wet / dry) in my country. 3 [a-0Hify Listen and complete the table. Caller cay | date ‘A Jessica Adams B Consuela Rodriguez lan King birthdays, appointments, national holidays etc.? Ask and answer questions about the dates. For example: ‘When's your birthday? ‘Which is your favorite national holiday? When is it? ‘What holidays do you know from other countries? 1a ly Jessica Adams is talking to Dave Scott about her trip to East Asia. Jessica: I'm going to be away for ten days, Can you look after Michael Robertson for me? Dave: Sure Jessica: And call me on Thursday. Dave: OK. Where are you going to be on Thursday? 'm going to be in Seoul in the moming, 4ArrangementS <== When do you leave Seoul? aie afiemoon, On the 18:40 Korean Aitines to Tokyo. Dave: So, when do you arrive in Japan? Jessica: Late Thursday evening. 20:85 at Narita Airport Dave: I's a long way into the city Jessica: | know. Heres 2 print cut of my itinerary. f you need to contact me, Il have my laptop and my cel phone. Just e-mail, or text me. Pee Chicago OWare Flight number Korean KE038) From Monday 72th Thursday 15th Saturday 17th Tuesday 20th Wednesday 21st Korean KE701 Seoul ICN TeKyo Osaka KIX by train JALIL793 United UA8SS ORD Chicago O'Hare ICN Seoul Incheon International NRT Tokyo Narita KIX. Osaka Kansai Intemational PVG Shanghai Pu Dong International Chicago ORD shanghai PUG ee To Arrive Seoul ICN Tokyo NRT Osaka Shanghai PVG chicago ORD 16:20 + 1 day 20:55 Ws 11:30 Jetset sisi 1 << Make simitar conversations using the itinerary. Change the words in blue Boe oir the iver ary/ageii Aak envi arewer a Where is Jessica going to be on Tuesday 13th? ...on Friday 18th? ‘on Monday 19th? on Tuesday 20th? b When does she leave Korea? _. attive in Tokyo? return to Chicago? 3 Discuss: What arrangements do you have for this weak? When you travel, are you given an itinerary’? Isit useful? + Ate you going to travel soon? On business? On vacation? + What time do you leave home every day? What time do you arrive at work? 4 COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES Student 1 - Go to Communication Activity A Student 2 - Go to Communication Activity N Culture File Cell phones ss = § What do you do? in fy Dave: Is Toronto your hometown, Michael? Michaol: No, | was born in Montreal. We moved to Toronto when | was ten. | was brought up there, Dave: Do you live in the ci Michaol: No, | vo in So h. Do you know it? Dave: Sure. | have friends there. What exactly do ‘at AiphaCom, Michael 1 do Michael: 'm in charge of purchasing computer hardware Hey, can | ask you something, Dave? Dave: Sure. Go ahead Michael: What exactly does Jessica Adams do? | mean, what's her job description? Dave: That's easy, Mic'izel. She owns the company! 1 4 Make a similar conversation and change the words in blue. 2 Ask and answer questions about the organization chart. For example: What does (Jessica Adams) do? Who is the (Finance Manager)? Who is in charge of (publicity)? COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES Student 1 - Go to Communication Activity B Student 2 - Go to Communication Activity O Culture File Difficult questions Chicago Associated Industries Inc. Jessica Adams CEO.& Presdet Chars Stevens ‘Anores Midler Executive Vice-President Vice-President Sales & Marketing | ‘Sara Adamiski Maric Leone! France Manager Marketing Manager Daniel Hanson Amy Park Production Manager Pulicty Manager Find three people in your class and find answers to these questions. Note the answers. Name: Whare were you born? Where were you brought up? What do you do now? Who do you work for? Where do you work? Do you live there? Where do you live? Clerk: Regular or sugariess? Michael: Sugriess. That's it Yes. Do you have Newsweek magazine’ oe iy ue Lae eeeen ina Bi a Clerk: Yes, I's ight over thre i ts es en eh tat Michael: On, yes, | see it. How much st? “enigma Glorks Five ninety-fve, Wil thare be anything else? Michask There you go. a Michael Gus havem beef emia: ploceet ic Ca et Speer nts Clerk: There you go. s that al? sere Michael: I take {v0 paces of gum, too, nce Than Clerk: You're welcome. | | medium soft large small $. 40 exposure \ 25 exposure $. of 2 Make conversations about the items. * Inyour country, are convenience stores open 24 Change the words in blue. hours a day, 7 days a week? ‘+ Are superstores open 24/7? (24 hours a day, Culture File _6 | Prices, tax 7 days a week) ‘+ Inthe U.S.A,, the tax is added to the total price at 3 Discuss: the cash register. Is the tax included in the price, ‘+ Do you have convenience stores in your country? or added to the price in your country? + What kind of products do they sell? ‘+ Which do you prefer? cs )=—7 Check-in at a hotel 1a8 fig Consuela Rodriguez is checking into the 120 By Conversation B Studlog Inn Hotel. Read and ston to Conversation A. Clerk: Flere's your credit card, Ms. Rockiguez, and your Conversation A eee a Consuela: Thank you. Cee Sa eI Clerk: Ths is your room charge card, You'l need hs 7 —_s you charge anything in the restaurant or lobby shops. Could yau sign it here? Consuela: OK. Cet: Your room is 743, onthe seventh foor The bel apain wil take your bags up to your room, Consuela: Thank you. Oh the restaurants senieg Winch? ‘Clerk: Our main restaurant closes at two thirty, but you Can gt someting to eatin the Al-Day Coffee Shop. ts ust aco the lobby Consuela: Thank you very much, Clerk: You're very welcome. Enjoy your stay with us. tonight? Glertc Yes, ma'am, we do. |s that a single or ‘a double? single. ¢ How long would you lke to stay? Consuela: For four nights. Clerks Will you be paying by crecit card? Consuela: Yes. MasterCard. Here you are. Clerk: That's Ms, Rodriguez? I'l ust swipe your ‘edit card. Would you please complete the ‘guest registration card? 118 My Listen again. This time the recording only has the voice of the Front Desk Clerk You take the part of Consuela Rodriguez. 1 COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES Interview another student and complete a guest registration card for them. Culture File _7 | Credit cards 3 Discuss: ‘What are the major credit cards in your country? What kind of things can you buy with a credit card? Can you use them for small purchases? Bo you think people will use cash at all in the future? 2 Listen to Conversation B and answer these questions: What does the Front Desk Clerk give Consuela? b_ What floor is Consuela's room on? © Which room is she in? d_ What time does the main restaurant close? “a 121 (ff Listen to Conversation A. 1 Find these facts: a What kind of room does Julie Morrison want? b How much will the room be per night? 2 .~ Usten again to Conversation A. Have a similar conversation asking about hotel room prices. 3 Listen to Conversation B below and read the Studios Inn price list. Then, ask and answer similar questions with Does it have ...? / Do you have...? 122 fly. Consuela Rodriguez is phoning a friend from her room atthe Studios Inn, Conversation B Consuela: Hi, Karen? This is Consuela. Karen: Consuela! Great to hear from you. Where ate you? Consuela: At the Studios inn, in Holywood. Karen: Really? What's it xe? Consuela: Very nice. The room's huge. Karen: Yes? Does it have a DVD player? Consuela: No, it doesn't, but it has cable TV 8 Hotel information <= §TUDIOS INN Hore = Hollywood Boulevard Daas Executive site (two lox : Mo luxury bedrooms) saps }ecroom | has king-size v i= on Le a Ze bed, bathroom with plas ov al fi concen groom wih ime bd Stonderd suite Bedroom with king-size bed, athros CI me Becton Yom. VoR Wwng eons Dovbie room Imo queens beds, bothvoom, minboe Pr HM dren under 14 shoring 9 od 6 ring a room with two adults adults stay Small double room (1 person occupancy with one double bed, bathroom, minber 78 Per night Extras: | $30 per night | Col/Rollaway bed (for chitcren under 12) ALL OUR ROOMS Have Pry DE SUR ROOM Hi /ATE BATH, Si QIRECT-DIAL TELEPHONE, NOVIDUAL CLA NTROLS, HIGH SPEED INTER? CESS ani WSS Rta SH SPEED INTERNET ACCESS AND | ‘Urrenty al B) wil be added i Culture File 4. Look at Conversation ¢ at the Orange Grove Motel. Before you listen, guess the ‘You" sentences. Then listen to the recording and compare. 1B fig Conversation Front Desk Clerk: What kind of room do you want? You: _ Front Desk Clerk: Fine. | have @ double 100m available. You: Front Desk Clerk: No, it doesn't. But it has a shower. You: —— Front Desk Clerk: $99 per night. How are you paying? You: : 124 meeting. Conversation A Jessica: Michaell I'd ike you to most Josh Crosby. Josh: How do you do, Michael? Michaal: 'm very well, thank you. It's good to meet you. Jessica: Josn is our company lawyer. He's taking care of the contracts, Josh: | near you're from Canada. Michael: Yes, that’s right Josh: How long will you be staying in the States? Michael: Oh, about three months. Josh: How do you like it here so far? Michael: It's great. Really enjoying it i you'll excuse me, | have to go. It wes good 1g yOu Michael: Thanks, good meeting you, too. Hope to see you again sometime Michael Robertson has arrived for another 1 Look at the key expressions in blue. Replace them with the different expressions below. Conversation A want to introduce ... Please mest ... This is... Conversation B I've got to go. Look after yourself See you later. May | introduce you to ... I'm fine, thanks. Pleased to meet you. Not too bad, thanks. How long are you going to be here? I've got to be going, How long are you staying here? —_I'd better be going. Hope to meet you again. Keep well twas a pleasure to meet you. How's it going ... 125 & Michacl met Josh several more times ‘This te six wooks later Conversation B foah Hey hewinayouioig, fhael: Good. And you? Mike? Josh: Oh, |'m good. How's Jodie? Michael: She's fine. Josh: Great. Michael: She's really esjaying Chicago Josh: Lousy weather, though. lichael: Well, it's the same in Toronto, Josh: Yeah. Listen, | have to be off. I'm already late - but it was great to see you again, Mike Michael: Yeah, good to see you, too. Take care 2 In threes, role-play Conversation A, then practice introductions. Culture File © Greetings 3 Discuss: How do you introduce / greet / say goodbye to friends / business people in your country and in other countries? Do you... . shake hands? “bow? exchange business cards? “hug them? kiss them on the cheok / hand? L q 10 Starting conversations ———> ‘The best way to begin a conversation is to ask questions. QUESTION RESPONSE ‘Where are you from? I'm from (Mexico). | Where do you come from? | come from (Braz). How long have you been here? Ive been here since (January). gf Have you been here long? I've been here for (three days). Where are you staying? At the (Crowne Plaza Hotel). | When did you get here? I got here (two days ago). How ong are you staying? Until next (Sunday). How long will you be staying? For another (five days). How do you like it here? It's very (nice / interesting). What do you think of (LA)? Hike it (very much /a Io. ‘What ate you here for? I'm (visiting customers). Why are you here? I'm (here on business). ‘Are you here on (business)? I'm here (for the conver 1 125 FY Listen to Julie and Consuela, and 4 Invent a character. Write a list of facts about check (/) the questions in the table that you hear. them in the same way. 2 (2 Cook at the two photographie of people 5 Imagine you are that charaeter. Circulate around Each choose a different person from one of the the class and introduce yourself to others. Ask photographs. Then write imaginary facts about thom questions about themselves. Answer the person, that will answer the questions in the questions about your imaginary character. chart above. Don't show your list of facts to your partner. Culture Filo 10) Starting conversations 3 2% use your list of facts and ask and answer questions for each picture. 21% Julie Morison is having lunch alone. Jul vell-done, please Waiter: Right. Do you want to order a dessert now? Waiter: Hi, what can | get for you today? Julie: Yes, um, what's a Key Lime Pie? Julie: Do you have a menu? Waiter: I's like a cheesecake. Today it’s served with Waiter: Sure, there's an a la carte menu, or today's blueberries and strawbe ‘specials are on the be Julie: OK, but just blueberries. No strawbemes, Julie: I'l go for the specials. Waiter: Anything to drink with that? Good choice. Julie: Just spring water, Julie: OK, I'l have vegetable soup Waiter: Still or sparking? Waiter: 'm sorry, It's al gone. Julie: 'd ike sparkling, please. Julie: Then I'l have the Thai fish cakes. Waiter: OK. Coming right up. Waiter: Right. What about the entrée” - Julie: Do you have any chicken? Waiter: Soy. There! the tuna steak ai Julie: Sounds good, , Waiter: How do you want that? Rare, medium or well-done? | We ao Figs? Col Use the menu and order a meal. Family? Aina Sort these foods, by putting a check (7) at those meals? in the correct box. a novelef lean recommens | Wisedayeutave hese ROOST eat with? What do you usually eat Peli broakfast _|iunch ‘A= Appetizer (served before the main dish) te | ee Entrée (main dish of the meal) z | | Dessert (a sweet course at the end of a meal) a oe sk your partner an > complete the questionnaire for them. Shrimp Cocktail Green Salad Caesar Salad Fresh Tuna Steak ) a ‘Spaghetti Bolognese Q Grilled Chicken a a Tropical Fruit Salad Mushroom Soup Apple Pie Vanilla Ice cream CULL RR> cocogom ooooco0 Nachos with spicy dips Club Sandwich oooooo> oogouum Describe your typical lunch to your partner. Whose lunch do you prefer? Describe your ideal lunch. Culture File 11) Lunch 12 Flight UA75S — ee 128 6 Jett Kramer is tying to Denvor. Ho's at the alrport check-in desk now. Check-in: Your ticket, Jeff: There you go. Check-in: Fight UA75S to Denver, then you're going on to 1 fight M002? Jeff: Thats right Check-in: Do you have any baggage to cheok, Me. Kram Aspen Jeff: Yes, I do. Just two pieces. ‘Check-in: And did you pack them yourself, Mr. Kramer Jeff: Yes, | did. ‘Check-in: And have they been with you at all times? Jeff: Yes, they have. Check-in: Has anyone flight? Jeff: No, they haven't Check-in: Ave any of the articles on this list in your carry- on baggage? deff: Um... No, iven you anything to take on the 1 COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES Interview another student and complete the fight information. Student 1 - Go to Communication Activity D Student 2 - Go to Communication Activity Q ture File 12, Check-in 2 Role-play the conversation. Change the words in blue. Use your partner's name and information from the Communication Activity, ‘Check-in: Would you like me to tag these bags through to Aspen? Then you won't have to pick them up in Denver. Jeff: That vould be great. Thanks. Check-in: Do you have a seating preference, Mir. Kramer? deff: An aisle seat. Extra legroom, if possible. Check-in: Yes, | havo a soat, next to the emergency exit. So that's Flight UA7S5 to Denver, departing at §:30 p.n boarding at Gate Number 2. Report to the gate twenty minutes before departure. Here's your boarding pass. Please report to the Transfer Desk in Denver for a seat assignment on your connecting fight deff: Thank you. Check-in: You're welcome. Have a good flight. For uptodate inform Podate information, always check your Dangerous objects not allowed in cabin No knives or shar line's Web ste permitted inthe cabin, Other on nt Other pro nail fies, corkscrens, basal anew hockey ticks These arteler must be eramption pee any length or material are ibited items includ include: metal Dagwage onl Medically ne Onna necessary needles and srings ave permited 9) Hazardous materials and dan ree © Haron: and dangers goode are eter sling’ iar mo Tne ach. aerosols, explosives, matches, amiable sets orice i ative material, devices wih atached hey may not be packed in eheck, a taken on board with you . by advance arrang : ement, Check with y * 3 Look at the Restricted Articles Guidelines. Say true or false. ‘a You shouldhn’t carry a pocketknife in your carry-on baggage. You shouldn't pack a gun in your baggage. You should camry matches oniy in hand baggage. You shouldn't pack aerosol sprays in your baggage. 4 List the airlines you have flown, on business and vacation. Compare your list with a partner. Which irline do you prefer? Why? 5 Do you prefer an aisle seat or a window seat? Why? ‘Then look in your bags / purses. How many articles can you find that would be banned in the cabin? Make a list. == §=613 Security 128 My Jetf Kramer is going through the 130 @Y Jeff goes to pick up his briefcase. ces ‘Security (2}: Would you mind opening your briefcase, si? Security: Please put all carry-on baggage on the Jeff: No, not at all... there you go conveyor ... Please put all carry-on baggage on the ‘Security (2}: Would you mind turning on the MP3 player (Beep) Please empty your pockets and go through Jeff: Oh, sorry. Yes. Jeff: Oh, sorry, just some keys. | forgot. Jeff: Of course. There you are. Woman: Is this machine fim-sate? ee _ * ‘Morne Ae yo sue? Taye tos oF AIRPOR | 's wedding . Pinan | Geauenen doesn't have to go through the scanner. Please put all i SURVEY cearry-on luggage on the conveyor. Step right this wey |Whon you are at an sirpert, wnat do you preter? 2. Do you mind opening your carry-on lugaeat ‘Do you mind when secur ask you quostions 4. ave you embaresced when they search yous" you have walked through the sa por security stl? How do you feel about a 1 Discuss: 22m 7 ill in the Security Survey. Then compare © Why do you think Security asked Jeff to turn on zed dacige your aiisiers witt'a pete the electronic items? + Why was the woman worried about her camera? Culture File 13) Security ‘© Why did the scanner “beep” when Jeff went through it? What other items might it detect? 131] Jeff Kramer is looking for his seat on the plane. Conversation A deff: Excuse me. I think I'm in 150. Woman: This is 140. Jeff: Are you sure? Woman: Yes, look here ... oh, dear! Itis 150. 1am sony. Jeff: That's OK. Sorry to disturb you Woman: That's quite allright. It's my fault 132 @ Convorsation B ‘Attendant: Would you like a newspaper, sir? Jeff: Yes, please ... un, USA Toctay ‘Attondant: 'm afraid we're out of USA roday. Would you ike a Miarni Hera’? Joff: Yes, that’s fine. Attendant: How about you, sir? Man: Can you get me a Denver nevispager? Attendant: Sure. 1 De Leokat the pictures. Use them to make similar conversations. Change the words in blue. Look at Conversation D and the table below. Role-play conversations with similar embarrassing mistakes! Titles Academic Political Medical Military (academics) (politicians) (medics) (soldiers) Professor Mayor Doctor General Doctor Senator Colonel Congressman Major Governor Captain Lieutenant ‘Sergeant 14 Traveling companions <==» 13 ly Conversation C Jott: Excuse me, | didn’t get 2 headset Attendant: Oh, sorry about that, I'l get you one, Jeff: Thank you. 134 fy Convoreation D Man: Are you staying n Denver? Jeff: No, mm changing planes there and gong onto ‘Aspen. Ist ther aig potical convention fn Denver this week? Man: Yes, | guess that's wy the fight fs fu. Ful of pokiclane, probaby. Jott: Yeah | can't stand pollicis, They're al ots ‘Attendant: Hove's the newspaper you wanted, Sentor Mani Thank you deft “Senator?” | ealy am tortbly somy | cldnt mean Man: Don't worry about it No offense! Culture File 14 Titles and jobs 3 A flight attendant on the plane is asking people to obey the regulations. Match the attendant’s sentences to the situations. Situation Attendant’s sentences 1 Someone issmoking a I'm sorry, you'll have a cigar. to tum it off. 2 Someone is using a b I'm sorry, you'll have cell phone. to put it out. 3 Someone is asking I'matraid you can’t about using a personal use that here. stereo. d_Yos, that’s allright. 4 Achildis playing an electronic ame. sss §=— 15 IN flight Jeff Kramer has to change planes in Denver. Listen to the announcements during his flight to Denver. 135. (ly Announcement 1 Listen and check (/) the correct boxes. a O They're on a Bowing 777. @ They're on a Boeing 767 b O They have just taken of © They haven't taken of yet. © G They can't smoke at the moment 2 They can't smoke at all during the flight. 136 iy Announcement 2 Read Jeff's itinerary before you listen. Then listen and check (/) the correct boxes. a 2 They have just taken off. © They haven't taken off yet. b Mr, Kramer must be worried about his conn © Mr. Kramer has nothing to worry about. ——— ee ction - Pvc. JM. Kramer TRAVELING TO: ASPEN, COLORADO En in Denwer “THESE TICKETS ARE NON-TRANSFERASLE 131 Aig Announcement 3 Liston. re these statements true (/) or false (1? They took off afew seconds ago. They took off some time ago ‘The passengers must not takeoff thelr seat belts The passengers will have dinner ina few hours ‘The plot hopes they'l be less than 30 minutes late eaocce ocovug 138 (fig Announcement 4 Listen. Then answer these questions: What do the letters E:T, stand for? What is their E.TA. in Denver? What is the time now? What isthe temperature in Denver? Is Mr. Kramer stil worried about his connection? How late will the plane be artving in Denver? eaoce 139 fly Announcement 5 Listen. Are these statements true (/) or false (1? a They haven't landed yet. b They have just landed ¢ O Mr Kramer has 45 minutes before his connecting fight Culture File 15) In flight 16 Congratulations! <—=———. 1.118 Mfg wutbur Mooks isa sales representative for Devereux Computers. Last week he signed a contract with Burlingham Inc. He wrote a report for the Chief Executive of hie company, Yesterday the Chit Executive, Max Devereux, asked to see him. Listen to the recording, than anewor questions e-h. Whose office was it? Was the Chief Executive angry? Why was Wilbur Meeks surprised? What was the Chief Executive happy about? Did he know Wilbur well? Was the contract worth $500,000? How much was it worth? What was the mistake in Wilbur Meeks's report? ze7e00co Culture File 16 Numbers, temperature 2 Say these figures out loud: 5,000.00 5,000,000 500,000 500,000.00 500.00 5 000.00 5000000 5.055 50,000.00 3 Match the figures with the words. 314692 Three hundred and fourteen point six nine two 314,682 Three, one, four, six, nine, two 314.692 Three hundred and fourteen thousand six hundred and ninety-two 4 Match the numbers on the picture with these words: Qmuttiply clear memory constant divide Dall clear Gadd to memory ada percentage subtract from memory Cisubtract equals square root 2] 5 Look at these figures. Say them out loud. 6 COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES | Try some math games with a partner. 10,000 | 45 CA 3% A calculator will make this easier. = = : Student 1 - Go to Communication Activity seer | 20°F | 6500253 | $407 Student 2 - Go to Communication Activity R BOC | 10+2=5 | 343- =0 | 4x6=24 It’s Sunday evening, Wilbur and Charlene Meeks have just arrived at Max and Helena Devereux’s house for dinner. Max Devoroux is Wilbur's boss. 1 In groups of four, have similar conversations. Try to replace the key phrases, in blue and green, with the words and expressions below. Conversation A ve heard a lot about you. Max has spoken of you often, Can | take your coats? May | take your coats? Conversation B Not very long Since February, For a couple of months. Conversation C Wilbur, you sit over there. Charlene, perhaps you could sit next to me. Please help yourselves to salad / bread / salad dressing 17 At the Devereux’s used to work in New York. used to live in New England. 1a iy Conversation A Helena: Why, hello. You must be Mr. and Mirs. Meeks. Please come in. My husband's told me so muc ‘about you. Charlene: Nothing bad, | hope. Helena: Ah ... no, of course not. Let me take your coat Charlene: Thank you, Mrs. Devereux. Helena: Please, call me Helena. Charlene: Thank you, Helena. My name's Charlene this is Witbur 1a Ai Conversation B Hetenar How long havo you boon fing n Sette? Charlene: Only three weeks. We love it here. Wilbur: Yes. | used Lo wasn Boston Hetenas On, by tho way, Maxis Inthe chen, Hes costing diner tonight. He alvays Cooks a special oast boat dor won wo havo guosts Wilbur: Oh, good. We just love beef. Don't Charlene: Um ... Yes, yes, we do. 1 BY Conversation ¢ and work don office, then | we, Charlene? Max: Fine, Dinner’s ready Would you ike to sit over there Charlene’ Charlene: Thank you Max: Perhans you'd like to sit right here, Wibut. Wilbur: Thank you 80 much, si .. Imean, Mr. De I mean Max Max: Great. Hel slag, I get the plates 1a ly Conversation D Max: There we go. Gould you pass this plate down to Chartne, Wilbur? Wilbur: Sure. Mmm. Smols good Max: Oh, and could you pass me th Wilbur: There you go, sir. Max Mex: Good, Wal, to your very ood heath! Cheers! Enjoy your teal Conversation D ‘Could you pass the bread / wine / salad / ketchup? Here's to you! / To your health! / Bon appetit! / Enjoy! 2 In groups of four, role-play a dinner party. * Choose roles. Who are you? Host? Guest? Boss? Employee? Partner of one of these? Greet each other Take coats. Get everyone to sit in the right places. Now move them around, politely, in English! Imagine you are serving the food. Ask for condiments (e.g. sat, pepper, «il, vinegar, Ketchup, soy sauce). Etiquette sy AF 45 ly Wilbur and Charlene Meeks have just had dinner with Wilbur's boss. Wilbur: Wel, better be going, Its almost ten thirty Helena: is that realy the time? Time fies when you're enjoying yourself. Um, | hope you've had a good time. Wilbur: Yes, we have, Thank Chariene: We Helena: I'm so gled you enjoyed yourselves. Chariene: Oh, yes, we did, It was a delicious meal Helena: Thani you Wilbur: 'm so sory about the carpet. | hope you can get it clean think we B) may ‘1 In groups of three, have a similar conversation ‘and replace the key phrases, in color, with the ones below. We have to go now. We'd better go now. it’s time we were going it's time for us to leave. Don’t mention it. You're welcome. Thank you for a nice evening. \teally enjoyed it! Thanks for dinner! Thanks for having us! haven't enjoyed myself so much for a long time! It was a wonderful evening! dinner next time, 18 Courtesies Thank you for coming! It was a pleasure having you. Its our turn next time. Ihope you canjoinusfor 4g We should do this again. Helena: I'm sure we can, Charlene: | nope | cidn't offend you. Its a very nice fur Coat ... i's just that, wall | think i's wrong to Kil Ite animals for fur, you know. Helena: Un hun. You told mo, ‘Wilbur: Anyway, our cab should be here any minute. Chartene: Next time, you'll have to come over to our place for dinner. Helena: Yos. Thank you. Wilbur: | think | hear our cab now. Please thank Mr Devereux, | mean, Max, for us .. when he wakes up, that is. Charlene: 2 List polite excuses for leaving a social event early. Use these in a conversation and femomber to thank your host. “us Big For examplo, ister: Guest: I'm sorry. | have to catch the last train. Host Wel, thank you for coming, Guest: Thank you for Inviting me. Host: You're very welcome. Come again. Discuss: ‘= Why did Wilbur apologize? '* What do you think Charlene said about fur coats? ‘© Why do you think Max fell asleep? Culture File 18) Socializing = = 19 A trip to the mall —* DRAKE MALL PLAN Consuela Rodriguez is in Los Angeles on business. She 2 has some spare time and has come to the Drake Mall to do some shopping. Listen to the four conversations, then listen again and complete the table. Note: You might not be sure about the stores, so just guess! 3. Conversation Which atore What did cho| Who was it for? | How much > was she in? buy? dd she spend? Bue Jan Hever tea Smal Word chilren's Gothes 211 Odes’ Leds Boutique 214 The sncter Center 2 Too Thins 217 Wt cit cases 201 Kinsey Spor 26 Fang foot 206 Madame Pais TE TTT 22 Diamond Mine 220 Foots gold 28 Kd: Korerton 20 Cope 20 fcr 6 Geascetng rd 235 Wakon Soaks os onus stones 216 scence ESTO 26 88a ceca 205 Sipe Yom 2) Geen opel 205 Reset forty Ask and answer. Look at the Drake Mall plan. What things do you think you can buy in each store? Now look at the transcripts in the back of this book. Role-play similar conversations. Decide on four people you're looking for presents for. Change the words in blue. Make notes about shopping in your country, under the headings below. Then, compare your notes with other students. + shopping malis (where is the nearest one?) + the types of stores you visit * how often you shop + whon stores are busiest Culture File 18) Weights and measures 20 Hotel lobby The lobby of The Studios Inn Hotel. 151 fy Conversation A Julie: Could you get my car, please. Valet: Sure. Wai models it? Julie: I's a slver Lexus sedan. Its in lot 8 Valet: I'l bring it around right away, 152 fly Conversation B Bell Captain: Welcome to the Stu you checking in? Keiko: Yos. Bell Captain: ‘after your bags Kolko: Trank you Bell Captain: You're wolcore. Enjoy your stay. ), ma'am. Are ase step over to the front desk. I'l ook 1 Have similar conversations. Replace the key words, in color, with the words below. Conversation A @ green / GM sports utility vehicle / lot A bb gray / Ford Galaxy MPV / the garage, level 2 © white / Chevrolet station wagon / the main parking lot d red / Dodge Viper convertible / the underground garage Conversation B a. Four Seasons / take care of your bags bb Grovne-Plaza / see to your bags ¢ Hyatt-Regency / look after your bags d Intercontinental / attend to your bags ————— 153 & Conversation C Consuela: Could you call me a cab, please? Bell Captain: Yes, ma'am. Where are you going? Consuela: The WorldWide Entertainment Building, downtown, Bell Captain: Sure, take a seat in the lobby. It! be five minutes. Il let you know when it's here. 154 iy Conversation D Larry: I'm waiting for the airport courtesy bus. Boll Captain: Do you have a reservation, sir? Larry: Yes, | do. Bell Captain: The bus willbe here at 11:00. Take a seat 1 take care of your bags, Larry: Thank you. Conversation © a LA International Airport / 15 minutes b The train station, downtown / 2 minutes ¢ City Hall, downtown / 10 minutes 3168 Hollywood Boulevard / 20 minutes Conversation D ‘a 7:30 a.m. / your suitcase b 3:30 p.m. / your bags © 11:30 p.m. / your baggage 4 10:00 a.m. / your briefcase 2 COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES Student 1 - Go to Gommunication Activity F Student 2 - Go to Communication Activity S Culture File 20) Cars 15 from the Fitness Center. Conversation A Attendant: Good morning, Would you sign in, please? Kelko: Certainly. ‘Attendant: Ave you a guest?” Keiko: Yes, | am. I'd like to use the pool. Attendant: Sure, no problem. Just put your room number after your name, Thanks. I'l get you a towel, Miss Ishida. 1 Read Conversation B. What facts did you learn about Sue-Ellen Hewitt and Keiko Ishida? Culture File 21| Maintaining a conversation 2 Look at these two business cards. ‘Student A: You are Dr. Chung. Student B: You are Harry Smithers. st the facts from the card. Name? Job? Home town? Place of work? etc b Role-play a conversation as the characters in the Fitness Genter Make simiiar conversations, using the board FITNESS CENTER STubios bin Hone. ‘Swimming pool Jacuzzi Sauna | | Massage Therapist | Weight Machines Gym Personal trainer a a trainer and massage also available by appointment | Operating Hours: 6 a.m, 156 Mp Note how they maintain a conversation by adding information and asking questions. = 1pm, Conversation B Woman: The water's lovely and warm today. Keiko: Yes, itis. i's a nice pool. Woman: Are you here on business or vacation? Kelko: On business. I'm visiting my company’s Los Angeles office. Woman: Yeah? Is this your first visit to LA.? Woman: It sure is. Where are you from? Keiko: I'm from Kobe, in Japan. Have you heard of it? Woman: It's near Osaka, isn't it? Keiko: That’s right. Have you ever been there? Woman: No, but, | was in Tokyo a couple of years ago. Hey, let me introduce myself. My name's Sue-Elen Hewitt. 'm from Houston, Texas. Kelko: Nice to meet you. I'm Keiko Ishida. | Dr. D.W.M. Chung M.D. Welly Hospital, Ran 22 Richmond Vig us eephone: (804) Roser: 21 En | Esmasch ney: (804) naliondwelbyneat ‘ACME FILM COMPANY arty R. Smithers Production Assistant 1706 Ridge Avenue Franston, ines ‘L020: Usa. Telephone: (847) ee-0c0 Mabe (on lation) (047) 590-2263 {emai sarnsesacmefiva. com £4 1s7-58 fly Listen to three people talking. Match the speakers to the pictures. 215? Bifip Listen again to Speaker 1. Are these statements true (/) or false (x)? Ho wont toa seminar last Saturday. All the talks were good. He couldn't take in all the information. The worst part vcs the lunch break and coffee breaks: He founc' the socializing more useful than the taks, aose ° 3 159 fi Listen again to Speaker 2. {Ask and answer these question: How many training courses has she besn on? How many computer courses nas sre done? What other courses nas she done? How long was the last course? Did she learn about software? Which section was a waste of time? seaoce 4.159 ip Listen again to Speaker 3, Check (v) the correct boxes. a QHe's ata trade fair now. i He went to a trade fair recently b_ He's made some useful contacts, He hasn't made many contacts. © He's given away all his business cards, G He's given away 200 business cards, Interview your partner and complete the questionnaire. Culture File 22, Business events Have you ever been to ...? Qa trade fair/ exhibition Qaseminar Qalarge conference Qa training course 2 Were you there as ...? Gan exhibitor Ga presenter a participant Qa visitor Qa trainee 3. When did you last go to a business event?, = 4 Where was it? Qa conference center a hotel a college / university Ga company's offices 5 What did you think of it? Was it interesting Glexciting educational useful 2 boring Sitiring fun hard work 6 Think about a business event you attended. Check the statements that are true for you OI learned a lot. I'm pleased | went. 3 I made some good contacts Git was a waste of time. O The social side was good. U It was expensive for my company. C1 met some interesting people I had to write a report afterwards. Lt Wilbur Meeks is having a business lunch with Marcus Todd, trom the Twin Rivers Corporation, This is Wilbur’ frst meeting with Marcus. Marcus: Great! Here's the soup. They do tam ur: So | hear. Now, | wanted to e the contract Marcus: | really enjoy seafood. Have you ever been to New Orleans? That's the place for seafoo Wilbur: No, haven't. But, you see, my company wil be at least 10% cheaper than anyone el ‘plain more about Find out: a What kind of soup they're eating b Whether Wilbur has been to New Orleans. ¢ Where Wilbur's brochure is. Many people only ‘talk business’ after the meal What topics would you choose? Decide whether these topics would be suitable or not. the weather families sports traveling vacations work food and drink automobiles music medical problems religion politics the news, your country acquaintances. the environment money jokes Marcus: The weather's The air feels so crisp, Wilbur: Did you read our brochure, Mr. Todd? We otfer a superb discount fo Marcus: Wilbur! We en great today. I love the IN talk business after we eat lunch. Anyway, just call me Come on, your soup’s Marcus! huh, sure. Yes ... um ... Marcus. | just want look at page ten in the brochure. I have it het {ican see that. It’s in your soup! Think of a sentence that could introduce each topic. Use these phrases to help: Have you ever ..? ‘Are you interested in ..2 Did you hear about ...? Do you know ...? How do you feel about ..7 Have you been to ..? Do you like ..7 What do you think of ..2 Make a conversation which introduces all the wrong topics. Then try again with the right ones. Topics of conversation 1) 7 ala Local s 181 M% lan king has traveled from Atlanta to Tampa, Florida, on business. His host, Rebecca Larsen, has taken him out to dinner. Rebecca: Wel, lan, i’s a pretty long menu. What would you lke? lan: This is my first vist to Florida. I'd ike to try a local specialty Rebecca: Something local? OK... the seafood is always. good. lan: Sounds fine. Rebecca: Hey! There's something real local on this menu, You won't find this outside Florida, fan: Il try it! Um ... what is 2 Rebecoa: Gator tal, if Read tho dialog below. Then listen. ‘Student A: What food is a specialty of France? ‘Student B: Escaraots. Student A: What's that? Student Student Student B: ‘Student A: 's snails. Have you ever eaten snails? Yos. What did they taste like? Did you like them? 2 Ask and answer similar questions about these other local specialties. a. Japan, Sashimi (raw fish) b Spain, Gazpacho (chilled vegetable soup) © Florida, Key Lime Pie (pie with cream and lime juice) d_ New England, Clam Chowder (fish soup with clams) lan: Pardon? Rebecca: Gator tail lan: You're kidding ma, Rebecca: No, I'm not. It's not real popular. It's just a novelty for the tourists - there's an alligator farm right ou aligato Orlando. Jan: | don’t know Rebecca: It tastos just Ike chicken, You have to try it, lan, ‘You can tell everyone back hom eaten aligater. Jan: Wall, OK. But only it you have it, too. Rebecca: An. Now, that’s olfferent! How about some fish? That's a specialty. They have fresh Grouper and Red ‘Snapper. They're both typical of Fiorida. And of course you just have to try Key Lime Pie for dessert. Now, that's roal special in Britain that you've Read back and highlight all the words you would find on a menu. Which are starters? Which are entrées? Which are desserts? Student 1 - Go to Communication Activity G Student 2 - Go to Communication Activity T cl le 24, Food taboos Select a monu of local specialties for a visitor to your town or country. Describe the specialties to another person. 201 fig When Julie Morrison called the Studios Inn Hotel, she heard a recorded message. The message told her that she could use a touch-tone phone to contact various numbers directly. Listen to the recording. What were the touch-tone numbers for these locations? Location Number Hote! Reservations Guest Services Business Services Consuela’s room 263 (fy Liston to the chart. Cheek (/) the words which are the same, or nearly the same in your language. Ask and answer: Do long recorded messages annoy you? Do you always leave messages on answerphones? Do you send text messages? Do you use a WAP (Internet) phone? Do you use a video-camera phone? Make up your own word recognition chart with new words. Don't show your partner. (You can use names, countries, international words, cities, famous people's names.) 2a Jessica Adams is receiving a business call. Circle the words the caller uses to spell his name. What is his name? A Alona H Hotel © Oscar V Victor B Bravo I India P Papa —W Whiskey © Charlie J. Juliet Q Quebec X Xray DoDelta K Kilo R Romeo Y Yankee E Echo Lb Lima $ Sierra Z Zulu F Foxtrot. M Mike T Tango G Golf —N November U Uniform This is the international word recognition chart. It used by air traffic control and many emergency services. They chose words that didn't sound like any other words on the chart. I's useful when you're spelling words on the phone. How would you make someone understand ‘these names? Use your chart. For example: Quixote. That’s Q for a Quixote b Wahlberg © Fitzroy Jackson @ Davidson f Murphy Phones. 26 On the Net = x @ ff 2 Sack Forward _Sep_Refret tow? 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