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Department of Education

Region V
Division of Camarines Sur
Bagacay, Tinambac, Camarines Sur

Detailed Lesson Plan

in English 10
I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the period, students are expected to:
a. identify the background of the story “The Little Prince” by Antoine De Saint-Exupery;
b. differentiate the characters to the story “The Little Prince” by Antoine De Saint-
Exupery; and
c. relate the story to real life situation.

II. Learning Content

The Little Prince
Antoine De Saint-Exupery
PowerPoint presentation of the story Little Prince
Answer sheets for pre-test and post-test

III. Learning Experiences (4A's)

Teacher's Activities Students' Activities
A. Activity

Good morning class.

Good morning Ma'am.
Everyone, please stand.
Lead the prayer, Marcus.
In the name of the Father...
Again, good morning class.
Before you take your seats kindly arrange
your chairs and pick the pieces of dirt.

Do we have an absentee, Max?

None, Ma'am.
That is great!
I wanted to ask a question for everyone. If
you are going to choose a friend, how will
you do it and why, yes, Vanessa?
I am going to choose someone who is trust
worthy and that he/she will never leave
you especially in trying times. And how
will I do it properly, I am not going to fully
trust anybody when I just know him/her in
a short period of time only.
I can say you are being wise.
But how about others that found their true
friends in a short period of time, Yes
Lindsay? There are just people who are easy to trust
with and in a short period of time that you
are with them they already proved that
they are true friends. Like my older sister
he found her true friend during her 1st year
of college and until now they are intact.

Maybe some are just easy to be with and
can easily be trusted.
How about another answer, from the other I also encountered someone who is I
hand, yes Lanie? consider as a friend but as times passes
by, especially when we are not in the
same section she suddenly walks away
from me. I can say that I am just the one
who is considering her as my friend but not

Thank you Lanie.

I think that’s experience is not that good.
But as I can see you are now a strong
person surrounded by your friends. Or do
you consider them as your friend? Yes, Ma’am.

That is good to know!

Other hand, Glydel? My friends now are my childhood playmate
and become my friends. I can say that it is
easy to welcome a friend that you already
know the things about him/her because it
helps you to trust them even more
because you know them from the start. But
the consequence of this is that if that
person that you thought that it is your true
friend but eventually when you argue and
parted ways he/she will tell all your secrets
to anyone without your permission.
Based on you answers there are just
people who easily trusted and gain some
friends but not all the time. Some are hard
or takes long time to consider you as
his/her friend. The thing is even in a long
or short time you can find your friends in
the right time.

B. Analysis
Today we are going to discuss a short
story entitled “The Little Prince” by Antoine
De Saint-Exupery
Let us see the things that we will learn
about different aspects of life.
C. Abstraction
Before we begin our discussion about the
story let us first discuss the background of
the story. Is it okay? Yes, Ma’am.

Did you know that The Little Prince or Le

Petit Prince in French was first published
1943. When he exiled in the United
States after the Fall of France, is
a novella and the most famous
work of the French aristocrat, writer,
Poet and pioneering aviator Antoine
de Saint-Exupery in 1900–1944.
Also the book The Little Prince is both the
most read and most translated book in the
French language, and was voted the best
book of the 20th century in France.
Translated into more than 250 languages
and dialects, and selling over a million
copies per year with sales totaling more
than 140 million copies worldwide, it has
become one of the best-selling books ever

As you’ve heard this book is very famous.

Did this makes you excited for our lesson?
Yes, Ma’am.

Let us start with the plot of the story.

The narrator, as a young boy, once drew a

picture of a boa constrictor eating an
elephant; however, every adult who saw
the picture would mistakenly interpret it as
a drawing of a hat. He was then advised to
set aside drawing and take up a more
practical hobby. Adults' lack of creative
The copy of his drawing is here. For you if
you just really see the first picture would
you notice that it was a boa constricting an
elephant, Rio?
Maybe Ma’am if I really don’t see the book
that a boa is just swallowing it prey whole,
maybe I would see it as a hat too.

Let us move on to the theme of the story.

 Profound and idealistic points about
life and human nature.
 Saint Exupéry tells of meeting a
young extraterrestrial prince in the
middle of the Sahara.
 Their conversations reveal his own
views about the follies of mankind
and the simple truths that people
seem to forget as they grow older.

What can you say about this slide,

Based on the narrator the grown up forget
some of the simple truth. But in our case,
grown ups do not forget because the
things that they encounter during their
childhood is the things that they are
teaching to their children and grand
Thank you Admiel. children like my grandma.
It is true. But there are things that the
grown ups forget sometimes the things
that they have done that sees within their
children and grand children
The story begins when the little prince is
cleaning his small planet that full of
baobabs, and one day he saw a new
grown plant. It is a rose. The prine loves
the rose because he thinks the rose is one
of a kind because it is the only one who
grew in his planet. You know it is true that
when we have things that is one of a kind,
like for example in a room like this, only
one of you own a laptop, we think that we
are so blessed. Just like what the little
prince felt when he sees the rose and took
care of it. a pilot was flying an aeroplane
and crash on one of the dessert named
Sahara dessert. He is trying to fix his
aeroplane and when he feels like he is so
tired he saw the little prince. The little
prince requested to draw him a sheep that
it comes up with a box and the story of the
Little Prince’s journey begun.
Do you feel excited now, Kaye?
Ma’am the story is intruiging.

I think so too.
The first planet that the prince landed was
inhabited by, yes, Lanie?
 On the first planet the little prince
visits, he encounters a king who
claims to rule the entire universe.
 While not unkindly, the king's power
is empty. He is able to command
Thank you. people to do only what they already
So what you have heard the king is ruling would do.
what, Chlloe?

Nothing Ma’am.
And what is funny the king offered the
prince a position that is useless because
as Chlloe said he rule nothing but claimed
to rule the universe.
How about the second planet. Who is the
character of it, Liza?
 The sole resident of the second
planet the little prince visits. The
conceited man is lonely and craves
admiration from all who pass by.
 However, only by being alone is he
assured of being the richest and
best-looking man on his planet.

Correct it is inhabited by a conceited man.

What do you mean by a conceited man,
It a person who is “mayabang” Ma’am.
As we have read he claim to be the riches
and the most good looking guy in his
planet. Well in fact he is the only one living
in his planet so he doesn’t have a rival.
Do we have that kind of person here in the
None, Ma’am.

D. Application
We will have an activity. Choose a partner
it does not matter if it is a girl or a boy.
All you have to do is know the
characteristics of your partner his/her
attitude, likes and dislikes. It must be all
about your partner.
Five minutes will be given for you to
discuss with your partner.
Is it clear?

You may now start.

Time is up!

Arrange your chairs and pass your papers

in front.
E. Generalization
It seems that you got your brain in gear
today, could anyone sum up our
discussion today, Cj.

You are really making me proud class. Are
therr any clarifications?
F. Evaluation
If it is clear and there's no question, kindly
get a one whole intermidiate pad, copy
and answer the questions that are pasted
on the board rewriting each item on the
board, correcting any errors in the use of
th three punctuations: colon, semicolon,
and comma. Pass it before the class ends.
1. Who is the author of the Little
a. Antoine De Saint-Exupery
b. Antoine Saint-Exupery
c. Antoine De- Exupery
d. Antoine– Exupery
2. How old was the pilot when he saw
a boa constrictor in the book called
“True Stories from Nature?”
a. 7
b. 5
c. 8
d. 6
3. To what thing was the drawing of
the pilot compared to?
a. Hat
b. car
c. ribbon
d. balloon
4. Who are the persons who asked the
pilot to give up his passion in
a. himself
b. little ones
c. grown-ups
d. average ones
5. Where did the pilot encounter an
engine breakdown?
a. Egyptian desert
b. Libyan desert
c. African desert
d. Sahara desert
6. Which of the three drawings of the
pilot liked best by the little prince?
a. the ram
b. the box
c. he sickly sheep
d. the boa constricting an elephant
7. What is the name of the planet that
the little prince came from?
a. B-611
b. B-612
c. B-712
d. B-613
8. What is the other planets that have
been discovered by an certain
a. Asteroid 325
b. Asteroid 330
c. Asteroid 425
d. Asteroid 225
9. When did the Turkish astronomer
presented the discovered asteroid
to the International Astronomical
a. 1809
b. 1909
c. 1709
d. 1609
10. When did the Turkish astronomer
presented again his discovered
asteroid to the grown-ups?
a. 1919
b. 1920
c. 1819
d. 1918

IV. Assignment
A. Think of a friend that you like the most and describe your friend in a one whole sheet
of paper.
B. Read the story Fedirigo’s Falcon
English Expressway

Prepared by:


English Teacher

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