Jack's FREE Workout Plan

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My Workout Plan


My Split
These workouts I gave you aren't in any order. Usually, my split is Back, Arms, Legs, Rest,
Back, Chest, and Shoulders. These are some of the workouts I use and the training style I also
use to put on a significant amount of size at 17. Use it how you want and maybe try
incorporating some of my methods and workouts into your split.

*Definition of a compound lift: Compound lifts are any strengthening exercises where you're
using more than one muscle group simultaneously. They include exercises such as squats and
deadlifts, and there are plenty of benefits to be had from doing them.* - from google

Little Tip
Switching up some of the compounds to your lift will shock the muscle into growth.

How I Train
*After Every Set you should be 1 rep away from failure this should be a good pointer to
determine your percentage of strength.*

Rest Times
*Rest times for me are whenever your body feels ready to perform another set*
Chest Day

Warm-Up: Dips
(Overall 1 Set)
First Set: Slow and controlled dips, the reps don't matter just a feeler to get the blood pumped.

1st Workout Incline BarBell,

If this isn't available Dumbbell Inlince or a Machine Incline will do just fine.

(Overall 3 Sets)
First Set: 16-18 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Second Set: 10-12 reps with your 75% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Third Set: 5-8 reps with your 85% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

*Make sure you're performing mild eccentric Decreasing the speed of weightlifting creates more
tension in your muscles, as a result of which, they get tired and respond by growing.*

2nd Workout Machine Chest Press

(Overall 3 Sets)

First Set: 16 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Second Set: 10-12 reps with your 75% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Third Set: 5-8 reps with your 85% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

*Make sure you don't flare out elbows too much this could result in front delt pain*

3rd Workout Machine Chest Flys

(Overall 3 Sets)
First Set: 16 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Second Set: 10-12 reps with your 75% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Third Set: 5-8 reps with your 85% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)
4th Workout Cable Flys
(Overall 3 Sets)
First Set: 16 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Second Set: 10-12 reps with your 75% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Third Set: 5-8 reps with your 85% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)


Back Day

Warm Up: PullUps

(Overall 1 Set)
First Set: Slow and controlled dips, the reps don't matter just a feeler to get the blood pumped.

1st Workout Smith Machine Barbell Rows

(Overall 3 Sets)
First Set: 16-18 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Second Set: 10-12 reps with your 75% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Third Set: 5-8 reps with your 85% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

*Make sure you're performing mild eccentric Decreasing the speed of weightlifting creates more
tension in your muscles, as a result of which, they get tired and respond by growing.*

2nd Workout T Bar Row With The Angled Handle

(Overall 3 Sets)
First Set: 16-18 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)
Second Set: 10-12 reps with your 75% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Third Set: 5-8 reps with your 85% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

3rd Workout Lat PullDown Wide Grip

(Overall 3 Sets)
First Set: 16-18 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Second Set: 10-12 reps with your 75% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Third Set: 5-8 reps with your 85% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)


4th Workout One Arm Cable Row

(Overall 3 Sets)
First Set: 16-18 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Second Set: 10-12 reps with your 75% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Third Set: 5-8 reps with your 85% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

5th Workout Cable PullOvers

(Overall 2 Sets)
First Set: 16-18 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Second Set: 16-18 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

6th Workout Weighted Lower Back Extensions

(Overall 1 Set)
First Set: 16-18 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Leg Day

Warm Up: Sissy Squats

(Overall 1 Set)
First Set: Slow and controlled dips, the reps don't matter just a feeler to get the blood pumped.

1st BB RDL’s
(Overall 3 Sets)
First Set: 16-18 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Second Set: 10-12 reps with your 75% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Third Set: 5-8 reps with your 85% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

2nd Workout Squats or HackSquats

(Overall 3 Sets)
First Set: 16-18 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Second Set: 10-12 reps with your 75% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Third Set: 5-8 reps with your 85% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

3rd Workout Hamstring Curls

(Overall 3 Sets)
First Set: 16-18 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Second Set: 10-12 reps with your 75% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)
Third Set: 5-8 reps with your 85% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

4th Workout Hip Abductors

(Overall 3 Sets)
First Set: 16-18 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Second Set: 10-12 reps with your 75% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Third Set: 5-8 reps with your 85% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

5th Workout Leg Extensions

(Overall 3 Sets)
First Set: 16-18 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Second Set: 10-12 reps with your 75% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Third Set: 5-8 reps with your 85% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

6th Workout Standing Calf Raises or Seated,

Super Set with Tibialis Raises
(Overall 3 Sets)

First Set: Failure

Second Set: Failure

Third Set: Failure

Arm Day
*For me I like to Switch from Tri to Bi just preference and gives me a better performance
for that arm session if you want to start off with bi or tri be my guest*

1st Workout Barbell Curls SuperSet with a

Burn out of Dumbbell Curls
(Overall 3 Sets)
First Set: 16-18 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Second Set: 10-12 reps with your 75% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Third Set: 5-8 reps with your 85% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

*Burn Out of 10 Reps*

2nd Workout Smith Machine Curls

(Overall 3 Sets)
First Set: 16-18 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Second Set: 10-12 reps with your 75% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Third Set: 5-8 reps with your 85% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)
3rd Workout One Arm Cable Curled
(Overall 3 Sets)
First Set: 16-18 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Second Set: 10-12 reps with your 75% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Third Set: 5-8 reps with your 85% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

4th Workout V Bar Pushdown

(Overall 3 Sets)
First Set: 16-18 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Second Set: 10-12 reps with your 75% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Third Set: 5-8 reps with your 85% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

5th Workout BB Skull Crushers Superset

with close grip press
(Overall 3 Sets)
*Use a 90 degrees Angle Bench*
First Set: 16-18 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Second Set: 10-12 reps with your 75% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Third Set: 5-8 reps with your 85% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

*Burn out 10 reps*

*Take the BB you are skull-crushing with and start pressing it like a bench*

6th Workout BB Wrist Curls Behind the back

(Overall 3 Sets)
First Set: Failure

Second Set: Failure

Third Set: Failure

*Role to the tip of your fingers with a slow eccentric then explode upward*

Shoulder Day

1st Workout Dumbbell Shoulder Press

(Overall 3 Sets)
First Set: 16-18 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Second Set: 10-12 reps with your 75% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Third Set: 5-8 reps with your 85% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

*Make sure you're performing mild eccentric Decreasing the speed of weightlifting creates more
tension in your muscles, as a result of which, they get tired and respond by growing.*

2nd Workout Machine Press

(Overall 3 Sets)

First Set: 16 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Second Set: 10-12 reps with your 75% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Third Set: 5-8 reps with your 85% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

*Make sure you don't flare out elbows to much this could result in front delt pain*

3rd Workout Lateral Raises

(Overall 3 Sets)

First Set: Failure

Second Set: Failure

Third Set: Failure

4th Workout Cable Side Raises
(Overall 3 Sets)

First Set: 16 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Second Set: 16 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Third Set: 16 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

*Very Slow and Controlled don't rush anything!*

5th Pec Deck Rear Delts

(Overall 3 Sets)

*I like To go a Lower Weight on this and feel out the contractions in the rear delt no need
to load a lot of weight on it I figured this out around 6 months ago and it blew up my rear

First Set: 16 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Second Set: 16 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

Third Set: 16 reps with your 70% (Achieving 1 Rep Away From Failure)

*Very Slow and Controlled don't rush anything!*

*I usually hit core 1 time a week for 5 mins*

1st Workout Leg Raises Superset with Cable

(3 Sets with around 30 sec rest times)

Leg Raises for 20 reps then superset with Cable Crunches for 20 reps as well x3

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