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Defending Against the

“Triple Crown” Financial
“It looks like they are Services DDoS Attacks
testing…by having a rela-
tively sophisticated denial of Beginning in October 2012, major banking institutions were
service program that actually targeted by a powerful new multi-vector DDoS attack, previously
adapts to the defensive identified as “Operation Ababil,” and producing devastating
architecture of the banks.”
effects. These attacks have continued and evolved, with the
 ichael Chertoff, Fmr Secretary
Homeland Security most recent producing a more complex methodology, as well
as broader attack focus, and have therefore been identified and
characterized by the Arbor Security Engineering and Research
Team (ASERT) as the “Triple Crown” DDoS attacks.
DDoS Resources
The following enterprise White Papers
These “Triple Crown” attacks take DDoS to a new level of sophistication by utilizing
offer additional information on how three attack strategies designed to block online availability to accounts, resources,
DDoS attacks work, as well as methods and critical functionality. These coordinated, multi-vector attacks initially targeted key
of mitigating these attacks. They are financial institutions such as Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo.
available at However, the most recent attacks have broadened their scope to include smaller
research/resources. financial institutions—such as regional banks and credit unions, ISPs and MSSPs,
• Why Firewalls and IPS Fall Short on as well as targets in Europe.
DDoS Protection (registration required)
The Triple Crown attacks also challenged the protection offered by typical carriers/
• Layered Intelligent DDoS Mitigation MSSPs. During these attacks, MSSP network scrubbing center resources have been
strained when high-bandwidth servers employing a wide array of files and PHP-based
• The Risk vs. Cost of Enterprise tools attacked multiple customers simultaneously. Capacity models need to be
DDoS Protection re-evaluated, as larger multi-vector, multi-customer attacks have become a reality.

As networks evolve to become more multi-faceted in terms of access, content and sophis-
tication, so to have the attacks evolved with a focus on disrupting availability and gaining
access to data. Therefore, multi-vector DDoS attacks are indicators that the attacks against
the networks will become exponentially more sophisticated and multi-dimensional in size
and scope. This Arbor Insight will discuss how you can best protect your business from
the growing threat of multi-vector DDoS attacks targeting your business.

What is Triple Crown?

What is exceptional about these attacks is not the techniques used, but the strategic
combination of the attack in a concerted effort. This unique methodology makes the
Triple Crown DDoS attack both powerful and difficult to defend against.

The Triple Crown DDoS attacks utilized the following three attack vectors, simultaneously:
• GET and POST application layer attacks on HTTP and HTTPS
• DNS query application layer attack
• Volumetric attacks on UDP, TCP Syn floods, ICMP and other IP protocols

As these attacks continue to evolve, so do the tools used to launch them. The
attacks have evolved to take advantage of vulnerabilities in PHP web applications on
Wordpress sites. Through the use of pre-infected bots and their associated botnets,
attacks against organizations utilizing Joomla and other PHP-based applications are
compromising systems and blocking access to organizations’ websites. This wave of
attacks shows a more sophisticated attack methodology capable of targeting devices
with significantly more upstream bandwidth. In doing so, attackers achieve a higher
volumetric “packet per second” attack rate per individual source. What makes these
attacks most dangerous is the time-consuming and costly nature of both attack
identification and mitigation.
The Arbor Solution
How to Protect Your Availability—and More
Through its extensive network of sensors
and data feeds, Arbor has real-time visibility On-premise enterprise solutions based on stateful traffic inspection alone could not
into over 70% of global Internet traffic. effectively defend against DDoS attacks like Triple Crown. Firewalls/IPS state tables
This gives Arbor unmatched insight into would have been overwhelmed and do not offer effective protection against the speed
emerging threats—information used to and complexity of such a multi-vector threat. All organizations affected by Triple Crown
develop defenses to new, emerging threats.
had deployed firewalls/IPS in depth.
The best way for enterprises, data
centers and cloud operators to have
Triple Crown also exposed that typical carrier/MSSPs coverage has limitations.
optimal protection against DDoS attacks Network scrubbing center resources were strained when multiple customers within
is through a combination of on-premise the same vertical were attacked simultaneously by high-bandwidth servers employing
and in-cloud protection. Cloud Signaling™ a wide array of files and PHP-based tools. MSSP capacity models need to be
functionality offers this comprehensive re-evaluated as larger multi-vector, multi-customer attacks have become a reality.
protection, enabling Pravail APS to auto-
matically alert the upstream provider to Today’s sophisticated, multi-vector DDoS attacks require a combination of cloud-based
growing attacks that threaten availability. mitigation from an MSSP for protection against volumetric attacks, and on-premise
By combining a powerful but easily
protection against attacks targeting existing infrastructure (firewalls/IPS) and the
implemented on-premise Intelligent DDoS application layer. Only with this layered protection is the enterprise fully protected
threat mitigation system with multiple from modern DDoS attacks.
upstream options, Pravail APS gives your
IT team the capability to help thwart Triple
Pravail® APS with ATLAS® Provides Just That
Crown attacks and many other DDoS
threats that arise moving forward. The Pravail Availability Protection System (APS) empowers enterprise IT teams by
automatically detecting and blocking complex state-exhausting and application layer
DDoS attacks—before services are degraded.

An out-of-the-box solution easily installed in front of the firewall, Pravail APS’ Web
GUI gives enterprise IT teams better control in addressing threats to availability, with
additional fallback plans and resolution techniques when attacks cannot be readily
identified and mitigated.

Pravail APS appliances are provisioned with the latest defenses to new threats and
updated IP location data—all in real time—through Arbor’s update service, the ATLAS
Corporate Headquarters
Intelligence Feed (AIF). Arbor enjoys a close relationship with leading ISPs around
the world—90% of Tier 1 service providers use Arbor solutions.
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