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Exercise 6.1 L L~c 4B TM=P 10PDA 13.Ms (EVD) 22.2 02K 25. ~RV(M> P) 28. (~Pe~Q IM 31 (TeB)V(nZe~K) 34.5+IND (Cv) 37.M3 [ND (S+ 7) 490. ~((LvR)*(TV MOI 43.1=P 46.~(W2 )+(C2 0) 49.(C+)=K] 2 ~BVS) LRVE 4. ~(HVS) 283G 14D (-ND AN, BGR=P. 16.[(T+L) > H}-(HD 1) 19.8 M+ (Me) > (C+P)) Exercise 6.2 L 1. Dot 4. ‘Dhiple bar 7. Horseshoe. 10, Weg, sink Eakoi =BQ@LQUQ. == Bz Bada tml e Ss 8 LA ex TOF An OVE FTOF nex OZ TE®F 10. ~ {As ~Z) ® trTF BMV Z20 TRP@TETT 16.(Ce ~ ADV (Y= Z) TEE T@FIE Bm XI O=~ G22 @MEFTTFTTEF 2 ~[A = Hv (ZeY I vit~ ¥3 B+ ZS Ob FTRRT ETE OTETTTETT BiZIOI {((~X DH ICI = PIT@ TRTTF TFET IZ 3H 3(-YDa) FTP F TFPP Nw Lave TO? 4Qea roy’ 7A SP TO? 1.24) =(Q2 8 TTT @?1T ~ (Qe = ~QvA) TPRF@ F?TT Exercise 6.3 L LN WOM Tmrrr FOE Te ‘autologous 4B DP) FIDE TTT Tr [yr TER Te |t|r ETT TT (FF FTF Fe itr contingent REIN + KV IIX TIT TTT fT TEP FETS? [tPF Err rere [tr PIP FEFE [S/F tautologous omyion 238 congage Luring A RghsResred Pry ot ea, vane oF poodle, whee eh art, EN BORER = G+ 09) BHKY I) Jsihvatex) Trrtret Trlr Trt pat rt PTEETT ra/r eer [rt rr FrrTtr Tir|r rere |t/T ee TREEFF Trlr FFT |P/T PF secondary Fert TRF F[F ET pe\rtr FFF |e|P et BUsCvs se Tv~v)e~sv~ uy oeelPTT ree [ele er TrITT[F] BTRET FF ft FEJP RF FRE (EJF FF Trtre|s] PTRET FTETET logically equivalent treet |s| TETET PTFE T trrpe|e| tereT rT Tete T Mt SPICES] ETEER EEL Ep —— teCulsons prediction sabe e-contdicry PEEEr|s| PEELE Fa Ere e &lisporeiblethat both astronomers ae carect. If PEETELE| EPTEE T t theyre a eupernora wl not occur within 10 ight self-contradictory_ years of the certh. 7.Tels possible that both stockbrokers are correct. If they are, then Datapro will cut back its work- force, We can conclude nothing about Netmark and Compucel inva 7 10. ttis posibie that coe philosophy makes sent If Fim 7 {tdoes, then the mind is ot identical tothe brain, FTE F Personal freedom exists, and humans are responsible Teh|r Y Fertheir actions. ingetiyequvdan Exercise 6.4 ARy~s 1 Ther . thr FRR T rite contradictory 22021 (21 TTT fqT TTT Trt ier TRF TEE fT Rrr TEE IHR RTE Prt lyr reer Prt hr TRE FTF {qT FET aden at ae 7-Loalt (fis on fs in). 10. Valid WWe@wen wer>~B T[yrrr TFT eT 1 t[elrer oqitjpr eT tlrlRet ot(t|tr TF . EE eee a) e Valid. 4, Vaid TRRERR OTQET TE 7. avaid (ails on fourth ine. E(riter ElRlPYT PT 3 ia on ft nd ith in). Fleece otieet te 16. vad (ls on tied ine). 1. Val Inconsistent 22. Invalid (fils on eighth Hine). 25. Val tex beercives 693 Coppin 208 Cengage zaring AE gts Reread Acre upon a weotnorn pt WER O2.200.208 Exercise 6.5 13. C= True, P = Fale 16. G = False, K= False 19. = True 22. H= False, B= False 25.C i. Note: ‘rut values may vary depending on how the problem is done. PeCii~B TROT valid 10.(M VN) DO err? TT TTRTT FT TRRTET NV PIM I~ QIM/QIMI~PINZO T r TEE PET invalid B.GVBI C+D) KV I~ Crm MI (KV DIAS ~X ToT FD OTT OT TETTF OTT TTTr FT veld LK=(RVM)/K+~R/Ma~ TUFTT ttre Get inconsistent AV O SEND ~CVM/HDE/CIH FIT TT FTE TTT TTT TTT PTT PTF consistent 782 (REAIAD(We~R/R=(WYT)/S+U/UDT TT Rr RET Tr TT TTT TTT inconsistent WAVZ/AD (T+ F)/Z3(M+Q/QI~FITI~MIMDA re Gees Tea? Ses pred tet TTR TY TTT FI RRR FT FT TTTF ETT FTE consistent 694 Answers to Selerted € ‘enya 205 Cengage Luring lis Reserves. Moy te eo Seanee or upset, awh ois par. WEN 92-200.298 Exercise 6.6 LMT valid. 4.cD—ralid 7.DD—ralid 10, Dam invalid, 13, DS—valid, 16, AC—invalid 19. invalid Numbers 7 and 13 must be rewritten as follows: 2MEDN)+(~L I ~K) K Ds raid MP—vlid 10.(L3~A)*(C9 wien Ren invalid BUD B+@2~H vee AVP (ADB) (PD ~B) Dp-salid ACHinvalid HS—valid LSD M(~SDF Svs Hiv oD Since the second premise isa tautology, itis impos- sible to escape between the horns. The two avail- able strategies ere therefore grasping by the horns and constructing ¢ counterdilemma. If Melinda opi 290 Canangs anno A 10. adequately prepares forthe test before the party th she does not spend the par night studying and she doce not fail the test. This would fasiy the right hand conjunet ofthe first premise, thus falsifying the entire premise, Here isa counterdilemma: If Melinda spends the night studying; she wil [pass the test tomorrow; and if'she doesnt spend the night studying, she will go to the party. ‘She will either spend the night studying or not studying. Therefore, she wil either pass the test ‘or goto the party. 5) rewtiten; — (CD~8)*(Z28) =~Sv~S, =CV~E pp he second premise ist tautology so itis impossible to escape between the horns. One could grasp the dilemma by the horns by arguing that corporations ‘could share the cost of neutralizing toxic waste, thus ‘preserving the compertive edge Flere is a canstruc- tive counterdilemaa 1 corporations spend money to neutralize their tonic wast, then the environment will be pre served; but if corporations do not spend money to neutralize their toxic waste, then they will remain competitive, Corporations will do ane ‘or the other. Therefore, ether the environment vill be preserved or corporations will remain competitive. (C>D+9>B) aLy~B, =CvaT bp Here the second premise is not a tautology, so it is possible to escape between the horns. Perhaps ‘students could take 2 double major in liberal arts and business, One could also grasp the dilemma by the horns by arguing that students could major in a ib- val arts Field where a job would be available upan graduation. Heres constructive counterdilemma If students major in Uberal ars, then they will take courses that are Interesting and rewarding: bbut i they major in business, then they wil have a job when they graduate. Students will either ruajor in liberal arts or business. Therefore, cither they will take courses that are interesting and rewarding or they will have ajob when they sraduate P2RTID Py RVE oo “The second premise isnot a tautology soit iat least possible to escape between the horns. If we instructed ‘counterterrorist squads (o execute terrorists on the spot, we would neither prosecute them nor release 695 them. Can you think ofa way to gresp the dilemams by the borns? Here isa counterilerma: [If we prosecute suspected terrorists, then we discourage terrorism; but if we release thems, 4, RDC ete then we avoid the rik of retaliation by otber 1.2.8 terrorists, We must eer prosecute orrelease 7 ‘spect terrorists, Thesfor either we will 10.~a aoe discourage rerocsm or we wil veld theriskof 4° L4MT retaliation by other terrorist, 34.MT ¥. 16~z 1. HVE en 1. fbumen organs are given frstto registered donors 24.MP then more people will register as donors. more Valncete: Trevor itamesargivanegien | (DE TEPADO ; are given Zoe Im fo reptrd donors then te supp orgs aoe 1a Me 4.1f group problem solving is important, then we (4) 1. PS(G>T) ere should not emphasize individual testing. Group Petes ‘problem solving is important. Therefore, we should ote ‘ot emphasize individual testing. (MP) al G28 Ti we should not emphasize indivi testing, then ae a ‘hentional mat tests a mistake, We should nat en ETDE 2aMP ‘phasis individual testing, Therefore, te national math 3 GSE Bens test isu mistake. (MP) ML ~saD ™ 7 He lose the library at Central Juvenile Hall then de- 2 vepoN linguents wil be éeprved ofan opporanity to rea. IF Site 1K delinquents are deprived of en opportunity toead, then aoe 13M they mil not have eecess to Keay dresne a llr pate ibe tive ways of ving. Therefore. if we elose the brary at caput SMP Central juvenile Hall then delinquents willnothave ag) {. NP) cesto‘des, dreams, and alternative ways living (HS) Ya ADD fw close the brary at Cental Javenile Hal, then Sune 1B delinquents will not have access to ideas, dreams, tjop 13MP and alternative ways oflving, Deinguens must have ENor 2aMP access to ideas, dreams, and alternative ways of liv= aNae a ing. Therefore, we must not cose the ibrery at Cen oie Soup tral Juvenile Hall. (MT) (a3) 1. RD(Gv~a) re 10. Lviewing sdult videos led to volt sexcrimes, then Ob (EGY). ‘there would be over «milion violent sex crimes per ateas week. Is not the ease that there are over million aR ina lene rms per wok There, ving oat seve LAMP ‘ideos dacs not lea to violent ex crimes. (MIT) ons 25,MP 1-6 36MT Exercise 7.1 a ane 09 F @>2~M5T5~9, 1 LIK . 3. KD=M L-G aM 4-556 /TDN ie U2Ds 5. BD~M 23,88 ZEDD 13,HS Cirictea] 15.MP OGD 148 72. T3N 46HS ns cel 13°Mr (9) ~G31Gv(s3.0), Tae aan 2 GV3~G 9. ~(9vEQ, 13.MT 3 SVE a 696 Asisines so Se onyx 018 Caron ig NU Rigs Rese ol op sone 6 upend oe a ar, EM SHO

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