Week 4-6 (June 8, 15, and 20) Basic Reading Hurley 2018 Chapter 7 Natural Deduction Answers For Selected Questions

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them, Can you tink ofa way to grap the dilemina by the home? Here isa counterdilemma: If we prosecute suspected terrorists, then we discourage terrorism; but if we release them, then we avoid the rsk of retaliation by other terrorists. We must elther prosecute or release suspected terrorists, Therefore, either we will ecourige terrorism or we wil avold the rk of AXliation by other terorist I human ons are given fist to registered donors, then more pAple will register as donors. IF more people registers donors, then the supply of organs will increase, THyrefore ifhuman oxgans are given first 10 registered Wonors, thea the supply of organs will increase. (HS) 4.1f group problem Aving is important, then we should not enphasidy individual testing. Group problem solving is implytent, Therefore, we should ‘not emphasize individual\esting. (MP) we should not emphaske individual testing then the national math test a make. We should not em- phase india testing, The fore, the national math test isa mistake (MP) cessto ideas, creams, and aliemnative ways oNving (#5) If we lose the library at Central Juvenile, hen, acess to ideas, dreams, and alternative ways Ing. Therefore, we must not lose the library a tral ivenile Pall. (MT) viewing adult videos led to violent sex crimes, 0) there would be over ¢ million violent sex crimes po ‘week. It isnot the case that there are over & million violent sex crimes pet week. Therefore, viewing adult videos docs not lead ta violent sex crimes. (MT) 10 Exercise 7.1 ® a ao) ay, a9, a9) . YIPDWND) N 4,2,D8 42,88 2.3.MP 14MT 3,4,MT 34, MP 24MP ~ ~Cd20 ~< Ima adc L2MP ~A 23,.MT P3262] Qqama8) > oSV(-DIK) “D ~poK x ND02P) JP NDT NOE P RD(Gy~A) Gv~aya~s G3s R Gv~A ~s ~G ~A > ~M)I(T3~8) ~C3[Gv(S>@) GvDI~G Sul. ~G Gy(s2a) cera ~S L (C>M>W>P, (CoN3W5 (CSB 5 —M con NOM cam NOP cap ~M ~c 8 SSeevompenrenaus 1 (25) 1. ~ND[(B> D) 3 (Nv~B) @>82>N BOD DDE BOE “NW @2D>2Wv~H NV~E ~E ~D 2%. o3evn ~P ° Pvt e @2H309~h ~FVROD) ~F RDL Lo-F “i R HD (D=A) vw(R>V) RVH ~v RDV ~R H Daa ~CD [evg> DI coy) or) > cv UD D) DD a @ a9) 4esE85 5,6,D8 47nMT Exercise 7.2 10. (a) ao) eRe SS Sr at et ees ge eh ets ee ple groan ay HVE Ov =LvM ° wu -F od =MDQ RD>T ~MVR (M2 Q) MRD ~T) Qv~r (uv~BaR (v~m)>P H Hv~B R Hy-M 2 Rep (Fv) 3 PVT) FOP ~P ~F ~FVx PvT T (vB 3(G-D Go~D DOP D DVE GH G ~D DyM M (CONE Dv(N3D) ~D 2 1 1 1 1,4, Conj 1,3, Cond 2.4, MP 1Qv=T ‘Sea i a Lee 3.Add 14. MP 3 Add 26.MP 5,7, Cong IT 2.3.MT SAdd 1.5, MP iM 3, Simp 4 Add 15,MP 6.Simp 2,7,MP 4 Add 8,9, DS Imcve os 697 Comrgnt 218 Cong Lening At Rigs sores el De oOBEG Souda upto Ieee apa, NCH 029629 ee ee ete a9) en es) 8 8. 0. 1 1 2 3 4 6 Z 8 9° 1 2 a a 5 6 8 8. 10. 1 2 3 4 5 « 2 8 9. cH yenpepey 698 Nop 23,Ds “x 3.4MT CON 1 Simp xe 5.6, MT ~cvP 7, Add (Cv~G) 3 (~Pe1) (P+Q)3(C3D) Conk IDVR € 3, Simp cv~e 4 Aad ~PeL 5.MP 7. ~P 6 Simp =P 4.7, Conj CoD 28MP D 49, MP DvR 10, Add (Us~~P13Q 020 =P30 ~o-T 1Q ~o 4, Simp ou 2.5, MP 3.5.MT UennP 6,7, Con} Q 1.8. MP. (2Ke=N) 9 [PD HRD Gq) KON . =NeB ~PV-R 16 oN 3, Simp ~K 2.5, MT ~Ke~N 5,6, Cony (-P2K)(-RIG)1,7.MP KVG 4.8.0) G 6,9.DS (Men 9 [~atvID > Kod) ~Ms(C3D) ~N=(F=G) -M oN amen (MV i) 3 (K+L) ~MVH KeL 7.8, MP K 9, Simp Kenn 5,10, Con) (D> BCD Dd) BSD)(ED0) BVE /DvB Dvc 2,3.CD BvD Lacb BDD 2, Simp DDB 4 Simp (BD D)+(D>B) 67, Con} DvB 5.&CD Answers to Selestat! Exercises (10) TIA THC sovo T 2,5imp QF 13,MP Q 4Simp avo s.Add MvP V9 > RD) ~s ny 1 4 2 ‘ | (Ve ~E) 3 (PB) your ver ~ED EV), Lenk 3,Simp 25. MP 5,6, Con} LMP. 6.8.MT 10. 4,6, MP wy 9,10, DS 6.11, Con} 1 2 4 3 1. ~Gv~~a 1 10, ~(R+P) 1 1. HD ~vp) 2 1. CVK 1,Com 2,58 4 Less 1. Assoc 2.5imp 7. Deyn) 1, Dist 2,Simp pena nla pat, WEN 62290409 ) (DVNI(DvED L Dist 5. vave 4, Assoc See Zsimp 6 ~G 15,0 7. GvM 2:Com 1B MvGvn 1, Assoc a 67,8 2.308 (2) 1 Sven) ii 2 sD~R : 3. ~7>~Q J~(ROQ) O)1, EMD PH (-NDQ 4 Gvn-Gy~p 1 Dist 2 ~aen) sev 5 Gv~neGvn Com a SMv~ 2,DM 6 Svar 5. Simp 4 vg 13.00 7. SI~Re}I~Q —2.5,Cony @ 1. ~oven) 3 ~Rv~Q 67.00 RT Jon 9 (RQ) &DM 3 ~V~ 1DM 05) L Ev~vO 4 XCom 2 Ev~D)IE 5 2,DN 3 EV(~De~O) é £5.08 4 Ev=D)s(EV~Q) or 5 EVD 2 &C 3 7. Ev~O*(Ev~D) “ & Evnc 5. 8. ~CVE é wo ~=C z ue ‘ (HL Pvden) (10) 1 (KeanvECeD) 2 @vDI~LvO) 2m mn 3 (Ps~O) 3 (E+ 3. Reavy) 1 Dist 4 Pype@vL) 4 (HVD*K 3,Com SPvr 5. HvL Simp 6 ~tvo, 6 Lv 5.Con 7 mLenc LE 26,08 BAL (3-1 Erpvanewy 9 PvLevn LE I~ey~M) 1a. PvL 3 ~EV~1 2,Add it, ive 4 e+ 3,DM. DP § Me 14,05 1 Cent @ a ~c 15, Sip Tae 15, Pe-G 12,14, Gon) Bl ~Ee~mM 16 BP 515,MP 8. ~(EV~M) 1 FE 16,Com 6) 1. @eNV Ne 1 V7, Simp 2 QvO>=N ir 18. FVD 1a, Add 3 (We QvineD 1,Com (DL RVD)D~(FG) 4 3,Dist 2 FHS 5 simp 3 (~sva) 6 SDN. a 3, Com 2 emt 5 4, Simp 8 DM é 2,5:M °. 8 Simp : DM 10, Gon 8 3,Simp u 10, Simp % B.DN 2 9.11.08 10. 79,08 (9) 1 [avanve)>~6 i 10, Ada 2 MvG iM 2 111MP 3 Ovavr 2,Aad 13 2.DM 2 Iva 3Com u 9,13,D8 vo 699 15, GH 1 BRESBESepnapeen x ma SL ES opxppeeye 0) 1 ovper 700 ~s~6 =6va OH VOrP @ivo)3~P (Qt-N) vO] [Me v2) Gtenvo OvOMeN) (ovam-(ovm (ovny (Ova, ovy vo -P [le MV FIM DVO} GaexyvP Pv(ten) MeN NeM x (S-D)viS-H) SIR) S+(DVA) s TR Rr R SR GVRB (GVB)>~R (GVR)(GVE) (GVE)+GvR) GvE =R GvR RVG e Gum RO (Cv) ~Ivo ~{AvM) ieee ~At~M ~Crmd ~c SMenA ~M ~CreM ~cvM) ~R ~EV (BP) ~EV G2) ~Py~W (~EVB)*(~EVP) 5. (~EVP)+(~EVB) ~EVP Ansicets te Selectest arenes 5,14, Cony 15,DM IN 1, Dist 3, Simp 4. Com 5, Dist 6.Com 7, Simp 8,Com 9 MP 3,Com 11, Simp 12, Com 10,13, Ds 14,Com 15,Simp iseR 4, Dist 3, Simp 24, MP 5. Com 6 simp 4,7, Cony ova 4, Dist 3,Com 4.Simp 2.5,MP 3, Simp 7,Com 6.8.08 9, Add [oR 2,DM 3,DM 4,.Com 6, Simp 5, Com 8 Simp 7,3, Con) 10, DM. 1 MT [mE 1, Dist $Com 3,Simp 8 9, 10. nL 2 13. 14 CEVG+(~EvW) (MEV W)* (~EVG) ~EVW (EVE) EVN) ~EV(P W) . (Ps WIV ~E ~(PHW) ~E Exercise 7.4 n 10. 13. um. a1. (9) G29 B=N ~~Cv~F 8G wear |. 7M 1 KVK 1. HICIR) ~HV~H (2A)-(ADN) (SK) DR K (Ke) DR 1 KDR) SOR s=Q ~s (82.29 (Q39+*599 Qos ~Q (BDMy(D>M) ByD MVM M B2Q+F3N) ~(G-N) (~G3~B)(F>N) (69 ~B) (NI ~H ~BV~E ~BA 2,Dist F.com 8 Simp 6.9, Conj 10, Dist, 1,Com, 3,DM 12,13, DS 15>R 1,Com Esp 2,4, MP iQ 1, Equiv 3.Com 4 Simp 2,5,MT mt 12,cD 3, Tat i~(@rF) 2.DM 1, Trans 4, Trans 3,5,cD 6DM 03) 1. K2 (83 ~9) 2. DIK) 3. KD (M3 ~B) 4 KD (MD ~B) 5. (KM) ~B 6 D2~B as) as) (RDP) (PIR) ReP S3(LeA0, MIS) (MeL) DR (iM R SOR T2G soc ~IVvG ~sve Gv-T Gv~s Gv~Te(Gv~s) Gy(~Te~s) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 3 4 5. 6 7 1 2 3 4 5. 1 2 3 4 = 6 8 9. (~Te~9VG 0. 1 1 2 3 4 8 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 8, 1 2. 3 4 5. (sy ~IVIVG (v9 3G PO(~BD B) ~Bve) ~EVB) ~(-~EvD) ~(~E>B) ~P K=R KD (RDP) =P ce Vw) Ke RP ~KR AKemR ~Re-K ~R L (FE) DN EVs H GDN HOM (28) ay eo FON ‘ 1D>~B 7. ~Na~F 1, Trane & ~~Fvs SIDN) 8 ~FIS Esp 10. =NDS 25S I, ~=Nvs 12. NVS ir 69) 1 ©3HIEID) 2, Trane 2. (D=B)3~G+ 3.DN 3 BG 1aHs ae silmpl 5 Ev~D sat 6 ~DVE DIE iReP 8 EDD Limpl 8. (D> BEDD) 2.Com 1. D: eeal 3,5, Con) 6, Equiv ISDR 2p 3,Com 1HS HVS) 26 1, Impl 5 2, bmpi 4 (AS WV (~A® 3,Com 5 ~U+W) 4. Com 6 ~Ae~W 5.6, Con} nA 7.Dit 8k 8. Com 8 Wena 9,DM 10. =w 10,lmpl 1, ~Weer 12, ~WVR) tnP (43) 1. OD (Q*N) 2,Com WS SDN ~Ovigen) 4. 1mpl (~0VvO)+(~OvN) 1S.MT Covne~ova) ODN WV EIVS (Ne~E)vs 10. Sv(~Ne~B) LL. Gv=N)+(SV~B) 12. SV=N 1B. =NvS WNDS 15, ODS (43) L PDA INys 2 Q>B 1,Com 3 PVA 4a Esp 4 -QVB 2 3 4 5 6 ~OVN 1 8 . 15, DN 13,16, D8 15,17, Con) F(R) 1, Equiv 2,DM 45,08 6,Sinp 3..MT 5. Com 9, Simp 8,10, Con} 11,DM 03s 4, Expl 3, Dist 4,Com 5,Simp 6 Lp! 2, Lmpl &.DM 9,.Com, 10, Dist 1, Simp 12,Com 13, mpl 314, HS 1@VQ> (Ava) 1p 2 Impl lector Seercises 701 ez 3 EB een peer np ep enema ae en a0) 2. 702 (Pvava 3.Add (~aveyva Add ~PV(AVB) 5, Assoc (avayy~> 7.Com ~Qv (BVA) 6 Assoc ~Ov(Avs) 9,Com AvBv~o 10,Com [AvBV~Pleavav~Q)_8.11,Con) (AVBV(~Pe~Q) 13, Dist GP+~Q)vavi) 13,Com ~(PVQVIAV) 14,DM. VQ) (AVE) 15, Impl boc 1D28 2,DM. 3 mpl 4DN 1.S.HS DOP 10D) P @2Pv~1 Add ~IV(D5 8) 2,Com 13(D59) 3, mpl WD) 3? 4Eap GDA Gat {G9 (A+1) ~ova 1, Imp) =GvL 2) Impl (GVA)+(~GVL) ~GVAND) GIL) eR -RV—A) [A+ 0) > RJ RD (AU) IND (0-7) Ace 13MP 2,3, MP 6.08P 4.5,Conj ND(O-P) 3-6,0P 1 (GvMIG-T) 2. (TVU)I«C+d) C Gv ST Tes r TU cD 10..€ u. GDe 1, MvGro) 2M BNO an MON ND ~~M NOM D(AsD) SB 3.CVB more 5. ArDV(AE) 6 as(Dve) 7A (vB) 24 ROB RDBIA, BPD) aR 5B 6 BOF Le 2B PDH 9. DH 329 Sra ~u) Srv) 40 a3) eae 10, G6) 1 2 cone wv RDS Ta~u aU 10. RVT In TVR WR Bs 4 USS 15. Q3(UD9) U9) 1 PS (LVM) 3 eo 2 (OVI) IW 3. P ia [CD (ADI IBD (A 1G3c ACP 3.Add 1.4,MP 5,Com ,Simp Tadd 2,8, MP 9, simp 310, 0P T-NoM ACP 1,.2D8 3.Simp 24,cP 5, Trans 6,DN HCVB)DA ACP 1,2,Con} 3.4,cD 5, Dist 5 Simp 3:7,CP /RDH Ace 14,MP. 24MP 5.6MP 35,MP 78&MP ace 1Q3U>28) ACE ACP 14MP 2.4.MP 5,DN 7.8MT 2.5.MP 10,Com 9,11, DS 612, MP 5:13,0P 414,07 PD (MDW) Ace ACP emit 286 Camas cng, A aha Reese. Hayne Acad of up hot OF pa. WE INO. 14 nh wn 10. at 2 9. 5*D (HD) 3 6-D) 72D (epyr€ (eQar 47 5. 6 7 8 Db esbz Nee wor Nar sev5) Exercise 7.6 I ayy 6 OL. svna~s 28 3. Svr 4s 5. Se~S ~s HDL) 213K =D) HL H LK LeH L KO-L K o Lenk 0) 1,3,MP 4,Add 6.Com 5.7, MP 8.Com 9, Simp 10, Add 21,MP 12D) Ace 3,Simp LMP 3.Com 6 Simp 2.7.MP 5,8, Con} 39.cP 230 AG AcP 1a MP 4,6, Con 27.MP 5,8, Con} 3,9. MP 5.10,cP Le ins AIP Add L3.MP 24, Con} 25,10 jaHy~t AP 3,Simp 14,MP 3,Com 6 Simp 27.MP 57.MP 89, MP 7.10, Con 1 ~(He » Bo ~Hv=L @ 1 v2 (C+D) 2 (DvG)>H 3 EVG 18 1s. 00) 1. 30 [cs E ae, 4 5 = 8 98. 0. i. 2 a3. “ hs. 16 0. 18 1. 20. 2 =N (9) LAD (V~M>.GVD) “H ~DvG) ~cv~D (C+D) . EVE) TEP mE G =Gr~D x6 Sv~T ~Tvs TDs 239, DIONDE c2@3Q (v0) (C+D) (DVR) 3 (Pv~O) PVG)3~(NeD) N Nvo CD Dec D DvK Pymc c =cvP =C Pe PvG ~(rD) ANv~D ~N ~D De~D 2, TI~Fv=F) 31 12,DM 1H AP 2,4, MT 5.DM 6, Simp Tadd 8.Com 9.DM 1,10, wT 1,DM 12, Sip 313,08 6,Com 15, Simp 14,16, Con) 1,2 18,DN sS3(T29) ACP 2.Add 3,Com LDN 12,13,D8 1 Add 3,15, MP 16, DN 4,DN 17,18,DS 8,19,Con} 4:20,1P JADs a Aros AIP 13. Q 1.2.M 4A 3, Simp, 4. (PI QQ 2-3,CP 5. (NV=N)3(SV1) L4MP 5 PIIPIQIQ 1-4, cP 6N ACP a) (PDQ) F1PR)D eR 7.NVN 6, Add LP3Q ACP 8N 7, Taut 2 PR ACP . a.NON 6-8,cP uP 2,Simp =NVN 9, Imp 49 13.Me Nv~N 20, 5 ROP 2,.¢om Sv 5,11, MP oR 5,Simp SA 3,Com 7. sR 4:6,Conj xs 13 Simp & P22 (QR) 27,62 Tr 12114, bs 2 PI Q2(C+R>(Q-m)—-8CP ~Ev~P) 2,15, MP o HP> Qv(~Q3P) 16,DM 1. “(PI Qv(~Q3P)) AP 18. 3-17, 1P 2. (~Q9P) 1,.DM 8, 18,DM 3 2simp 20, 13, DN 4 Syimpl a 20, Impl 5 DM 1 é SDN z. 6 Simp @) 1. ©8) DUD) & ~-Q27) IQ ZC 2RI~D Im~cv-R 8 simp 3. CR AIP 8, ph aD 13.MP 10,DN 5 Del 4.Com 11,DM 6D 5, Simp 12.Com TRC 3,Com 15, Simp oR 7,8imp 1S, Pew 7.14, Cons 9. ~D RMP 16 ~~[PIQV(~Q> Pj] ASIP 10, De~D 8,9. Con) 16,DN n.~(CR) 3.1019 (19) I[=(0+~Q)+~9) 3 =P 2 ~cv~R 41, DM 1 ~@+~Qe=Q ACP @ L@2Q>B 2 ~(P-Q) 1, Simp 2W3Z)28 1B 3 ~Pv-~@ 2,DM ‘AP @ ~Pva S!DN 13.Mr 5 =Q1~Pr-Q) 1 Com 4 Ip 6 ~Q 5,Simp SDM 7 Qv~P 4.Com 6 Simp & ~P 87.08 8 W220 2.3,Mr 8.[-(P+~Q)*~ O13 ~P 128,¢P 9 ne) 8 Impl a3) FPIQIKPI~QI=~P| 10 ~-Ve~zZ 5, DM £ PDQ ‘ACP M. ~Ze~=¥——10,Com 2 P2~Q ACP 2 ~Z Simp Bi~-QD~P Trans 13 ~Zemmz, 5,12, Con) 4 Qa~P 3.DN Mu ~~B sua, 5 Po~P C4 HS 15 B 1,DN & ~pv~P SyImpt 7 AP 6 Taut ci 8. (P2~Q2—P 27,02 Exercise 7.7 9. (PIQIDUPI~QD~P] _1-&CP 1 as) J=(@2 ~P)s(~P PI) . Lo ~Pie(~PaP) AIP a 1PD>[PIQD 2 (~PV~P)*(~PDP) 1, Impl LP Nera 3. ~Pe(=POP) 2 That 12 P30 er A=Peim~PvPy SyImpl 704 to Betected Eas Reverend May tbe cai cnet oh orm pnt. WEN 4.DN 5,Taut 6.Com rap BaD ~M6(-P> Mm} 9. (Pv(Qe~Q)l > P 10. lined} ne 9} 3,9, Con) N. Ps[PviQe~Q)) 10, Equiv Exercise 8.1 ce VN (Me> D9 (Gedise~Rx) Got (Bu(See~Gx) (aXe V3) GND He) x3 Be) (@XHx> ~E) (Gules ~(Sev Bn)} (Go[Dx+ (Br=Tx)) Gujlce (ax > 7) Collies Cy 5 Rx} (ail(Wev Go 3 (Sr) (Bo)|(Bxe Re) + Bx] Ges GX Wx > Cx) (Goi Ms) Ir (Beets) 3 Sx) 3 Se (Bo(Bxe Re) = MEE Ox) Exercise 8.2 @) 1 GAD Be) ()(Br > Ca) AeD Be BeD Ce Ax Cx 1 2 Hoax > Co) 3 4 5. 6 @Ax> GH L 3 4 UL 2u 34, HS 5.uG @) L (9fard BD Ovary By) FGA Bx) AxD Bs LU AKV~Bx 2.0L a” (o) aa ~Bev As 4,Com BrD Ax 5 ling (AND Bx)*(BrD Ax) —3.6,Coa) Ax=Rt 7. Equiv (2\(Ax= Bs) UG |. Le > (Kee Lad] Gy) ~Ky 12)~Ie =Km 25 Im 3 KK Ln) ur ~Knv~Ln 3Add ~(Kin= Ln) 5,DM he 36M (a) ~je 7.86 (ax Be) Amv An 1B Bn ‘Am > Bm Ur An 3 Be Bur (Ar 3 Brn) (An 2 Bn) 3.4, Coo) BmvBn 25.60 Galas Be) > cx} (Be)(Bx+~Cx) 1@ey~Ax Bn ~Gn 2.5L (Am = Br) > Gn nur ~CnieBin 3. Com ~Gn 5,Simp =a Bri) 46MT. ~Amvy~Bim 7.DM. Bn 3 Simp ~Bo 3.DN |. ~Bmv~Am 8.Com ~an 10,11, D8 (ose 12,36 Gaaz 2 Bx (@x)Cr3 GnDx An On J Bax Da) ‘An 2, imp (Baas AEG (Bs 1.5,MP CueAn 3. Com Cn Simp (Gxcr SEG (BxDx 29,.MP Dm 40,5 Bn 6.0 Bm Din 11, 12,Con) (axe DO) BEG (Bed > (N(Ce> Bs) Ga(axv ny GHB 3 4x) /NCr> An) Amin 2,81 Bm Am 3.0 ~~Amv Br 4.0N ~Am> Bm 6 ph ~Am > Am 5.7.18 ~~ Amv Am Impl Amv Am 8.DN Answers to Selzced Beescises 705

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