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3.1.a Precising.

3.1.b Reportive.

3.1.C Persuasive.

3.1.d Reportive.

3.1.e Precising.

3.2.a You can hate yourself. It is also possible to hate someone without wanting to harm
them or ruin anything.

3.2.b Ungrammatical. Biology is a subject or discipline, not a situation or a period of time.

3.2.C Circular definitions.

3.2.d Poetic, but as a definition too metaphorical. Also, loving someone (for example, one
sidedly) can be a painful rather than a happy experience.

3.2.e First, you can love yourself. Second, two people can love each other but not being very
good at doing all the things being listed, such as a child loving her parents.

3.2.f You can be angry at yourself.

3.2.g A bomb might be designed not to hurt people but destroy buildings.

3.4 They are both cases of the etymological fallacy.

3.5 One main problem is that the information might be publicly available and has been
released legally. Trading based on such open information is surely not insider trading.

3.6.a Domestic violence = Any violence between current or former partners in an intimate
relationship. The parts that are left out are further clarifications.

3.6.b The second definition seems to rule out isolated acts of violence because it requires
that domestic violence forms a pattern. This is too strong. But it is wider than the first
definition in including violence within family-type relationships that might not be "intimate."
This might be better if we want to include violence between family members, such as
between siblings or parents and children.

3.7.a Teaching sex education at school might make some students unhappy but it is not
sexual harassment.

3.7.b Sexual harassment might not involve the offer of any benefit and is not restricted to
unwelcome advances from a superior.

3.8 First, what is a receptacle if not a container? Second, it is not so clear what count as a
wall. A container that consists of half a sphere does not seem to have "a plurality of walls,"
but it is nonetheless a container.

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