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Definition Translation Interpretation

Translation is rendering the meaning of a text into Interpreting is rendering information and ideas from one
another language in the way that the author intended the text. language into another language by means of speaking.
Translators are concerned with the written word. They Interpreters are concerned with the spoken word. They
render written texts from one language into another. convey orally whether to an individual or a group the
Translators are required to undertake assignments, which meaning of the spoken word, from one language to another.
range from simple items, such as birth certificates and
driving licences, to more complex written material, such as
articles in specialised professional journals, business
contracts and legal documents.
Strategies 1. SL emphasis There are two main modes of interpreting: consecutive and
a) Word-for-word translation simultaneous interpreting
This is often demonstrated as interlinear translation, with 1) Consecutive interpreting (Địch đuổi...)
The TL immediately below the SL words. The SL word- 1.1. Unilateral
order is preserved and the words translated singly by their a) Sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph
most common meanings, out of context. Cultural words are interpretation
translated literally. The main use of word-for-word b) The whole speech, which may last five, ten minutes, up
translation is either to understand the mechanics of the to half an hour or one hour.
source language or [o construe a difficult text as a pre-t ran 1.2. Bilateral
slat ion process c) Liaison interpreting
b) Literal translation
The SL grammatical constructions are converted to their In a consecutive interpreting situation, an interpreter
nearest TL equivalents but the lexical words are again gives a rendering of lengthy passages of speech after a party
translated singly, out of context. As a pre-translation has finished speaking, s/he must give a structured and
process, this indicates the problems to be solved accurate rendering of the meaning of the statement with no
c) Faithful translation major distortions of meaning, changes to the logical order of
A faithful Translation attempts to reproduce the precise the statement or serious omissions of detail.
contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of 2) Simultaneous interpreting: (Dịch song song, dịch ca
the TL grammatical structures. It 'transfers' cultural words bin ...)
and preserves the degree of grammatical and lexical This type includes:
'abnormality' (deviation from SL norms) in the translation. a) Sight translation', a written SL text is read aloud as if
It attempts to be completely faithful to the intentions and the written in the TL text;
text-realisation of the SL writer b) Whispered interpretation', e.g. at a meeting without
d) Semantic translation interpreting equipment or in court;
Semantic translation differs from 'faithful translation' c) Electronic hook-up: e.g. at a conference with
only in as far as it must take more account of the aesthetic microphones and headsets and booths for interpreters.
value (that is, the beautiful and natural sounds of the SL text, Simultaneous interpreters do not wait for a speaker to
compromising on 'meaning' where appropriate so that no finish a segment and pause before beginning to interpret but
assonance, word-play or repetition jars in the finished follow the speaker and interpret what the speaker is saying.
version. Further, it may translate less important cultural Advantages of simultaneous interpreting are that it saves a
words by culturally neutral third or functional terms but not great deal of time and is less disruptive than other forms of
by cultural equivalents - une nonne repassant un corporal interpreting. It is commonly practised at international
may become 'a nun ironing a corporal cloth' - and it may
make other small concessions to the readership. The conferences and forums. However, it is expensive to pay for
distinction between 'faithful' and ^semantic' translation is electronic equipment and simultaneous interpreters.
that the first is uncompromising and dogmatic, while the
second is more flexible, admits the creative exception to
100% fidelity and allows for the translator's intuitive
empathy with the original
2. TL emphasis
a) Adaptation
This is the 'freest' form of translation. It is used mainly
for plays (comedies and poetry; the themes, characters, plots
are usually preserved, the SL culture converted to theTL
culture and the text rewritten. The deplorable practice of
having a play or poem literally translated and then rewritten
by an established dramatist or poet has produced many poor
adaptations, but other adaptations have 'rescued1 period
b) Free translation
Free translation reproduces the matter without the
manner, or the content without the form of the original.
Usually it is a paraphrase much longer than the original, a
so-called 'intralingual' translation, often prolix and
pretentious, and not translation at all.
c) Idiomatic translation
Idiomatic translation reproduces the 'message' of the
original but tends to distort nuances of meaning by
preferring colloquialisms and idioms where these do not
exist in the original
d) Communicative translation
Communicative translation attempts to render the exact
contextual meaning of the original in such a wav that both
content and language are readily acceptable and
comprehensible to the readership.
Processes of Translation begins with: The flowchart of interpretation
Translation Firstly, choosing a method of approach. There are two
translation approaches.
(1) you start translating sentence by sentence, for say the
first paragraph or chapter, to get the feel and the feeling tone
of the text, and then you deliberately sit back, review the
position, and read the rest of the SL text;
(2) you read the whole text two or three times, and find
the intention, register, tone, mark the difficult words and
passages and start translating only when you have taken your
Secondly, when we are translating, we translate with four I = The input stage. The interpreter must have excellent
levels more or less consciously in mind: (1) the SL text level, hearing and receive.the message without interference.
the level of language, where we begin and which we U = Understanding. This is the most important stage of the
continually (but not continuously) go back to; interpreting triangle. Not understanding will result in a
(2) the referential level, the level of objects and events, breakdown of communication.
real or imaginary, which we progressively have to visualise D = Deciphering. At this stage the interpreter gets rid of all
and build up, and which is an essential part, first of the the words, retaining the concept, the idea.
comprehension, then of the reproduction process; T = Transference. The concept'or idea is now transferred
(3) the cohesive level, which is more general, and into the other language.
grammatical, which traces the train of thought, the feeling C + C = Context and Culture. During the transfer stage the
tone (positive or negative) and the various presuppositions meaning is clarified by cultural and contextual
of the SL text. This level encompasses both comprehension considerations.
and reproduction: it presents an overall picture, to which we O1 = Output 1. The interpreter finds an equivalent
may have to adjust the language level; idiomatic expression
(4) the level of naturalness, of common language O2 = Output 2. The interpreter transfers the meaning.
appropriate to the writer or the speaker in a certain situation.
Again, this is a generalised level, which constitutes a band
within which the translator works, unless he is translating an
authoritative text, in which case he sees the level of
naturalness as a point of reference to determine the deviation
- if any - between the author's level he is pursuing and the
natural level. This level of naturalness is concerned only
with reproduction. Finally, there is the revision procedure,
which may be concentrated or staggered according to the
situation. This procedure constitutes at least half of the
complete process.

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