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Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 2 /Allgemei n/ATEX ( Standar d-Modul e)/D ec kblatt - ATEX-Ausführung @ 8\mod_1384411788802_41.doc m @ 118826 @ @ 1

Pos : 4 /D osi ergeräte/D ec kblatt/D ec kblatt D okID_021 - DBW- xx V3 @ 7\mod_1381299666237_0.doc m @ 114140 @ @ 1

ATEX execution
Supplementary information in
the technical description
“The ATEX execution“ has to be observed!


Save this document for future reference

Pos : 6 /Allgemei n/Spezi elleM odule (Forts etzung, Leerz eile us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbruc h -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1
Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 7.1 /Allgemei n/Impressum/Impress um - T eil 1 (Betri ebs anleitung) @ 9\mod_1399446736030_41.doc m @ 129879 @ 1 @ 1


Device assignment
Device names: DBW-xx0
Device variant: HYD ATEX

Document status: Original document
Type of document: Operating instructions
File designation: B2112021_v4
Document ID: 021
Revision: 1.2.1
Date: 16-06-23
Editor: Brabender Technologie GmbH&Co.KG
Copyright: © 2016, Brabender Technologie GmbH&Co.KG

Pos : 7.2 /Allgemei n/Impressum/ Impr ess um - T eil 2 (Sc hutz ver mer k gemäß DIN EN 16016) @ 4\mod_1360740377131_41.doc m @ 81651 @ @ 1

Protection notice (refer to DIN EN ISO 16016)

The reproduction, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the
communication of its contents to others without express authorization is
prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights
reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
Pos : 7.3 /Allgemei n/Impressum/ Impr ess um - T eil 3 (Bestandteil des Ger ätes) @ 4\mod_1360739623096_41.doc m @ 81570 @ @ 1

Save this document for future reference

The document is an integral part of the device stated above. It has to be saved
completely, ready to hand and close to the device for later usage.
Pos : 7.4 /Allgemei n/Spezi elleM odule (Forts etz ung, Leerzeil e us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbruc h -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

2 Imprint ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 7.5 /Allgemei n/Impressum/ Impr ess um - T eil 4 (Inhalts verz eichnis) @ 4\mod_1355303253132_41.docm @ 72688 @ 1 @ 1

Table of contents

Imprint ........................................................................................................ 2
Table of contents ......................................................................................... 3
1. Safety ................................................................................................... 5
The use of the device ................................................................................... 6
Safety instructions........................................................................................ 8
Specifications for the type approval of the device ............................... 8
Qualification of the operating personnel ............................................. 8
Dangerous contact voltages on the device ........................................... 8
Disconnecting the device ...................................................................... 9
Discharging of storages of residual energy ........................................... 9
Earthing of the device ........................................................................... 9
Sound level............................................................................................ 9
Component groups that can be dismantled ....................................... 10
Warning symbols on the device.......................................................... 10
Residual dangers ........................................................................................ 11
2. The description of the device .............................................................. 12
Description of the design of the device ..................................................... 13
The component groups of the device ........................................................ 14
The housing ......................................................................................... 14
The conveyor belt ............................................................................... 15
The belt run......................................................................................... 18
The weighing bridge............................................................................ 19
Technical data ............................................................................................ 20
3. Mounting ........................................................................................... 21
Mounting instructions................................................................................ 22
The place of the installation ....................................................................... 23
Assembly work ........................................................................................... 24
Installation on site .............................................................................. 24
Connection inlet/outlet ...................................................................... 24
Electrical mounting work ........................................................................... 25

©Operating instructions DBW-350 Table of contents 3

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

4. Adjustments and commissioning ......................................................... 31

Notes on commissioning ............................................................................ 32
Commissioning sequence........................................................................... 33
Step 1: Tests on the device ............................................................ 33
Step 2: Check the belt tension....................................................... 33
Step 3: Check the belt tracking ...................................................... 34
Step 4: Check the belt scrapers ..................................................... 35
Step 5: Check the material guide plates ........................................ 36
Step 6: Connection of supply media .............................................. 36
Step 7: Verification of the sense of rotation ................................. 37
Step 8: Check the belt run ............................................................. 37
Step 9: Verification and adjustment of the weighing .................... 38
Taring of the weigh-belt feeder ................................................................. 40
Product feeding .......................................................................................... 41
Setting the layer height on the belt .................................................... 41
Adjustment of the “weighing bridge length“...................................... 42
Start of product feeding...................................................................... 45
5. Decommissioning................................................................................ 46
6. Fault shutdowns ................................................................................. 47
Causes of malfunction ................................................................................ 48
7. Maintenance ...................................................................................... 50
Information on maintenance ..................................................................... 51
Component list ........................................................................................... 52
Care and examination ................................................................................ 54
Assembly/disassembly of individual components ..................................... 55
Change the conveyor belt ................................................................... 55
8. Storage and disposal ........................................................................... 57
Storage of the device, of individual components ...................................... 58
Disposal of the device, of individual components ..................................... 59
9. Index .................................................................................................. 60

Pos : 9 /Allgemei n/Spezi elleM odule (Forts etzung, Leerz eile us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbruc h -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

4 Table of contents ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 10 /Allgemein/Übersc hriften Sic herheit/Ü bersc hrift 1 - Sic herheit @ 0\mod_1312192048130_41.doc m @ 1309 @ 1 @ 1

1. Safety

Pos : 12 /D osierger äte/Sic herheit/1. Seite - Inhalt Sic herheit @ 1\mod_1336565783129_41.docm @ 46243 @ @ 1

This chapter describes the use of the device and the safety instructions for the
use of the device.

Content of the chapter “safety”:

Subject Page
The use of the device 6
Safety instructions 8
Residual danger 11
Pos : 14 /Allgemein/Speziell eModul e (F orts etz ung, Leerzeil e us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uc h -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 Safety 5

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 15 /Allgemein/Übersc hriften Sic herheit/Ü bersc hrift 2 - Die Ver wendung des Gerätes @ 0\mod_1312192145847_41.doc m @ 1332 @ 2 @ 1

The use of the device

Pos : 17 /D osierger äte/Sic herheit/D okID _021 - D BW-G1/350 H yg/Verwendung - Besti mmungsgemäß e Ver wendung D BW @ 9\mod_1399463569580_41.doc m @ 129943 @ @ 1

Intended purpose The “DBW” is a weigh-belt feeder for the feeding of bulk solids that are
meterable by means of a conveyor belt (= feeding organ).
The product from the storage equipment is fed on the conveyor belt via the
inlet of the device. The revolving conveyor belt conveys the product over a
weighing bridge that permits to detect the feed rate and then further to the
outlet where it leaves the device in free fall. The conveyor belt is driven by a
drive motor (= feed drive). The working point of the device, the feed rate (=
product quantity/unit of time) is adjusted by means of the determination of
the speed of the feed drive.

Pos : 19 /D osierger äte/Sic herheit/D okID _021 - D BW-G1/350 H yg/Verwendung - Geeignete Produkte für F örderband @ 7\mod_1381300245742_41.doc m @ 114195 @ @ 1

Appropriate products Bulk solids (no liquids) with the following product characteristics are
appropriate for being discharged/fed with the device:
• Suitable size of product particles
• Suitable flow properties for a safe product feeding via the inlet shaft on
the conveyor belt
• Free from contaminations, foreign bodies etc.
• There is no ignition capability due to friction or strokes
• No explosive characteristics
• No change of the product characteristics due to the feeding operation
• No inadmissibly high wear of the machine parts in contact with the

Pos : 21 /D osierger äte/Sic herheit/Ver wendung - Vorgaben für den Eins atzbereic h ( 0-50°C) @ 7\mod_1381300839453_41.doc m @ 114222 @ @ 1

Specifications The standard dimensioning of the device requires the following environmental
for the use: and operating data for the field of application:
Temperature: 0°C to +40°C
Humidity: Up to 85% without condensation
Medium: Air or inert gas
max. underpressure/overpressure: 2 mbar (20mm water column)
Product temperature: 0°C to +40°C
Voltage supply: AC 230/400V
Pos : 23 /Allgemein/Speziell eModul e (F orts etz ung, Leerzeil e us w.)/-----> Abs chnittfortsetzung Ü bersc hrift 2 <----- @ 0\mod_1312351301920_41.doc m @ 2150 @ @ 1

6 Safety ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

The use of the device, continuation

Pos : 24 /D osierger äte/Sic herheit/D okID _021 - D BW-G1/350 H yg/Verwendung - Benötigte Baugruppen für den Betrieb DBW @ 7\mod_1381301484401_41.doc m @ 114249 @ @ 1

Required component The following electric component groups are required for the operation of the
groups for the operation device (minimum requirement):
• A feeding controller type Congrav® that is equipped (hardware and
software) suitably for
- the control of the operation of the device,
- the activation of the drive controller (speed specification),
- the control of the allowed operating parameters,
- the determination and evaluation of the feed rate (connection of the
weighing bridge and evaluation of the data).
• A drive controller for the activation of the drive for the determination of
the working point of the device (= speed setting) according to the speed
specification of the feeding controller.

Pos : 26 /D osierger äte/Sic herheit/Ver wendung - Anpass ung an den kundensei tigen Ei ns atz ber eich @ 1\mod_1336569707234_41.doc m @ 46324 @ @ 1

Adaptation to the The device is dimensioned according to the application conditions known
application on site when awarding the contract. They result from the customer’s indications
• the products employed and their characteristics,
• the environmental and operating conditions,
• the desired feed rate range

Adaptations to the field of application on site are listed in the order

confirmation and are part of the intended use of the device.

Modification of the field of application on site

In case of a modification of the field of application on site a new release for the
operation of the device has to be emitted by the manufacturer.

Pos : 28 /Allgemein/Speziell eModul e (F orts etz ung, Leerzeil e us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uc h -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 Safety 7

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 29 /Allgemein/Übersc hriften Sic herheit/Ü bersc hrift 2 - Sic herheits hinweise @ 0\mod_1312267862879_41.doc m @ 1450 @ 2 @ 1

Safety instructions

Pos : 31 /D osierger äte/Sic herheit/Sic her heit - Vorgaben für die Betriebs erlaubnis des Ger ätes @ 1\mod_1337084667276_41.doc m @ 47988 @ 3 @ 1

Specifications for the type approval of the device

Any operation shall be permitted only if the following specifications have been
complied with:
• The indications on the operating instruction have been complied with.
• Mounting, commissioning have been carried out correctly.
• The device must only be used for its intended purpose.
• The device is maintained regularly.
• For necessary repair work be sure to employ original spare parts of the
manufacturer or spare parts with identical technical characteristics (to be
approved by the manufacturer).

Pos : 33 /D osierger äte/Sic herheit/Sic her heit - Qualifi kation Bedienpers onal @ 1\mod_1326461216317_41.doc m @ 25535 @ 3 @ 1

Qualification of the operating personnel

The following qualifications are required for the operating personnel:

• Trained on the device and the corresponding activities
• Authorised to carry out the required activities
• Knowledge of the regulations concerning the operator protection
• Knowledge of the actual operating conditions as far as the device and its
environment are concerned

Pos : 35 /D osierger äte/Sic herheit/Sic her heit - Berührungsgefährliche Spannung en am Gerät @ 4\mod_1361350725974_41.doc m @ 82197 @ 3 @ 1

Dangerous contact voltages on the device

Dangerous contact voltages are required for the operation of the device. The
following specifications have to be respected for the protection of the
operating personnel:
• The device must not be operated with freely accessible terminals.
• Before commencing any work on the electrical connections, you must first
disconnect the device from the mains.
• The device must not be operated with damaged electrical components.
Damaged component groups have to be repaired or exchanged
Pos : 37 /Allgemein/Speziell eModul e (F orts etz ung, Leerzeil e us w.)/-----> Abs chnittfortsetzung Ü bersc hrift 2 <----- @ 0\mod_1312351301920_41.doc m @ 2150 @ @ 1

8 Safety ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Safety instructions, continuation

Pos : 38 /D osierger äte/Sic herheit/Sic her heit - Definiti on Freis chalten @ 1\mod_1336642891907_41.doc m @ 46465 @ 3 @ 1

Disconnecting the device

In the operating instructions below use the term "disconnection".

“Disconnection” means:
Definition • Disconnect the device from all supply media.
• Protection against unauthorised reconnection.
• Discharge all kinds of energy stocks (manually or due to sufficient dwell

Pos : 40 /D osierger äte/Sic herheit/Sic her heit - Entl eer ung von R estenergies peicher @ 1\mod_1336644580719_41.doc m @ 46546 @ 3 @ 1

Discharging of storages of residual energy

Depending on the execution different storages of residual energy may be

mounted to the device. The table lists measures for the discharge of energy
Type Component (example) Measure
Electric Condenser, coil Observe the discharge time
Mechanic Spring Relieving
Pneumatic Compressed air Deaeration
Thermic Dissipator, surface Observe the cooling time

Pos : 42 /D osierger äte/Sic herheit/Sic her heit - Er dung des Gerätes @ 1\mod_1336643211619_41.doc m @ 46492 @ 3 @ 1

Earthing of the device

The device must only be operated with a correct earthing. The main earth
connection point is connected to the equipotential bonding on site in a
standard-compliant manner. Earth connections between the device and
Marking of the main earth assembled components that have been mounted in our works must not be
connection point interrupted or removed on site.

Pos : 44 /D osierger äte/Sic herheit/Sic her heit - Geräusc hpegel @ 1\mod_1336653619383_41.doc m @ 46573 @ 3 @ 1

Sound level

The sound level of the device is < 70dB (acc. to DIN45635)

Pos : 46 /Allgemein/Speziell eModul e (F orts etz ung, Leerzeil e us w.)/-----> Abs chnittfortsetzung Ü bersc hrift 2 <----- @ 0\mod_1312351301920_41.doc m @ 2150 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 Safety 9

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Safety instructions, continuation

Pos : 47 /D osierger äte/Sic herheit/D okID _021 - D BW-G1/350 H yg/Sic her heit - ger ätespezifisc he Gefahr DBW (demonti erte Ver klei dungen) @ 7 \mod_1381308769143_41.docm @ 114278 @ 3 @ 1

Component groups that can be dismantled

The belt cover and the lateral coverings of the device can be disassembled. The
device remains ready for operation, as the disassembly is also required for the
adjustment carried out on a running device. However, the operation with
component groups that can be disassembled is only allowed for the
corresponding adjustment work (short-term and monitored operation of the
device), as hazards might occur due to the dismantled coverings:
• If the belt cover is not installed, foreign bodies may enter the open
product area and then get into the connected equipment.
• If the lateral covering is not mounted, the mechanical construction of the
device and the revolving components are freely accessible.
• With a missing belt cover or a missing lateral cover an increased formation
of dust in the environment might occur.

Possible effects of these hazards:

• Endangering or causing injuries to the operating staff
• Damage of the device or of connected equipment
• Strong contamination of the environment

Pos : 49 /D osierger äte/Sic herheit/Sic her heit - War nhi nweis e am Ger ät @ 1\mod_1337072891228_41.doc m @ 47771 @ 3 @ 1

Warning symbols on the device

Sources of danger are marked by the standardised warning symbols on the

device. Additionally the following warning symbols are employed:

Before the start of any work the device has to be disconnected from the mains
and protected against unauthorised reconnection.
In case of non-respect there is a considerable danger of injuries caused by life
Disconnect the device voltage.
from the mains

Marks the allowed sense of rotation for the drive motor.

Allowed sense of In case of non-respect the rotating component groups risk to be torn out of
rotation their fastening during the operation.

Pos : 51 /Allgemein/Speziell eModul e (F orts etz ung, Leerzeil e us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uc h -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

10 Safety ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 52 /Allgemein/Übersc hriften Sic herheit/Ü bersc hrift 2 - Restgefahren @ 1\mod_1336565291593_41.docm @ 46212 @ 2 @ 1

Residual dangers

Pos : 54 /D osierger äte/Sic herheit/R estg efahr - Ei nleitung @ 1\mod_1336654135295_41.doc m @ 46625 @ @ 1

This paragraph describes the possible dangers that might occur in an

admissible field of application and that might be caused by external influences,
e.g. carelessness or connections to equipment on site.
Pos : 55 /D osierger äte/Sic herheit/R estg efahr - Fremdkör per @ 1\mod_1336655243196_41.doc m @ 46651 @ @ 1

Foreign bodies Danger Foreign bodies in the product area of the device
Effects: • Operational failures
• Damage of the device
Measures: • Employ clean product
• Circumspection/special care must be taken when
working on the device
Pos : 56 /D osierg er äte/Sic herheit/R estg efahr - Produkts tau @ 1\mod_1336655822866_41.doc m @ 46677 @ @ 1

Product jam Danger No free product flow

Effects: • Operational failures
• Damage of the device
Measures: • The free product flow into the device and out of the
device has to be guaranteed.
• Stop the operation of the device if connected
equipment on site is troubled.
Pos : 57 /D osierger äte/Sic herheit/D okID _021 - D BW-G1/350 H yg/R es tgefahr - Pr oduktwec hs el DBW @ 8\mod_1382954414833_41.doc m @ 117528 @ @ 1

Product change Danger: • Wrong equipment of the device

• Wrong adjustment of individual component groups
Effects: • Operational failures
• Damage of the device
Measures: • Operation only with approved products
• After a product change the adjustments of the
individual component groups have to be
• Conversion has to be carried out completely/with
special care
Pos : 59 /Allgemein/Speziell eModul e (F orts etz ung, Leerzeil e us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uc h -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 Safety 11

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 60 /Allgemein/Übersc hriften Gerätebeschr eibung/Übersc hrift 1 - Di e Bes chr eibung des Ger ätes @ 0\mod_1312279135874_41.doc m @ 1810 @ 1 @ 1

2. The description of the device

Pos : 62 /D osierger äte/Gerätebesc hrei bung/1. Seite - Inhalt Ger ätebesc hrei bung @ 1\mod_1337071571470_41.doc m @ 47744 @ @ 1

This chapter describes the construction and the function of the device and of
individual component groups.

Content of the chapter “device descriptions”:

Subject Page
Construction of the device 13
The component groups of the device 14
Technical data 20
Pos : 64 /Allgemein/Speziell eModul e (F orts etz ung, Leerzeil e us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uc h -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

12 The description of the device ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 65 /Allgemein/Übersc hrift en Gerätebeschr eibung/Übersc hrift 2 - Beschr eibung des Ger äteaufbaus @ 1\mod_1322656106540_41.doc m @ 24287 @ 2 @ 1

Description of the design of the device

Pos : 68 /D osierger äte/Gerätebesc hrei bung/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/Aufbau - Abbil dung V3 @ 7\mod_1381312699625_0.doc m @ 114332 @ @ 1

Pos : 71 /D osierger äte/Gerätebesc hrei bung/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/Aufbau - Legende V3 @ 7\mod_1381312700046_41.doc m @ 114359 @ @ 1

Legend No Meaning
1 Inlet shaft
2 Drive roller
3 Belt frame
4 Fastening of belt frame
5 Guide roller with internal belt scraper (“plough”)
6 Tensioning lever for the belt tension
7 External belt scraper
8 Idle roller
9 Lateral covering
10 Outlet shaft
11 Housing
12 Connection pipe (ventilation or similar)
13 Material guide plate
14 Belt cover
15 Layer height adjustment gate
16 Drive motor
A Identifies the most important work area of the operating personnel
and is designated as “front side” in the job descriptions
Pos : 73 /Allgemein/Speziell eModul e (F orts etz ung, Leerzeil e us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uc h -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 The description of the device 13

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 74 /Allgemein/Übersc hriften Gerätebeschr eibung/Übersc hrift 2 - Di e Baugruppen des Gerätes @ 1\mod_1336739928870_41.doc m @ 46923 @ 2 @ 1

The component groups of the device

Pos : 75 /Allgemein/Übersc hriften Gerätebeschr eibung/Übersc hrift 3 - D as Gehäus e @ 7\mod_1381314542404_41.doc m @ 114386 @ 3 @ 1

The housing
Pos : 76 /D osierger äte/Gerätebesc hrei bung/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/Gehäus e - D as Gehäus e @ 7\mod_1381314594245_41.doc m @ 114412 @ @ 1

The housing of the weigh-belt feeder

• is made of ferritic chrome steel,
• is designed for bottom or frame mounting,
• has removable lateral coverings and a removable belt cover.

Pos : 78 /D osierger äte/Gerätebesc hrei bung/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/Gehäus e - Einlaufschac ht V3 @ 7\mod_1381320548406_41.doc m @ 114464 @ @ 1

Inlet shaft The inlet shaft

• is connected to the on-site
product supply for feeding the
product on the feeding belt.
• The product layer height on the
feeding belt is adjusted by means
of the layer height adjustment
gate (1).

For the connection of the on-site product supply a connection pipe is mounted
above the inlet shaft (without illustration).

Shutting off the product flow

Shutting off the product supply with a layer height adjustment gate is not
allowed. For this purpose, a suitable shut-off device has to be mounted above
the inlet shaft.

Pos : 79 /D osierger äte/Gerätebesc hrei bung/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/Gehäus e - M ateri alleitbleche @ 7\mod_1381320847042_41.doc m @ 114490 @ @ 1

Material guide plates The material guide plates are mounted to the housing, they are the lateral
limitations for the product zone on the conveyor belt.

Pos : 80 /Allgemein/Speziell eModul e (F orts etz ung, Leerzeil e us w.)/-----> Abs chnittfortsetzung Ü bersc hrift 2 <----- @ 0\mod_1312351301920_41.doc m @ 2150 @ @ 1

14 The description of the device ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

The component groups of the device, continuation

Pos : 81 /Allgemein/Übersc hriften Gerätebeschr eibung/Übersc hrift 3 - D as F örderband @ 7\mod_1381408959917_41.doc m @ 114596 @ 3 @ 1

The conveyor belt

Pos : 83 /D osierger äte/Gerätebesc hrei bung/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/För der band - Bandgestell Abbildung V3 @ 7\mod_1381409684095_0.doc m @ 114674 @ @ 1

Pos : 85 /D osierger äte/Gerätebesc hrei bung/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/För der band - Bandgestell Leg ende V3 @ 7\mod_1381409351788_41.doc m @ 114648 @ @ 1

Design of the belt frame The illustration above shows the construction of the belt frame of the weigh-
belt feeder.
No Description
1 Transport table
2 Weighing bridge
3 Load cell
4 Drive roller
5 Internal belt scraper of drive roller
6 Guide roller with internal belt scraper (“plough”)
7 Tensioning weight (belt tension)
8 Clamping lever (belt tension)
9 Idle roller
10 Conveyor belt
A Fastening of the belt frame (see page Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.)

Pos : 86 /D osierger äte/Gerätebesc hrei bung/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/För der band - Tr ansporttisc h @ 7\mod_1381409842908_41.doc m @ 114700 @ @ 1

Transport table The transport table is the metal frame of the belt frame. The belt has a smooth
surface and is driven by the drive roller. To measure the belt load the belt is
rotated over the weighing bridge, that is mounted in a recess in the surface of
the transport table.

Pos : 87 /Allgemein/Speziell eModul e (F orts etz ung, Leerzeil e us w.)/-----> Abs chnittfortsetzung Ü bersc hrift 3 <----- @ 1\mod_1337063373569_41.doc m @ 47638 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 The description of the device 15

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

The component groups of the device, continuation

The conveyor belt, continuation

Pos : 89 /D osierger äte/Gerätebesc hrei bung/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/För der band - Bandgestell Befes tigung V3 @ 7\mod_1381824897659_41.doc m @ 116480 @ @ 1

The figure shows the lower view of the

belt frame.
No Description
A Front
B Rear side
1 Retaining brackets
2 Telescopic rail
3 Storage of telescopic rail
4 Fastening rod

The transport table of the belt frame is mounted on 2 telescopic rails (2) that
are stored at the rear side (B) of the housing (3). On the front side (A) the belt
frame is fixed to the housing with 2 retaining brackets (1), the retaining
brackets are locked by means of a star grip screw. For the safety of operations
the position of the belt frame is locked by means of the fastening rod (4).

Pos : 90 /D osierger äte/Gerätebesc hrei bung/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/För der band - Walzen @ 7\mod_1381411093448_41.doc m @ 114752 @ @ 1

Rollers A weigh-belt feeder has three different rollers:

Roller Features, function
Drive roller • Connected to the drive
• Gummed for a better adhesion
• Drives the feeding belt
Idle roller • Mounted opposite to the drive roller
• Automatic balancing of the belt tension
• Adjustment of the belt run
Guide roller • Mounted below the belt frame
• Tensions the conveyor belt
• Belt tracking, internal belt scraper
• Adjustment of the belt run

Pos : 91 /Allgemein/Speziell eModul e (F orts etz ung, Leerzeil e us w.)/-----> Abs chnittfortsetzung Ü bersc hrift 3 <----- @ 1\mod_1337063373569_41.doc m @ 47638 @ @ 1

16 The description of the device ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

The component groups of the device, continuation

The conveyor belt, continuation

Pos : 92 /D osierger äte/Gerätebesc hrei bung/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/För der band - Walzenabs treifer @ 7\mod_1381411220077_41.docm @ 114778 @ @ 1

Scraper for the rollers The rollers (drive, idle and guide roller) are equipped with a scraper that
permits to remove the deposits that have been caused due to a contamination
of the inner side of the belt.

Pos : 93 /D osierger äte/Gerätebesc hrei bung/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/För der band - Bandabstr eifer @ 7\mod_1381411330716_41.doc m @ 114804 @ @ 1

Belt scraper So called “belt scrapers” are employed for the cleaning of the conveyor belt
during the operation. According to their function they are designated as
“internal belt scrapers” or “external belt scrapers”.
Type Number Mounting position
Inside 2 • “plough” on the guide roller
• on the drive roller
Outside 1 • on the idle roller

Pos : 94 /D osierger äte/Gerätebesc hrei bung/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/För der band - Antrieb @ 7\mod_1381472963835_41.doc m @ 114908 @ @ 1

Drive The conveyor belt is driven by a motor/gear combination that is commanded

by the feeding controller via a drive controller (operating release, default
speed etc.). An incremental encoder detects the actual speed and sends the
digital signal (digital pulses) to the feeding controller, where it is processed for
the control and monitoring functions.

Pos : 95 /Allgemein/Speziell eModul e (F orts etz ung, Leerzeil e us w.)/-----> Abs chnittfortsetzung Ü bersc hrift 2 <----- @ 0\mod_1312351301920_41.doc m @ 2150 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 The description of the device 17

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

The component groups of the device, continuation

Pos : 96 /Allgemein/Übersc hriften Gerätebeschr eibung/Übersc hrift 3 - D er Bandl auf @ 7\mod_1381411011217_41.doc m @ 114726 @ 3 @ 1

The belt run

Pos : 98 /D osierger äte/Gerätebesc hrei bung/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/Bandl auf - Bes chr eibung V3 @ 7\mod_1381412015592_41.doc m @ 114856 @ @ 1

No Description
1 Adjustment of belt run
2 Idle roller
3 Belt tensioning lever
4 Tensioning weight

The illustrated components permit

• parallel alignment of the idle and drive roller,
• adjustment of the belt tracking on the idle roller,
• adjustment of the belt tension.

The correct adjustment of the belt run is a precondition for a safe and proper
operation of the weigh-belt feeder. In case of an incorrect setting operational
failures or damage of the device will occur.

Pos : 101 /Dosi ergeräte/Gerätebes chr eibung/D okID_021 - DBW- xx/Bandlauf - Bandl aufüber wac hung V3 @ 7\mod_1381412974774_41.doc m @ 114882 @ @ 1

Belt run monitoring The optional belt run monitoring

permits a slip detection for the
conveyor belt. A perforated disk and
an inductive proximity switch (1) are
mounted inside the idle roller (2) on
the axis of rotation for the detection
of the speed of the idle roller.

The feeding controller compares the speed of the idle roller to the speed of the
drive roller and signalises an operating failure (slippage), if the difference
exceeds the permissible limit value.

Pos : 102 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/-----> Absc hnittforts etz ung Übersc hrift 2 <----- @ 0\mod_1312351301920_41.doc m @ 2150 @ @ 1

18 The description of the device ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

The component groups of the device, continuation

Pos : 103 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Ger ätebesc hrei bung/Ü bers chrift 3 - Die Wi egebrüc ke @ 7\mod_1381409094175_41.doc m @ 114622 @ 3 @ 1

The weighing bridge

Pos : 105.1 /D osi ergeräte/Gerätebes chr eibung/D okID _021 - D BW- xx/Wi egebrüc ke - Abbil dung V3 @ 7\mod_1381473561763_0.doc m @ 114934 @ @ 1

Pos : 105.2 /D osi ergeräte/Gerätebes chr eibung/D okID _021 - D BW- xx/Wi egebrüc ke - Aufbau der Wi egebrüc ke T eil1: Bes chr eibung @ 7\mod_1381473623712_41.doc m @ 114960 @ @ 1

Construction of the The illustration shows the construction of the weighing bridge. The weighing
weighing bridge bridge (2) is a frame structure that is mounted in the recess of the transport
table (1) and serves as a support for the load cell (4). A measuring stick (3) is
mounted on the load cell, the conveyor belt runs over the measuring stick and
thus the load cell is charged with the corresponding belt load. The weight
signal is sent to the feeding controller, where it is processed for the control
and monitoring functions.

Overload protection for the load cell

The contact surfaces (5) on the inside protect the load cell against overloads. If
the belt load exceeds the maximum allowed load the measuring stick (3)
touches the contact surfaces and cannot transmit any further weight loading
to the load cell (missing mobility).

The adjustment of the load cell

The screws (6) permit to suspend the control weight for the adjustment of the
load cell.

Pos : 105.3 /D osi ergeräte/Gerätebes chr eibung/D okID _021 - D BW- xx/Wi egebrüc ke - Aufbau der Wi egebrüc ke T eil2: Ü berl astsc hutz @ 9\mod_1404459100744_41.doc m @ 140352 @ @ 1

Overload protection for the load cell

The contact surfaces (5) on the inside protect the load cell against overloads. If
the belt load exceeds the maximum allowed load the measuring stick (3)
touches the contact surfaces and cannot transmit any further weight loading
to the load cell (missing mobility).
Pos : 105.4 /D osi ergeräte/Gerätebes chr eibung/D okID _021 - D BW- xx/Wi egebrüc ke - Aufbau der Wi egebrüc ke T eil3: Abgleic h @ 9\mod_1404459228227_41.doc m @ 140379 @ @ 1

The adjustment of the load cell

The screws (6) permit to suspend the control weight for the adjustment of the
load cell.
Pos : 107 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uch -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 The description of the device 19

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 108 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften T ec hnis che D aten/Übersc hrift 2 - Tec hnische D aten @ 1\mod_1332489019264_41.doc m @ 40267 @ 2 @ 1

Technical data

Pos : 110 /Dosi ergeräte/Sic her hei t/Ver wendung - Vorgaben für den Ei ns atz ber eic h (0- 50°C) @ 7\mod_1381300839453_41.doc m @ 114222 @ @ 1

Specifications The standard dimensioning of the device requires the following environmental
for the use: and operating data for the field of application:
Temperature: 0°C to +40°C
Humidity: Up to 85% without condensation
Medium: Air or inert gas
max. underpressure/overpressure: 2 mbar (20mm water column)
Product temperature: 0°C to +40°C
Voltage supply: AC 230/400V
Pos : 112 /Dosi ergeräte/Gerätebes chr eibung/D okID_021 - DBW- xx/T ec hnische D aten - Bandwaage @ 7\mod_1381488525471_41.doc m @ 114988 @ @ 1

Feeding device Data for the execution of the device:

Sound level: < 70dB(A)
Feeding organ: Conveyor belt
Drive: ac drive
Drive controller: Frequency converter
Operating range: 2% - 99% x nominal speed
Speed monitoring: Incremental encoder (digital pulses)
Pos : 116 /Dosi ergeräte/Gerätebes chr eibung/T ec hnische D aten - T ypensc hild @ 9\mod_1396429355087_41.doc m @ 129458 @ @ 1

Nameplate The nameplate indicates the type of device, the machine number and the year
of construction of the device.
Clear marking of the device: Machine number
Pos : 118 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uch -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

20 The description of the device ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 119 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften M ontag ear bei ten/Ü bers chrift 1 - Montage @ 0\mod_1317291591778_41.doc m @ 11522 @ 1 @ 1

3. Mounting

Pos : 121 /Dosi ergeräte/Montage/1. Seite - Inhalt Montage des Ger ätes @ 1\mod_1337083351476_41.doc m @ 47934 @ @ 1

This chapter describes the mounting work required to make the system ready
for operation.

The descriptions were formulated in a very general manner and only take into
account the standard assemblies of the manufacturer.

Content of the chapter “mounting”:

Subject Page
Mounting instructions 22
The place of the installation 23
Mounting work 24
Electrical mounting work 25
Pos : 123 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uch -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 Mounting 21

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 124 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften M ontag ear bei ten/Ü bers chrift 2 - Montagehinweis e @ 0\mod_1317294863142_41.doc m @ 11545 @ 2 @ 1

Mounting instructions

Pos : 126 /Dosi ergeräte/Montage/M ontag ehi nweise - Ac htung akti ve Versorgungs medi en @ 1\mod_1337088095962_41.doc m @ 48067 @ @ 1

Connection work with supply media being active

» Danger caused by dangerous life voltage
» Danger caused by uncontrolled actions during the connection of the
supply medium
- Connections shall only be made to connection points that are
disconnected from the corresponding supply medium.

Pos : 128 /Dosi ergeräte/Montage/M ontag ehi nweise - Montageaus führung @ 9\mod_1396440111803_41.docm @ 129493 @ @ 1

Assembly execution Make sure to observe the following points for mounting:
• Horizontal alignment
• Max. 2mm offset for the connection of the device to equipment on site
• Connection of the device to an equipment on site via a flexible connection
The following connections are allowed (direction of view is the direction of the
product flow):
• From a smaller cross-section to a larger cross-section
• Both product lines have the same cross-section.

Pos : 130 /Dosi ergeräte/Montage/M ontag ehi nweise - Montageunter brec hung @ 1\mod_1337149955238_41.docm @ 48410 @ @ 1

Interruption of To be observed in case of an interruption of mounting:

• Protect the device against foreign bodies.
• Mark that the device is partly mounted.
• Protect the device against an unauthorised commissioning.

Pos : 132 /Dosi ergeräte/Montage/M ontag ehi nweise - Montagehilfs mittel @ 1\mod_1337087521901_41.docm @ 48041 @ @ 1

Mounting tools The following auxiliaries are required for mounting:

Work equipment Auxiliary equipment
General locksmith’s tools Cover tarpaulin
General electrician's tools Lining sheets
Level Cleaning rag
Suitable detergents

Pos : 134 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uch -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

22 Mounting ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 135 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften M ontag ear bei ten/Ü bers chrift 2 - Der Aufs tell ungs ort @ 1\mod_1337089891966_41.doc m @ 48093 @ 2 @ 1

The place of the installation

Pos : 137 /Dosi ergeräte/Montage/Aufstellungsort - Eig ensc haften @ 1\mod_1337090202416_41.doc m @ 48145 @ @ 1

Characteristics The place of the installation has the following characteristics:

• corresponds to the valid standards
• stable, dry, free from vibrations and sufficiently suitable to take weight
• protected against weather conditions
• permissible ambient temperature
• free from oils, fats, gases, vapours etc.
• no explosive atmosphere

Pos : 138 /Dosi ergeräte/Montage/D okID _021 - D BW- xx/Aufstellungsort - Freir äume D BW @ 7\mod_1381491048007_41.doc m @ 115070 @ @ 1

Clearances Clearances around the device

A min. 750 mm
B min. 750 mm
C min. 750 mm
D min. 1000 mm

The clearance (D) is required for work on the belt frame. For the safe execution
of the work the design has to take into account the dimensions of the belt
frame and the required clearance.

Pos : 140 /Dosi ergeräte/Montage/Aufstellungsort - Auss tattung @ 1\mod_1337090618165_41.doc m @ 48171 @ @ 1

Equipment The place of the installation has to be equipped as follows:

• sufficient illumination
• sufficiently dimensioned for all necessary workflow paths
• possibilities for connecting the required supply media

Pos : 142 /Dosi ergeräte/Montage/Aufstellungsort - Trans por t z um Aufstellungs ort @ 1\mod_1337091181947_41.doc m @ 48197 @ @ 1

Transport to the place of Suitable lifting equipment (fork lift truck, crane, etc.) permits to transport the
the installation following items to the place of the installation.
Pos : 144 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uch -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 Mounting 23

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 146 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften M ontag ear bei ten/Ü bers chrift 2 - Montagearbeiten @ 0\mod_1317294916105_41.doc m @ 11568 @ 2 @ 1

Assembly work

Pos : 148 /Dosi ergeräte/Montage/M ontag ear bei ten - Hi nweis fl exibl e Anbindung @ 1\mod_1337146873564_41.doc m @ 48384 @ @ 1

Flexible connection
The connection of solid/rigid product/media lines must not cause any
disturbances of operation. Therefore the connection to equipment on site has
to be carried out in a flexible manner between a downstream connection point
on the device and a fixed point on site. The description of the connection of
the inlet/outlet shows the principle of the flexible connection.

Pos : 150 /Dosi ergeräte/Montage/M ontag ear bei ten - Aufstellung @ 4\mod_1361356030395_41.doc m @ 82332 @ 3 @ 1

Installation on site

Assembly of the device at the place of the installation:

1. Transport the device to the place of the installation.
2. Align the device at the place of the installation.
3. Align the device in horizontal position.
4. Screw the device to the floor construction.

Pos : 151 /Dosi ergeräte/Montage/M ontag ear bei ten - Anschl uss Ei n-/Ausl auf - T eil1 @ 9\mod_1396441731983_41.doc m @ 129578 @ 3 @ 1

Connection inlet/outlet

The connection of the inlet/outlet of the device to the equipment on site has
to be executed in a flexible manner. The materials for a flexible connection are
delivered with the device.
The illustration shows the construction principle of a flexible connection of two
product line ends with a step bellow:

No Meaning
1 Line 1
2 Clamping fastener 1
3 Step bellow
4 Clamping fastener 2
5 Line 2
Pos : 152 /Dosi ergeräte/Montage/M ontag ear bei ten - Anschl uss Ei n-/Ausl auf - T eil2 @ 9\mod_1396441922303_41.doc m @ 129605 @ @ 1

1. Slide the step bellow over line1.

2. Fix the step bellow by means of fastening strap1.
3. Slide fastening strap2 over the step bellow.
4. Slide the step bellow over line2.
5. Fix the step bellow by means of fastening strap2.
Pos : 154 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uch -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

24 Mounting ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 155 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften M ontag ear bei ten/Ü bers chrift 2 - El ektrisc he Montagearbeiten @ 0\mod_1317297556015_41.doc m @ 11683 @ 2 @ 1

Electrical mounting work

Pos : 157 /Dosi ergeräte/Montage/E-Montagearbeiten - Ac htung berührungsgefährliche Spannung @ 1\mod_1337154364433_41.docm @ 48488 @ @ 1

Voltages that are hazardous upon contact

» Danger caused by dangerous life voltages
» Danger caused by improper execution of the work
- Employ trained electrical personnel.
- After the connection work the junction boxes have to be closed

Pos : 159 /Dosi ergeräte/Montage/D okID _021 - D BW- xx/E-Montagearbeiten - Kl emmenkästen @ 8\mod_1382965502609_41.doc m @ 117555 @ @ 1

Junction boxes The electrical connections on site are made in the junction boxes of the device.
The junction boxes are marked “-JB n” (n= 1, 2, 3,…). The following
assignments apply to the junction boxes
• “-JB 1“ marks the junction box for the weighing system.
• “-JB 2,3,4,…“ are the junction boxes for the other electrical component
groups of the device. The number is adapted to demand.

Pos : 161 /Steuer ung en/ISC pl us - Sys tem/Montage/M ontag e Arbeiten - Metallisc he Kabel verschr aubung en @ 0\mod_1317894743356_41.doc m @ 12256 @ @ 1

Cable screwings The following illustration shows the correct use of the metallic cable screwings.

The cable is isolated according to the illustration and inserted into the cable
screwing. The screening (A) is pushed over the metal cap (M), then the
screwing is tightened.

Pos : 163 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/-----> Absc hnittforts etz ung Übersc hrift 2 <----- @ 0\mod_1312351301920_41.doc m @ 2150 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 Mounting 25

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Electrical mounting work, continuation

Pos : 164 /Dosi ergeräte/Montage/E-Montagearbeiten - Aufbau einer Verrieg elungs kette @ 4\mod_1361429762268_41.doc m @ 82558 @ @ 1

Establishment of an An interlocking chain is an electrical cabling,

interlocking chain
• that takes into account additional start conditions for the start enable of
the feeding operation (e.g. closed circuit breaker or operational readiness
of the connected equipment).
• that stops the feeding operation immediately, if one operating condition is
not complied with (e.g. tripping of a circuit breaker).

The implementation of an interlocking chain is a function of the hardware used

on site (programmable logic controller, relay etc.) and has to comply with the
applicable regulations concerning the safety of man and machine. When using
a feeding controller type Congrav® the feeding is operated via the feeding
controller. Depending on the hardware execution of the Congrav® different
possibilities are available for the establishment of an interlocking chain.

Pos : 165 /Dosi ergeräte/Montage/D okID _021 - D BW- xx/E-Montagearbeiten - Ansc hlus spl an und Geräteausführ ung @ 7\mod_1381745299495_41.doc m @ 115979 @ @ 1

Wiring plan and Please find below the connection plans for two different feeding controller
execution of the device systems. Each feeding controller system requires a corresponding execution of
the device.
Connection plan Execution of the device
ISC plus Device: ISC plus execution
Operation: ISC plus system
Characteristi ISC-CM plus mounted to the device
Congrav® Device: Standard execution
Operation: Feeding controller Congrav® (e.g. CB plus)
Characteristi Congrav® in control cabinet
Pos : 167 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/-----> Absc hnittforts etz ung Übersc hrift 2 <----- @ 0\mod_1312351301920_41.doc m @ 2150 @ @ 1

26 Mounting ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Electrical mounting work, continuation

Pos : 168 /Dosi ergeräte/Montage/E-Montagearbeiten - Kopfz eile Anschl uss plan ISC pl us @ 1\mod_1337581312955_41.docm @ 48601 @ @ 1

Pos : 169 /Steuer ung en/ISC pl us - Sys tem/Standard- Anschl uss pläne/Ansc hl usspl äne - Ansc hlus spl an Dosiergerät + 1 M otor (ISCpl us) @ 4\mod_1354197963145_0.doc m @ 72480 @ @ 1

Wiring plan
ISC plus

Pos : 170 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/-----> Absc hnittforts etz ung Übersc hrift 2 <----- @ 0\mod_1312351301920_41.doc m @ 2150 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 Mounting 27

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Electrical mounting work, continuation

Pos : 171 /Steuer ung en/ISC pl us - Sys tem/Standard- Anschl uss pläne/Ansc hl usspl äne - Ansc hlus spl an Legende ( ISC plus)) @ 4\mod_1354196433285_41.doc m @ 72399 @ @ 1

Connection plan In the connection plans the connection possibilities are marked by figures (1, 2,
legend etc.). The markings (“Id.“) have the following meaning:

Id. Signification
1 Connection of the mains supply on site
2 Connection of the digital inputs (“DI2“ – “DI4“)
3 Connection of the ISC fieldbus interface
The arrows mark the signal direction of the line.
4 Connection of the ProfiBus DP-interface
The arrows mark the signal direction of the line.
5 Connection of the Ethernet, ProfiNet-interface
The connection requires a suitable plug.
6 Connection of the digital outputs (“DO2“ – “DO4“)
7 Connection of the operating unit OP1 T
The connection is made by means of a preconfectioned cable.

Pos : 173 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/-----> Absc hnittforts etz ung Übersc hrift 2 <----- @ 0\mod_1312351301920_41.doc m @ 2150 @ @ 1

28 Mounting ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Electrical mounting work, continuation

Pos : 174 /Dosi ergeräte/Montage/E-Montagearbeiten - Kopfz eile Anschl uss plan C B plus @ 7\mod_1381745977609_41.doc m @ 116195 @ @ 1

Pos : 175 /Dosi ergeräte/Montage/D okID _021 - D BW- xx/E-Montagearbeiten - Ansc hlus spl an CBplus DBW @ 7\mod_1381745912396_0.doc m @ 116141 @ @ 1

Connection plan
CB plus

Pos : 176 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/-----> Absc hnittforts etz ung Übersc hrift 2 <----- @ 0\mod_1312351301920_41.doc m @ 2150 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 Mounting 29

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Electrical mounting work, continuation

Pos : 177 /Dosi ergeräte/Montage/D okID _021 - D BW- xx/E-Montagearbeiten - Legende Anschl uss plan C Bplus @ 7\mod_1381745426514_41.doc m @ 116060 @ @ 1

Legend for wiring plans Markings (“mark”) used in the wiring plans:
Mark. Meaning
CB plus Congrav® CBplus
FC Frequency converter
OP 1T Operating unit OP 1T
DO1 Digital output 1 (operating release)
DO2-4 Digital outputs 2-4
DI1 Digital input 1 (speed reading)
DI2 Digital input 2 (belt run monitoring, if available)
DI3-4 Digital input 3-4
M1 Drive motor
B2 Load cell
B5 Speed monitoring
B6 Belt run monitoring (if available)
Pos : 178 /Dosi ergeräte/Montage/E-Montagearbeiten - Legende Kabelfarben @ 2\mod_1339397622698_41.doc m @ 53328 @ @ 1

Cable colours The following abbreviations (Abbr.) for the cable colours are employed in the
wiring plans:
Abbr. Colour Abbr. Colour Abbr. Colour
BN Brown GN Green BU/WH Blue/White
BK Black GY Grey WH/BU White/Blue
BU Blue PK Rose GNYE Green/Yellow
WH White RD Red
VT Violet YE Yellow

Pos : 180 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uch -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

30 Mounting ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 181 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Inbetriebnahme/Übersc hrift 1 - J usti erungen und Inbetriebnahme @ 8\mod_1382095866661_41.doc m @ 117070 @ 1 @ 1

4. Adjustments and commissioning

Pos : 183 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/1. Seite - Inhalt Inbetriebnahme des Ger ätes (DBW) @ 7\mod_1381739575550_41.doc m @ 115396 @ @ 1

This chapter describes the activities required for the commissioning of the

The descriptions were formulated in a very general manner and only take into
account the standard assemblies of the manufacturer.

Content of the chapter “commissioning”:

Subject Page
Notes on commissioning 32
Commissioning sequence 33
Taring of the weigh-belt feeder 40
Product feeding 41
Pos : 185 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uch -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 Adjustments and commissioning 31

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 186 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Inbetriebnahme/Übersc hrift 2 - Hi nweis e für die Inbetri ebnahme @ 1\mod_1337589602937_41.docm @ 48655 @ 2 @ 1

Notes on commissioning

Pos : 188 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/Inbetri ebnahmeHinweis e - War nhi nweis gefährliche Produkteig ensc haften @ 1\mod_1337589739890_41.doc m @ 48707 @ @ 1

Product with hazardous characteristics

» Danger due to leakages or malfunctions of the device

Danger Therefore
- Employ a replacement product with non-hazardous, otherwise
identical product characteristics.
- Take all necessary security measures, if no replacement product is

Pos : 190 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/Inbetri ebnahmeHinweis e - Pr oduktdosi erung @ 1\mod_1337593010404_41.doc m @ 48760 @ @ 1

Product feeding During commissioning the product feeding is started for the computation of
the discharge rate of the device. An active product feeding requires
• a sufficient product quantity,
• free product flow into/out of the device,
• a receptacle for collecting the product quantity that has been fed. For this
purpose two possibilities are available
1. Feeding into downstream parts of the installation
2. Feeding into a collecting receptacle (possibly requires an additional
bypass line)

Pos : 192 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/Inbetri ebnahmeHinweis e - U nterbrechnung der Inbetriebnahme @ 1\mod_1337593978614_41.doc m @ 48786 @ @ 1

Interruption of Commissioning is interrupted, if

• there are problems during commissioning.
• it is required to correct the assembly of the device or other connected

Corrections of the assembly

In case of corrections of the assembly make sure to observe the specifications
and notes on the mounting of the device.
Pos : 194 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uch -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

32 Adjustments and commissioning ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 195 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Inbetriebnahme/Übersc hrift 2 - Abl auf der Inbetriebnahme @ 1\mod_1337599576121_41.doc m @ 48839 @ 2 @ 1

Commissioning sequence

Pos : 196 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Inbetriebnahme/Übersc hrift 3 - Prüfungen am Gerät @ 1\mod_1337599806399_41.docm @ 48891 @ 3 @ 1

Step 1: Tests on the device

Pos : 197 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/AblaufInbetriebnahme - Pr üfung enGer ät Prüfpunkte @ 1\mod_1337605002030_41.doc m @ 48917 @ @ 1

Commissioning must only be carried out, if the following specifications are duly
1. Has all mounting work been finished?
2. Have all supply media been connected?
3. Are all supply media available as required?
4. Sufficient product quantities are available.
5. All foreign bodies and contaminations have been removed.
6. All necessary measures to ensure the safety of operations have been
7. The device and the other equipment required are ready for operation.
8. Sample measurements can be carried out.

Pos : 200 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Inbetriebnah me/Übersc hrift 3 - Di e Bandspannung prüfen (D BW) @ 7\mod_1381733452635_41.doc m @ 115153 @ 3 @ 1

Step 2: Check the belt tension

Pos : 202 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/AblaufInbetriebnahme - Pr üfung enGer ät Bands pannung V3 @ 7\mod_1381733345817_41.doc m @ 115126 @ @ 1

Belt tension 1. Open the side coverings.

2. Change the position of the
tensioning weight (3) by means of
the tensioning lever (2) so that
the lever (1) is in a horizontal

The belt tension is adjusted correctly, if

- the conveyor belt lies smoothly on the transport table and
- the tensioning weight can be lifted easily.
Pos : 203 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/-----> Absc hnittforts etz ung Übersc hrift 3 <----- @ 1\mod_1337063373569_41.doc m @ 47638 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 Adjustments and commissioning 33

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Commissioning sequence, continuation

Step 2: Check the belt tension, continuation

Pos : 205 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/AblaufInbetriebnahme - Pr üfung enGer ät Bandvorspannung V3 @ 8\mod_1382968385245_41.doc m @ 117609 @ @ 1

Pretension of the belt If no sufficient belt tension is reached with the horizontal position of the lever
arm (1) the pretension of the belt has been incorrectly adjusted and has to be
changed by means of the guide roller on the internal belt scraper (“plough“).

1. Loosen the belt tension with the

tensioning lever (2).
2. Loosen the bearing (a) of the
guide roller (b) and lower or lift
the guide roller.

- Lower the guide roller (increase the pretension of the belt)

- Lift the guide roller (reduce the pretension of the belt)
3. Tension the conveyor belt.

Pos : 206 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Inbetriebnahme/Übersc hrift 3 - Di e Bandführung prüfen (DBW) @ 7\mod_1381733608597_41.doc m @ 115180 @ 3 @ 1

Step 3: Check the belt tracking

Pos : 207 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/AblaufInbetriebnahme - Pr üfung enGer ät Bandführ ung @ 7\mod_1381733699816_41.doc m @ 115207 @ @ 1

Belt tracking on the idle roller, the guide roller and the “plough” (belt scraper)
has to be checked if the system is stopped.
1. Lift the tensioning weight, move the guide roller and the “plough”
forwards and backwards.
2. If the movements are sluggish, reduce the belt tension.
3. Check the belt tracking on the idle roller.
With a correct belt tracking the belt lies on the whole width of the idle
roller and is not lifted by the idle roller.
4. An incorrect belt tracking can be eliminated with the following measures:
Fault Measure
Belt does not have contact Lift the idle roller
Belt is lifted Lower the idle roller
Belt does not have even Align idle roller at both bearings

Pos : 208 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/-----> Absc hnittforts etz ung Übersc hrift 2 <----- @ 0\mod_1312351301920_41.doc m @ 2150 @ @ 1

34 Adjustments and commissioning ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Commissioning sequence, continuation

Pos : 209 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Inbetriebnahme/Übersc hrift 3 - Di e Bandabstr eifer pr üfen (D BW) @ 7\mod_1381733780891_41.doc m @ 115234 @ 3 @ 1

Step 4: Check the belt scrapers

Pos : 210 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/AblaufInbetriebnahme - Pr üfung enGer ät Bandabs treifer Steuerwalz e @ 7\mod_1381733859860_41.docm @ 115261 @ @ 1

Guide roller Due to its proper weight the internal

belt scraper (d) on the guide roller (b)
lies on the inside of the conveyor belt.
The lateral guides (c) are adjusted in
such a manner that they touch the
conveyor belt without lifting it.

Pos : 211 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/AblaufInbetriebnahme - Pr üfung enGer ät Bandabs treifer Antri ebs walz e @ 8\mod_1382703464108_41.docm @ 117496 @ @ 1

Drive roller The internal belt scraper (3) of the

drive roller (1) rests uniformly and
without pressure over the complete
width on the inner side of the
conveyor belt. The position is adjusted
at the lateral fastenings (2).

Pos : 212 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/AblaufInbetriebnahme - Pr üfung enGer ät Bandabs treifer U mlenkwalze @ 8\mod_1382970655240_41.doc m @ 117692 @ @ 1

Idle roller The external belt scraper (2) of the

idle roller (1) rests uniformly and
without pressure over the complete
width on the outer side of the
conveyor belt. The height of the
scraper can be adjusted by loosening
the screwings (3).

Pos : 213 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/-----> Absc hnittforts etz ung Übersc hrift 2 <----- @ 0\mod_1312351301920_41.doc m @ 2150 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 Adjustments and commissioning 35

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Commissioning sequence, continuation

Pos : 214 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Inbetriebnahme/Übersc hrift 3 - Di e M aterialleitbleche prüfen (DBW) @ 7\mod_1381733931607_41.doc m @ 115315 @ 3 @ 1

Step 5: Check the material guide plates

Pos : 215 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/AblaufInbetriebnahme - Pr üfung enGer ät M ateriallei tbl ec he @ 7\mod_1381733893807_41.doc m @ 115288 @ @ 1

The material guide plates

• do not touch the belt,
• are adjusted equally on both sides,
• the distance is increasing from the inlet to the outlet (thus the outlet has
the highest distance).
The following distance values are recommended:
Product: Inlet Outlet
Powder 1 mm 2-3 mm
Granules Depending on the grain size Inlet + 1-2 mm
Pos : 216 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/AblaufInbetriebnahme - Pr üfung enGer ät M ateriallei tbl ec he Ac htung @ 8\mod_1382971157334_41.doc m @ 117719 @ @ 1

Material guide plates with incorrect distance

» Damage of the conveyor belt
» Operational failures caused by product jams
Attention » Lateral product leakage (incorrect measurements, contaminations)
- stick to the values prescribed.
- check the settings regularly.

Pos : 217 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/AblaufInbetriebnahme - Pr üfung enGer ät M ateriallei tbl ec he Abstand ei nstellen @ 8\mod_1382095328947_41.doc m @ 117044 @ @ 1

Setting the distance How to set the distance of the material guide plates:
1. Loosen the fastening screws at the front (outlet) and at the back (inlet).
2. Set the distance at the back and slightly tighten the fixing screw.
3. Set the distance at the front and tighten the fixing screw.
4. If necessary, correct the distance at the back and tighten the fixing screw.

Pos : 218 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Inbetriebnahme/Übersc hrift 3 - Vers orgungsmedien z usc hal ten @ 1\mod_1337613686310_41.doc m @ 49050 @ 3 @ 1

Step 6: Connection of supply media

Pos : 219 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/AblaufInbetriebnahme - Vers orgungs medi en zuschalten @ 1\mod_1337613757838_41.doc m @ 49077 @ @ 1

1. Connect all supply media.

2. Warm up of approx. 30 min.
3. Continue the commissioning.

Pos : 220 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/-----> Absc hnittforts etz ung Übersc hrift 2 <----- @ 0\mod_1312351301920_41.doc m @ 2150 @ @ 1

36 Adjustments and commissioning ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Commissioning sequence, continuation

Pos : 221 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Inbetriebnahme/Übersc hrift 3 - Prüfungen der Dr ehric htung @ 1\mod_1337607373039_41.doc m @ 48943 @ 3 @ 1

Step 7: Verification of the sense of rotation

Pos : 222 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/AblaufInbetriebnahme - Pr üfungDrehrichtung Drehs trommotor @ 1\mod_1337607471774_41.doc m @ 48970 @ @ 1

A direction arrow marks the prescribed sense of rotation on each drive motor.
During this step the sense of rotation is checked by means of a visual check.
1. Enter a small speed (~10%).
2. Start the device and check the sense of rotation.
3. Stop the device.

In case of a wrong sense of rotation the sense of rotation has to be changed.

4. Switch off the power supply.
5. Protection against unauthorised reconnection.
6. Exchange two of the connection lines (U, V, W), (e.g. U, V).
7. Switch on the voltage supply.

Pos : 223 /Allgemein/ Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/-----> Leerzeil e (For mat: Text) <----- @ 0\mod_1317890599730_41.docm @ 12133 @ @ 1

Pos : 224 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/-----> Leerzeil e (For mat: Text) <----- @ 0\mod_1317890599730_41.docm @ 12133 @ @ 1

Pos : 225 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Inbetriebnahme/Übersc hrift 3 - Kontr olle des Bandlaufs (DBW) @ 7\mod_1381739406245_41.doc m @ 115342 @ 3 @ 1

Step 8: Check the belt run

Pos : 226 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/AblaufInbetriebnahme - Pr üfung enGer ät Kontr olle und J usti erung Bandlauf @ 7\mod_1381739523167_41.doc m @ 115369 @ @ 1

Examination 1. Take off the belt cover.

2. Start the device with a small speed.
3. Check the belt run visually.
The belt run is okay if the conveyor belt is centred over the rollers.

Adjustment If the belt revolves (= it quits the idle position in the direction of one side of
the device (= outlet side)), it is necessary to adjust the belt run. The adjustment
is carried out for both bearings of the idle roller.
1. Loosen the lock screws (1).
2. Loosen the lock nuts (2).
3. The adjustment nut (3)
- has to be unscrewed slightly at the
bearing on the outlet side,
- has to be screwed a little tighter at
the other bearing.
4. Tighten the lock nuts.
Pos : 227 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/-----> Absc hnittforts etz ung Übersc hrift 2 <----- @ 0\mod_1312351301920_41.doc m @ 2150 @ @ 1
5. Tighten the lock screws.

©Operating instructions DBW-350 Adjustments and commissioning 37

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Commissioning sequence, continuation

Pos : 228 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Inbetriebnahme/Übersc hrift 3 - Prüfungen und Abgl eich der Ver wieg ung @ 1\mod_1337613324289_41.doc m @ 49023 @ 3 @ 1

Step 9: Verification and adjustment of the weighing

Pos : 229 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/AblaufInbetriebnahme - Pr üfung und Abgleich Ver wiegung 1 Hinweis Kontrollgewic ht @ 7\mod_1381733042143_41.doc m @ 115099 @ @ 1

Known control weight

The loosely supplied control weight (weight value is punched) is required for
the test of the weighing system.

Pos : 230 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/AblaufInbetriebnahme - Pr üfung und Abgleich Ver wiegung 3 Freig ängig keit @ 7\mod_1381739769477_41.doc m @ 115423 @ @ 1

Free motion Check the free motion of the weighing system:

1. Read the weight loading at the weighing bridge.
2. Place an additional load on the weighing bridge.
3. Take off the additional weight.
4. Read the weight loading at the weighing bridge.

The test is completed, if the weight values (1) and (4) are identical. If the two
values differ from each other make sure to find and eliminate the cause for the
missing motion. Possible causes:
• Foreign bodies in the area of the weighing bridge
• Mechanical construction of the weighing bridge

Pos : 231 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/AblaufInbetriebnahme - Pr üfung und Abgleich Ver wiegung 4 Gewic hts prüfwert 1 @ 7\mod_1381739795731_41.doc m @ 115450 @ @ 1

Weight test value The weight test value (WT) permits to

adjust the weight display of the
feeding controller to the actual weight
loading. The adjustment runs down as

1. Reset all memorised tare values.

2. Read the actual weight value (W0).
3. Suspend the supplied test weight (WT) from the load cell (see illustration).
4. Read the new weight value (W1).
5. Compute the difference (W1 - W0).
Pos : 232 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/-----> Absc hnittforts etz ung Übersc hrift 3 <----- @ 1\mod_1337063373569_41.doc m @ 47638 @ @ 1

38 Adjustments and commissioning ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Commissioning sequence, continuation

Step 9: Verification and adjustment of the weighing,

Pos : 233 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/AblaufInbetriebnahme - Pr üfung und Abgleich Ver wiegung 4 Gewic hts prüfwert 2 @ 8\mod_1382971924408_41.doc m @ 117746 @ @ 1

The weight test value has to be corrected, if (W1 - W0)  (WT):

6. Read the actual weight test value (WTact)
7. Compute the new weight test value (WTnew).
WTnew = WTact x (WT)/(W1 - W0)
8. Enter and memorise the new weight test value.

Check the new weight test value by a new sample measurement and adjust it
once again, if required.

Pos : 234 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uch -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 Adjustments and commissioning 39

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 235 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Inbetriebnahme/Übersc hrift 2 - T arier ung Bandwaage @ 7\mod_1381739936770_41.doc m @ 115477 @ 2 @ 1

Taring of the weigh-belt feeder

Pos : 236 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/Tari erung Bandwaag e - F unktion @ 7\mod_1381740128994_41.doc m @ 115503 @ @ 1

Function of taring Taring permits to measure the influence of an empty conveyor belt on the
weight measuring, the measured value is memorised as tare value. For the
computation of the actual belt load the software of the feeding controller
takes into account the tare value.

Be sure to observe the documentation of the feeding controller!

The taring sequence is a function of the software of the feeding controller. The
following description takes into account the general sequence of the feeding
controllers of the manufacturer. The functions/parameters of the feeding
controller are designated (e.g. “auto-tare“).

Pos : 237 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/Tari erung Bandwaag e - Vorgaben @ 7\mod_1381740175732_41.doc m @ 115529 @ @ 1

Specifications for taring The following specifications have to be complied with for taring:
• The conveyor belt is empty.
• The “auto-tare“ values equals 0.
• The belt load displayed is inferior to 5% of the “weighing range“.
Should this not be the case, the belt load has to be reduced by the
determination of a suitable “coarse tare“ value (see description feeding
• The belt load displayed is higher than 0.

Pos : 238 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/Tari erung Bandwaag e - Abl auf @ 7\mod_1381740233219_41.doc m @ 115555 @ @ 1

Taring sequence The “auto-tare“ operation runs down as follows:

1. Start the “auto-tare“ operation.
→ The weigh-belt feeder starts with a constant speed.
→ The "auto-tare“ operation is terminated automatically, if the
determined “idle time” has run down and one revolution of the belt
has been carried out.
→ The computed average belt load is memorised as “auto-tare“ value.
As an alternative, the “auto-tare” value can be entered manually for some
software versions.

Pos : 240 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uch -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

40 Adjustments and commissioning ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 241 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Betrieb/Ü bersc hrift 2 - Die Produktdosier ung @ 1\mod_1326898386001_41.doc m @ 26316 @ 2 @ 1

Product feeding

Pos : 243 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/Pr oduktdosier ung - Vorbereitung @ 1\mod_1337773513123_41.doc m @ 49424 @ @ 1

Preparations The commissioning is terminated by making the system ready for operation. In
order to make the system ready for operation the following preparations are
• Remove auxiliary equipment (collecting receptacle etc.).
• Possibly reconnect separated connections (e.g. outlet).
• Possibly undo conversions (e.g. bypass).
• Discharge the device completely, if a replacement product has been
• If required, clean the device and the environment.
• Refill the device.

Pos : 244 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/Pr oduktdosier ung - Ei nleitung @ 7\mod_1381740352281_41.doc m @ 115581 @ @ 1

Introduction Before the start of product feeding

• the layer height adjustment gate has to be adjusted for the desired
feeding range.
The layer height adjustment gate permits to adjust the layer height on the
conveyor belt.
• the length of the weighing bridge has to be determined.
This adjustment also permits to adapt the mechanical dimensions of the
weighing bridge (sensing of belt load) with the actual value
display/computation of the feeding controller.

Pos : 245 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Inbetriebnahme/Übersc hrift 3 - Eins tell ung Bandbeleg ung (D BW) @ 7\mod_1381742776903_41.doc m @ 115659 @ 3 @ 1

Setting the layer height on the belt

Pos : 246 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/Pr oduktdosier ung - Ei nstellung Sc hic hthöhensc hi eber @ 7\mod_1381740889420_41.doc m @ 115607 @ @ 1

Setting the layer height 1. Remove the belt cover.

adjustment gate 2. Open the product supply.
3. Enter the setpoint (feed rate) (50% of the maximum feed rate).
4. Start feeding.
5. Change the setting of the layer height adjustment gate, until getting a
speed value of ~40% (layer height adjustment gate higher => belt load
bigger, speed smaller).
6. Stop the feeding operation.
7. Close the belt cover.

Pos : 247 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/-----> Absc hnittforts etz ung Übersc hrift 3 <----- @ 1\mod_1337063373569_41.doc m @ 47638 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 Adjustments and commissioning 41

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Product feeding, continuation

Setting the layer height on the belt, continuation

Pos : 248 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/Pr oduktdosier ung - Ei nstellung Sc hic hthöhensc hi eber Vorgaben f. d. Sc hic hthöhe @ 8\mod_1382433878581_41.doc m @ 117258 @ @ 1

Default values for the Reduce the layer height

setting of the layer
• The layer height adjustment gate does not touch the conveyor belt.
• No product jam occurs between the layer height adjustment gate and the
conveyor belt.
• The belt load does not fall below the minimum allowed belt load.
Increase the layer height
• The product does not touch the lateral material guide sheets.
• The belt load does not exceed the maximum allowed belt load.

Pos : 249 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Inbetriebnahme/Übersc hrift 3 - Abgl eich der Wiegebr üc kenl änge @ 7\mod_1381742848930_41.doc m @ 115685 @ 3 @ 1

Adjustment of the “weighing bridge length“

Pos : 250 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/Pr oduktdosier ung - Wi egebrüc kenlänge @ 7\mod_1381740938343_41.doc m @ 115633 @ @ 1

Length of the weighing When the feeding controller computes the product quantity that has been fed
bridge out (“throughput“) it also takes into consideration the length of the weighing
bridge as parameter “weighing bridge length“ and has to be adapted to the
corresponding device due to manufacturing tolerances. Depending on the on-
site possibilities there are three different ways to determine the "weighing
bridge length“ (gauging, product bag, diverter valve).

Pos : 251 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/-----> Absc hnittforts etz ung Übersc hrift 3 <----- @ 1\mod_1337063373569_41.doc m @ 47638 @ @ 1

42 Adjustments and commissioning ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Product feeding, continuation

Adjustment of the “weighing bridge length“, continuation

Pos : 252 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/Pr oduktdosier ung - Wi egebrüc kenlänge Ausliter n @ 7\mod_1381742962657_41.doc m @ 115711 @ @ 1

Gauging The product is fed into a collecting receptacle for a fixed period of time (e.g. t =
2 min) and measured via a calibrated weighing system.
1. Place the collecting receptacle under the outlet.
2. Start the weigh-belt feeder, until the complete conveyor belt is covered
3. Discharge the collecting receptacle and bring it back into position.
4. Set the throughput counter on the feeding controller to the smallest
5. Reset the throughput counter.
6. Adjust the setpoint (working point).
7. Start the feeding operation for a fixed period of time (t = 2 min).
8. Stop the feeding after the time has run down.
9. Read the throughput value displayed (= set).
10. Weigh the product quantity that has been discharged (=act).
11. If set ≠ act, the “weighing bridge length” (WL) has to be computed once
WLnew = WLold x (set/act)
12. As a check the test has to be carried out once again.
13. After checking the throughput counter has to be reset once again and the
device has to be returned to a state of operational readiness.

Pos : 253 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/Pr oduktdosier ung - Wi egebrüc kenlänge Produkts ac k 1 @ 7\mod_1381743034606_41.doc m @ 115737 @ @ 1

Product bag If gauging is not possible during product feeding, the belt load can be
simulated with a plastic bag or similar. The bag has the following
• The width of the bag is roughly corresponding to the layer on the belt.
• The weight of the belt is roughly corresponding to the belt load.
• The product in the bag is evenly distributed (sand, water or similar).

The adjustment runs down as follows:

1. If necessary, the belt has to be discharged.
2. Set the throughput counter on the feeding controller to the smallest
3. Reset the throughput counter.
4. Start the feeding operation with constant speed (e.g. 50%).
5. Place the bag on at the belt inlet and remove it at the belt outlet.
6. Stop the feeding operation.
Pos : 254 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/-----> Absc hnittforts etz ung Übersc hrift 3 <----- @ 1\mod_1337063373569_41.doc m @ 47638 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 Adjustments and commissioning 43

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Product feeding, continuation

Adjustment of the “weighing bridge length“, continuation

Pos : 255 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/Pr oduktdosier ung - Wi egebrüc kenlänge Produkts ac k 2 @ 8\mod_1382972302855_41.doc m @ 117773 @ @ 1

Product bag 7. Read the throughput value displayed (= set).

8. Compare it to the weight of the bag (= act).
9. If set ≠ act, the “weighing bridge length” (WL) has to be computed once
WLnew = WLold x (set/act)
10. As a check the test has to be carried out once again.
11. After checking the throughput counter has to be reset once again and the
device has to be returned to a state of operational readiness.

Pos : 256 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/DokID _021 - DBW- xx/Pr oduktdosier ung - Wi egebrüc kenlänge Produktweiche @ 7\mod_1381743087912_41.doc m @ 115763 @ @ 1

Adjustment with a The use of a so-called diverter valve is a possibility for the adjustment or the
diverter valve checking of the weigh-belt feeder during the operation. A diverter valve is a
mechanical device that permits to take a sample from the product flow during
the feeding operation.

Optimise the operating parameters

The adjustment or the checking of the weigh-belt feeder is carried out during
the operation and for the feed rate that has been set. It requires that the
parameters of the feeding controller (e.g. controller) have been optimised for
this operation.

The adjustment or the test runs down as follows:

1. Sampling of a test quantity from the product flow for a fixed measuring
period tM (e.g. tM = 1 min.).
2. Compute the feed rate (= act).
1. Weigh the sample quantity (WT).
2. Act = WT x 60/tM [kg/h]
3. Compare the adjusted feed rate (= set) with the actual feed rate (= act).
4. If set ≠ act, the “weighing bridge length” (WL) has to be changed.
1. WLnew = WLold x (set/act)
2. Stop feeding and enter WBnew to the feeding controller.
5. As a check the test has to be carried out once again.

Pos : 257 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/-----> Absc hnittforts etz ung Übersc hrift 2 <----- @ 0\mod_1312351301920_41.doc m @ 2150 @ @ 1

44 Adjustments and commissioning ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Product feeding, continuation

Pos : 258 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Inbetriebnahme/Übersc hrift 3 - Start Produktdosi erung @ 7\mod_1381743451875_41.doc m @ 115789 @ 3 @ 1

Start of product feeding

Pos : 259 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/Pr oduktdosier ung - Ablauf ei ner gravi metrisc hen Produktdosier ung @ 1\mod_1337852834026_41.doc m @ 49610 @ @ 1

Gravimetric feeding As a rule, the feeding controller is used to operate the gravimetric product
sequence feeding and it runs down as follows:
1. Enter the desired discharge rate as setpoint.
2. Start the feeding operation.
The start command starts the automatic control of the feeding operation by
the feeding controller. The further sequence of control and monitoring of the
feeding operation depends on the functions of the feeding controller and is
described in its documentation.

Pos : 260 /Dosi ergeräte/Inbetriebnahme/Pr oduktdosier ung - gravi metrisc he Produktdosi erung @ 1\mod_1337850376162_41.doc m @ 49557 @ @ 1

Gravimetric product During gravimetric product feeding the feeding operation is started with a
feeding determined discharge rate (product quantity /time unit). During feeding the
discharge rate will be measured and controlled via a control circuit. The control
circuit modifies the control of the feed drive and thus tries to correct
variations– e.g. due to a fluctuating filling degree of the feeding organ -

Pos : 262 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uch -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 Adjustments and commissioning 45

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 263 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Außer betriebnahme/Ü berschrift 1 - Auß erbetriebnahme @ 1\mod_1334563497135_41.doc m @ 42926 @ 1 @ 1

5. Decommissioning

Pos : 265 /Dosi ergeräte/Außer betriebnahme, Stör ung/Aussc halten - Hi nweis @ 2\mod_1338453081214_41.doc m @ 51314 @ @ 1

The following process descriptions do not take into account influences that
occur due to product characteristics or the operation in a production plant. If
additional activities result from these influences they have to be integrated
into the corresponding processes.
Example: Product characteristics
In cases of a product that is not allowed to stay in the device, the device has to be
• discharged completely before shutdown and cleaned thoroughly after
• discharged by means of suitable measures after a fault shutdown, if the
elimination of the cause of the malfunction takes too long.

Pos : 267 /Dosi ergeräte/Außer betriebnahme, Stör ung/Aussc halten - kurzz eitig Absc hal tung @ 2\mod_1338454076598_41.doc m @ 51393 @ @ 1

Brief disconnection The device is stopped for operational reasons.

Activation: Stop command on the operating unit
How to continue Start command on the operating unit
the operation

Pos : 269 /Dosi ergeräte/Außer betriebnahme, Stör ung/Aussc halten - Wartung, R epar atur @ 2\mod_1338454904943_41.doc m @ 51419 @ @ 1

Maintenance, Switch off the device for maintenance work.

Activation: 1. Discharge the device.
2. Stop the operation.
3. Disconnect the device (see page 9)
4. Carry out the necessary work.
How to continue Commissioning has to be carried out
the operation

Pos : 271 /Dosi ergeräte/Außer betriebnahme, Stör ung/Aussc halten - Stilllegung @ 2\mod_1338456252683_41.doc m @ 51446 @ @ 1

Decommissioning Disconnect the device for storage or disposal.

Activation: 1. Switch off the device as described in “maintenance,
2. Disconnect the device from all supply media,
connections, etc.
3. Disassemble the device.
4. As described in “storage and disposal”
How to continue 1. Reassemble the device.
the operation 2. Mount the device.
3. Commission the device.
Pos : 273 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uch -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

46 Decommissioning ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 274 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Störabsc hal tung/Ü bersc hrift 1 - Störabsc haltung @ 2\mod_1338532494993_41.docm @ 51669 @ 1 @ 1

6. Fault shutdowns

Pos : 276 /Dosi ergeräte/Störabsc haltung/Störabsc haltung - Hinweis @ 2\mod_1338456696888_41.doc m @ 51473 @ @ 1

Fault shutdowns protect the device and the environment

Fault shutdowns occur in operational situations that do not permit to continue
the operation of the device. They are either triggered manually by the
operating personnel (“emergency stop”) or automatically by a monitoring
function or an interlocking chain.

Immediate stop
The fault shutdown of the device may have an effect on
upstream/downstream production processes. Further measures are possibly

Operational readiness requires the elimination of causes

Before renewed commissioning be sure to find and eliminate the reason for
the fault shutdown.

Pos : 278 /Dosi ergeräte/Störabsc haltung/Störabsc haltung - Aufhebung Störabsc haltung @ 2\mod_1338458129434_41.doc m @ 51499 @ @ 1

How to continue the Steps to be taken in order to continue the operation after a fault shutdown:
operation after a fault
1. Find the cause for the malfunction.
2. Eliminate the cause for the malfunction.
3. Make sure that the device is ready for operation.
Pos : 280 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uch -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 Fault shutdowns 47

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 281 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Störabsc hal tung/Ü bersc hrift 2 - Störungsurs ac hen @ 2\mod_1338453910996_41.doc m @ 51367 @ 2 @ 1

Causes of malfunction

Pos : 282 /Dosi ergeräte/Störabsc haltung/Störung - Austr agung startet nicht @ 2\mod_1338463282175_41.docm @ 51554 @ @ 1

Discharge Voltage supply is missing

does not start » Connect the voltage supply.
» Replace defective fuses if required.
Execution of connection lines is incorrect
» Eliminate errors in the connections.
» Eliminate interruptions/damage.
» Replace wrong cable types.
Drive components damaged (motor, drive controller etc.)
» Replace damaged components.

Pos : 284 /Dosi ergeräte/Störabsc haltung/D okID _021 - D BW- xx/Störung - Wägesignal gestört (D BW) V3 @ 7\mod_1381743962056_41.doc m @ 115816 @ @ 1

Disturbance Voltage supply is missing

weight signal » Connect the voltage supply.
» Replace defective fuses if required.
Execution of connection lines is incorrect
» Eliminate errors in the connections.
» Eliminate interruptions/damage.
» Replace wrong cable types.
Check the conveyor belt and the rollers
» In case of product deposits the belt scrapers have to be optimised ,
conveyor belt and rollers have to be cleaned
» Check the belt tension and optimise it, if required.
Check the load cell
» Reduce the belt load, if the measuring stick (3) lies on the overload
protection (5).
» Remove dirt between the measuring stick (3) and the overload
protection (5).
» Check the function of the load cell.

Pos : 285 /Dosi ergeräte/Störabsc haltung/D okID _021 - D BW- xx/Störung - Drehz ahl @ 7\mod_1381743995426_41.doc m @ 115843 @ @ 1

Speed Strong speed changes with unchanged operating parameters

» Check the conveyor belt for belt slippage.
» Check the product area for jams in the inlet or at the material guide
» Check the product supply. The product supply has to be steady.
Pos : 286 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/-----> Absc hnittforts etz ung Übersc hrift 2 <----- @ 0\mod_1312351301920_41.doc m @ 2150 @ @ 1

48 Fault shutdowns ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Causes of malfunction, continuation

Pos : 287 /Dosi ergeräte/Störabsc haltung/D okID _021 - D BW- xx/Störung - Bandsc hl upf @ 7\mod_1381744048890_41.doc m @ 115870 @ @ 1

Belt slippage Check the conveyor belt

» Exchange a damaged conveyor belt.
» Re-adjust the belt tension if it is too small.
» Clean the inside of the conveyor belt if it is dirty and optimise the
setting of the internal belt scrapers.
Check the rollers
» Clean the dirty rollers.
» Exchange damaged roller bearings.

Pos : 289 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uch -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 Fault shutdowns 49

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 290 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Wartung/Ü bers chrift 1 - Wartung @ 0\mod_1317981184761_41.doc m @ 12765 @ 1 @ 1

7. Maintenance

Pos : 292 /Dosi ergeräte/Wartung/1. Seite - Inhalt Wartung des Ger ätes @ 1\mod_1337869458402_41.doc m @ 49796 @ @ 1

This chapter describes the activities required for the maintenance of the
device. These activities include the general maintenance and the
disassembly/assembly of components that are subject to wear or require an
increased cleaning effort.

Content of the chapter “maintenance”:

Subject Page
Information on maintenance 51
Component list 52
Care and examination 54
Description for the disassembly of individual components 55
Pos : 294 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uch -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

50 Maintenance ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 295 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Wartung/Ü bers chrift 2 - Hinweis e für die D urc hfühung der Wartung @ 2\mod_1337871543108_41.doc m @ 49877 @ 2 @ 1

Information on maintenance

Pos : 297 /Dosi ergeräte/Wartung/WartungHinweis - D as Gerät freis chalten @ 2\mod_1337873069572_41.doc m @ 49955 @ @ 1

Before the disconnection – discharge the device

For carrying out the disassembly work of components in contact with the
product, the feeder has to be discharged by means of a “cleaning operation”
Disconnection before the start of work. The "cleaning operation" permits to discharge the
from the mains feeding device as far as possible by means of the feeding organ.
Disconnect the device
Before the start of any work on the device or on individual components of the
device it has to be disconnected from all supply media and stocks of possibly
present residual energy have to be discharged.

Pos : 299 /Dosi ergeräte/Wartung/WartungHinweis - Warnung Pr oduktr este @ 2\mod_1337871794840_41.doc m @ 49929 @ @ 1

Residual product in/on the device

» During the disassembly of the device/of individual assemblies the
operating personnel might come into contact with the product.
» Reactions with the cleaning agent might occur.
- Be sure to observe the indications of the product data sheet.
- Possibly necessary measures before the start of work
- Safety measures
- Measures for correct disposal

Pos : 301 /Dosi ergeräte/Wartung/WartungHinweis - Feuc hte R einigung @ 2\mod_1338274428205_41.doc m @ 50008 @ @ 1

Damp cleaning Be sure to observe for damp cleaning:

• You must only employ detergents authorised by the manufacturer and not
detergents that contain solvents that are combustible, aggressive or
• No damp cleaning of bearings and electrical components.
• In case of damp cleaning be sure to protect bearings and electrical
components from moisture.
• After the cleaning the device has to be dried thoroughly, standing
moisture has to be removed and components that have possibly been
degreased have to be re-greased.

Pos : 303 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uch -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 Maintenance 51

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 305 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Wartung/Ü bers chrift 2 - Auflistung der Bauteile @ 1\mod_1337867583723_41.doc m @ 49744 @ 2 @ 1

Component list

Pos : 308 /Dosi ergeräte/Wartung/D okID_021 - D BW- xx/Wartung - Bauteilezeic hnung DBW V3 @ 7\mod_1381745007459_0.doc m @ 115925 @ @ 1

Pos : 309 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/-----> Absc hnittforts etz ung Übersc hrift 2 <----- @ 0\mod_1312351301920_41.doc m @ 2150 @ @ 1

52 Maintenance ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Component list, continuation

Pos : 312 /Dosi ergeräte/Wartung/D okID_021 - D BW- xx/Wartung - Bauteilelis te DBW V3 @ 7\mod_1381745001125_41.doc m @ 115898 @ @ 1

Component list No Component

1 Load cell with measuring stick
2 Star grip screw (fastening of telescopic pole)
3 Fixing brackets (2 pieces)
4 Idle roller
5 Lever for tensioning weight
6 Tensioning weight
7 Scraper for idle roller
8 External belt scraper
9 Material guide plate (2 pieces)
10 Cover of conveyor belt
11 Connection pipe for inlet shaft
12 Lateral covering
13 Drive motor
14 Inlet shaft
15 Housing
16 Vibration isolation mounting pads
17 Drive shaft
18 Toothed coupling
19 Telescopic pole (2 pieces)
20 Scraper for drive roller
21 Internal belt scraper
22 Drive roller
23 Guide roller with internal belt scraper (“plough”)
24 Transport table (conveyor belt frame)
25 Conveyor belt
26 Lateral covering
Pos : 314 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uch -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 Maintenance 53

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 315 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Wartung/Ü bers chrift 2 - Pflege und Kontroll e @ 2\mod_1338276781472_41.doc m @ 50034 @ 2 @ 1

Care and examination

Pos : 317 /Dosi ergeräte/Wartung/WartungPflege - Z eitinter valle @ 2\mod_1338277811569_41.doc m @ 50088 @ @ 1

Intervals Marking of the intervals:

W weekly 2W fortnightly
M monthly 3M three-monthly
Y annually H biannually

Pos : 319 /Dosi ergeräte/Wartung/WartungPflege - Pfleg ear beiten @ 2\mod_1338279346831_41.doc m @ 50140 @ @ 1

Care Care works (T = time interval):

T Activity
W Clean the filter bag/the deaeration equipment (if existing)
2W Clean the device.
- Dust and loose contaminations have to be removed by means of
an industrial vacuum cleaner.
- Solid impurities have to be removed with a (damp) cloth.
Pos : 320 /Dosi ergeräte/Wartung/D okID_021 - D BW- xx/WartungPflege - Kontroll e D B(W) @ 7\mod_1381745075196_41.doc m @ 115952 @ @ 1

Examination Examination of the device (T = time interval)

T Component Examination
W Flexible connections Damages
W Fastenings Tight seat
2W Conveyor belt Wear, tear
2W Mobile parts Functionality
2W Sealings Tightness
2W Locks Attraction force, tight seat
2W Weighing system Function (see “commissioning”)
M Electrical connections Tight seat
Electric cables Damages

Removal of defects
Allowed possibilities for the removal of identified defects:
1. Damaged component is professionally repaired.
2. Damaged component is replaced by a new component.

Pos : 322 /Allg emein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uch -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

54 Maintenance ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 323 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Wartung/Ü bers chrift 2 - Ei n-/Aus bau von einzel nen Bauteilen @ 2\mod_1338283359092_41.doc m @ 50193 @ 2 @ 1

Assembly/disassembly of individual components

Pos : 324 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Wartung/Ü bers chrift 3 - För derband wec hsel n (D BW) @ 8\mod_1383044748520_41.doc m @ 117864 @ 3 @ 1

Change the conveyor belt

Pos : 325 /Dosi ergeräte/Wartung/D okID_021 - D BW- xx/F örder bandwec hs el - Abbildung V3 @ 8\mod_1383044817614_0.doc m @ 117890 @ @ 1

Pos : 326 /Dosi ergeräte/Wartung/D okID_021 - D BW- xx/F örder bandwec hs el - Info Hilfs mittel @ 8\mod_1383053164613_41.doc m @ 117969 @ @ 1

Auxiliaries required for fixing the internal belt scraper (“plough”)

The internal belt scraper lies on the inner side of the belt and is mounted
movably to the guide roller. Cable ties, a cord or similar are required for fixing
the internal belt scraper to the belt frame.

Pos : 328 /Dosi ergeräte/Wartung/D okID_021 - D BW- xx/F örder bandwec hs el - Al tes F örderband abziehen V3 @ 8\mod_1383044963149_41.doc m @ 117916 @ @ 1

Remove the old How to disassemble the conveyor belt:

conveyor belt
1. Remove the lateral front cover.
2. Loosen the suspension.
1. Slightly loosen the screwings of the suspensions (1).
2. Fold the suspensions according to the illustration.
3. Fix the suspensions in this position.
3. Loosen the fastening (2) of the belt frame.
4. Pull out the belt frame.
5. Loosen the belt tension with the tensioning lever (3).
6. Loosen the conveyor belt from the belt tracking (4) at the internal belt
scraper (“plough“).
7. Slightly lift the internal belt scraper and fix it with suitable auxiliaries.
8. Cautiously remove the conveyor belt from the belt frame.
9. Mount the new conveyor belt.

Pos : 329 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/-----> Absc hnittforts etz ung Übersc hrift 3 <----- @ 1\mod_1337063373569_41.doc m @ 47638 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 Maintenance 55

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Assembly/disassembly of individual components, continuation

Change the conveyor belt, continuation

Pos : 331 /Dosi ergeräte/Wartung/D okID_021 - D BW- xx/F örder bandwec hs el - N eues F örder band aufzi ehen V3 @ 8\mod_1383051727445_41.doc m @ 117942 @ @ 1

How to mount the new How to mount the new conveyor belt:
conveyor belt
1. Mount the conveyor belt on the belt frame.
2. Adjust the internal belt scraper.
1. Loosen the fixing.
2. Insert the conveyor belt into the belt tracking system.
3. Tension the conveyor belt.
4. Slide the belt frame into the housing.
5. Lock the belt frame (suspension and fastening).
6. Carry out the checks/adjustments of belt tension, belt tracking and the
position of the belt scrapers (see page 33).
7. Complete the device.

Pos : 333 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uch -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

56 Maintenance ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 334 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Einl ager ung, Ents orgung/Ü berschrift 1 - Einl agerung und Entsorgung @ 2\mod_1338369185674_41.doc m @ 50961 @ 1 @ 1

8. Storage and disposal

Pos : 336 /Dosi ergeräte/Ei nlager ung, Ents orgung/1. Seite - Inhal t Einl agerung und Entsorgung @ 2\mod_1338370219258_41.doc m @ 51066 @ @ 1

This chapter describes the conditions for the storage and the disposal of the
device or of its individual components.

Content of the chapter “storage and disposal”:

Subject Page
Storage of the device, of individual assemblies 58
Disposal of the device, of individual assemblies 59
Pos : 338 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uch -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 Storage and disposal 57

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 339 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Einl ager ung, Ents orgung/Ü berschrift 2 - Einl agerung des Gerätes , ei nz elner Bauteile @ 2\mod_1338369361660_41.doc m @ 50988 @ 2 @ 1

Storage of the device, of individual components

Pos : 341 /Dosi ergeräte/Ei nlager ung, Ents orgung/Ei nlager ung - Ausführ ung Gerät @ 2\mod_1338370523194_41.doc m @ 51120 @ @ 1

Execution of the device Execution of the device for storage:

• The device is completely discharged and thoroughly cleaned.
• The protective coating of the painted parts is okay or has been
renewed/touched up.
• The following components have to be disassembled:
- In general all sleeves and compensators have to be disassembled and
have to be stored together with the device under appropriate storage
- Components with special storage conditions

Pos : 343 /Dosi ergeräte/Ei nlager ung, Ents orgung/Ei nlager ung - Lagerbedingungen @ 2\mod_1338370440604_41.doc m @ 51093 @ @ 1

Storage conditions Storage conditions for the storage of the device/individual assemblies:
Temperature: +10°C to +40°C
Humidity: 40% to 70% No standing moisture
Medium: Air (well ventilated and free from ozone, chemicals,
Storage room Weather-proof, enclosed building
Clean, possibly free from dust
Packaging: suitable packaging box, provide spacers under the
cover (air circulation)
Miscellaneous: For sleeves, compensators:
protected against incident light

Pos : 344 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uch -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

58 Storage and disposal ©Operating instructions DBW-350

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 346 /Allgemein/Ü berschriften Einl ager ung, Ents orgung/Ü berschrift 2 - Entsorgung des Gerätes , einz elner Bauteile @ 2\mod_1338369512608_41.doc m @ 51014 @ 2 @ 1

Disposal of the device, of individual components

Pos : 348 /Dosi ergeräte/Wartung/WartungHinweis - Warnung Pr oduktr este @ 2\mod_1337871794840_41.doc m @ 49929 @ @ 1

Residual product in/on the device

» During the disassembly of the device/of individual assemblies the
operating personnel might come into contact with the product.
» Reactions with the cleaning agent might occur.
- Be sure to observe the indications of the product data sheet.
- Possibly necessary measures before the start of work
- Safety measures
- Measures for correct disposal

Pos : 350 /Dosi ergeräte/Ei nlager ung, Ents orgung/Ents orgung - Vor der Ents orgung @ 2\mod_1338386778340_41.doc m @ 51173 @ @ 1

Before the disposal Before the disposal the following procedures have to be carried out:
1. Disconnect the device from all supply media.
2. Disassemble all connections from the device.
3. The device has to be disassembled completely.
4. The component groups have to be cleaned from product rests and
lubricant residues.

Pos : 352 /Dosi ergeräte/Ei nlager ung, Ents orgung/Ents orgung - Ents orgung Bauteil e @ 2\mod_1338386408815_41.docm @ 51146 @ @ 1

Disposal The individual components of the device have to be disposed separately.

Component Disposal
Drive, gear see manufacturer's indications
Electrical cables Cable scrap
Sleeves, compensator etc. PU, EPDM, silicone or similar
Hopper, pipes, sheets Metal scrap
Insulations according to material specifications
boards Special waste
accumulators, batteries Special waste
Plastic Disposal of plastics
Pos : 353 /Allgemein/Spezi elleM odul e (Fortsetzung, Leerz eile us w.)/--------------------- Seitenumbr uch -------------------------- @ 0\mod_1317195024148_0.doc m @ 10973 @ @ 1

©Operating instructions DBW-350 Storage and disposal 59

Bulk Solids Feeding ● Weighing ● Discharging ● Flow Metering

Pos : 354 /Allgemein/Index/Ü bers chrift 1 - Index @ 8\mod_1384844103046_41.doc m @ 118949 @ 1 @ 1

9. Index

Pos : 355 /Allgemein/Index/Index - Index- Eintr äge @ 8\mod_1384844278307_0.doc m @ 118975 @ @ 1

Assembly, execution 22 Material guide plate 13, 14, 36, 48,

Belt frame 13, 15, 16, 23, 53, 55, 56 53
Belt frame, fastening 15 Mounting, clearances 23
Belt, change 55, 56 Mounting, tools 22
Belt, cover 10, 13, 14, 37, 41 Operating personnel, protection 8
Belt, design 15 Operation, adjustment 10
Belt, monitoring of belt run 18, 30 Operation, data 6, 20
Belt, pretension 34 Outlet 13
Belt, run 16, 18, 19, 30, 37 Product, appropriate 6
Belt, scraper 13, 15, 16, 17, 34, 35, Product, characteristics 6, 32, 46
48, 49, 53, 55, 56 Rollers, drive roller 13, 15, 16, 17,
Belt, slippage 48, 49 18, 35, 53
Belt, tension 13, 15, 16, 18, 33, 34, Rollers, guide roller 13, 15, 16, 17,
48, 49, 55, 56 34, 35, 53, 55
Belt, tracking 16, 18, 34, 55, 56 Rollers, idle roller 13, 15, 16, 17,
Cleaning, damp 51 18, 34, 35, 37, 53
Disconnection, warning symbol 8, Rollers, scraper 17
10 Use in accordance with the
Drive 6, 7, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, intended purpose 6, 8
20, 30, 35, 45, 48, 53, 59 Weighing bridge, adjustment
Earthing, correct 9 diverter valve 42, 44
Environment, data 6, 20 Weighing bridge, adjustment
Inlet shaft 6, 13, 14, 53 gauging 42, 43
Inlet shaft, gate 13, 14, 41, 42 Weighing bridge, adjustment
Intended purpose 6 product bag 42, 43, 44
Layer height adjustment gate 13, Weighing bridge, construction 19,
14, 41, 42 38
Load cell, adjustment 19 Weighing bridge, length 42, 43, 44
Load cell, overload protection 19 Weighing bridge, weight test value
Load cell, trouble 48 38, 39
=== Ende der Liste für T extmar ke Inhalt ===

60 Index ©Operating instructions DBW-350

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