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Title: Recommendations for Hudson's Expansion into the European Market


In a recent interview with Liz, valuable insights were shared regarding Hudson's

expansion into the European market. She highlighted three key pieces of advice, focusing on the

nature of the European market, the importance of thorough market research, and the necessity of

a clear brand message. In addition, she also gave an evaluation of four marketing strategies that

Hudson may use as an expansion strategy.

Key Advice for Hudson:

1- Understanding the Regional Differences: The interview highlights the need for Hudson to

recognize diversity within the European market. Differences in culture and preferences

exist not only between Europe and the US but also within European countries like France,

Italy, Switzerland, and Germany.

2- Doing Comprehensive Market Research: Hudson is advised to do market research both in

the US and Europe. That is to understand the reasons behind the decreasing market share

in the US. At the same time, gaining insights into European customer preferences is

essential to adjust products and strategies properly.

3- Defining a Clear Brand Message: An important recommendation made by Liz is to

establish a clear brand message for Hudson in Europe. Knowing what the Hudson brand

stands for is crucial in creating an identity in the market.

Evaluation of Marketing Strategies:

1- Repositioning the Brand:

Probably the most dangerous option because it could place Hudson in a 'me too' category.
2- Developing the Brand:

Considered the best option if handled carefully. However, there might be concerns about

selecting appropriate celebrities and potential differences across countries.

3- Hiring a Top Designer:

A creative approach but there is a need for a market research to identify the desired look.

4- Developing a Wider Product Range:

Suggested for later stages of development. It is important to define the central brand message


5- Stretching the Brand:

Not recommended since Hudson's brand is not well known yet in Europe.

6- Developing E-commerce:

Not recommended for a luxury brand due to the preference of customers for physical product

experience. Also, there might be a negative impact on US sales.

Our Opinion:

Considering the risks and benefits presented earlier, we think that focusing on developing

the Hudson brand and establishing a clear brand message should be prioritized since Hudson is

not well known yet. We believe this strategy, as a start, aligns well with building a strong and

distinctive presence for Hudson in the European market.

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