GR 10-Chemistry - Summer HHW - Answers

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)‫الـشـارقـة (فرع البنين‬، ‫مدرسـتنـا الثـانـويـة اإلنـجليـزية‬



Class: X
Sec: Date of submission: 06/09/2020
General Instruction :
 Write the answers for the following questions in your notebook.

1. A compound X is used for drinking has pH=7. Its acidified solution in presence of electricity 2
undergoes decomposition to produce gases Y and Z. The volume of Y is double than Z.Y is highly
combustible whereas Z is a supporter of combustion. Identify X, Y, Z, and write the chemical
equation for the reaction.
X is water, H2O
Y is hydrogen gas, H2
Z is oxygen gas, O2
2H2O electricity 2H2 + O2
2. A metal nitrate solution A is added to reddish brown metal B. The metal present in A is used for 2
making jewellery and turns black in air, very thin foils of metal are used to decorate sweets. The
compound C formed on chemical reaction is blue in color and metal present in A is formed. Identify
A B, C, and write chemical equation for the reaction.
A is silver, B is copper, C is copper (II) nitrate
2AgNO3 + 2Cu  Cu(NO3)2 +2Ag
3. Grey colored metal X is used in making dry cell. It is also used for coating iron metal to prevent it 3
from rusting .When granules of X are added to blue solution of compound of a reddish brown metal
Y, the color of the solution gets discharged and metal Y is formed. Identify X and Y. Write the
chemical reaction and identify the type of reaction.
X is zinc and Y is copper (½+ ½)
Zn + CuSO4  ZnSO4 + Cu , single displacement reaction

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4. Astha has been collecting silver coins and copper coins. One day she observed a black coating on 2
silver coins and a green coating on copper coins. Which chemical phenomenon is responsible for
these coatings? Write the chemical name of black and green coatings.
(½ + ½)
Black coating is silver sulphide, green coating is copper carbonate
5. An aqueous solution of metal nitrate X reacts with sodium bromide solution to form yellow 3
precipitate of compound Y, which is used in photography. Y on exposure to sunlight undergoes
decomposition reaction to form metal present in X along with gas. Identify X and Y. Write the
chemical equation for the reaction and identify the type of reaction.
X is silver nitrate and Y is silver bromide (½ + ½)
AgNO3 + NaBr  AgBr + NaNO3 , double displacement (precipitation) reaction
6. A compound X is bitter in taste. It is a component of washing powder and reacts with dil.HCl to 2
produce brisk effervescence of a colourless, odourless gas Y that turns limewater milky due to the
formation of Z. When excess of CO2 is passed, milkiness disappears due to formation of P. Identify
X, Y, Z and P.
X is Na2CO3, Y is CO2, Z is CaCO3 and P is Ca(HCO3)2 ( ½x4)
7. A is a soluble acidic oxide and B is a soluble base. Compared to pH of pure water, what will be the 1
pH of (a) solution of A (b) solution of B?
(a) solution of A- pH less than 7 (b) solution of B- pH more than 7 ( ½+ ½)
8. A pale yellow powder X gives a pungent smell if left open in air. It is prepared by the reaction of 2
dry compound Y with chlorine gas. It is used for disinfecting drinking water. Identify X and Y. and
write the reaction involved.
( ½+ ½)
X is calcium oxychloride and Y is calcium hydroxide
Ca(OH)2 + Cl2  CaOCl2 + H2O
9. When CO2 gas pass through saturated solution of ammoniacal brine, two compound X and Y are 3
formed. Y is used as antacid and decomposes to form another solid Z. Identify X, Y, Z and write the
chemical equations for the reactions.
X is ammonium chloride , Y is sodium hydrogen carbonate and Z is sodium carbonate
( ½x3)
CO2 + NH3 +NaCl + H2O  NH4Cl + NaHCO3 1
2NaHCO3 heat Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2
10. (a) In the formation of compound between two atoms A and B, A loses two electrons and B 5
gains one electron.
(i) What is the nature of bond between A and B? Ionic bond (½)

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(ii) Suggest the formula of the compound formed between A and B. AB2 (½)
(b) On similar lines explain the formation of MgCl2 molecule.

(c) Common salt conducts electricity only in the molten state. Why?
Common salt conducts electricity in the molten state since the electrostatic forces of attraction (1)
between the oppositely charged ions are overcome due to the heat. Thus, the ions move freely and
conduct electricity.
(d) Why is melting point of NaCl high?
NaCl has high melting point because a considerable amount of energy is required to break the strong (1)
inter-ionic attraction.
11. A student was given Mn, Zn, Fe and Cu metals. Identify which of them 3
(a) will not displace H2 from dil. HCl. Cu
(b) will react only with steam to give H2(g). Fe and Zn (½)
(c) Will give H2 with 5% HNO3. Mn
Write the chemical reactions involved.
3Fe(s) + 4H2O(g) → Fe3O4(s) + 4H2(g)
Zn(s) + H2O(g) → ZnO(s) + H2(g) (½)
Mn(s) + 2HNO3(aq)  Mn(NO3)2 (aq) + H2(g)
12. Give Reasons: 2
(a) An aqueous solution of sodium chloride is neutral whereas an aqueous solution of sodium
carbonate is basic.
NaCl is formed by the neutralization of a strong acid and a strong base. Hence it is a neutral salt.
Na2CO3 is formed by the neutralization of a weak acid and a strong base. Hence it is a basic salt.
(b) HCl is a stronger acid than acetic acid.
HCl completely ionizes to form more H+ ions whereas acetic acid ionizes partially to form lesser H+ (1)

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13. Nikita took Zn, Al, Cu, Fe, Mg, Na metals and put each metal in cold water and then hot water. She 2
also reacted the metal with steam.
a) Name the metal, which reacts with cold water. Na
b) Which of the above metals react with steam? Al, Zn, Fe
( ½ x4)
c) Name the metal, which reacts with hot water. Mg
d) Arrange these metals in order of increasing reactivity. Cu<Fe<Zn<Al<Mg<Na
14. Give the formula of the compound formed by the combination of aluminium and sulphur using 2
electron dot structure. ( Atomic number of Al=13, S=16)
Al - 3e  Al3+ S + 2e  S2-
2,8,3 2,8 2,8,6 2,8,8




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