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My study on the Kakatlyas and Their Tines could not

have taken this shape but for the timely encouragement given

to ne by Dr. S.H. Ritti to whom I remain ever grateful. I an

thankful to the authorities of the Karnatak University,

Dharwar, for their kind permission to admit me as a research

student of the university. My thanks are also due to

Dr.N. Ramesan the present Director and Sri Md. Abdul waheed Khan

the former Director of Archaeology and. Museums, Andhra Pradesh,

who have kindly permitted me to make use of all the epigrapbical

source material, published and unpublished. I offer my esteenei

regards to Dr.N. Venkataramanayya with whom I had an opportunity

to discuss several topics on the subject. My thanks are also

due to my friend Sri P.Sstyanarayana who typed this work very

elegantly in a short period and my brother Sri P.Visvanathan

who prepared the drawings included in this&tu*.

P.V.P. Sastry.

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