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DISEÑO: naturales_6.indb (abc.gob.


6to año, modalidad Ciencias Naturales, Ambiente, desarrollo y sociedad.

Ejes temáticos y contenidos:
● Concepto de ambiente. Distintas
concepciones. El concepto de espacio.
Valoraciones respecto del ambiente. Relación
sociedad-naturaleza. Intereses a los que
responde cada visión
● Acciones de mitigación, recuperación y
remediación sobre zonas contaminadas.
Manejo sustentable de recursos naturales:
acciones de organizaciones sociales y ongs;
políticas públicas; legislación; tratados

Objective: sts will focus on how global warming is leading to extreme weather conditions in


We will show the students some pictures from Australia. In some of them they can see
typical tourist places around the country, in others, they can see the side B of Australia,
places affected by climate change. We will ask the group some oral questions about these

1.Do you recognize the Australian landmarks in photos A and B? What are they? C-E show some extreme weather conditions in Australia. What is happening in the
photos and what do you think causes these conditions?

Read the text. What are the main geographical features in Australia and how do they affect
the country's climate?

Australia: Geography S.O.S. Extreme weather.


1) Look at the timeline and write the correct weather events

1) 1995 : the start of the worst …… in Australia's history

2) 2000 more …. than ever recorded
3) 2009: a ….. severe enough to kill more than a hundred people
4) 2011 : a …. As destructive as the one of 1918, which is the worst on record
5) A ….. with temperatures hotter than ever before

2) Game time! Competition

We will divide the class into two groups and give them some flashcards. The flashcards
consist of a word/phrase and its corresponding picture (as a glossary for them to learn new
vocabulary) they will circle the correct alternative, being able to read the text again if
necessary. Both groups will receive the sentences and the same flashcards. The winner will
be the team which finishes first.

1) Australia experiences both a dry and an island/tropical climate

2) The country has had the highest temperatures/precipitation on record in the last
3) Hotter weather conditions will result in more bushfires and droughts/floods.
4) A cyclone is a tropical storm with a lot of rainfall and a heatwave/high winds.
5) These tropical storms can also lead to changes in global warming/sea level.

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