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I. Complete the sentences using “should /shouldn’t, ought/ oughtn’t” or “must / mustn’t,
have to / has to” or “don’t / doesn’t have to”.

Question 1. Your grandparents live far from you, so you should/ ought to talk to them on the phone

Question 2. I can watch TV and play computer games on Sunday because I don’t have to go to school
that day.

Question 3. You are going to a concert, so you shouldn’t/ oughtn’t not wear your old jeans.

Question 4. I mustn’t stay overnight at my friend’s house. My parents are very strict: nghiêm khắc
about this.

Question 5. You shouldn’t stare: nhìn chằm chằm at the computer screen for too long. It is really bad
for your eyesight.

Question 6. I have to go home now to finish my homework.

Question 7. You should talk to your grandparents more often so that you can understand them better.

Question 8. My grandparents live in the suburbs: ngoại ô, so whenever we visit them, we have to take
a bus.

Question 9. You should become more responsible by sharing the housework with other people in our

Question 10. She must stay at home to look after her children because there is no one to help her

II. Choose the best answer. Equal rights

Question 1. Tom sounded _____ when I spoke to him on the phone.

A. angry B. angrily

C. to be angry D. to be angrily

Question 2. The garden looks _____ since you tidied it up: dọn dẹp.

A. better B. well

C. more good D. more well

Question 3. Your English is improving. It is getting ______.

A. well B. good

C. much well D. clearly

Question 4. The chef tasted the meat _____ before presenting it to the President: tổng thống

Resident: cư dân

A. cautious B. more cautious

C. cautiously D. much cautiously

Question 5. He did not come, and she looked rather _____.

A. worry B. worrying

C. worrier D. worried

Question 6. I’ll feel _____ when my exams are over.

A. happily B. more happily

C. happy D. more happy

Question 7. Although the dish smelt _____, he refused to eat saying that he was not hungry.

A. bad B. good C. well D. worse

Question 8. The fish tastes _____, I won’t eat it.

A. awful B. awfully C. more awfully D. as awful

Question 9. The situation looks _______. We must do something.

A. good B. well C. bad D. badly

Question 10. He seemed to me a bit _____ today.

A. badly B. awfully C. strangely D. strange

III. Rewrite the following sentences, using the cleft structure "It is/ was... that" to emphasize the
underlined words or phrases.

Question 1. Dating is left for the college years in Japan.

It is the college years that dating is left in Japan.

Question 2. Girls are to buy boys white chocolate on Valentine’s Day in Japan.

It is girls that buy boys white chocolate on Valentine’s Day in Japan.

Question 3. The boy must give the girl twice as much chocolate.

It is the boy that must give the girl twice as much chocolate.

Question 4. A South Korean boy often holds his girlfriend’s handbag during a date.

It is a South Korean boy’s girlfriend’ handbag that he often holds during a date.

Question 5. Once married, the South Korean man expects his wife to be a more traditional woman.

Once married, it is a more traditional woman that the South Korean man expects his wife to be.

Question 6. Dating is not allowed until the age of 15 in Central and South America.

It is until the age of 15 that dating is not allowed in Central and South America.

To be not allowed to do smt= banned smb from doing smt

Question 7. In Italy and Switzerland, teens gathered for parties at a home and slept there when the
party was over.

Sweden: Thụy Điển; Netherland= Holland: Hà Lan

It is in Italy and Switzerland that teens gathered …

Question 8. People in the Netherlands have fewer dating rules than any other places in the world.

It is in the Netherlands that people have fewer dating rules than any other places in the world.

Question 9. Kissing is considered as a part of getting to know each other: chào hỏi in Brazil.

It is kissing that is considered as a part of getting to know each other in Brazil.

Question 10. A girl’s parents often do a background check on her boyfriend in Italy.

It is a background check that a girl’s parents often do on her boyfriend in Italy.

IV . Rewrite the sentences, using the nouns in brackets and a to-infinitive so that the new
sentences have the closest meaning to the given ones.

1. If you don’t want to cook, invest: đầu tư in a microwave: lò vi sóng. (desire)

You should invest in a microwave if desire to want not to cook.

2. We should be able to take a leadership role within: không quá group situations. (ability)

We should have the ability to take a leadership role within group situations.

3. Action Priority Matrix can help you prioritize effectively. (tool)

Priority: sự ưu tiên → prioritize: dành ưu tiên

A.C.P is an effective tool for you to prioritize.

4. Using a time log is useful for eliminating wasted time. (way)

Using a time log is a useful way to eliminate wasted time.

5. You can ask your tutor if you may submit an assignment late if necessary. (permission)

You can ask your tutor if you get his/her permission to submit an assignment late if necessary.

V. Combine the sentences, using “adjective + for somebody + to-infinitive”.

1. Parents can help build a child’s independence by encouraging good habits. It’s very important.

It’s very important for parents to build a child’s independence by encouraging good habits.

2. Customers have to read fabric care labels and recognize which clothes require dry cleaning. It’s

It’s necessary for customers to read fabric care labels and recognize which clothes require dry cleaning.

3. Parents pick their children up from school. It is both urgent and important.

It’s both urgent and important for parents to pick their children up from school.

4. Students learn to prioritise their tasks. It is essential(> important).

It’s essential for students to learn to prioritize their tasks.

5. All of us focus and concentrate on one thing at a time. It is reasonable.

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