ICE 332 Introduction To Mechatronics Lecture 03

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ICE332: Intro.

to Mechatronics
Lecture 03
Lecture Outline

(B2) Semiconductor Electronics 3.1: Introduction

(B2) Semiconductor Electronics 3.2: Semiconductor Physics

(B2) Semiconductor Electronics 3.3: Junction Diode

(B2) Semiconductor Electronics 3.1:
• Semiconductor electronics have revolutionized our lives in the 21st century.
• They are the essential building blocks of:
• Cell phones,
• Computers,
• Electronic communication devices, etc.
• For mechatronics, they are important for sensing, interfacing and display.
• In this course, we will:
• Study the physical characteristics of semiconductors,
• Examine the physics of semiconductors,
• Discuss the design of electronic devices using semiconductor materials,
• Learn the symbols of semiconductor diodes and transistors, and
• Use the devices in circuit design.

(B2) Semiconductor Electronics 3.2:
Semiconductor Physics
• Materials are divided into three classes:
• Conductors: are materials that have a large number of weakly
bound electrons in the conduction band.
• The current can flow easily due to the free migration of electons
under the applied electric field
• Insulators: are materials that have tightly bound valence
electrons to the forming atoms.
• Electrons do not easily move under an electric field
• Semiconductors: have properties between the conductors and
• The current is produced when the valence electrons jump to
the conduction band under the applied electric field.
• When a valence electron jumps to an upper energy level, it
leaves a hole. Then, this hole is occupied by another close
valence electron that leaves a hole. This process leads to the
flow of current.
• Examples: Silicon (Si) and Germanium (Ge), (elements of group
IV in the periodic table). 3
(B2) Semiconductor Electronics 3.2:
Semiconductor Physics
• Si has four valence electrons.
• It needs more than four electrons to complete its
outermost shell.
• How?
• This can be accomplished by sharing one of its
valence electrons with each of its four neighbor
• Each shared valence electron pairs forms covalent
• At low temperatures (approaching absolute zero
• Covalent bonds are intact Sedra and Smith, “Microelectronic Circuit,”8th edition, Oxford
• No electrons to conduct the current University Press, 2021, ISBN 9780190853464.

• Intrinsic silicon behaves like an insulator. 4

(B2) Semiconductor Electronics 3.2:
Semiconductor Physics
• At room temperature:
• Sufficient thermal energy exists to break some of the
covalent bonds. This is called thermal generation.
• As a result, an electron is freed.
• The free electron goes away from its parent atom, it
becomes available to conduct electric current under an
applied electric field to the crystal.
• When it leaves its parent atom, it leaves a net positive
charge = the magnitude of the electron charge
• Electrons in neighbor atoms may be attracted by the
positive charge and leave its parent atom.
• It fills the hole of the ionized atom but creates a hole in the
parent atom.
• This process repeats itself and leads conduct of electric Sedra and Smith, “Microelectronic Circuit,”8th edition, Oxford
current. University Press, 2021, ISBN 9780190853464.
• The free electrons (𝒏) and holes (𝒑) move randomly with
the Si crystal structure. 5
(B2) Semiconductor Electronics 3.2:
Semiconductor Physics
• The concentrations of the intrinsic
semiconductor are too small for Si to conduct
enough current at room temperature.
• To increase the concentration of electrons or
holes with little or no change of crystal, the Si is
doped by introducing a sufficient number of
impurity atoms (dopants) in the Si crystal.
• They can be diffused or implanted into the
• To increase the concentration of free electrons
• Si is doped with an element with 5 valence electrons Sedra and Smith, “Microelectronic Circuit,”8th edition, Oxford
like phosphorus (P). (group V in the periodic table) University Press, 2021, ISBN 9780190853464.
• P is called a donor because it donates a free electron.
• This results in the n-type semiconductor. 6
(B2) Semiconductor Electronics 3.2:
Semiconductor Physics
• To increase the concentration of holes (𝑝),
• Si is doped with an element with 3 valence electrons like boron (B). (group III in the periodic
• B is called an acceptor because it accepts electrons (n) from neighboring atoms.
• This results in the p-type semiconductor.

Sedra and Smith, “Microelectronic Circuit,”8th edition, Oxford

University Press, 2021, ISBN 9780190853464.

(B2) Semiconductor Electronics 3.3:
Junction Diode
• When the p-type is joined with the n-type, they form a pn junction.
• p-type is called anode.
• n-type is called cathode.
• Depletion region is formed due to the movement of electrons from n-type to p-type and vice
versa for holes.
• Small electric field is developed.
• A voltage difference is resulted across the depletion region, which is called contact potential.
• Contact potential is typically 0.6-0.7 V for Si.

(B2) Semiconductor Electronics 3.3:
Junction Diode
• Diode equation è 𝐼! = 𝐼"(𝑒 #$! /&' − 1):
• 𝐼! è the diode current
• 𝐼" è the reverse saturation current, which is extremely small (in order of 10#$ to 10#%& A)
• 𝑞 è the charge of electron è 1.6×10#$ 𝐶
• 𝑘 è Boltzmann’s constant è 1.381×10#'( J/K
• 𝑇 è the temperature of junction in kelvin
• 𝑉! è the forward bias voltage

Common Diodes
Silicon Diode and
the Electric Symbols

(B2) Semiconductor Electronics 3.3:
Junction Diode
• It is a non-linear element.
• The I-V characteristics of the diode:

Check Valve Analogy

(B2) Semiconductor Electronics 3.3:
Junction Diode
• Diode Circuit Applications:
• Half-Wave Rectifier:
• It is AC to DC converter.

Rectifier Circuit

(B2) Semiconductor Electronics 3.3:
Junction Diode
• Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier:
• It is AC to DC converter.

(B2) Semiconductor Electronics 3.3:
Junction Diode
• Flyback, Kickback, or Snubber Diode:
• 𝐼)) = 𝑉) 𝑅
• 𝑉=𝐿

(B2) Semiconductor Electronics 3.3:
Junction Diode
• Diode Clamp:
• Limits the voltage going to the sensitive circuit.

• Peak Detector:
• When the input voltage is a time-varying signal, the output is the maximum positive of the
input signal.

(B2) Semiconductor Electronics 3.3:
Junction Diode
• Optoelectronic Diodes:
• Light-emitting diode (LED) are diodes that emit light when forward biased.

• Photodiodes are diodes that detects photons, which work in circuit as a light sensor.

(B2) Semiconductor Electronics 3.3:
Junction Diode
• Analysis of Diode Circuits:
• To determine the voltages and currents of circuits with multiple diodes, follow
the below procedure:
• Assume the current directions for each element.
• Replace the circuit with:
• Assuming ideal diodes:
• Open circuit for assumed reverse bias direction of current.
• Short circuit for assumed forward bias direction of current.
• Assuming real diodes:
• Small voltage source whose voltage = the forward bias value of the diode.
• It is 0.7 V for silicon diode
• Use KVL and KCL to calculate the voltage drops and currents.
• If the sign of the resulted current is opposite to the assumption, your
assumption of the current direction is incorrect and change and reanalyze.
(B2) Semiconductor Electronics 3.3:
Junction Diode
• Analyze the below circuit:

The two branches are parallel, but with

opposite voltage polarities. So, 𝐼! must be
returned back to the first direction.

By applying KVL for loop with

𝐼! and 𝐼" , 𝐼! = −2𝐼" . So, one
of the assumed currents is
incorrect. So, assume 𝐼! is
opposite direction.

By applying KVL for loop with 𝐼" 𝐼! > 0 and 𝑉$%&$' > 0. The result is
and 𝐼# , 𝐼" < 0. So, 𝐼" consistent
assumption is incorrect.
So, assume 𝐼" is opposite
direction. 17
(B2) Semiconductor Electronics 3.3:
Junction Diode
• Zener Diode:
• When the voltage is reversed biased with large enough voltage.
• Know as zener, avalanche or voltage regulator diodes.


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