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A shadow of his former self. After being wounded in a brutal shootout, he fled to Naples to start a new
life on the straight and narrow. He works in a Russian-owned cafe, lives in a small, crappy apartment,
and his wife seems unhappy. He wants to fix things, but doesn't know how.

➡ Escape his life of crime.

➡ Make Katya, his wife, happy again.
When you try to get your way, roll MOTIVATIONS
2D6 and add the relevant modifier:
➡ Try to go the extra mile in your day job.
Lash out, break ➡ Prove that you're still the man you once were.
2 things, shoot guns,
wreck a room,
➡ Take the dangerous job you were offered and find a less criminal way of doing it.
➡ Try to get Katya a gift that will make her face light up like it used to.
frighten people.
VIOLENCE ➡ Revisit the worst night of your life. The night of the shootout.
➡ Follow Katya secretly, to find out what she's planning.
Compliment, touch, ➡ Make people get off your back and leave you alone.
-2 distract, test
boundaries, dance,
➡ Get either Katya or Andrey to admit they're having the affair.
➡ Win a fist fight against Andrey.
make love.
SEDUCTION ➡ Get someone to reveal a secret they're keeping from you.
➡ Do not be noticed. Simply hide and be forgotten by all the other characters.
Make deals,
-1 compromise, stand
firm, use your
BUSINESS reputation. When you wish to do something dangerous which might cost you your life or allow you to take the life of another,
you can choose to do a Climactic Scene. If you have done 11 scenes, Everybody has to do it.
For Goncharov, you might get revenge on Andrey in a dramatic confrontation in a clocktower, for instance.
0 Hold your tongue,
behave, stay calm,
If (and when) you do, roll 2D6 with no modifiers.
lie, listen, don't cry. Odds You get it done and come out the other end unscathed. You can continue to play as normal.
RESTRAINT Evens You are finished. You have one final poetic death scene or the authorties get you, maybe you give your
final words or ask for a final request, but the moment the gun fires, you’re done for.
Your result will be as follows: If you're finished and there is still more game to play, decide whether you pick another playbook to adopt or
6 or less You get nothing. Then you whether you'd like to play side characters.
make a fool of yourself.
7 to 9 You get what you want. PROPS
Then you lose something.
10 or 11 You get your way. What ➡ A handful of Lira ➡ A job at the Russian-owned Caffè Estivo
does it look like? ➡ A cheap walking stick ➡ A pistol with the serial numbers sanded off
12 or You get your way, but then ➡ ➡
more you go too far. ➡ ➡
➡ ➡

Goncharov’s wife. She led a dull, normal life in the Soviet Union and her romance with Goncharov was an
exciting escape. Now that they've left Russia behind and are trying to live a law-abiding life, she finds that
she is bored once more.

➡ Ensure she will never, ever return to an ordinary life.

➡ Help Goncharov become the gangster she once loved.
When you try to get your way, roll MOTIVATIONS
2D6 and add the relevant modifier:
➡ Find out what's going on between the Russians and the Napolese.
Lash out, break ➡ Convince Goncharov to meet with Andrey for a 'business oportunity'
0 things, shoot guns,
wreck a room,
➡ Make a scene to embarrass everyone around you.
➡ Get a fancier apartment to live in.
frighten people.
VIOLENCE ➡ Steal a gun from another character.
➡ Convince Goncharov to kill someone for you.
Compliment, touch, ➡ Convince Andrey to fall in love with you.
2 distract, test
boundaries, dance,
➡ Convince a member of the Napolese Mob to work with you.
➡ Steal something just to show off that you can.
make love.
SEDUCTION ➡ Make Goncharov dance to a song you both used to love. Convince him to like it.
➡ Get your fortune read. Convince them to give you a flattering result.
Make deals,
-2 compromise, stand
firm, use your
BUSINESS reputation. When you wish to do something dangerous which might cost you your life or allow you to take the life of another,
you can choose to do a Climactic Scene. If you have done 11 scenes, Everybody has to do it.
For Katya, you might enact your plan to kill Audrey and take over the Naples operation, for instance.
-1 Hold your tongue,
behave, stay calm,
If (and when) you do, roll 2D6 with no modifiers.
lie, listen, don't cry. Odds You get it done and come out the other end unscathed. You can continue to play as normal.
RESTRAINT Evens You are finished. You have one final poetic death scene or the authorties get you, maybe you give your final
words or ask for a final request, but the moment the gun fires, you’re done for.
Your result will be as follows: If you're finished and there is still more game to play, decide whether you pick another playbook to adopt or
6 or less You get nothing. Then you whether you'd like to play side characters.
make a fool of yourself.
7 to 9 You get what you want. PROPS
Then you lose something.
10 or 11 You get your way. What ➡ Gifts that Goncharov didn't get her. ➡ Some Italian girlfriends she gossips with.
does it look like? ➡ Old, fancy clothes she wore back in Russia ➡ A small, cramped apartment.
12 or You get your way, but then ➡ ➡
more you go too far. ➡ ➡
➡ ➡

Goncharov's friend. He somehow avoided the shootout that got Goncharov and the others. Sure, he might
be sleeping with Katya, but he just wants Goncharov back to his old self. He's also in town because the
Russian mob wants to establish a new enterprise, and that's Andrey's specialty.

➡ Establish a foothold for the Russian Mob in Naples

➡ Force Goncharov to wake up, even if it means using underhanded tactics.
When you try to get your way, roll MOTIVATIONS
2D6 and add the relevant modifier:
➡ Convince Goncharov to join you in establishing a foothold here.
Lash out, break ➡ Rob one of the Napolese Mob's businesses in broad daylight.
0 things, shoot guns,
wreck a room,
➡ Take Goncharov out for a drink. Like you used to.
➡ Convince your superiors back home that you're making good progress.
frighten people.
VIOLENCE ➡ Do something terrible because your superiors gave you an order.
➡ Offer to buy out the Naples Mob. Hire them to do what they were doing before... but for you.
Compliment, touch, ➡ Get Katya to tell you why she's sleeping with you and why Goncharov isn't enough for her.
1 distract, test
boundaries, dance,
➡ Seduce another character. Convince them to kiss, make love, or merely dance with you.
➡ Go and try to hurt someone who is causing you more trouble than they're worth.
make love.
SEDUCTION ➡ Tell Goncharov you were behind the ambush so he understands why you did it.
➡ Show why the Russians trust you to do this job. Show what you're capable of.
Make deals,
2 compromise, stand
firm, use your
BUSINESS reputation. When you wish to do something dangerous which might cost you your life or allow you to take the life of another,
you can choose to do a Climactic Scene. If you have done 11 scenes, Everybody has to do it.
For Andrey, you might try to wipe out the Naples Mob in several co-ordinated hits, for instance.
0 Hold your tongue,
behave, stay calm,
If (and when) you do, roll 2D6 with no modifiers.
lie, listen, don't cry. Odds You get it done and come out the other end unscathed. You can continue to play as normal.
RESTRAINT Evens You are finished. You have one final poetic death scene or the authorties get you, maybe you give your
final words or ask for a final request, but the moment the gun fires, you’re done for.
Your result will be as follows: If you're finished and there is still more game to play, decide whether you pick another playbook to adopt or
6 or less You get nothing. Then you whether you'd like to play side characters.
make a fool of yourself.
7 to 9 You get what you want. PROPS
Then you lose something.
10 or 11 You get your way. What ➡ A seemingly endless supply of money. ➡ A nice, luxurious Italian car.
does it look like? ➡ Fake papers, identifying you as Mr Daddano ➡ Bookings at all the nicest restaraunts
12 or You get your way, but then ➡ ➡
more you go too far. ➡ ➡
➡ ➡

Goncharov's Brother-In-Law. A cop back in Leningrad, but currently "on vacation" in Naples. He is the
brother of Katya and has only recently learned that his sister is alive. He despises Goncharov, yet can do
little. Nonetheless, he feels compelled to ask around...

➡ Bring his sister, Katya, back home with him to Leningrad.

➡ Find out the extent of Goncharov's illegal activities.
When you try to get your way, roll MOTIVATIONS
2D6 and add the relevant modifier:
➡ Try to purchase a gun without raising attention to yourself.
Lash out, break ➡ Convince the Naples police to give you information on Goncharov's activities.
0 things, shoot guns,
wreck a room,
➡ Ask for Goncharov's help in convincing your sister to leave town.
➡ Meet with one of Goncharov's criminal associates without raising suspicion about yourself.
frighten people.
VIOLENCE ➡ Try to enjoy your holiday, in spite of yourself.
➡ Lie to your family back home about where you are.
Compliment, touch, ➡ Make your sister promise to come back home with you and leave this life behind her.
-2 distract, test
boundaries, dance,
➡ Make Goncharov reget having ever entered your life.
➡ Listen in on a private conversation without being noticed.
make love.
SEDUCTION ➡ Follow someone of interest without being noticed.
➡ Convince Katya that this life is too dangerous for her.
Make deals,
-1 compromise, stand
firm, use your
BUSINESS reputation. When you wish to do something dangerous which might cost you your life or allow you to take the life of another,
you can choose to do a Climactic Scene. If you have done 11 scenes, Everybody has to do it.
For Valery, you might try to take out Goncharov in an ill-concieved attempt to 'save' his sister, for instance.
1 Hold your tongue,
behave, stay calm,
If (and when) you do, roll 2D6 with no modifiers.
lie, listen, don't cry. Odds You get it done and come out the other end unscathed. You can continue to play as normal.
RESTRAINT Evens You are finished. You have one final poetic death scene or the authorties get you, maybe you give your
final words or ask for a final request, but the moment the gun fires, you’re done for.
Your result will be as follows: If you're finished and there is still more game to play, decide whether you pick another playbook to adopt or
6 or less You get nothing. Then you whether you'd like to play side characters.
make a fool of yourself.
7 to 9 You get what you want. PROPS
Then you lose something.
10 or 11 You get your way. What ➡ A police-issue voice recorder ➡ Swimming trunks and sunscreen
does it look like? ➡ Two plane tickets back to Leningrad. ➡ A suit made in the Soviet fashion.
12 or You get your way, but then ➡ ➡
more you go too far. ➡ ➡
➡ ➡

A Napolese criminal and known gambler. He is less a mafia kingpin and more a street hood made good.
The Russians are closing in on his turf, debt collectors are hunting for him, and he's gotta take care of

➡ Keep Napolese territory out of Russian hands.

➡ Get the money to pay off his gambling debts.
When you try to get your way, roll MOTIVATIONS
2D6 and add the relevant modifier:
➡ Make a convincing display of your power to whoever is watching.
Lash out, break ➡ Convince Goncharov to join your side.
-2 things, shoot guns,
wreck a room,
➡ Convince Sofia to seduce one of the Russians so you can find out what they're up to.
➡ Organise an ambush against the Russians.
frighten people.
VIOLENCE ➡ Steal money from your own operation without being noticed.
➡ Win a lot of money in a dangerous gamble.
Compliment, touch, ➡ Ask your debt collectors for more time.
0 distract, test
boundaries, dance,
➡ Make one of your businesses more profitable somehow.
➡ Trick Andrey into trusting that you're on his side.
make love.
SEDUCTION ➡ Convince your gang that you're the leader they should follow.
➡ Deal with someone who witnessed you robbing your own gang.
Make deals,
-1 compromise, stand
firm, use your
BUSINESS reputation. When you wish to do something dangerous which might cost you your life or allow you to take the life of another,
you can choose to do a Climactic Scene. If you have done 11 scenes, Everybody has to do it.
For Mario, you might try resolving all his issues with his debt collectors once and for all, for instance.
1 Hold your tongue,
behave, stay calm,
If (and when) you do, roll 2D6 with no modifiers.
lie, listen, don't cry. Odds You get it done and come out the other end unscathed. You can continue to play as normal.
RESTRAINT Evens You are finished. You have one final poetic death scene or the authorties get you, maybe you give your
final words or ask for a final request, but the moment the gun fires, you’re done for.
Your result will be as follows: If you're finished and there is still more game to play, decide whether you pick another playbook to adopt or
6 or less You get nothing. Then you whether you'd like to play side characters.
make a fool of yourself.
7 to 9 You get what you want. PROPS
Then you lose something.
10 or 11 You get your way. What ➡ A bunch of nice suits ➡ A World War II rifle
does it look like? ➡ A handful of goons to back him up ➡ A substantial record collection
12 or You get your way, but then ➡ ➡
more you go too far. ➡ ➡
➡ ➡


Mario's right hand man. Got his nickname because he always carries an ice pick in his back pocket and
likes using it on people he doesn't like. He has a grim reputation, sure, but he cares deeply for the people
around him and would do almost anything to protect them.

➡ Protect Mario and Sofia.

➡ Kill the threats and traitors that threaten the Napolese mob.
When you try to get your way, roll MOTIVATIONS
2D6 and add the relevant modifier:
➡ Act as a lookout, keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity in someone else's scene.
Lash out, break ➡ Show Sofia a nice time.
2 things, shoot guns,
wreck a room,
➡ Do something to help Mario out. He's under a lot of stress.
➡ Tidy up a crime scene, leaving no trace behind.
frighten people.
VIOLENCE ➡ Hurt someone who is causing trouble.
➡ Try to blow up something (or someone) that the Russians care about.
Compliment, touch, ➡ Remind the Russians that you're keeping an eye on them.
1 distract, test
boundaries, dance,
➡ Try to find out who has been stealing from the Napolese mob.
➡ Tell a funny, yet unnerving joke to get everybody laughing.
make love.
SEDUCTION ➡ Aquire a fishing boat so that you can take people out and never bring them back.
➡ Plant a time bomb somewhere particularly dangerous, without being noticed.
Make deals,
-2 compromise, stand
firm, use your
BUSINESS reputation. When you wish to do something dangerous which might cost you your life or allow you to take the life of another,
you can choose to do a Climactic Scene. If you have done 11 scenes, Everybody has to do it.
For Ice Pick Joe, you might try to kill Mario and Sofia for betraying the Napolese mob, for instance.
-2 Hold your tongue,
behave, stay calm,
If (and when) you do, roll 2D6 with no modifiers.
lie, listen, don't cry. Odds You get it done and come out the other end unscathed. You can continue to play as normal.
RESTRAINT Evens You are finished. You have one final poetic death scene or the authorties get you, maybe you give your
final words or ask for a final request, but the moment the gun fires, you’re done for.
Your result will be as follows: If you're finished and there is still more game to play, decide whether you pick another playbook to adopt or
6 or less You get nothing. Then you whether you'd like to play side characters.
make a fool of yourself.
7 to 9 You get what you want. PROPS
Then you lose something.
10 or 11 You get your way. What ➡ His ice pick ➡ A bunch of pistols, rifles, and machine guns.
does it look like? ➡ A pocket watch that ticks loudly ➡ One nice suit
12 or You get your way, but then ➡ ➡
more you go too far. ➡ ➡
➡ ➡

The girlfriend of Mario Ambrosini. She is as much a part of the Napolese Mob as the others, but is
frustrated as they tend to underestimate her or, worse, protect her because she's a woman. So she's
thinking she wants a change...

➡ Find love in the crowd of messy people around her.

➡ Be recognised as a useful, indispensible asset.
When you try to get your way, roll MOTIVATIONS
2D6 and add the relevant modifier:
➡ Try to do a nice gesture for someone you feel close to.
Lash out, break ➡ Go into a dangerous situation and come out in one piece.
-2 things, shoot guns,
wreck a room,
➡ Prove your obvious competance to those who underestimate you.
➡ Listen in on something you're excluded from without anybody noticing you're there.
frighten people.
VIOLENCE ➡ Gather up a collection of incriminating documents about the Napolese mob.
➡ Make one of the Napolese operations work better by making a few obvious changes.
Compliment, touch, ➡ Try to find out if another character is interested in you.
-1 distract, test
boundaries, dance,
➡ Try to broker peace with the Russian Mob, without Mario finding out.
➡ Convince someone to have a pleasant date with you.
make love.
SEDUCTION ➡ Have a clean break up with Mario. Start a new and better life.
➡ Do something that nobody in the Napolese Mob could do themselves.
Make deals,
1 compromise, stand
firm, use your
BUSINESS reputation. When you wish to do something dangerous which might cost you your life or allow you to take the life of another,
you can choose to do a Climactic Scene. If you have done 11 scenes, Everybody has to do it.
For Sofia, you might lure Mario and Ice Pick Joe into an ambush and get away scot free, for instance.
1 Hold your tongue,
behave, stay calm,
If (and when) you do, roll 2D6 with no modifiers.
lie, listen, don't cry. Odds You get it done and come out the other end unscathed. You can continue to play as normal.
RESTRAINT Evens You are finished. You have one final poetic death scene or the authorties get you, maybe you give your
final words or ask for a final request, but the moment the gun fires, you’re done for.
Your result will be as follows: If you're finished and there is still more game to play, decide whether you pick another playbook to adopt or
6 or less You get nothing. Then you whether you'd like to play side characters.
make a fool of yourself.
7 to 9 You get what you want. PROPS
Then you lose something.
10 or 11 You get your way. What ➡ A photo camera and her own dark room ➡ A .22 pistol, stashed in her purse.
does it look like? ➡ A very fast car she drives very well ➡ A lot of cheap, but fashionable outfits
12 or You get your way, but then ➡ ➡
more you go too far. ➡ ➡
➡ ➡

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