Reflection Day (1-10)

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Daily reflection



Day- 1
Date- 7 september,2022

On day 1,I felt nervous as well as excited to go and meet kids,

execute what I have planned and understand learners better.
Firstly I started with teaching mathematics and leather
environmental studies. My plan included concrete objects
which they have to trace in the group and then tell about the
object. In this activity learners described a square based
pyramid like a tent or cylinder as a kitchen roll. In group
activity, learners were having a tussle about who would trace
it first which resulted in some of them shouting at each other
and disturbing others who were doing their work. This made
me assign numbers to the children in the group and asked
them to trace one after another according to the number
Flashcards intrigued learners very much where each of them
wanted a separate flashcard instead of working in pairs.
Colouring activity took longer than I expected because
learners wanted to colour many things in different colours
which took a lot of extra time. Using chart paper to
demonstrate vertices and sides intrigues learners where they
were excited that I made a chart for them. The response of
learners is still very less because of the little time that we have
had but some of them are engaging with the TLM and
answering the questions, asking few questions.
In environmental studies, learners were asked to experience
and use their senses to tell about the objects in which they
could guess the object by closing their eyes, hearing the sound
made by it, touching it and smelling it which made learners
curious. Though they didn't follow the instructions as some of
them opened their eyes or tried to peek if some other person
was touching it. But learners were trying to guess by saying
that the flower is a soft cloth, mustard leaf, or when smelling
it that I have placed a perfume bottle. Worksheet made them
write about what they experienced and the descriptions made
by them were very interesting.
Classroom management is one thing which I felt that I lacked
behind in as during group activity class became chaotic and
learners don't listen to the instructions fully and start doing
what they understand immediately. I feel that they don't work
in groups in class as they don't let each other talk when asked
something. This can also be because of the less interaction we
had and then not feeling comfortable with me immediately.
Day 2
Date- 9 september,2022

Today my nervousness was a little less because I got to know

the students better. I got to know students and understand
them as some of them were expressive but some needed to be
encouraged and motivated to speak or even engage with the
Today after the happiness curriculum, I started with my
mathematics lesson plan 2 based on angles and how to
measure them. This included the use of protractor and finding
angles in the name of the learners. This was completely new
for the learners and observed by me the last day, previous
knowledge of learners about shapes and angles was not up to
the level I assumed while making the plan. While explaining
the concept, I once again started with shapes and how angles
are formed, then used different objects in front of them and
tried to give many examples such that they get the
understanding of the meaning of angle. Then I explained to
them how to use the protractor which took more time than I
anticipated as learners were facing difficulty in understanding
it. I made groups to demonstrate the use of protractor and then
asked learners who still had a doubt to ask me which some of
them did ask but many still felt hesitated and when I started
explaining the concept to some of them, few others joined.
The activity with the name was a good assessment for me to
understand whether the learners understood the concept as
when doing the activity, some more students came and asked
me if they were doing it correctly. But some students of level
1 are still facing difficulties in understanding the concept and
are a lot more hesitant to ask their questions. As this plan
didn't include group activity, managing the class was a lot
better, the sound created in the class was mostly if students
were asking each other questions which shows that they can
do peer learning but first I have to start with pair work and
then go towards groups.
In English lesson plan 1, I felt that the activities made my me
were very difficult for the students to do or understand and the
main reason I felt was that most of the students in the class are
of level 1 in English where even after encouraging them to
write sentences or phrases using English words and using
Hindi to describe the thoughts, learners said that they can't do
it because they don't know how to write sentences in English.
Some of them did try, though there were errors in it but they
tried to write sentences according to their understanding
which was a positive sign for me. When I was executing this
plan there was complete silence in the class which showed me
that the learners feared English as a subject and were afraid of
me asking them questions. This made me reflect on my lesson
plan and I thought that maybe I will have to include activities
which have different levels such that more students can
participate and engage with the activity.
Day 3
Date- 14 september,2022

Being present in the classroom for two days, executing the

plans, engaging and communicating with the students made
me feel more confident about my teaching and I felt that
students became more and more comfortable around me and
have started to make conversation with me. I was going to
school after 4 days and this day again felt like the first day
because these days in between made students disengaged with
the lessons that I was executing because the teacher in the
class is executing different chapters from what I am teaching.
I executed the EVS plans today and felt that though the plan
for the lesson was interesting for the learners but they don’t
know how to work in a group and how they should let each
other speak before interrupting them in between, which
created chaos and it took more efforts to make them focus
again on the classroom activity and draw their attention.
sitting in the classroom is also an issue as there is not a lot of
space which makes it difficult to have u shaped sitting in the
classroom. The activity selected also helps me in
understanding the learners' understanding and when pasting
the petals on chart learners were trying to give their reasons
and understanding of why they are doing what they are doing.
teaching English requires me to change my plans on the spot
to match the needs of the learners, though now I understand
what the learners can and can’t do but understanding their
actual learning level is difficult as sometimes learner is not
engaging with the language because they don’t know it, they
are not comfortable sharing their opinion or they are not
interested in activity, possibility of plan not getting executed
as successfully as expected can be any of the above.
The reading of learners is mostly reading out loud and they
can’t read the text in their mind. While narrating the story,
though learners hear what I am speaking but they are not able
to understand what I am speaking in English, thus using
actions and Hindi I have to improvise on the spot to let
learners understand what I am speaking.
discussion activity is mostly done by the learners in Hindi and
when I ask them to try to speak small words in English, they
immediately stop talking or say ma’am we can’t speak in
English and we don’t speak English.
Learners engage best with the draw and tell activity where
they are able to draw on their own what they like to draw and
with my help they can name the things they have drawn in
both English and Hindi.

overall I believe that today, I needed to improvise a lot to

make learners engage with the classroom activity and not
create chaos in the classroom as if there is a lack in discipline,
teaching will take a back seat and the classroom learning will
get affected in the process to manage the classroom more
effectively and I as a facilitator needs to work better to
implement what I planned, make space to first help learners
understand how to work in a group and then include them in a
group activity.
date- 15 september,2022

On this day, I executed the plans for mathematics and English.

mathematics- lesson plan 3
English- lesson plan 3
This mathematics plan was a success for me in terms of
engaging learners with the classroom activities and helping
them in understanding the concept of angles and angle tester.
as I included craft activity, it let learners get an hands-on
experience, they liked that they were making something and
then they actually tried to use it to measure the angles present
in the surroundings which was very appreciating for me as
they were trying to engage with each other also ( in terms of
getting competitive for measuring different angles and
measuring it correctly).
Using activities which are relatable for the learners helps me
in getting their attention and interest in the classroom activity
which is very important as they tend to lose their interest after
some time. angels is a new concept for them which they have
not learned before so in this lesson I didn’t have to work on
the unlearning but more on giving them experience to engage
and relate their understanding with which my lesson plan
helped me in executing as it included activities which
involved whole class and in form of game made it competitive
and interesting for the learners.
for facilitating English lesson plans, I changed my
expectations and tried to match the level of the learners,
instead of asking them questions, I wanted to provide them
opportunity to experience and engage and not to feel anxious
about speaking, I asked them to first think on their own, write
what they feel like about the food, what they love which gives
them many thoughts as it is something which they know.
Then I played a chit game with them which will help them to
express themselves using expressions and words which will
help them to fill gaps if they feel conscious in any one of them
and then try to use English words to communicate and express
This change in my approach and expectations helped me in
understanding learners better and also in executing my lesson
plan as I focused on children's expressions first and then they
used language as a tool to do that.
Both the lesson plans executed today helped me in engaging
with the learners better, classroom management was a lot
better than yesterday and discipline improved in the class as
the engagement with the activity increased which is a small
but a good positive which motivates a facilitator to give their
date- 16 september,2022
plans executed-environmental studies- lesson plan 3
English - lesson plan 4
Each day, engaging learners with the concept and activities
motivates me as a facilitator to plan and execute plans with
my best efforts. In EVS I used newspaper articles to
encourage learners to read newspapers and find articles which
they find interesting, these articles help learners to know what
is happening in their surrounding as well as the world and it is
essential to promote newspaper reading for the socialisation of
then the use of dog puppet, which was a craft activity was a
great initiator for the conversation between the learners and
for the first time I saw that learners were helping each other in
making the dog puppet and this activity also helped me in
engaging with learners as they wanted me to help them in
folding the ears, when I asked them to give me the puppet and
displayed in the soft boards, learners got very excited and
draw various designs/details in their dog to make it stand out.
this lesson plan also helped learners to use their observations
and recall what they have seen to discuss different animal
senses which made this class very engaging and included
communication between learners as well as me.
English lesson plan execution has improved slowly compared
to other subjects each day. This plan included story narration,
reading and making a different ending for the story. It
included learners asking questions in the groups and passing
these questions to different groups which I believe helped
them to think of questions and their answers instead of just
reading the text for the sake of reading it. Though questions
and answers were not constructed in appropriate grammar, the
learners were trying to ask questions which is an important
skill to be developed in them.
The different ending of the story was a great activity in terms
of helping learners to imagine and use their creativity to think
of a unique or different ending which makes it different. when
discussing these stories, different stories lead to discussion
between the learners and also it was fun to hear learners and
what they think about, though this activity made learners
create a lot of noise but it was very engaging. thus, this day
was the most fun I had as a facilitator in the classroom till
now because my learners were having fun and more
importantly were trying to engage with each other, as well as
were doing their best to complete the activity while using
different skills.
date- 17 september,2022

mathematics- lesson plan 3

environmental studies- lesson plan 4

today, I first started with executing lesson plan 4 of

mathematics but when I started with the recall activity of the
previous class, I realised that many students were absent in
the previous class and thus lack the understanding of the
angels as well as angle testers, therefore I decided to again go
back to previous class and use activities to develop their
understanding of the angles as it is the most important topic of
this unit plan. This time I used the already made angle tester
and now asked learners to measure different angles present in
the classroom and then I made a table on the blackboard and
used it to demonstrate how to use angle tester and then write
down the angles of different things present in the classroom
and then also use this table to distinguish between right angle,
acute angle and obtuse angle. This made me realise that
sometimes the scenario and situation in the classroom can
throw you off balance and you have to improvise on the spot
and decide what you want to do . This was a good lesson for
me in terms of being a facilitator to be prepared for different
situations that can arise in the classroom.
In environmental studies classroom management was not only
better but I believe that this class was the most engaging
classroom where learners took the main part of the activity
and it included me giving very less input to make the activity
successful. The role play activity made learners feel like they
were playing a game and not learning. at end of the class, they
asked me to bring more activities like this which involved
activities like role playing, when I asked them to be a lion or a
tiger, learners without even giving them instruction to be like
them started making sounds of roaring or changed their
walking style, which made it very fun and interesting with the
input the children gave. I also thought that this activity would
create a lot of chaos in the classroom but I was pleasantly
surprised that there was no student who stood up without
asking them to or created noise which was a small win for me
as a teacher.
This day was a lot interesting for me and taught me a lot as a
facilitator and I believe that this day and lesson will help me
in being better prepared for all the situations and be a better
date- 21 september,2022

Mathematics- lesson plan 4

environmental studies- unit plan 2 lesson plan 1

This lesson plan of mathematics included many hands-on

experiences for the learners, with the chart as well as the cut-
outs which engages the learners the most in the mathematics
activities. the charts, though can become very repetitive for
learners if done again and again in front of them but it
interested the learners the most as it was something very
unique for them as by pulling a thread they can see a net
becoming a 3D shape which is interesting and engaging for
me as well as learners and all the learners wanted to pull the
thread on the chart. This plan included a group activity but I
made sure to give clear instructions about how to work in a
group such that learners know how to work in the group. The
cut-outs helped learners understand the nets by manipulating
them and understanding how they work and why they are used
by developing their own understanding instead of giving them
the knowledge directly.
at last the worksheet provided to the learners helped me in
assessing what they have learned and whether they have
understood the concept clearly or not.
then in EVS the theme and unit plan changed and the theme I
selected was water which included lots of chapters and it was
a theme which is very known and relatable to the learners. this
plan was based majorly on the discussion and communication
which I believe I was able to achieve as almost each learner
gave their input which was essential to keep the discussion
going and made learners learn with the help of each other,
develop a zone of proximal development as explained by
Vygotsky in his cognitive development theory.
Date- 22 September, 2022

mathematics- lesson plan 5

Hindi- lesson plan 1

mathematics lesson plan was based on reflective symmetry

which included a art activity which made me work extra hard
to maintain a disciplined classroom environment as I believe
learners have not used paint colours or even any art activity
before in the classroom which resulted in them making chaos,
applying colour on each others sheet and also even after
instructing them clearly beforehand, learners were not able to
understand the instructions for the same, it was visible that
this type of activity was very new for them, though they were
very excited to these activities but they didn’t knew how to
work or perform the activity by not creating mess around
them. I used questioning as a technique to let learners deduce
the reflection symmetry that they painted out using thread and
wanted them to observe, which some of them did on their own
but some of them needed assistance in doing so. then to
provide hands on experience and let learners manipulate the
objects to create their own understanding I used cut-outs
where they have to fold the shapes/cut-outs to find the line of
symmetry and when doing so I realised that learners might get
confused with line of symmetry and line of fold so I used
blackboard to display them the line of symmetry which made
most of the learners engage with the concept.
The classroom management issues and chaos resulted in
activities taking more time and art activity took a lot more
time than I anticipated earlier as it was very new for the
learners. Due to this I was only able to execute half of my
plan in the time assigned for the lesson.
The language plan i.e. of Hindi theme was based on changing
times including memories and future plans. This plan included
a child's expression in the form of sharing the memories and
using childhood toys to create a story.
this lesson was very interesting for the learners as it included
something that was very personal for the learners and they
have to share something that was their own and have
experienced themselves which made the class engaging,
interesting and the whole class communicated to make the
activities wholesome and expressive. These activities started
with first me sharing or trying to create a story to give learners
an example and to motivate them such that we can create a
space where one can share without feeling judged or
Day 9
Date- 23 september,2022

Hindi- lesson plan 2

I only executed one lesson plan(2 hours) today because it

included a number of activities which required a lot more time
for learners to engage with them. First they had to start with
writing a journal/diary where they had to write something for
themselves. I thought that this activity would be easier as it
was something they want to express for themselves but most
of the learners were confused or didn’t know what to write or
how to express themselves which needed me to motivate them
to write anything they feel like by giving them examples. even
after that some learners needed to be encouraged to try to
write, anything and then after a while, they started writing or
some even drew to express themselves which was very
motivating for me to have encouraged them.
poem recitation was at first met with silence for learners but
then I included examples and expressions, changed my voice
and asked them to recite it with me and then ask questions or
share what they felt about the poem. At last the discussion
based on good and bad memories was a great eye opener for
me as being a teacher or an adult we often miss small things
that make us happy but for children their good and bad is so
small yet so important. What I felt in the class was also that
children became a little more empathetic towards each other
for a few moments but it was encouraging to see in children of
their age. Thus activities though not getting transacted to my
expectations , still this execution was important for me as a
facilitator to realise that sometimes children will need
motivation and encouragement to even start writing for
themselves but we have to give them examples including our
stories to make them understand what and how to express
Day 10
Date- 24 september,2022

Hindi- unit plan 1, lesson plan 3

environmental studies- lesson plan 2
using voice modulation and active participation in story
narration has made storytelling a better experience for me as
well as the learners in which they are not just listening or
seeing something, they are also taking part in it which is very
important to keep them interested and engaged in the story,
ask questions and include their views or thoughts with the
class, though I am not able to achieve this completely in the
classroom still after the activity, I think responses of learners
and their engagement is increasing with each day, they still
feel shy to share their thoughts at first but students have
started taking initiative like Abhishek always raise his hands
which motivates others to share though they repeat or share
the same thing but they try to share. This was the main
takeaway for me from this lesson is to keep bringing activities
which includes the same skills but make them think and
engage differently such that this hesitation of the learners is
not there anymore.
environmental studies plan also included an story narration
which was a first and included first learners to tell what they
think is happening in the story using the pictures and then
using the narration. environmental studies have always been
relatable for the learners but in this lesson they asked
questions which were difficult to answer, involved moral
development to answer that question like is it okay for cities
to have water? villages should also have water no? what
happens if we don’t take water from villages? doesn’t people
in cities have water shortage? Whatever we do, someone will
suffer at the end? these questions have very diplomatic
answers and can’t be answered as black and white and I found
it very interesting and good that learners are thinking about
these questions which are important to develop empathetic
and sensitised learners as well as citizens of the nation. but
this makes teaching hard because it makes us a neutral source
of information and we as an individual do need to keep our
biases aside such that learners can develop their own
understanding and values which they think are right for them
and answering question like these is going to be difficult

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