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CACC aa ‘Complete the conversation with words from the box. There are two words you do not need to use. abstract subtle open —dramatic_-—conventional_-—_—reail Sara: Did you take this photo? I's amazing. I's in the city centre, isn't it? By the river, Laci: Yes.| took it yesterday. Sara: But how did you make it look so interesting and mysterious? It's really Laci: Well, | actually had to wake up really early, at 5 a.m. There was no one else around, very few cars, and there was mist rising up over the river. wanted to try and create a feeling of the city being quiet and still, not and constantly busy with people and traffic like it usually is. Maybe i's not to show a city without ordinary people walking up and down the streets, but | wanted to do something a bit different. Sara: And you didn't use any filters or effects or anything? Laci: No. It's just a photo. The sun was just coming up, and that's why the bridge looks so bright and red. And if you lookin the bottom corner Sara: It looks as if there's someone in the distance, with their back to the camera. Oh, i's youl! Laci: Yes. It's a selfie—a very ‘one! | put my phone on a wall and used atimer. MOA CT tae 4 Read. Choose the best word to describe each painting. (Orange and Yellow, Mark Rothko, 1956, Two rectangles, in two different colours, one above the other. The edges of the rectangles are not clear, allowing the viewer's eyes to move ‘around the painting freely in silent thought. realistic abstract conventional Read. Choose the best word to describe each painting. The Bedroom, Vincent van Gogh, 1888. This shows the artist's bed, a small table and a few chairs. Some paintings are hung on the wall, along with a towel. It shows us the very simple lfe that domestic this now world-famous artist must hove lived. ‘ambiguous dramatic Read. Choose the best word to describe each painting. ‘Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci, 1506. Perhaps the world's most recognizable portrait, it shows « particularly life-like woman sitting in what seems to be an armchair. However, despite its domestic fame, we have litle idea who the woman is, or where she is supposed to be. People also seem to have very different opinions about what the woman might be thinking or feeling. abstract ‘ambiguous Read. Choose the best word to describe each painting. The Two Fridas, Frida Kahlo, 1939. In this painting, the artist has ‘created a picture of herself as a pair of twins sitting next to each other, holding hands. One of the figures is wearing traditional bold Mexican clothes, and the other in the wedding dress she got, married in. The whole image is created in the rich, bright colours normally associated with this artist. Kahlo explained that it subtle represented the loneliness she felt after separating from her husband. conventional Read. Choose the best word to describe each painting. ‘New Year's Eve Foxtires at the Changing Tree, Oji, Utagawa Hiroshige, 1857. This mysterious picture shows a large group of foxes gathering at a tree in the middle of the night. Fire seems to atmospheric be coming out of the foxes' mouths the only ight in a scene otherwise composed of shadows and dark, distant mountains. abstract bold CeO A CTCL TTC Tag Be] Complete paragraph with the correct words. Thi relly interesting exemple of street art which can be seen in my part of New York Cty, in the heart ofthe East Vilage shows the lawyer and US Supreme Court judge, uth Bader Ginsburg, who died in 2020. t's very noticeable because ofthe striking, bo colours tus. The painting of Ginsburgs face i quite re ~it's very clearly hen the later part of her if. But the mural as a whole wseslots of ab shapes and lines to create a feeling of activity and maybe even celebration, Some ofthe things in the picture are open ton {mnt sure what the red flowers onthe bottom lft re supposed to represent for example But the message thatthe bird atthe top rights cayng isn't am ‘tall. it ays‘Woman belong: And that's appropriate because, after all, Ginsburg never stopped fighting for women's rights in her country. C | Vocabulary | 4 Review the vocabulary. bstrct ambiguous atmospheric bold conventional domestic dramatic open to Interpretation realistic subtle (od) (adi) (aa) (oa) ) (ad) (aay) (adi) (aa) (adi) Because this isan abstr 1 painting, it uses lines, shapes and colours to represent concepts and ideas. 1m not sure what the artist was trying to say it's ambiguous This is avery atmospheric photo - very romantic and myster The colours inthis painting are very strong and bold. | don't want art to be conventional I want t to experiment with new techniques and ideas. This photo shows a typical domestic scene ofa family eating a meal together. The painting shows a very dramatic scene of men on horses running towards each other in battle during a storm. 1's open to interpretation whether the woman in the painting is smiling or ust sitting calmly his sa very realistic painting of a man's face - it actually looks like a photo. The artist usually uses subtle colours t reatea soft, gentle effect Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. | nasal afcushenintntrmaty mney | om 2 Ateachareicantmmmtrtes| yatta eteopeethnt opr y 3. Iltke artthat's and open to interpretation, rather than art that tells you clearly what to think. 4, Thisisasimple, photo of a loaf of bread on someone's kitchen table. 5. Thephotopoparhs weds of stage lowed gto weateavey | ete. Review the vocabulary. ambiguous atmospheric bold conventional domestic open to Interpretation subtle (aap (adj) (oa) (oa) (ad) (ad) (ad) (adj) (adj) ‘Because this isan abstract painting, it uses lines shapes and colours to represent concepts and ideas. im not sure what the artist was trying to say ~ its ambiguous, This isa very atmospheric photo - very romantic and mysterious. ‘The colours in this painting are very trong and bold. ‘don't want art to be conventional ~| want it to experiment with new techniques and ideas. This photo shows a typical domestic scene ofa family eating a meal together. The painting shows a very dramatic scene of men on horses running towards each other in battle during a storm. {Its open to interpretation whether the woman in the painting is smiling or ust sitting calmly. This is avery realistic painting ofa man's face ~it actualy looks ike a photo. The artist usually uses subtle colours to create a soft, gentle effect.

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