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Roll No.

15000 120/40/30/40 NE-202

May - June 2023
B. Sc. /B. IH. Sc. /B. B. A. /B. C. A. /B. B. A. (H. A.) /B. B. A. (II. M.) /
B. B. A. (F. T.) / B. Voc. I Ycar (4 Y. D. C.) Examination

Papcr I : Environment Education

[Max. Marks 50
Timc 1llour] [Min. Marks 17

Allqucstions are compulsory. The blind students will be given 30 minutes cxtra time.
Univcrsity has all rights to change the distribution of marks.
() 44t HaHTTT (T) 44 (H) T¥T ()f T I
Which is the most stablc ccosystem :
(a) Marinc (Occan) (b) 'orcst (c) Mountain (d) Descrt.
(3) TA () sarÈ À (H) zft () YEqI
What is the main causc of Soil Erosion:
(a) Dcforcstation (b) Industrialization (c) Agriculturc (d) Earthquake.

What is Grecn Housc Effcct:

(a) Incrcasc in Global Tcmpcrature (b) Decrcasc in Global Temperature
(c) Incrcase in Sca Water 'T'cmperaturc (d) Incrcase in Tcmpcraturc of Rivcr and Lake.
() ftg (a) fteTqu (H) Tg (a) I
Whichof the following is cndangcrcd specics :
(a) Eagle (b) Grcat Indian Bustard (c) Owl (d) Pigcon.
(o) 3fr4T () fià (H) arg () TTHI
Movemcnt like Chipko which is in South India is :
(a) Uliso (b) Appiko (c) Bclcsu (d) Balasu.
() r 22 () 4$ 22 () T 23 () rdr 161
When the World Biodiversity Day is observed:
(a)March 22 (b) May 22 (c) June 23 (d) April 16.
7. TIY 1<qU atatH44 TTI f4T 4T 4T: When the Air Pollution Control Act was cnactcd :
(a) 1986 (b) 1972 (c) 1974 (d) 1981.
() 44T (4) r (#) er () tI
Which of the following is Non-Rencwable Resources:
(a) Coal (b) Dicscl (c) Metal (d) All.
() 26 a4Z4T () 23 f4raT (H) 5 () 22 4rI
Barth Day is cclcbratcd on :
(a)26 October (b) 23 December (c) 5 June (d) 22 April.
P. T. O.


Sprinkling DDT on cropscausc thc following pollution : (d) Soil and watcr.
(a) Air and watcr (b) Air and soil (c) Crops and air
(3) g (3) ftI
The clcment of (a) yeT
(a) Air environmcnt is : (d) All.
(b)Soil (c) Watcr
() T () a0 () tarfrzF () ft I
Which of the following is rocyclablc :
(a) Papcr (b) Glass (c) Plastic (d) AlI.
() t t () FÀvz () 3r3 (3) AfrI
Icosystcm term is givcn by :
(a) Tcnslcy (b) Cloment (c) Odum (d) Kclvin.
() HYT () 14I
Which factor does not affcct population size:
(a) Dcath ratc (b) Birth ratc
15. (c) Reproduction (d) Density.
() 4ftey (H) HT heTT
Zuming means : () GT I
(a) Descrtification (b) Flood (c) Soil crosion
16. aTY At T pH aT:plH of AlkalincSoil is : (d) Drought.
(a) 2 (b)4 (c) 5
17. (d) 8.
(3) h GAAIU (a) hH () f
Which tcchnique should be uscd to improve soil fertility: () f#ArËI
(a) Crop rotation (b) Crop (c) Sccd
18. (d) Irrigation.
() 4gd () 4frc (H) 58T
Which part of human body is first affcctcd by nuclcar radiation : (a) 3fg HTI
(a) Liver (b) Brain (c) Lungs
19. Affa ëà áH HI TTYÍH# Yq4: Which of the (d) Bonc Marrow.
(a) SO2 (b)CO following is thc primary pollutant :
(c) NO, (d) All.
() 4eT qgT (H) af yqgur
Grccn muffler is relatcd to : () TquT |
(a) Soil pollution (b) Air pollution (c) Noiscpollution
21. (d) Water pollution.
() fra () ToT () 34Tf
Which one of the following is not responsible for global war1ning : () 1HSTs HTFHTSSI
(a) Mcthanc (b) Water vapour (c) Argon
22. T: Biosphere
Reserve (d) CO2.
(a) UNDEP (b) UNFCCC (c) UNIESCO Programnme was(d)launched
r by:
23. af Nonc.
(3r) forrR () Yqqu () ArH afa
The main rcason of Biodiversity loss :
(a) Ilunting (b) Pollution (c) Ilabitat loss
(d) None.
() r () firrT (H)ydr
Man madc Icosystem : (3) aftaT |
(a) Rivcr (b)Descrt (c) Mountain
(d) Garden.
3 NE-202

() T () ftz () gT: 3 () qT: TÂ7
What kind of Bag is morc l'co-fricndly :
(a) Papcr (b) Plastic (c) Rcusablc (d) iRccyclcd.
(3r) CO () CO, () frTE ATSETATYFe () r iI
Bhopal Gas Lcak Accidcnt was due to lcak of which gas :
(a) CO (b) CO, (c) Mclhyl Isocyanate (d) Nonc.
(3) 4. I. () rery () TEY () t I
CAZRIis locatcd in:
(a) M. P. (b) Jodhpur (c) Udaipur (d) Indorc.
() 3ut () T (H) TTaT
Radiation pollution iscauscd by:
(a) Industry (b) Houscs (c) Vchiclc (d) Nuclcar rcactor.
() TT (H) HGT () 1eI
Scdimentary typc of cycle is :
(a) Nitrogcn (b) Watcr (c) Sulphur (d) Carbon.
() *fg () 4<fT () refar (3) Tt |
Plants growing is Desert arc known as :
(a) Mcsophytcs (b) Xorophytcs (c) Hydrophytcs (d) All.
(3) f a (a) a (H) Tht
Noise Pollution is mcasurcd in the following unit :
(a) Decibel (b) Bel (c) Pascal
(d) None.
(3) 5 T () 16fTaT () 8 HT
World Ozone Day in cclcbratcd on : (3) I
(a) 5 Junc (b) 16 Scptcmber (c) 8 March
33. (d) Nonc.
() 3rs () THTT fagT
Thc fathcr of Indian Ecology is :
() }T () rÆ T0I
(a) Odum (b) Ramdev Mishra (c) IHackel
34. (d) Nonc.
(3) qur () favt (H) ArYT
National Environment Rescarch Ccntcr situatcd at : ()ATGI
(a) Punc (b) Delhi (c) Nagpur (d) Ilyderabad.
(3r) rerHTATET (T) TT vfRre
Which is not a source of air pollution: () rUT
(a) Automobilc (b) Solid Particlc (c) Dust Particle
36. (d) Nonc.
() fterAr (a) T4g fafafa (H) Tqa
Rcason of water pollution : () f I
(a) Pcsticide (b) Iluman activity (c) Population growth
37. (d) All.
(3) tft () HFG (H) hERT
Which is an cxamplcof Acrosol : () YTI
(a) Jclly (b)Butter (c) l'og (d) Sponge.
The plonomenon of () rf 4Ê ()at () *1f tI
(a) Acid vain mble cancor is duc to
(b) Soot particle (c) Both (d) Nonc.
()qR () rrts () verf-ser
Discase causcd by (*) rf rtI
(a) leveT morcury is :
(b) Typhoid (c) ltai-ltai (d) Nonc.
() t ugq
Which layer of the (1) afirg (3) rf tI
(a) Stratosplhere atnosphere contain the ozone :
(b) Troposplhere (c) Exospherc (d) Nonc.
(H) af
The unit of energy () q () t () ft|
(a) Arg mcasurcment
(b) Joule
is :
(c) Calorie (d) All.
() Tt
() jT
Sardar Sarovar Dam is () irerat (z) faTI
() T'apti established
(b) Ganga
on :
43, (c) Godavari (d) Narmada.
() CO,
Thenane of the (3) T g () TEZ0aT
(a) CO2 Non-rcactive gas is
(b) llydrogen
(*) TfTT
44. (c) Nitrogcn
() frer (d) Oxygen.
() tT
Which inert gas is uscd in the () ifry () 3TT I
(a) Krypton treatment
(b) Radon
of canccr :
45, (c) Hclium
(d) Argon.
() er () AreTe
Which of these is not ncccssary for plant : ()
(a) Sun light (b) Soil
(c) Pesticide
(3) rfarAT (d) CO,.
() a
Which of the following is non biodcgradablc : () TAT
(a)Banana pecl (b) Clothes
47, (c) Ricc
(d) Plastic bottlc.
Which is the biggest forest in the world : () t
(a)Valdivian Rain Forcst
(c) Both (b) The
48. (d) Nonc.Amazon orcst
(3) 200 qt () 24 qf
llow long does it take lor a plastic bag to (H) 30 af
(a) 200 ycars (b) 24 ycars decomposcd : (a) i000 q I
49. (c) 30ycars
(3) 4 () ta
(d) 1000 years.
Fathomcter is uscd to mcasure :
(a)l'arthquake (b) Rain fall
(c) Occan depth
(3) VTGY fTT (T) rftfyft d
(d) Nonc.
The study of interrelation betwcen living (H) iffftt
(a)Phytology (b) l:cosystem organisn1 and
cnvironment is callcd() trI
(c) icology
(d) Geography.


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