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A Shaper is a martial artist with an inherent connection to one Elemental Blast

or more of the elements. The source of this connection varies
from Shaper to Shaper, but one thing all Shapers have in Shapers naturally bend the elements at their command to their
common is that their elemental gifts come to them as naturally will, they can wield the elements as well as any weapon.
as breathing. While Sorcerers, Wizards and Warlocks can use
spells to warp reality, Shapers control the elements with their Provided you have enough hands free, you can make any
bodies. Attack action available to you with an Elemental Blast instead
of a weapon. Elemental Blasts are treated like weapons, and
Source of Power: Shapers are connected to the planes, whether this is presented with their elements later in this class description.
a physical, magical or spiritual connection can vary from one to the
next. Regardless, they draw from their own strength to control the Channel Elements
elements they are connected to.
You can spend 1 AP and 1 SP to channel an element of your
Rules and Rulings Tip: The Shaper draws equally from the choice for 1 minute or until you channel another element.
Kineticist and the Avatar series. Go nuts with references.
You begin your journey as a Shaper with access to the Fire,
Earth, Water and Air elements.
Starting Equipment Other elements may be unlocked by your subclass choice.
While channeling an element:
• 2 of the following: Light Weapons, Shields • Your attacks deal 1 additional damage of the element’s
• 1 set of Novice Light Armor or Novice Heavy Armor blast’s type.
• X or Y “Packs” (Adventuring Packs Coming Soon) • You may use the Maneuver or Passive effect of the
element when you make any attack.
Shaper Class Features • You have Resist 2 against the damage type of that
element’s blast.
Level 1 Class Features Shaper (Flavor)
Shaper Martial Mastery You can spend 1 AP to make minor manipulations of
one of your elements. This could be holding or
Combat Masteries: All Weapons, Light Armor moving a small to tiny amount of the element,
generating a similar amount of the element or
Maneuvers & Weapon Passives: You gain access to all suppressing the element in it natural state.
Maneuvers and Weapon Passives, including those associated
with Shaper elements.
Level 2 Class Features
Techniques Known: You learn a number of Techniques as
shown in the Techniques Known column of the Shaper Class Elemental Flare
Shapers can draw on all the available of energy of an
Stamina Points: You have a maximum number of of Stamina element for a burst of elemental power.
Points as shown in the Stamina Points column of the Shaper
Class Table. While you are channeling an element, you gain access
to that element’s Flare ability. When you Flare an
Shaper Stamina: You regain 1 SP when a hostile creature fails a element you immediately stop channeling it, and cannot
Save against your Save DC. channel that element again until you finish a short

Shaper Class Table

Char Level Shaper Bonus HP Attribute Points Skill Points Stamina Points Techniques Known Features
1 +1 2 (start) 5 (start) 1 1 Class Features
Class Features
2 +1 +1 2
3 +1 +1 2 2 Subclass Feature
4 +1 +1 3
Ancestry Trait
5 +1 +1 +2 3 3 Class Feature
6 +1 +1 4 Subclass Feature
7 +1 +1 4 4
Ancestry Trait
8 +1 +1 5 Class Capstone Feature
9 +1 +1 5 5 Subclass Capstone Feature
Epic Boon
10 +1 +1 +2 6
Talent The Core Elements
Available to every Shaper, regardless of their eventual
You gain 1 Talent of your choice. If the Talent has focus, the Core Elements are familiar to most people.
any prerequisites, you must meet those prerequisites Fire, Earth, Water and Air.
to choose that Talent.
Fire Water
Level 3 Sub-class Selection
Burning, bright and hot. Fire is the element of Forever in flux, adapting and flowing. Water is the
power. A Shaper can use the element of Fire to element of change. A Shaper can use the element of
Elemental Focus burn their enemies to ash. water to slow their enemies or heal their allies.
As a Shaper you choose an Elemental Focus at Elemental Blast: One-handed, Ranged (5/15),
third level. Choose from the Avatar of Balance, the Elemental Blast: Two-Handed, Ranged (10/20),
2 Fire Damage 2 Cold Damage
Bite of Steel, the Crush of Ice, the Roaring Gale,
and the Crackle of Lightning. You can find these Maneuver: (1 AP) You deal +1 damage and the target
subclasses hidden away in a pocket dimension of Maneuver: (1 AP) You deal +1 damage and the target
makes an Agility Save against Burning (They take 1 makes a Might Save against becoming Slowed until
potentiality. Fire damage at the start of each of their turns.). the end your next turn.
Weapon Passive: You deal +1 damage against creatures Weapon Passive: You deal +1 damage against creatures
that are Burning. that are Slowed.
Elemental Flare: (2 AP, 1 SP) Flash Fire Elemental Flare: (2 AP, 1 SP) Benevolent Maelstrom
Make a single Attack against the PD of all creatures Creatures of your choice within Prime modifier
within a cone as long as your Prime modifier for 2 spaces of you regain 1 HP and have ¾ cover until
fire damage, they must make a Might Save against the end of your next turn.
becoming Blinded until the end of your next turn.

Earth Air
Powerful and unyielding. Earth is the element of Piercing, untouchable, ephemeral. Air is the element
substance. A Shaper can use the element of Earth to of freedom. A Shaper can use the element of Air to
knock down and knock back their foes. hold enemies back, slip passed them, or cut them to
Elemental Blast: Two-Handed, Melee Reach,
2 Bludgeoning Damage Elemental Blast: One-Handed, Melee,
1 Piercing Damage
Maneuver: (1 AP) You deal +1 damage and the target
makes an Agility Save against Prone. Maneuver: (1 AP) You deal +1 damage and can
immediately Jump up to half your movement speed
Weapon Passive: You deal +1 damage on Opportunity without expending movement.
Weapon Passive: You have 1 DR against Opportunity
Elemental Flare: (2 AP, 1 SP) Unstoppable Force Attacks as long you have at least 1 hand free.
Make a single Attack against the PD of all creatures
within a line as long as twice your Prime modifier Elemental Flare: (2 AP, 1 SP) A Thousand Cuts
for 2 bludgeoning damage, they must make a Physical Make a single Attack against the PD of all creatures
Save against being Dazed until the end of your next within a Prime modifier radius Arc for 2 slashing
turn. damage, they must make an Agility Save against
Elemental Focuses
The Hum of Lightning
The Ring of Metal The Call of Blood Those who focus on the Element of Fire push further than
Those who focus on the Element of Earth find a way to draw on Some who focus on the Element of Water find a way to draw on mere combustion.
the densest elements of the world. Heavy hitting and stubborn. the water within themselves and others..
Level 3 Subclass Features
Level 3 Subclass Features Level 3 Subclass Features ????? - While channeling the element of Fire,
Ore of the Earth - While channeling the element of Earth your Water Pressure - While channeling the element of Water,
Earth Elemental Blasts and Metal Weapons have the Impact your Water Elemental Blasts and Ranged Weapons push their
property. targets back one space horizontally away from you on a hit. Fire Technique - ???
Dig In to the Earth - You learn the Dig In Technique. Divert the Flow of Water - You learn the Divert Flow Level 6 Subclass Features
Technique. Lightning Elemental Blast
Dig In
You can spend 1 AP and 1 SP as a Reaction. Divert Flow One-Handed, Ranged, ? Lightning Damage
You can spend 1 AP and 1 SP as a Reaction.
Trigger: A hostile creature attempts to move you. Chains that Bind - +1 damage. Target must make a save
Trigger: You are targeted by a Ranged attack. against becoming Restrained.
Reaction: You cannot be moved against your will until the start
of your next turn. Reaction: You give the attacker disadvantage on their Attack or Level 9 Subclass Features
Spell Check. Lightning Technique - Lightning Rod/Energy Redirection
Technique Enhancements
Take Hold: You can spend 1 SP to attempt to Grapple the Technique Enhancements
creature that tried to move you, if they are within your reach. Redirect Attack
Shrug Off: If the triggering effect is an attack, you can spend 1 SP Judo Throw
to gain DR against that attack equal to your Prime modifier. The Roar of Thunder
Those who focus on the Element of Air can master the
Level 6 Subclass Features Level 6 Subclass Features frequencies in the air, unleashing sonic assaults.
Through connection to the earth, learn to channel the Element Through deeper understanding of Water, learn to channel the
of Metal. Element of Blood. Level 3 Subclass Features
????? - While channeling the element of Air,
Metal Blood
Funnel of Wind - 1AP + 1SP
Elemental Blast: Two-Handed, Melee, Elemental Blast: Two-Handed, Ranged 10/20, Rattled, Concentration,
3 Bludgeoning Damage 2 Force Damage

Maneuver: (1 AP) You deal +1 damage and the target must make Maneuver: (1 AP) You deal +1 damage and the target cannot Level 6 Subclass Features
a Physical Save against being Restrained, which they can repeat regain hit points until the start of your next turn. Sound Elemental Blast
for 1 AP on their turn.
Weapon Passive: You deal +1 damage against Bloodied and One-Handed, Ranged, ? Lightning Damage
Weapon Passive: Your attacks that hit Restrained or Prone targets Bleeding targets.
are Heavy Hits by default.
Chains that Bind - +1 damage. Target must make a save
Elemental Flare: BLOOD FLARE against becoming Restrained.
Elemental Flare: METAL FLARE
Level 9 Subclass Features Level 9 Subclass Features
Level 9 Subclass Features Thunder Technique - Flash Step?

Metal Technique? Blood Technique?

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