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Total Pages : 3 213404 May, 2019 BBA (Gen) - IV SEMESTER ; MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (BBA/GEN/404) DATABASE Time : 3 Hours] (Max. Marks : 75 ' 1, Itis compulsory to answer all the questions (1.5 marks tach) of Part-A in short Pakilyver any four questions from Part-B in detail, 4. Different sub-parts of a question are to be attempted adjacent to each other, Explain your answers with diagrams wherever necessary, PART-A What is meant by DBMS? (1.5) b) Differentiate between Data and Information. (1.5) What is the difference between physical and logical nce? (1.5) is data dictionary? (1.5) the concept of DDL and DML. (1.5) © between Database and Data Warehouse? [PTO. (1.5) 61: (g) (b) @ @ ©) (b) 4. (a) (b) What is Data Mining? (13) Discuss various types of users involved in Databas. system. (15) What is a Digital Library? (15) What are various security issues in a Database System) (1.5) PART-B What are the advantages of using Database approach over traditional File processing approach? 6) Explain in detail the three schema architecture of DBMS. Also explain the concept of logical and physical data independence in context of this architecture. (10) Explain the following terms with examples: DDL, DML, Super Key, Primary Key, Foreign key (10) Who is DBA? What are the responsibilities of DBA’ (0) Explain in detail various types of Database systems. 0) What is a Data Model? Discuss any two Data Models with suitable examples. (10) 213404/380/1 11/351 2 (g) How Noise pollution can be controlled? .spots of biodiversity? Give Ug, (bh) What are Hot-spo! cram () What are the causes of HIV/AIDS? . @_ What is acid rain? ty PART-B 2 (a) Whatare the causes arid effects of def it can be controlled? (0) What are the alternate sources of energy? 8 ) 3. Give a detailed account of characteristic features, struct, ’ and functions of grassland ecosystem. ( + 4. Explain different in-situ and ex-situ methods used forthe ‘conservation of biodiversity. ay S. (@) What are the causes and effects of air pollution? (9 — (b) Explain different approaches used to control aif (7, Explain the role of information technology in the protecti of environment and human health? Give two examples for each. (15) ae P 07. h) S agg organization. h) taff less org: izatio: ( (i) (j) B2B model. Define e-commerce. PART-B 1 " "It is beneficial to transact online." Comment a statement. j (a) Compare pure online vs. brick and mortar tual (15 (b) Explain the laws related to online business, y How the use of plastic money helps in e- ‘commerce? Aly explain electronic payment system. (5 Illustrate the applications of €-commerce in retail and seniz sectors. (9 F FARID Total Pages : 3 301606 May, 2023 BBA (GEN) VI SEMESTER Environmental Studies (BBA-GEN-606) ime; 3 Hours] (Max. Marks : 75 Instructions ¢ 1, It is compulsory to answer all the questions (1.5 marks each) of Part-A in short. 2. Answer any four questions from Part-B in detail, 3. Different sub-parts of a question are to be attempted adjacent to each other. PART-A 1. (a) Differentiate Renewable and Non-renewable resources. (1.5) (b) What are the benefits and problems of dams? (1.5) (©) What are the causes of nuclear hazards? (1.5) (@) Make labelled diagram of a food chain and a food web. Ce a) Give any four characteristics of a Desert i (1.5) © Define biodiversity. What are its types? 801606/365/4 11/38 a [P.T.0- , @ How would you determining the annual ial house, a part of which jg Self-ocoupied a part is let out for a part of the Previous y (>) Write short notes on alue of » nd another ‘ear. (7.5) (73) () Unrealized rent, (i) Income from house Property in a foreign countey (iii) Standard rent. (a) What are the classes of income which are totally exempt? (5) (>) Differentiate between a totally and partially exempted incomes. G6) (c) Write short note on profits of newly established industrial undertaking in free economic zone. ) (2) Discuss the provisions of the Income Tax Act relating to the set-off and carry-forward and set-off of losses. @.5) (©) Describe the method of computing income under the head ‘Income from other sources’. (7.5) 1 (2) Discuss briefly the provisions of Income Tax Act regarding deduction to be made in computing the total income of an assesse in respect to certain payments. i © i Describe the various sources from which an individual re can earn his income. (10) | Roll No. abs Total Pages ; 3 S May 2023 01603 BBA (GEN) vy SEMESTER Foundation of International Business (BBA-GEN-603) Time: 3 Hours) [Max. Marks. : 75 Instructions : J, It is compulsory to answer all the questions (1.5 marks each) of Part-A in short, 2. Answer any four questions from Part-B in detail. 3. Different sub-parts of a question are to be attempted adjacent to each other. PART-A 1 (a) Differentiate between domestic and international business. (1.5) (6) Enunciate three main institutions affecting international trade, (as) (©) Discuss the legal environment affecting international business, (1.5) (4) Distinguish between free trade and protection. (1.5) (©) Explain the concept of dumping. (L5) °1609/41011 11/049 _ le ih, Beas 7016 May 2023 bn ner protection (7.5) Time: 3 Hours m ABA. yy SEMESTER Instructions. 1 g nay fark id consumer (7.5 Max. M suitable (7.5) PART 4 ay QI (@) What is Database Patching (©) Draw the DED fa, Inveritor | (©) What are the five : io! and management : foremost obj. tives of Form Design @) What are ty, Sores fr screen de, a (What are a vcation-specific GUI component (@) State “User Interface Golden Rules” hb) What isa basic ; 5 (b) What is a basi difference between Periodic reports and special reports. ) @ Write a short note on Config tion Management CASE tool, SE) ) @ Why does a sy stem analyst as ‘Agent of change’? (1.5) 722 (a) Explain all phases of the system development life eycle withthe help of CASE tools (oy in detail (©) How Agile approach is different from SDLC? (5) = @ (a) Discuss the utility of the ER diagram in designing the Relational database in terms (5) of visualization and physical design. (6) What steps will be involved in ote ae pecnnical, Operational anid economic’ (10) feasibility for an admission campaign by a university? (4 Write the difference between the following: (@) Distributed data processing system and Real-time system (5) (b) Decision tree and decision table (5) (©) Software Metrics and measure () ‘ 2 Q5 (@) What are the different types of Data Input models? (S) (b) Explain the various techniques for the “Requirement Elicitation Process” (10) ; 2 (10) How Internal rep. Discuss. 06 (a) jorts are used by management in decision-making and reporting’ +) Whatis the importance of the Decision table in the testing phase? a at is the role of the burst node and sink node in the decision tree? What are the 5 ode to be a burst/sink node? Explain with a case study Peerer reer t tts Sr. No 301605, "tection (BBA-GEN-605) 5 Time: 3 Hours s Max, Marks:75 Instructions; 4, 1s computsory 4 Pulsory to answer at eh Answer questions (1.5 marks each) of Part -A In short Oh 2RY four questions from art-B in detail, 3. Different sup, Parts of g ih " duestion are to be attempted adjacent to each other: PART -A Q1 (a) Briefly explain the with reference to consumer (1.5) meaning of ‘consumer” Protection act, 1986, (b) Besides a ‘consumer’, name any two parties who can file a complaint before (1.5) SH , the appropriate consumer forum, : (©) State any 2 directions which can be issued by the consumer court to the (1.5) 4 °PPosite party if itis satistied about the genuineness of the complaint? (d) Which cases can be filed in the National Commission under Consumer (1.5) Protection Act, 1986? (e) Write a short note on caveat emptor. (1.5) (1) What do you understand about Unfair Trade Practices? (15) (8) Whatis the role of ASCI in consumer protection? (15) | (h) What do you mean by consumer buying motives? (1s) () Whatis cci? (15) () Whatis the ‘Dominant’ position under competition act? (15) PART -B iF 4Q2 (a) Describe the basic consumer rights under CPA with suitable examples, (7.5) (b) Explain the importance of consumer Protection from the Point of view of (7.5) consumers? Q3 (a) Explain how self regulation by business acts as @ Means of consumer (7.5) rotection in detail. ae; : (b) Write down the process of registration and formation of voluntary consumer (7.5) organizations. 7 fF Consumer Protects Write down the (15) z salient features o: i on Act 1986. Ot mes ce pe nal set up for consumer protection Under cpa in detail rh what are various Database failures that result in logs 5. of information? explain in detail various database recove to recover from failures? a) ( (5) Ty techniques (10) What is a Distributed Database? How data is stored and queried in these databases? (5) (o) Discuss various data mining techniques for discovering ‘ hidden patterns from databases. (10) (a) 3, Explain following databases in detail: () Mobile database. (i) Multimedia database. (ii) Spatial database. Gs) 0 Ws poll No. Total Pages ; 2 May 2023 301604 BBA (GEN), VI SEMESTER E-Commerce (BBA-GEN.604) . : rs. Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks ; 75 Instructions : J. It is compulsory to answer all the questions (1.5 marks each) of Part-A in short. 2. Answer any four questions from Part-B in detail. 3. Different sub-parts of a question are to be attempted adjacent to each other. F PART-A 1. (a) Assessing requirement for online business. (1.5) (b) Categories of online business. (1.5) (c) Dynamics of internet. (1.5) (d) Payment gateways. (1.5) (©) Tools of promoting website. (1.5) © Digital Signatures. i>) () Encryption. a) 301604/330/4 11/23 we [P.T.O. » FAR - wa wo Total Pages ; 3 301601 May 2023 BBA (GEN) > VI SEMESTER Income Tax (BBA-GEN-601) me 33 Hours] [Max. Marks ; 75 pastructions ¢ 1 his compulsory to answer all the questions (1.5 marks each) of Part-A in short. 2. Answer any four questions from Part-B in detail. 3. Different sub-parts of question are to be attempted adjacent to each other. PART-A (a) What do you mean by assessment year? QS) (b) Define previous year. (1.5) (1.5) (© Who is an assesse? (@® What is meant by transferred balance? (1.5) (©) What do you mean by municipal rental yalue? (1.5) (®) What is fair rental value? (5) (@) What is meant by "Block of assets"? (1.5) (h) What is additional depreciation? (1.5) (What is total income? (1.5) (1.5) () Write short notes on person- eOvssOI1/82 apt [PTO 12 5) ad as as a rhe following adju: Pes: ) Closing sto ) Outstand ) Db ) po" PART-B c hot = zories into which the pa . What are the different categories ' . tat i wh jded with regard to residence? Give a () WwW account of each of them, (ty @ (b) “Income tax is 4 tax on income and not On reg. Discuss this statement ae give the C8seyg characteristics of the term ‘income 6 . ia 5 c 3. From the following particulars calculate the salary incon () of Mr. Haridas for the assessment year 2021-22: Salary Rupees 55000 per mony © House Rent allowance Rupees 24000 per mont Dearness allowance ao Rupees.33000 per monh| - 6. (@) Entertainment allowance Rupees 12000 per month Mr. Haridas and his employer contributed to recognized © provident fund 14 per cent of salary. One 14 H. P. cis allowed to him by his employer both for private and offi ee The employer paid Rupees 65,000 as expensesft| =), ( Pnvate use of the car and Rupees 75,000 be taken as ~ ee tear of the car, He lives in a rented house, mont! cs of Rupees 30,000, He joined this organization it | use Was getting Rupees 2000 as entertainm®! ( on month from his previous employer. He ?®!* 4s life insurance premium, (9) 301601/330/111/32 pee 3016 ya ~a0g 3 > ~ What do you mean by internationas Marketing Dig main pricing Strategies in international business ~ (is) Explain various Staffing “PProaches in Intemational busines along with their merits ang demerits, (1s) Roll No. G8 hates Total Pages : 3 301603 May 2023 BBA (GEN) VI SEMESTER Foundation of International Business (BBA-GEN-603) Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks. : 75 Instructions : 1. It is compulsory to answer all the questions (1.5 marks each) of Part-A in short. 2, Answer any four questions from Part-B in detail. 3. Different sub-parts of a question are to be attempted adjacent to each other. PART-A 1. (a) Differentiate between domestic and international business. (Gr5) (b) Enunciate three main institutions affecting international trade. (1.5) (c) Discuss the legal environment affecting international business. (1.5) (d)_ Distinguish between free trade and protection. (1.5) (e) Explain the concept of dumping. CS) 301603/410/1 11/249 wf [P.T.O- nw Soreos/410/1 11/249 () Elucidate upon ‘optimum international Promotion i 3 (1s, i =) (g) Enlist any four tools of internal contro} over ‘ : i le international business. is (15) (15) (15) (h) What is meant by expatriate failure? (i) Comment on 'Make or buy decision’, @) Explain the term culture shock. PART-B ‘ What is an international business and its features? Explain Various stages in the process of internationalization, (15) What are the various types of risks faced by international business units? Explain the risk -management process. Suggest a few techniques to handle these risks. (15) (a) Write a note on the global trading system and explain the significance of regional economic groups in the global trading system. @ (b) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of FDI (0! host nations and home nations, @ a / ; onl Explain various foreign market entry modes for internati® business units, What factors are considered while eon foreign markets? 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