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Telecommunications Policy 38 (2014) 992–1010

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Telecommunications Policy

Japan's prefectural digital divide: A multivariate

and spatial analysis
Tetsushi Nishida a, James B. Pick b,n, Avijit Sarkar b
Nag Inc., 355 S. Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90071, USA
School of Business, University of Redlands, 1200 E Colton Avenue, Redlands, CA 92373-0999, USA

a r t i c l e in f o abstract

Available online 19 July 2014 This study of the digital divide within Japan utilizes data from the country's 47 prefectures
Keywords: for multivariate and spatial analysis of distributions of information and communication
Japan technology (ICT) variables. The paper constructs an exploratory conceptual model of
Digital divide technology utilization and expenditures in Japan, induced from prior literature. Ten
Information and communication dependent ICT utilization and expenditure factors are posited to be related to 12
technologies independent demographic, economic, infrastructure, education, innovation and openness
ICT use factors factors. The relationship of the independent to dependent factors is moderated by analysis
Theoretical model of spatial patterns of technology utilization to examine proximities and reduce spatial
bias. Based on the model, a multivariate analysis identifies correlates of the nation's digital
Spatial autocorrelation
divide, including patents registered by Japanese citizens, newspaper circulation, students
Cluster analysis
ICT policy implications and pupils per capita, household expenditures on education, rural/urban status, and
Japan's aged population structure which has wide generational gaps. Spatial clusters and
outliers of ICTs in prefectures are analyzed, with attention to their policy impacts. Findings
suggest modifications to the conceptual model. Implications of findings for the country's
official national technology planning policies are considered and recommendations made
to expand them.
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

This paper focuses on Japan, one of the five leading industrialized nations (Group of Five, or G-5) worldwide. With
approximately 55 million internet hosts (second only to the United States) and almost 101 million internet users (third only
to China and the US), Japan is among the top eight nations worldwide in terms of total number of mobile cellular telephone
subscribers and main telephone lines in use (Internet World Stats, 2013; The Central Intelligence Agency, 2012). In fixed
broadband subscriptions per capita, Japan ranked 15th among 158 countries worldwide (World Bank, 2013), while its
networked readiness index was 18th out of 142 nations (World Economic Forum, 2012). Its technology growth is supported
by a GDP of 5.33 trillion U.S. dollars, third globally (World Bank, 2013). At the same time, growth and usage of information
and communications technology (ICT) in Japan are possibly hindered by a significantly aging population; its population aged
65 years and over is estimated to be 23% in 2011 (The Central Intelligence Agency, 2012) and is one of the highest
The goals of this paper are to add insight into Japan's regional differences in technology levels and growth rates, to
induce a theoretical model of ICT utilization and expenditure, to explore what are the leading correlates of prefectural

Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 1 909 748 8781 (office).
E-mail addresses: (T. Nishida), (J.B. Pick), (A. Sarkar).
0308-5961/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Nishida et al. / Telecommunications Policy 38 (2014) 992–1010 993

technology differences among socio-economic variables, and based on the findings to recommend policies for Japan's
national government in increasing technology utilization, with particular attention to underserved regions. Japan's 47
prefectures are governmental administrative areas with a governor and legislature, somewhat similar to U.S. states. The
prefecture system originated in 1871 and the current governmental role for 47 prefectures was set in 1947 by the Local
Autonomy Law. The overall research question is what determines technology utilization/expenditures for Japan's prefectures
and how technology utilization/expenditures are arranged spatially.
The research has several unique features that are novel and it seeks to fill in gaps in the digital divide literature.

1. First, although no theoretical model at the prefectural level is available in the literature for Japan and few at the state
level for other nations, this investigation constructs such a model. The model has 12 socio-economic variables which
together influence each of the 10 technology use variables. The socio-economic variables are divided into six groups.
Later, we explain why and how each factor influences the technology variables. This is based on induction from prior
theory and on the authors' reasoning.
2. No study of multivariate correlates of Japan's digital divide has utilized data at the prefecture level, so the findings are
novel. Japan's prefecture geographic unit is the smallest one available for the entire country that has systematic
government data on technology and socioeconomic attributes. Japan does not have comprehensive national geographic
or statistical coverage by smaller units than the prefecture. A few qualitative studies have been conducted on technology
uses for prefectures (Arai & Naganuma, 2010; Yuguchi, 2008); for instance a case study of broadband infrastructure and
access in three economically deprived prefectures highlights the national government's effort to provide broadband even
to remote mountainous areas (Arai & Naganuma, 2010).
3. The contemporary technology variables of Facebook, Twitter, and IP phones are novel in the digital divide literature at
the state or prefectural level for multivariate study. Thus the research will provide heretofore unknown insights on
technology utilization and expenditures across 47 prefectures of Japan and will reveal factors associated with differential
ICT use geographically.
4. Another noteworthy contribution of this paper is the use of spatial analysis to supplement traditional regression
methods. The use of spatial analysis is consistent with the contention of Grubesic and Murray (2005) that geographic
space is in fact fundamentally important for issues concerning telecommunications, virtual space, and the digital divide;
this is contrary to the popular notion that advanced ICT will render geographic space relatively meaningless. A U.S. study
analyzed broadband regions by zip code through a mixed multivariate/spatial approach (Grubesic, 2010), and it was done
in studies of China and India (Pick, Nishida, & Zhang, 2013; Pick, Nishida, & Sarkar, 2014). For Japan, regression analysis is
combined with spatially mapped cluster analysis and Moran's I tests to examine the patterns of dependent variables and
test for and exclude regression findings that are geographically biased or re-analyze them through standard
mathematical transformations. The study provides theoretical, empirical, and methodological advances that are relevant
to communications and information systems researchers, practitioners, and Japanese ICT planners and policymakers.
Spatial methods have potential impact in many areas of telecommunication and information technology research.

The remainder of this paper is arranged into sections on evolution of ICT policies in Japan, the conceptual model of
technology utilization, research questions, methodology, analysis of geographical patterns of ICT levels and policy
implications, regression analysis findings, discussion, and concluding remarks.

2. Evolution of ICT policies in Japan

Information and communication technologies (ICT) policies have evolved noticeably in Japan over the past three decades.
Japan's telecommunications sector underwent significant reform in the form of privatization around 1985 with the
objectives to introduce competition into the telecom marketplace, increase benefits of info-communications to the nation,
reduce rates and diversify services for consumers (Omura, 1997). Omura (1997) also added that protective measures for new
ICT market entrants rather than measures that promote competition produced mixed results since protectionism sacrificed
the goal of increased benefits to users. However privatization did catalyze the entry of several new carriers in cellular
services from 1988 to 1996.
By 1997, the Japanese government abolished all price regulations for cellular services (Iimi, 2012) and enabled carriers to
determine their own rates (Akematsu, Shinohara, & Tsuji 2012). This resulted in significant reduction of monthly tariffs, and
increase in the variety of discriminatory pricing. Unsurprisingly, the number of mobile phone subscribers grew rapidly and
the market size doubled annually for 3 years (1995–1997) (Iimi, 2012). Fixed phones were gradually displaced and by mid-
2000, the number of subscribers of both fixed and mobile phones broke even. Between 1996 and 2003, the number of fixed
phone subscribers declined by almost 10 million. Another characteristic of the mobile phone market was the availability of
value-added functions such as drive mode, tool-free access, internet access (since 1999), and email service all driven by
consumer demand. This resulted in significant product differentiation (Iimi, 2012). More recently, Akematsu et al. (2012) has
indicated that as the mobile market in Japan approaches saturation, usage patterns among subscribers are changing with
data communications exceeding voice services. This was triggered by the launch of 3G by the Japanese government in 2001.
994 T. Nishida et al. / Telecommunications Policy 38 (2014) 992–1010

Recent deregulations and policies, relate to Japan's mobile market, several of which are consistent with Japan's sequential
ICT policies since 2000 which aspired to foster an advanced ICT network society (Akematsu et al., 2012). The Japanese
government launched the e-Japan strategy in 2001 to encourage broadband and mobile penetration nationally with a view
to close the internet penetration gap with other developed nations in Europe and the U.S. and deal with challenges of a
declining and aging population and rural-to-urban migration. Development of a new knowledge-based economy required
the improvement of productivity, necessitating construction of broadband networks and improved mobile coverage. Such a
move towards development of ICT infrastructure and provision of broadband in every region in Japan by 2010 (Shimizu,
Ogawa, & Fujinuma, 2008) lent support to the government's prioritization of the ubiquitous-Japan (u-Japan) policy in 2005.
Preferences of the Japanese, especially among its youth, to download music, purchase transport tickets online, exchange
images with friends, and generally access sophisticated digital content online, and an increasing shift among Japanese DSL
subscribers and fiber optic subscribers to use IP phones also contributed to the development of the u-Japan policy. While the
literature in Japan's telecom policy is extensive, this section's discussion provides a context for our study, especially the
subsequent examination of the geographic nature of the digital divide in Japan and its correlates. Previous research (Ishii,
2004) on ICT diffusion in Japan also cautioned that Japanese government policy as well as related public sector policies by
themselves may not always explain the adoption and subsequent use of widespread technologies such as mobile internet;
the culture of Japanese people as end-users may also potentially influence the trajectory of diffusion of particular ICTs
(Nakayama, 2002).

3. Conceptual model of ICT utilization

The broad base of the conceptual model is drawn from theoretical approaches of technology utilization and innovation
(Agarwal, Animesh, & Prasad 2009; Pick & Azari, 2011; King et al. 1994; Simon, 2004). The first approach considers
institutional factors in technology utilization and innovation, postulating that innovations are associated with supply and
demand of institutional influences and supply and demand of institutional regulations (King et al., 1994). Consequently,
factors of supply and demand of educational services and of skilled talent are included in the present model. King et al.
(1994) also posit that supply and demand of institutional standards are associated with innovation; the current model
incorporates supply of patents. A second theoretical model (Agarwal et al., 2009) postulates that social influence (peer
effects) impacts the digital divide in U.S. metropolitan areas. There is geographical influence within peer groups of such
factors as education, income, gender, and ethnicity, leading to differential adoption and use of ICTs. The peer effects are
relevant to the social and educational sections of the present model. Furthermore, Agarwal et al. considered geographic
proximity, supporting the analysis of geographical effects in the present study.
A third theoretical model posits a pathway by which the factor of government support/legal framework/social openness
influences an intermediate factor of socioeconomic level, which in turn influences the technology utilization outcome factor
(Pick & Azari, 2011). The present model emphasizes and induces several variables that relate to socioeconomic level and to
government support/legal framework/social openness. These three conceptual models and others referred to in this paper
are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1
Prior conceptual models of digital divides.

Author(s) Research focus Conceptual model Study setting Sample Method


King et al. (1994) Develop theory of institutional Theory posits that innovations are NA NA NA
factors impacting technology associated with supply and demand
utilization and innovation. of institutional regulations. One of
the institutional influences is
supply/demand of educational
services and skilled talent. Further,
supply/demand of institutional
standards are related to innovation.
Hargittai (1999) Test effect of GDP, income Four sets of factors are induced from Countries in OECD 18 OLS multiple
distribution, education, language, the prior literature, which are regression
monopoly, prices, and fixed phone economic factors, human capital,
density on internet hosts per capita. institutional legal environment, and
existing technologies.
Robison and Crenshaw Test effects of level of development, Classical macro-social theories of Developed and 74 OLS regression
(2002) political openness/democracy, mass development. Modernization theory developing
education, tertiary services sector on (for economic and infrastructural countries
growth of internet worldwide. development), Buchner's theory (for
political openness), Human capital
theory (for education),
Post-industrial thesis (for services
sector development). Control
T. Nishida et al. / Telecommunications Policy 38 (2014) 992–1010 995

Table 1 (continued )

Author(s) Research focus Conceptual model Study setting Sample Method


variables of FDI, ethnic

homogeneity, population density,
exports-imports as % of GDP, and
British colonial heritage. Induced
from literature.
Gibbs, Kraemer and Important global, policy, and Global environment effects National 10 Detailed cases, 10 Comparison of
Dedrick (2003) environmental factors influence Environment effects National Policy developed and qualitative and
diffusion of e-commerce effects E-commerce adoption. Prior developing statistical data
literature and authors' reasoning nations
from their prior research.
Simon (2004) Develop a conceptual model of Technical critical physical/ NA NA NA
factors that influence e-commerce communication infrastructure
services. influences societal critical factors
(legal, regulatory, privacy, taxes,
political, economy, education,
business-government awareness)
influences e-commerce services.
Kauffman and Examine strength of regional Within countries wealth, telecom Countries in Asia 30 Vector
Techatassanasoon- contagion links between countries infrastructure, market competition, Pacific and autoregression
torn (2005) on cell phone diffusion. access cost and standards, as well as Western Europe. and variance
regional and international decomposition
geographic influences impact cell
phone diffusion. The theory is
induced from the digital divide
literature for within-country, and
international marketing and
spillover literature for between
Guillen and Suarez Test association of economic, Five variables (all of which affect 61 developed and 61 Multiple linear
(2005) regulatory, socio-political factors access to and use of new media), developing regression, with
with cross-national differences in socioeconomic status, accessibility, countries for 5 two types of
internet use (digital divide). cost (factor 1), dependency and years (305 corrections of
world-system status (factor 2), country-years) standard errors
and policymaking in telecomm
(factor 3), democracy & the internet
(factor 4), social relationships
(factor 5) increase internet use.
Control variables are GDP/capita,
telecommunication lines/capita, cost
of internet access, and time. Induced
from literature.
Agarwal et al. (2009) Test social influence (peer effects) Internet user proportion is related to Individuals in 45,212 2-stage probit
on digital divide. peer influence, which in turn is metropolitan regression
associated with gender, education, areas from U.S.
income, ethnicity. Induced from Census
Wei, Teo, Chan, and Analyze if digital access divide Model developed from literature on Students in 4000 Principal
Tan (2011) influences digital capability divide, computer self-efficacy and social Singapore components, OLS
which in turn influences digital cognitive theory. Causation model regressions
outcome divide. induced from the literature.
Pick & Azari (2011) Test correlation and cross-linkage of Factors of governmental support/ Developed and 110 Structural
factors of governmental support & openness (factor 1) and business/ developing equation
openness, business/technology technology investment (factor 2) are countries modeling
investment, and socio-economic cross linked, with factor 1
level on technology utilization. influencing socioeconomic level
(factor 3), and in turn technology
utilization (factor 4), while factor 2
directly influences technology
utilization (factor 4). Induced from
Sipior, Ward and Test effect of digital divide on TAM model modified for Community 37 Factor analysis,
Connolly (2011) transformational government e-government service use. members who multiple
(leveraging ICT to give service agreed to regression (7
transformation). Examine effect of participate in factors linked
demographic variables and internet computer training together by 7
experience on usage, with and use. regressions)
intermediaries of access barriers,
perceived ease of use, and perceived
996 T. Nishida et al. / Telecommunications Policy 38 (2014) 992–1010

Based on these theories, the specific conceptual model for this study is established by induction from prior literature
studies, mostly of nations and some of states/provinces. Prior literature findings can be combined with the authors'
reasoning in order to induce independent factors. Dependent factors that are pertinent in Japan include the new platforms/
technologies of IP phones, Facebook, and Twitter. This study regards “technology utilization” as a broad, multi-dimensional
set of phenomena; so a variety of dependent factors are included, an approach with literature precedence (Pick & Azari,
2008, 2011, Baliamoune-Lutz, 2003; Chinn & Fairlie, 2007; Ishii, 2004; Kawaguchi, 2006; Ono, 2005; Ono & Zavodny, 2007;
Quibria, Ahmed, Tschang, & Reyes-Macasaquit, 2003). The independent variables have mostly been researched in the digital
divide literature and are grouped into categories. The conceptual model appears in Fig. 1.
Demographic influences: Demographic influences are well known to impact adoption and use of ICT. Worldwide, younger
people utilize personal technologies more intensively than their elders. For Japan, internet usage varies by age groups,
employment status (Otani, 2003), and gender (Ono & Zavodny, 2005). However, a cross-current is that presence of many
children relative to working age population can reduce the potential for technology use, since young families have fewer
resources to acquire technology. We therefore posit that high young dependency (ratio of dependent children to working adults)
will be neutral to technology use.
As one of the largest and most productive countries, Japan's workforce is technologically enabled. It is mostly urban and
employed in competitive, ICT-driven services, where technology is prevalent. Japan's industries likewise are known to stress
ICT use. Hence, we posit that working age population ratio will be associated with the utilization and expenditures on technology.
Urban–rural differences in technology usage for Japan reveal that rural areas have reduced use of ICT, sometimes due to
poor infrastructure and often surrounding mountainous terrain (Arai & Naganuma, 2010; Yuguchi, 2008). Since Japan is
known to have a reduced ICT use in rural areas, the variable, ratio of farm household population to total population is posited to
reduce technology utilization and expenditures.
Economic influences on technology utilization stem from a favorable prefectural economy that has higher income levels
enhancing the affordability of technology, sectoral emphasis on industries that foster and utilize technology, and skilled
workforce that use it and support others to do so. Income is a well-known correlate of technology adoption and use
(Baliamoune-Lutz, 2003; Dasgupta, Lall, & Wheeler 2005; Lengsfeld, 2011; Sipior, Ward, & Connolly 2011). Large survey
studies of Japanese households indicated that income per capita related to PC experience and mobile phone ownership (Ono
& Zavodny, 2007), while income level was among the most important determinants of fiber-to-the-home broadband
internet subscription (Ida & Sakahira, 2008). Kawaguchi (2006) identified that a PC at home facilitates the possibility of full-
time employment among women and is positively correlated with salaries of both men and women in Japan. We reason that
individuals and households with higher income are better able to afford the subscription and purchase costs of technologies,
while higher prefectural income stimulates more capital investment in ICT by organizations. Hence, household income and
prefecture income are posited to increase technology utilization and expenditures.
Technical workforce can stimulate ICT use by its own higher levels of utilization and supporting users, by developing
applications, and spreading technical knowledge. The effect was interpreted as due to the technical competence necessary

Fig. 1. The conceptual model of technology utilization.

T. Nishida et al. / Telecommunications Policy 38 (2014) 992–1010 997

for a supportive environment for ICT in the county. Although novel as a factor for Japan, in accordance with our reasoning and
prior studies, we posit that technical workforce is associated with technology utilization and expenditures.
Infrastructure: Although Japan is a leader worldwide in its overall use of technology and is the locus of leading global
technology companies, its ICT infrastructure is challenged in many parts of the nation due to mountainous terrain and high
investment costs. The national government's strategies such as the “e-Japan Plan” contributed to improved internet and
broadband throughout the country, but geographic inequalities in infrastructure remain (Arai & Naganuma, 2010).
Constraints of broadband infrastructure in rural areas were keyed to broadband use (Yuguchi, 2008). For PCs per capita
for countries, electric power consumption was found to be a significant determinant when capped at 6000 kilowatt-hours
per capita (Chinn & Fairlie, 2007). The electrical power system is fundamental for access, use, and reliability across various
technologies. Accordingly, electrical power consumption per capita is posited to be associated with technology utilization and
Education: In country and regional studies of determinants of technology utilization and expenditures, education has
been widely significant (Pick & Azari, 2008, Pick et al., 2013, Pick, et al., 2014; Ono & Zavodny, 2007; Robison & Crenshaw,
2002; Simon, 2004; van Dijk, 2009; Vicente & Lopez, 2011; Yates, Gulati, & Weiss 2011). For Japanese national sample of
individuals, college education was among the most important determinants of mobile phone and PC use (Akiyoshi & Ono,
2008). We reason that greater emphasis on education both in the household and by the prefecture fosters digital
knowledge/skills and the confidence to make use of them, which stimulates the readiness of people and organizations in the
prefecture to adopt and use technologies. Consequently, two determinants are posited to increase technology utilization and
expenditures: household expenditures on education, and students and pupils per capita.
Innovation: An investigation of influences on technology usage, expenditure, and infrastructure worldwide found the
most important determinant to be scientific and technical journal articles (Pick & Azari, 2008). Likewise, correlates of
technology utilization for nations found capacity for innovation to be a dominant correlate worldwide and in developed
nations (Pick & Azari, 2011). In Japan, there is government impetus to support innovation at the national and prefectural
levels. Shimizu et al. (2008) have contended that the Japanese ICT industry has supported the growth of the national total
factor productivity which is a leading element in technological innovations. In this environment of a high-tech nation
emphasizing national and regional innovation, R&D activity is known to consume, use, and stimulate technology.
Accordingly, the innovation factor of patents registered by Japanese citizens is posited to increase technology utilization and
Openness: Societal openness was emphasized in studies that have included democracy and freedom (Baliamoune-Lutz, 2003;
Guillen & Suarez, 2005; Robison & Crenshaw, 2002), rule of law, property rights, and enforcement of contracts (Quibria et al.,
2003). We reason that a democratic, free, and lawful society fosters more communication of ideas and collaborative activity
(Baliamoune-Lutz, 2003; Guillen & Suarez, 2005; Robison & Crenshaw, 2002; Simon, 2004; Yates et al., 2011).
In Japan, newspapers are fundamental to knowledge dispersion and societal openness; and have almost three times the
per capita circulation of the U.S. and twice that of Germany. Newspapers' importance is reflected in the steadiness of
national circulation during the 1990s (Shiraishi, 2004). The blend of new technologies in synergy with print is becoming the
future standard for Japanese newspapers (Shiraishi, 2004). Consequently, we reason that newspapers, in print and web
formats, constitute an indicator of society openness, by their large number and intensive distribution of knowledge that is
easily available through a spectrum of technologies to all Japanese generations. Newspaper circulation is posited to be
associated with increased technology utilization and expenditures.
A second openness dimension concerns the transparency and openness of provincial governments; greater transparency
fosters citizens' active participation and free flow of knowledge, which in turn stimulate ICT access and usage. The index of
prefectural openness from the Japan Association of Citizen Ombudsman is included (Ateneo School of Government, 2009)
and consists of weighted responses to nine indicators, namely: extent of disclosure of parties receiving social expense from
the governor, extent of the prior indicator on internet, copy fee per page to receive paper-based information, extent that
prefecture posts records of sessions and committees on its homepage, extent of live broadcasting or streaming of assembly
sessions, fee charged for a disclosure request, who can request a disclosure, extent of disclosure of information by
prefecture-owned public corporations, and extent of disclosure of information by enterprises in which the prefecture has
half or more ownership. Accordingly, the index of prefectural openness is posited to expand technology utilization and
Dependent variables: Seven of the 10 dependent variables in the conceptual model are ones used commonly in prior
studies. They are PC penetration rate for families, internet users per 100 population, internet expenditures per family, broadband
subscribers per capita, mobile phone subscribers per capita, mobile phone expenditures per family, and fixed phone subscribers
per capita.
These well-known dependent variables are reflected in regression-based literature which examined PCs per capita (Pick
& Azari, 2008, 2011, Pick et al., 2013, Pick et al., 2014; Chinn & Fairlie, 2007; Quibria et al., 2003; Ono & Zavodny, 2007;
Wong, 2002, 2003), internet users per capita (Pick & Azari, 2011; Pick et al., 2013; Chinn & Fairlie, 2007; Ishii, 2004; Ono &
Zavodny, 2007; Quibria et al., 2003), internet subscribers per capita (Pick, Nishida, & Sarkar, 2014); and percent of
households accessing the internet (Wong, 2003). Other investigations analyzed determinants of fixed phones per capita,
sometimes finding independent factors to be similar to those of newer technologies (Pick et al., 2014; Chinn & Fairlie, 2007;
Quibria et al., 2003; Wong, 2002). In addition, three of the present dependent variables IP phone expenditures per family,
Facebook subscribers per capita and Twitter subscribers per capita are unique in the digital divide literature at the country and
998 T. Nishida et al. / Telecommunications Policy 38 (2014) 992–1010

state/province/prefecture levels. Facebook and Twitter, features of the Web 2.0 social computing platform, have grown
exponentially worldwide, driven by popularity of the platform, contagion, social learning, group pressure/appeal
(Tscherning & Mathiassen, 2010), and interactive customer features.
IP telephony grew rapidly in Japan and appeals as an alternative to traditional fixed phones and to mobile phones, due to
IP phone's reliability and expanding features (Ida & Sakahira, 2008). Although studies on adoption determinants of the new
technologies/platforms of IP phones, Facebook, and Twitter are limited so far in the IT literature, their rapid growth justifies
their inclusion.

3.1. Research questions

The research questions are as follows:

1. What is the appropriate conceptual model to understand the spatial patterns of levels of technology utilization and
2. How do the prefectures agglomerate based upon similarity in ICT utilization?
3. What are the demographic, economic, educational and societal correlates of technology utilization and expenditure
factors by prefectures?
4. Are the regression estimates of the ICT dependent variables free of spatial autocorrelation errors?

4. Methodology

4.1. Data collection

A variety of data sources were accessed, as shown in Table 2. Four of the sources are official publications of the Japanese
government, specifically Japan Patent Office, Japan Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan National
Consumer Survey, and Japan Statistical Yearbook. In addition, information came from the Japan Citizens' Ombudsman
Association and from User Local Inc. Data on prefectural openness were obtained from the JCOA website and translated into
English. The User Local Inc., ( is a well-known and reliable website in Japan that provided
prefectural data on social networking. These data sources at the prefecture level have not been utilized in research studies
previously and hence provide a unique study aspect.
As seen in Table 2, all variables were for the years 2009–2011, except one attribute for 2008 (prefecture income per
capita) and two attributes for 2005 (technical workers, and students and pupils). We were constrained and had to use a
three-year window because the data collection system for many factors is not yearly. We feel the three-year window for 19
out of 22 variables provides sufficient time simultaneity. Since the variables are per capita, we do not feel there is large error
by treating these variables as a cross section.

4.2. Research methodology

The steps in the research were to gather attributes for the factors in the conceptual model; test the factors for multi-
collinearity, rejecting variables causing it; map the final set of variables to explore the rudimentary factors; apply mapping
of groupings from k-means cluster analysis to show clustering of prefectures similar on dependent factors, apply spatial
autocorrelation methods (Moran, 1950; Openshaw, 1984) on the dependent variables to test if spatial agglomeration is
present for high ICT-level prefectures and low ICT-level prefectures; apply OLS stepwise regression analysis for the sample of
47 prefectures to determine correlates as postulated in the model, test the regressions for conformity to OLS regression
assumptions, and test for spatial autocorrelation in the regression residuals.
The exploratory method to understand the groupings of states was to apply cluster analysis. Two cluster methods were
utilized, K-means and hierarchical. K-means cluster algorithm divides the prefectures into k clusters, based on similarity of
dependent variable characteristics, and those clusters are characterized. Based on literature regarding choice of k (Pham,
Dimov, & Nguyen 2005), the k-means clustering was computed for k ¼4, 5, and 6. For hierarchical clustering, a dendrogram
that included 4, 5, and 6 clusters was examined heuristically. The k-means clustering for 5 clusters was largely consistent
with the hierarchical method and was determined as the most satisfactory for Japan.
A key question in this study is whether the dependent variables show significant agglomeration of high values or low
values; have a random spatial pattern; or are configured so high values are surrounded by low ones, and vice versa. This can
be tested by Moran's I statistic (Moran, 1950; Openshaw, 1984). Moran's I test is inferential; the null hypothesis is that the
values of a variable are randomly distributed spatially. Its interpretation is done by the p value for statistical significance (if p
is not significant, the variable is randomly distributed spatially). Further, if the Z score is positive, the values of a variable are
more geographically agglomerated (high values located near high ones and low values near low ones). If it is negative, the
spatial pattern resembles a “checkerboard” pattern, in which high values are surrounded by low ones and vice versa (Moran,
1950; Openshaw, 1984). Moran's I was computed with four different weight matrices: (1) contiguity matrix modified to
compute contiguity differently between the four major Japanese islands, the difference being that, between islands, only
Table 2
Dependent and Independent Variables, Japan.

Category Variable Sourcen Year Definition Average Standard deviation

Dependent variables
Technology use PC penetration rate for families NCS 2009 Personal computer penetration rate for 100 families which have at least a PC 65.34 6.63

T. Nishida et al. / Telecommunications Policy 38 (2014) 992–1010

Technology use Internet users/ 100 pop. MIC 2010 Internet users less than 6 years old per 100 population 75.26 4.66
Technology use Internet expenditures/family NCS 2009 Internet expenditures monthly per family (yen) 1757 316
Technology use Broadband subscribers/capita MIC 2010 Broadband subscribers per 100 population 22.70 4.72
Technology use Mobile telephone subscribers/capita TCA 2009 Mobile telephone subscribers per 100 population 80.06 10.6
Technology use Mobile phone expenditures/family NCS 2009 Mobile telephone expenditures monthly per family (yen) 7656 578
Technology use IP phone expenditures per family NCS 2009 IP telephone expenditure monthly per family (yen) 15.97 4.53
Technology use Fixed phone subscribers/capita TCA 2009 Fixed phone subscribers per 100 population 29.77 2.74
Technology use LN (Facebook subscribers/capita) Facebook 2011 Natural log (Facebook subscribers per 10 population) 2.543 0.538
Technology use Twitter Subscribers/capita ULI 2011 Twitter subscribers per 100 population 0.6847 0.351

Independent variables
Demographic Working age population (Pop. 20–64)/Total Population SYB 2010 Ratio of population age 20–64 to total population 0.5677 0.0211
Demographic Young dependency ratio (Pop. 0–19/Pop. 20–64) SYB 2010 Ratio of population age 0–19 to population age 20–64 0.3182 0.0247
Demographic Farmers per 100 population SYB 2010 Number of farmers per 100 population 7.904 4.33
Economic Household income per family NCS 2009 Household income per family (1000 yen) 5446 638
Economic Prefecture income per capita SYB 2008 Prefecture income per capita (1000 yen) 2657 383
Economic Technical workers per capita SYB 2005 Technical workers per 100 population 3.176 0.354
Infrastructure Electrical power consumption per capita SYB 2009 Electric power consumption (in millions of kilowatt hours) per capita 2285 171
Education Household expenditures on education per family NCS 2009 Household expenditure on education per family (1000 yen) 9271 2657
Education Students and pupils per capita SYB 2005 Students and pupils per 100 population 5.380 0.454
Innovation Patents registered by Japanese citizens per capita JPO 2009 Number of patents registered by Japanese citizens per 100 population 0.05290 0.106
Openness Openness score for prefectures ACO 2009 Multi-dimensional index of the openness of the prefectural government 63.70 7.36
Openness Newspaper circulation (mornings) per capita SYB 2010 Total circulation of morning newspapers per 100 population 37.30 4.10

JPO¼ Japan Patent Office.

MIC¼ Japan Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
JPO¼ Japan Patent Office NCS ¼Japan National Consumer Survey (in Japanese).
SYB ¼Japan Statistical Yearbook.
TCA ¼Japan's Telecommunications Carriers Association.
ULI ¼User Local Inc.
ACO¼ Japan Association of Citizen Ombudsman.

1000 T. Nishida et al. / Telecommunications Policy 38 (2014) 992–1010

pairs of prefectures connected by a bridge or tunnel were designated as contiguous; (2–3) k-nearest neighbor weights for
k ¼6 and 7 neighbors; and (4) inverse distance between prefectures. Alternative 1, having results predominantly consistent
with alternatives 2–4, is utilized.
Ordinary Least Square (OLS) stepwise regression is applied for the 10 dependent variables, based on 12 independent
variables (Table 2). Variables were pre-tested for multi-collinearity, using the variance inflation factor (VIF) to assure that it
is not present. None was detected. As seen in Table 2, 18 out of 22 variables are converted to per capita or per family. The
other four are also converted to ratios, indices, or other forms that control for the varying population sizes of the prefectures.
Stepwise regression methods are useful for exploratory studies, where prior research only weakly points to factors of
potential significance (Cohen, Cohen, West, & Aiken 2003). The regression findings are tested for conformance to regression
assumptions by the Joint Wald Statistic, Koenker (BP) Statistic, and Jarque–Bera Statistic.

5. Exploratory results for spatial patterns of technology levels

Findings on spatial autocorrelation for the dependent variables indicate that they mostly have high, positive spatial
autocorrelations (Table 3). Three dependent variables, mobile phone expenditures/family, IP phone expenditures, and fixed

Table 3
Moran's index for dependent variables, Japan, 2009–2011.

PC Internet Internet Broadband Mobile Mobile phone IP phone Fixed phone LN Facebook Twitter
penetration users per expenditures subscribers telephone expenditures expenditures subscribers subscribers Subscribers
rate for 100 pop. per family per capita subscribers per per family per family per capita per capita per capita
families capita

0.519nnn 0.392nnn 0.553nnn 0.506nnn 0.220nnn 0.146 0.111 0.085 0.216n 0.266nnn

Signif. at 0.05.
Signif. at 0.01.
Signif. at 0.001.

Fig. 2. Mobile telephone subscribers per capita, by prefecture, Japan, 2009.

T. Nishida et al. / Telecommunications Policy 38 (2014) 992–1010 1001

phone subscribers, however, are not spatially autocorrelated. For the least agglomerated, fixed phone subscribers, it can be
reasoned that the historical adoption/diffusion process led to fairly random penetration across the country; since this
technology is becoming displaced today, former “hot spots” have diminished leading to an even more random pattern. The
lack of agglomeration for the former two variables is surprising, given that they are current technologies still being rapidly
improved. Overall, the large extent of spatial clustering of the dependent variables highlights the need in the regression
analysis to control for spatial bias.
Maps of the individual dependent variables of mobile telephone subscribers and Facebook subscribers show similar
patterns, with the highest subscriber levels in the prefectures with the large metropolitan areas, including prefectures of
Tokyo and surrounding ones of Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa; Aichi that includes the metropolis of Nagoya; Osaka; Kyoto;
Hiroshima; and Fukuoka (see Figs. 2 and 3). The lowest subscriber levels are in rural prefectures in the north of the main
island of Honshu and in some southeastern coastal prefectures. Japan has lagged other advanced nations in adoption of
Facebook. In Tokyo prefecture, 15 percent of 2011 population subscribes to Facebook, accounting for 51 percent of Japan's
Facebook subscribers. These and most other dependent variables are correlated with prefectural percent of urban
population (see Fig. 4); this is reinforced in some inverse associations of farm population in the regression analysis in
the next section. Japan's largest urban agglomerations, shown on the map in Fig. 4 by green bars, such as Tokyo and Osaka,
are consistently among the highest in technology levels.
The results of the k-means cluster analysis for 5 clusters, based on 7 dependent variables (indicators of ICT subscription) are
shown in Fig. 5. This map excludes three dependent variables that measure expenditures, since those variables are somewhat
dependent on regional differences in tariffs. For example, while Tokyo has the highest per capita mobile subscribers, monthly per
family mobile expenses are the lowest possibly reflecting lower tariffs charged by service providers to a much larger critical mass
of users. Findings indicate a unique cluster 1 for Tokyo prefecture, Cluster 2 that is comprised of the other metropolitan areas of
Honshu including Tokyo's neighboring prefectures, as well as Aichi, Kyoto, and Osaka; Cluster 3 with 22 prefectures mostly in the
center of the main island of Honshu and the northernmost island of Hokkaido, and clusters 4 and 5 (18 prefectures total) which
are found to encompass most of the rural prefectures in the north, southeast including the large southern islands of Kyushu
(except Fukuoka which is part of cluster 3) and Shikoku (except Kagawa and Fokushima prefectures). The southernmost island of
Okinawa and Tokushima prefecture in the small island of Shikoku comprise cluster 5.

Fig. 3. Facebook Subscribers per Capita, by Prefecture, Japan, 2010.

1002 T. Nishida et al. / Telecommunications Policy 38 (2014) 992–1010

Fig. 4. Urban populations and urban agglomerations, by prefecture, Japan, 2005.

The five clusters can be characterized by averaging their technology subscription indicators (see Table 4). In terms of digital
divide, Tokyo prefecture is highest in technology levels, followed by Cluster 2 comprising other major metropolitan prefectures.
Four out of seven national universities – University of Tokyo, Osaka University, Kyoto University, and Nagoya University
(in Aichi) – are located in clusters 1 and 2. A partial explanation is that these eminent research universities are “hotspots” of
ICT adoption and utilization for cutting edge research, education, and innovation, and also spawn a critical mass of highly
educated and technologically proficient users. In the third place is the central mountainous Cluster 3 which is a mix of urban
and rural areas, and the island of Hokkaido, while the largely rural Clusters 4 and 5 are the lowest. Cluster 4's position partly
reflects its largely mountainous terrain, which may limit deployment of supporting infrastructure, as seen by its low
broadband and mobile subscriber levels that are approximately half of the corresponding levels for Tokyo.
These four geographic areas (clusters 1, 2, 3, and 4-5) can be interpreted with respect to both the ICT policies of the
national government of Japan (Section 2) and our policy recommendations based on the present study.

1. “Tokyo” – This prefecture includes the central city (city proper) and very densely populated area to the east inside the Tokyo
metropolitan area and has population of 13.2 million. It is the center for national government and many major companies
resulting in high demand for ICT. It is the highest cluster on all ICT factors except PC penetration rate and especially high on
broadband, mobile phone subscribers, Facebook, and Twitter, for which its ratio to the lowest cluster is between 1.93:1 and
5.02:1 (Table 4). Tokyo's predominance in social media usage, especially Twitter is hardly surprising since Twitter users are
concentrated in large metropolitan areas worldwide. Moreover, Tokyo ranks third on the planet among 25 metro areas in terms
of Twitter usage (Takhteyev, Gruzd, & Wellman, 2012). Overall, this cluster is analogous to “broadband core” regions – spatial
clusters of individual zip codes in the US displaying high levels of broadband availability and competition (Grubesic, 2006). The
national government ICT policy contains sections appropriate to Tokyo, in particular to continue policies that have put this zone
in the world leadership in ICT intensity (IT Strategic Headquarters of Japanese Government, 2010). This recommendation is
reflected in Japan's ICT policy roadmap initiative to move forward ICT R&D to the world leading levels in areas such as robotics,
3-D video, and voice translation; to grow its digital content market; to advance in geospatial technologies; and to deploy
training through IT advisors and course offerings of the Open University of Japan (IT Strategic Headquarters of Japanese
Government, 2010). We supplement the national ICT policies by the recommendation to transfer both ICT R&D and training
from the Tokyo prefecture to the low-tech areas of the country.
T. Nishida et al. / Telecommunications Policy 38 (2014) 992–1010 1003

Fig. 5. K-means cluster analysis of dependent variables, by prefecture, Japan, 2009–2010. The map plots the five cluster groups identified by k-means
cluster analysis of dependent variables for Japan's prefectures.

Table 4
K-means cluster characteristics for ICT subscription dependent variables, 2009–2011, Japan.

Dependent variable Clusters 2009–2011 Ratio of high Ratio of high

to low clusters to low clusters
excluding Tokyo
Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Cluster 5
mean values mean values mean values mean values mean values

Personal computer penetration rate 66.30 70.15 68.83 60.43 51.30 1.37 1.37
for families (in percent)
Internet users per 100 population 83.60 81.63 76.58 70.21 77.90 1.19 1.16
Broadband subscribers per 100 39.53 29.68 23.14 18.82 19.44 2.10 1.58
Mobile phone subscribers per 100 141.80 87.14 80.40 73.37 77.80 1.93 1.19
Fixed phone subscribers per 100 34.39 28.80 28.76 31.39 28.55 1.20 1.10
LN (Facebook subscribers per 10 5.01 3.12 2.51 2.20 2.70 2.28 1.42
Twitter subscribers per 100 2.48 1.08 0.64 0.49 0.63 5.02 2.19

Number of prefectures 1 6 22 16 2

2. “Other metropolitan areas” – Cluster 2 includes the Tokyo's metropolitan periphery surrounding the Tokyo prefecture
(Chiba, Kanagawa, and Saitama) and the largely metropolitan prefectures of Aichi, Kyoto, and Osaka parts of which are
connected by the Shinkansen bullet train route. This prosperous area has technology levels comparable to the Tokyo
cluster, except for reduced levels for broadband, mobile phones, Facebook and Twitter but still much higher than clusters
3–5. Also fixed phone is lower, possibly pointing to an area less metropolitan and infrastructure-concentrated than
central Tokyo. For Cluster 2, we recommend the Japanese government bring this area up to world-class ICT leadership
1004 T. Nishida et al. / Telecommunications Policy 38 (2014) 992–1010

similar to Tokyo by leveraging expertise available in major national universities located in these regions, while putting in
incentives for its world-class industrial and services base to provide ICT improvements.
3. “Rural–urban mountainous region” – The 22 prefectures for Cluster 3 are distributed between largely metropolitan
prefectures of Fukuoka, Hokkaido, and Yamanashi and other rural and less prosperous parts of Japan, which have older
population. While personal computer adoption exceeds that for Tokyo and compares favorably with Cluster 2 levels, this
cluster lags behind Clusters 1 and 2 in all other ICT forms including ubiquitous ones such as broadband and mobile
phones, emerging social media technologies, and legacy technologies such as fixed phones. While some parts of this
cluster such as the small plains near Sapporo, Sendai, and Hiroshima possess favorable “lay of the land,” the lag in
broadband and mobile phone adoption can be attributed to the largely mountainous landscape. This increases the cost of
infrastructure development, for example for constructing base stations for mobile, or laying optical fiber to provide FTTH
service to access broadband.
National government ICT policy appropriate for cluster 3 is to continue to move forward and reinforce earlier policies of the
2000s to build nationwide infrastructure (Shimizu et al., 2008). This necessitates overcoming the geographical digital
divide by penetrating mountainous regions with infrastructure to improve mobile connectivity as well as newer broadband
and optical fiber technologies (Arai & Naganuma, 2010, p. 13). Consistent with Yuguchi (2008), we recommend subsidies be
allocated by the Japanese national government to local governments to alleviate construction costs of base stations and
laying optical fiber especially in instances where a rural village is located far from the telephone exchange office. We also
recommend subsidies be provided by local municipalities to households for an initial period to mitigate consumer
perception of initial tariffs as too prohibitive. Improvement in mobile and broadband connectivity is expected to positively
impact adoption and utilization of emerging social media technologies.
An example of an early success in cluster 3 is Nishiokoppe Village, a small, remote village in Hokkaido prefecture. Although
this location was at first outside the range of any internet or television, a fully optical fiber network to the home was
constructed with funding mostly from the national government and somewhat from the prefecture (Arai & Naganuma,
2010). It was successfully deployed with services keyed to the rural and elderly population such as agricultural information
and elder care. We assume that ICT training must have been provided, since residents largely lacked ICT experience. In
summary, for Cluster 3 we recommend that a combination of central government subsidies, local level subsidies, and
incentives be provided to resource and educational providers of the prosperous clusters 1 and 2, requiring them to address
ICT needs in the predominantly rural cluster 3.
4. “Rural Areas” – This area comprising Clusters 4 and 5 includes most of the rural prefectures in the north, southeast
including the large southern islands of Kyushu (except Fukuoka which is part of cluster 3) and Shikoku (except Kagawa
and Fokushima prefectures), as well as the southernmost island of Okinawa and Tokushima prefecture in the island of
Shikoku, which comprise cluster 5. This cluster is analogous to “broadband periphery” in the U.S., identified in Grubesic
(2006) as clusters of mostly rural zip codes displaying low levels of broadband availability and competition. In Japan,
these areas have lost young migrants to Japan's cities, lowering the areas' demand for ICT.

The National ICT policy appropriate for these clusters is to invest funds in developing contemporary communications and
IT infrastructure, in technology training with emphasis on the adult and older population, and in incentives such as
subsidies for companies (IT Strategic Headquarters of Japanese Government, 2010). Although the Japanese government
and private companies invested in rural ICT infrastructure in the 2000s based on the e-Japan and u-Japan initiatives
(Shimizu et al., 2008), deficits remain as seen by the lowest levels among all clusters of broadband, mobile phone
subscribers, Facebook and Twitter (in cluster 4) and fixed phones and PCs (in cluster 5). The central government ICT plan
does contain infrastructure initiatives, which might reflect the considerable progress nationally, but does not address the
serious infrastructural deficit in these low-tech areas. The policy challenge is more than just increasing access; it should
also address lifelong skills training and education in these geographic areas possibly through offerings of the Open
University of Japan. Although the national plan (IT Strategic Headquarters of Japanese Government, 2010) calls for
“correcting digital divides,” “advancing support of IT-aided lifelong learning,” and supporting the Open University of
Japan's digital degrees, geography is not mentioned. We supplement these national policies by recommending that they
focus concertedly on the rural, low-tech areas for ICT skills training and education.

6. Results from regression analysis

The findings (see Table 5) indicate high overall significance for all the regressions. OLS regression diagnostic tests of Joint
Wald, Koenker (BP) and Jarque–Bera reveal no problems, with the single exception of positive Jarque–Bera test (p¼0.05) for
internet expenditures per family, indicating lack of correspondence of residuals to normal distribution. Hence, that
regression will be regarded cautiously. Joint Wald Statistic is a test of the joint significance of several coefficients of
individual independent variables (Wald, 1943). The Koenker (BP) Statistic Test is a test for heteroscedasticity, i.e. the variance
of the residuals is not constant (Lyon & Tsai, 1996). The Jarque–Bera Statistic is a goodness-of-fit test of whether sample data,
in this case regression residuals, have skewness and kurtosis that correspond to a normal distribution (Jarque & Bera, 1980).
Moran's I tests for spatial autocorrelation of residuals were non-significant, indicating lack of spatial bias in the model.
For the demographic factors, the ratio of farm population is inversely related to levels of technology utilization and
expenditures, consistent with spatial findings that urban location is associated with greater technology level. The economic
Table 5
Standardized regression results for dependent variables, Japan.

Category Independent variable Dependent variables

Personal computer Internet Internet Broadband Mobile Mobile phone IP phone Fixed phone LN Facebook Twitter
penetration rate for users/100 expenditures/ subscribers/ telephone expenditures/ Expenditures/ subscribers/ subscribers/ Subscribers/
families pop. family capita subscribers/ family family capita capita capita

Demographic Working age population 0.585nnn 0.313nnn  0.481nn

(Pop. 20–64)/total
Demographic Young dependency ratio 0.239nn  0.183nn 0.459nnn  0.529nnn  0.213nnn
(Pop. 0–19/Pop. 20–64)
Demographic Farm household  0.168n  0.352nn  0.445nnn 0.244n  0.585nnn  0.383nnn  0.169nn

T. Nishida et al. / Telecommunications Policy 38 (2014) 992–1010

Economic Household income per 0.845nnn 0.554nnn
Economic Prefecture income per 0.305nnn
Economic Technical workers per 0.329nnn
Infrastructure Electrical power 0.270nn 0.098n
consumption per capita
Education Household expenditures 0.648nnn 0.552nnn  0.651nnn
on education per capita
Education Students and pupils per 0.146n 0.307nnn
Innovation Patents registered by 0.200n 0.753nnn 0.620nnn 0.686nnn
Japanese citizens per
Openness Openness Index for
Openness Newspaper circulation 0.250nn 0.176nn 0.256n
(mornings) per capita
Regression adjusted R 0.744nnn 0.757nnn 0.700nnn 0.883nnn 0.906nnn 0.395nnn 0.440nnn 0.608nnn 0.819nnn 0.910nnn
square and significance
Sample size (N) 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47

OLS regression tests

Joint Wald statistic 138.5nnn 209.5nnn 154.3nnn 423.5nnn 214.4nnn 45.7nnn 37.3nnn 136.3nnn 423.0nnn 0.910nnn
Koenker (BP) statistic 2.421 3.939 5.685 5.906 10.873n 4.562 2.477 1.037 7.637 4.613
Jarque–Bera statistic 0.296 1.045 7.825n 0.874 1.463 2.212 2.945 1.421 0.828 1.123

Spatial autocorrelation
of residuals
Moran's index  0.159  0.113 0.097 0.011 0.073 0.022  0.212  0.034 0.092  0.173

Signif. at 0.05.
Signif. at 0.01.
Signif. at 0.001.

1006 T. Nishida et al. / Telecommunications Policy 38 (2014) 992–1010

factors of income have limited effect. Household income relates to PC use and mobile phone expenditures, while higher
prefecture income correlates with increased broadband subscribers. The infrastructure factor of electrical power consump-
tion relates to internet expenditures per family and mobile telephone subscribers. The two education variables are positively
associated with internet, IP phones, Facebook, and Twitter, but inversely related to fixed phone expenditures. The latter
reflects more educated households' preference for contemporary phones.
Innovation, as expressed by patents of Japanese citizens, is associated with the more modern attributes of broadband,
mobile phones, Facebook subscribers, and Twitter subscribers. The openness factor of newspaper circulation is associated
with internet users, broadband subscribers, and IP phone expenditures, while the Openness Index is not significant. Overall,
across the 10 dependent variables, the most important factors are demographic i.e. age structure and rural–urban status;
education; and innovation.

7. Discussion

While some findings support outcomes known in the digital divide literature but are newly reported for Japan, others are
entirely novel. Among the new findings at the sub-national level are correlates for the utilization of technology platforms
of IP phones, Facebook, and Twitter, for an openness index, for innovation measured by patents, and for a group of
demographic indicators. Further, new spatial analysis findings provide insights into the geographical distribution of
information technology utilization and expenditures throughout Japan.
The demographic result that working age population is associated with internet users and mobile phone subscribers
corresponds to the generational emphasis on the internet for Japanese of working age and on mobile phones for younger
working-age adults (Nakayama, 2002). Young dependency ratio is associated with mobile phones that are mostly 3-G and 4-
G (Nakayama, 2002), so its association with mobile phone expenditures and internet users is expected. Perhaps surprisingly,
young dependency ratio is inversely related to broadband and Twitter. The explanation is that elevated young dependency
ratio is more likely to occur in rural areas, which have reduced access to broadband (Yuguchi, 2008), and where Twitter has
not caught on as much. The strong inverse relationship of farm population to technology utilization for 6 of 10 dependent
factors points to rural Japan lagging behind the urban areas. Similarly in India, the rural population has strikingly lower
access and use of technologies (Pick et al., 2014).
Household and prefectural incomes are positively related to PCs, broadband subscribers, and mobile phone expenditures,
a finding well supported in the literature (Agarwal et al., 2009; Baliamoune-Lutz, 2003; Dasgupta et al., 2005; Lengsfeld,
2011; Sipior et al., 2011). Since these technologies tend to be higher priced relative to the others in Japan, income would be
more important.
Education is influential for the newer technology platforms of IP phones, Facebook, and Twitter, and for internet
expenditures. Since they tend to be lower-cost technologies, the effect of education may be relatively higher because
income's influence is reduced. Education's positive association with ICTs is widely known (Pick & Azari, 2008, Pick et al.,
2014; Kvasny & Keil, 2006; Ono & Zavodny, 2007; Robison & Crenshaw, 2002; Sipior et al., 2011; van Dijk, 2009; Vicente &
Lopez, 2011; Yates et al., 2011). However, the inverse effect for fixed phones is explained by the increasing substitution of
fixed phones by mobile and IP phones in Japan.
Significant relationships of electrical power consumption with internet users and mobile phone subscribers are
explained by the large proportion of Japan's population using these two technologies, leading to elevated prefectural
volumes of electrical consumption. Innovation, as measured by patents, is significantly associated to broadband, mobile
phones, Facebook, and Twitter, forward-looking forms of technologies, which are driven by R&D. Although the innovation
relationship is known for U.S. counties and other nations (Azari & Pick, 2005, Pick & Azari, 2008), this is the first
confirmation of R&D's importance for Japanese prefectures. It is a factor that central government and prefectures can
stimulate by encouraging investment in scientific education. As in some prior studies (Pick & Azari, 2008, 2011), these
factors represent generic innovation (not IT-specific innovation). The explanation might be that R&D leads to geographic
agglomeration of technical skills and creation of prefectural knowledge communities that spill over and stimulate expanded
use of IT.
The importance of newspaper circulation corresponds to a study for India (Pick et al., 2014), in which high technology
usage level in Delhi state is strongly related to registered newspapers and periodicals. We explain these effects as due to
traditional forms of publishing being generators of printed content and increasingly e-content (Shiraishi, 2004), which
provide openness of content through the use of internet, web, and 3-G and 4-G mobile telephones. In the case of Japan, the
dependent variables that are significantly correlated to newspaper circulation are content-driven, i.e. the internet and
broadband, and mobile IP phones.
Caution must be exercised in interpreting the digital divide as beneficial when governmental and societal measures are
taken to try to reduce it. Studies for U.S. technologically underserved populations have questioned whether technological
utilization is positive for the individual, for example that additional technological skills for low-income person might not
lead to a better job or emergence from poverty (Kvasny & Keil, 2006). At the country, state, or prefectural levels, these
concerns have greater impact when there is significant portion of technologically and economically deprived people. In
Japan, there is a smaller proportion of such people. However, another caution is that technological knowledge could be put
to malicious purposes by individuals (Kvasny & Keil, 2006) or by larger societal units. We need to acknowledge these
possibilities and state them as a limitation, while recognizing such downside effects have rarely been included in prior
T. Nishida et al. / Telecommunications Policy 38 (2014) 992–1010 1007

studies that examine IT remediation policies and measures. It is outside the scope of this study to examine this question
Compared to Japan, China has an even larger and more rapidly growing economy, with a digital divide that has
similarities and differences from Japan (Pick et al., 2013). Both are influenced by innovation and openness, yet in other
respects they differ: Japan's prefectural technology levels are driven more by age, urban structure and education, while
China's are propelled more by export commodities value and labor force attributes.
The present findings somewhat correspond to studies for the United States. A small-sample digital divide study of
individual members of a disadvantaged public housing community and surrounding neighbors in Pennsylvania examined
determinants of e-government services that were in process of being transformed (Sipior et al., 2011), based on technology
acceptance. Those findings concur with ours in identifying income, education, age, and employment to be significant
determinants of e-government usage. Another study which examined determinants of internet use for a U.S. government
national sample, based on two-stage regression (Agarwal et al., 2009) had fairly similar results to the present ones, in that
the factors of income, education, age, and children under 18 (i.e. similar to our young dependency ratio) were significant.
However, it differed in identifying male gender and number of internet service providers as determinants (Agarwal et al.,
2009). A similarity is the recognition of Agarwal et al. (2009) that metropolitan proximity relates to internet use. Case
studies of deprived communities in LaGrange, Georgia, and Atlanta demonstrate two modes of overcoming the digital
divide: reasonably free cable internet access to homes, and community technology centers (Kvasny & Keil, 2006). The study
concludes that both these approaches to narrowing the divide were only temporary fixes, whereas the long-term problems
of high quality education and vocational training were not addressed by the cities. That study, with the caveat that it
represents U.S. culture, informs decisions on IT policy approaches for Japan, suggesting that schooling and development of
technical skills should be prioritized as most important for the long term.
Recent studies of the European digital divide have considered geography. Since European nations are much more
culturally diverse than Japanese prefectures, culture is expected to be more influential in Europe (van Dijk, 2009). Based on a
model that considered technology motivation, physical access, digital skills and usage, findings for 25 EU nations revealed
geographical gaps in technology indicators (north–south and east–west), and socio-economic gaps of age, education, type of
employment, gender, and ethnic minority status. The first three socio-economic gaps correspond to the present Japan
findings. The influence of ethnic minority reflects Europe's diversity, but for Japan, ethnic data are unavailable for
prefectures and ethnicity's influence nationally is limited given Japan's tiny proportion of ethnic minorities (2 percent). The
van Dijk (2009) study recommends IT policies somewhat similar to ours for Japan, in particular to reduce deficiencies for the
elderly, digitally illiterate, and geographically marginalized.
A recent study investigating the EU's 164 regions for determinants of ICT use (Vicente & Lopez, 2011) had a sample
somewhat analogous to Japanese prefectures in dropping below the country level, although it encompassed 27 nations. The
dependent variable consisted of factor scores based on five ICT components. There was concurrence with Japan on
importance of age structure and education, but difference in high importance in the EU of culture, technical workforce and
unimportance of population density (in contrast to the present urban/rural importance).
Returning to the present conceptual model, the empirical results suggest that the model can be simplified for Japan by
dropping the independent factors of prefectural income (retaining household income), technical workers, and the openness
index. Prefectural income and technical workers are of minor effect, and can be better addressed by other variables in their
respective categories. The openness index does not influence technology, perhaps because the transparency it measures is of
reduced impact for ICT in Japan and also because the societal openness in Japan is more driven by geographically uniform
central government policies. Since the significant correlates across our dependent variables are largely similar for Facebook
and Twitter, a future suggestion is to simplify the model by solely including Facebook subscribers or an average of the two.
Overall, the study's conceptual model is robust for Japan.

7.1. Practical implications of findings

For central government policymaking in Japan, results imply that additional advancement of technology utilization can
be spurred by policies emphasizing internet content generation, as represented by the proxy of newspaper circulation;
innovation and R&D; and by education. Findings indicate that newer technologies have lower utilization among the more
elderly and more rural Japanese prefectures. The study indicates an inverse association of rural location with technology use
for over half of ICT dependent variables, affirming a Japanese government policy to revitalize agricultural and rural areas
through ICT applications (IT Strategic Headquarters of Japanese Government, 2010) and pointing to policies to provide
specialized support for the older population. Since Japan has among the highest proportion of older citizens worldwide,
policies favoring the elderly would have substantial impact on this large population segment.
For the newer technological areas of broadband, mobile phones, Facebook, and Twitter, innovation is a positive
determinant; therefore, the central government should consider strengthening even more its long-standing initiatives and
investments in innovation (Shimizu et al., 2008), while adding more geographical balance to these programs.
For practitioners, the study demonstrates that GIS and spatial analysis combined with statistics can provide enhanced
insight to managers and planners for analysis and decision-making. This is especially pertinent for practitioners in
government, utilities, natural resources, transportation, and marketing. For ICT researchers on the digital divide, the study
provides novel findings on technology correlates for the third largest nation in economic size, as well as introducing the
1008 T. Nishida et al. / Telecommunications Policy 38 (2014) 992–1010

exploratory spatial methods of mapping of clusters, and confirmatory testing of spatial autocorrelation. The methods, rarely
used until now in telecommunications and IT studies (e.g. Pick et al., 2013; Pick et al., 2014; Grubesic, 2010) provide the
potential for more robust multivariate analysis across many telecommunications, IT, and economic research areas, in which
the data points are geo-referenced at the levels of individuals, businesses, states/provinces, and nations.

7.2. Results for research questions

The results are as follows.

1. What is the appropriate conceptual model to understand the spatial patterns of levels of technology utilization and
The appropriate conceptual model includes seven well known technology utilization variables, plus three variables
representing newer technologies that have not been included in digital divide research, namely IP telephones, Facebook
subscribers, and Twitter subscribers. The appropriate independent factors include 12 indicators that represent
demography, economics, infrastructure, education, technology workforce, R&D, and societal openness. The model
includes an exploratory analysis of geographical distribution of technology utilization and a confirmatory analysis of
technology utilization correlates that screens for spatial autocorrelation.
2. How do the prefectures agglomerate based on similarity in ICT utilization?
Prefectures have significant spatial autocorrelation for seven of 10 ICT utilization and expenditure dependent variables.
K-means cluster analysis of seven dependent variables indicates a unique cluster for the Tokyo prefecture and four other
clusters, which are interpreted geographically and through their characterization. For instance, a 16-prefecture largely
rural cluster, located in the north of the main island and in southeastern coastal areas, has the lowest levels of
technology, 2 to 5 times lower than Tokyo for the latest technologies.
3. What are the demographic, economic, educational and societal correlates of technology utilization and expenditure factors by
The major significant correlates are newspaper circulation, patents registered by Japanese citizens, students and pupils
per capita, household expenditures on education, farm household population (inverse), and young dependency ratio
(mixed positive and negative). There are distinctive correlates for Facebook and Twitter, which emphasize innovation,
students and pupils, and urban areas (i.e. inversely related to farm population). Fixed phone correlates point to utilization
by older age persons, and to inverse relationships with working age population, young dependency ratio, household
education expenditures, and farm population.
4. Are the regression estimates of the ICT dependent variables free of spatial autocorrelation errors?
Initially, all dependent variables, except Facebook subscribers, were free of spatial autocorrelation of regression residuals.
After performing a natural log transformation for the Facebook variable, its residuals also became free of spatial

7.3. Limitations

The research is limited by not having a longitudinal sample, so trends over time cannot be analyzed. However, the
present set of variables is not available in its entirety for a prior time points of 3–5 years ago or earlier. Another drawback is
that regression methods are unidirectional, rather a system of simultaneous interacting relationships. Nevertheless, a
majority of digital divide studies have been unidirectional.
The study is somewhat limited methodologically by its sample size. Although well suited for regression, the prefectural
sample is not large enough for more complex models, such as structural equation modeling. Another issue is the importance
of selection of geographic units that will provide satisfactory geographic resolution for a meaningful local-level analysis; this
has been highlighted in the U.S. context by Grubesic (2008). However in Japan, geographical units smaller than the
prefecture that cover the entire nation systematically with data do not exist. Another weakness is that the previous fruitful
literature use of variables on societal openness, democracy, laws, and regulations is constrained by their paucity for Japan's
prefectures. This may be due to a political system in which the central government, versus the prefectures, is much more
influential in determining societal openness features.

8. Conclusions

The study applies Japanese prefectural data in the late 2000s decade to analyze the pattern and correlates of technology
utilization and expenditures using regression and spatial analysis. For technology utilization, it confirms the well-known
correlates of age structure, education and income, as well as lesser-known correlates of rural population, electrical power,
patents, and newspaper circulation. Findings point to a generational digital divide in Japan that has been documented by
anthropological and language studies. A geographic divide is confirmed in which metropolitan and largely coastal
T. Nishida et al. / Telecommunications Policy 38 (2014) 992–1010 1009

prefectures have significantly higher technology levels than rural areas in the north, mountainous center, and coastal south;
the divide is reinforced by dramatic topographic barriers between regions.
The study helps to answer the question of what factors are associated with these differences. It suggests reasons for it,
such as Japan's aged population, which has wide generational gaps reflecting very different cultural learning and familiarity
with technology, Japan's highly competitive educational system which can lead to technology disparities among the student
haves and have-nots, innovation which can stimulate knowledge communities and their ICT use, differential prefectural
income levels, and advantages to urban environments.
The study contributes to filling in knowledge gaps in theory and empirical knowledge. A new conceptual model of
Japan's digital divide, induced from prior literature, is largely supported empirically. ICT utilization and expenditure
correlates are given, for the first time, for Japan's prefectures. The research provides findings for the contemporary
technology platforms of Facebook and Twitter. Spatial techniques are applied and found to deepen and strengthen insights,
complementing more common multivariate methods.
The results support national policies for regions that broaden the reach of educational programs, help deprived rural
areas, assist older people in learning technology concepts and skills, and spread the loci of initiatives for innovation across
broad areas in the country. The cluster analysis findings lead to more geographically detailed policy recommendations that
expand on Japan's central government policies, such as providing training to the lowest cluster regions, subsidizing national
universities in higher tech prefectures to establish long-term outreach to deprived regions, and incentivizing high-tech
companies to increase infrastructure for the newest technologies and skills training in the low-tech, rural areas. Developing
innovation centers can be a policy goal coordinated with prefectures, relying less on the central government. Japan has
accomplished great strides in technology for its citizenry, but substantial digital inequities remain, and this study
demonstrates that more needs to be done to bridge its internal digital divide.


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