Passive Voice Exercises

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sentences passive:

1. My coworker is always sending me emails. It 's so annoying.


2. The gardener cuts the grass every morning.


3. Someone often steals cars in this neighbourhood.


4. My neighbour is playing loud music right now. I wish he’d shut up.

5. My boyfriend gives me nice surprises.


● Make this PAST SIMPLE and PAST CONTINUOUS sentences


1. Leon Tolstoi wrote ‘War and Peace’ in 1867.


2. Jason invited Julie and Luke to a party.


3. The new restaurant in the shopping centre employed a lot of new

4. Susan was opening a can when I called her.

5. Joanne was saying the truth about the situation.


● Make this PRESENT PERFECT and PAST PERFECT sentences


1. She has turned on the air conditioning.


2. My brother has downloaded a lot of songs from this website.


3. They had made a delicious cake.


4. I had just put the washing out when it started to rain.


5. Rebeca has taught French since she graduated.

● Make this FUTURE SIMPLE sentences passive:

1. The journalist will write the shocking article next week.


2. The estate agent is going to sell the house tomorrow.


3. Amazon will deliver your parcel in the next few hours.


4. Joe will receive with surprise the good news about her mother.

5. The waiter is going to serve the dishes in a few moments.


● Make this sentences passive (mixed tenses):

1. People speak Portuguese in Brazil.


2. The Government is planning a new road near my house.


3. My grandfather built this house in 1943.


4. He had written three books before 1867.

5. John will tell you later.

6. By this time tomorrow we will have signed the deal.


7. At six o’clock someone was telling a story.


8. Somebody has drunk all the milk!


9. I had cleaned all the windows before the storm.


10. James might cook dinner.


11. Somebody must have taken my wallet.


12. Everybody loves Mr Brown.


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