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How To Grow Fast On 𝕏 - Even If You Have No Followers

What this guide is about
What you can achieve if you commit to these steps daily
The 4 steps to grow fast on 𝕏
Why each of this steps is important, in the given order
Step 1. Define your Brand
Define your brand first, so that you have to work less later
The essential elements of a brand
Start with a minimum viable brand
Brands are dynamic
Step 2. Optimize your Profile
Better profile = more followers
The elements of a converting profile
Revise this step if you can't gain followers
Step 3. Create Content
The right content is different for different account sizes
Content factors
Some tips on how to create content
When starting out, less is more
Step 4. Engage Smartly
This is the most important step for fast growth
The 5 types of engagement
How to engage
The 3 ways it can wrong
Now you know what to focus on depending on your goal
Doing this will earn you respect
A crystal clear understanding
The more you do it, the less you will have to work, and the faster you will grow
Start now!
Wanna grow even faster?

How To Grow Fast On 𝕏 - Even If You Have No

What this guide is about
With the strategies provided here, I was able to grow my account from 23 followers to 283
followers in 2 weeks, 100% organically, while skyrocketing the engagement level on all my new

People also started to book calls with me and ask for my advice.

It's a very good feeling when your hard work starts to be appreciated by your followers and
random strangers on 𝕏. It changes everything.

It's the first step that gets you in the game, because then you can start to test messages, topics,
and product ideas.

After going through this guide for the first time, you will have a clear understanding of the steps
needed to grow as fast as you want on 𝕏, with an engaged audience who values your content,
your story and your services/products, and you will clearly know where you should focus your
efforts on, in every stage of your growth.

What you can achieve if you commit to these steps daily

If you continue to follow the steps in this guide daily, you will be able to grow faster and faster
by putting in less and less work.

In no time, you will have an audience that reads your content and it will become easier and
easier to find new leads and sell your services and your products to them.

Follower count is not everything, but having a good follower count and, more importantly,
engaged followers, is the basis of having a strong brand on 𝕏 and starting to test how you can
help others the most.

The 4 steps to grow fast on 𝕏

If you follow these 4 steps, you will be able to grow as fast as you want on 𝕏:

Step 1. Define your Brand

Step 2. Optimize your Profile

Step 3. Create Content

Step 4. Engage Smartly

Why each of this steps is important, in the given order

When you are starting out on 𝕏, it's important to follow the steps in this order, if you want to
start grow as fast as possible.

If you don't define your brand before following the next steps, you will not know what you should
focus on, and you risk wasting a lot of time spinning your wheels.

After having defined you brand, you are ready to optimize your profile to attract the right
followers and to increase the number of visitors that will decide to follow you. Having a good
conversion rate will allow you to work less for the same number of new followers.

But a profile is not complete if you don't post the right content on your timeline. This step will
show what is the best content to post when you are starting out.

Finally, with everything else in place, you can start to engage in a smart way with other people
on 𝕏. This is where all the work that you did in the previous steps will shine and reward you with
unlimited growth on command.

Step 1. Define your Brand

Define your brand first, so that you have to work less later
We will use your brand definition to design your profile in a later step.
Your content will also need to be aligned with it.

Without a clear brand definition, visitors of your profile will not know why they should follow you,
and this will impact the conversion rate.

This means that if you don't have a clear brand definition, you will have to work more to get the
same number of followers.

In addition to that, if you wait till later to define your brand, there is also the risk of building an
audience that is not interested in it, and this will make it harder to monetize your followers.

The essential elements of a brand

Here are the essential elements that you must define for your brand:
Who do you help?
What is the result that you help them achieve?
What are the topics you talk about?
What are the persona traits, personality, language tone and values of your digital self, that
you want to portray to the world?

Start with a minimum viable brand

Set aside one hour of your time and define the essential elements of your brand, as detailed
above, in written form, so that you always have clear in mind what your brand is about.

Don't overcomplicate it.

Just start with the bare minimum.

You can always integrate and refine it later.

Read it daily when you are starting out.

Adjust it as needed based on the feedback you receive.

Brands are dynamic

As you grow your account, you might find that some parts of your brand definition must be
changed, based on:

Feedback from your audience analytics

Feedback from what you like about your brand, what you don't like anymore, and what you
want to change

A brand is never static, it will evolve with your goals and your audience feedback.

It is expected.

Step 2. Optimize your Profile

Better profile = more followers
The more your profile converts visitors into followers, the less you have to work to gain new
So, put a lot of effort into it.

It will pay off very soon, very fast.

The elements of a converting profile

The most important elements of a converting profile, for small accounts, are:

Profile picture
Pinned post

Profile picture
A great profile picture is like a firm handshake online.

If you want to grow fast, nailing it is essential

Here are 5 tips to instantly elevate your profile picture to pro-level:

1. A slight smile converts more visitors into followers. A big smile converts even more.
2. Switch to a solid background – it's sleek, undistracting, and makes your face pop!
3. The background looks much better if it's the same or similar to the main banner color.
4. Put your profile pic next to the big players. Do you look like a consumer or a creator? The
goal is to look like an established creator with a professional picture that stands out on the
feed and on your profile.
5. The height of your head should occupy between 1/3 and 1/2 of the profile picture circle.
This size ensures that your face remains easily recognizable in the feed without appearing
too close or overwhelming when someone views your profile. Think of it as having a casual
conversation with someone; you wouldn't stand 2 meters apart, but you also wouldn't be
just 10 cm away.

Stunning Pic = Rapid Rise

Here's the profile picture that I used to grow to 400+ followers and beyond:

The banner should just give the vibe of you brand, and you should avoid making it too

You want to keep the focus on your profile picture and the Follow button.

It should look professional. If you are not a graphic designer, keep it simple, with a solid
background similar to your profile picture background, and a couple of words that define the
vibe of your brand. You can also hire someone to do that for you, if you want something with a
more professional look, but it's optional.

The words in the banner should not be too small. They should be easy to read on a small

Take inspiration from the simplest banners of authoritative accounts in your niche.

Here's the simple banner I used to grow to 400+ followers:

The bio should always include:

The practical result you help your audience achieve

Proof that you can do that
What topics your content is about

You should already know what is the result you help them achieve. You already wrote that
out in the brand definition step.

It's important that your proof is believable and true. If you don't have proof yet, you can just
state what you are trying to achieve now.

Don't say what you will do when you'll have 1000 followers. Say what you are doing now. If
all you are doing is learning about your niche topic and growing your account on Twitter 𝕏,
just put that in your bio.

People love and follow authentic profiles.

Here's my current bio at the time of writing this guide:

If you have less than 100 followers, you don't need any link in your bio, and you can still grow
very fast.

After 100 followers, having a link will boost your growth much more, as you will need more

I suggest that you don't use the generic "business type" field, as that distracts visitors without
any real benefit.

If you have a link to a web page, use the location as a call to action to visit your page. For
example: "Get my free growth guide"

Here's an example from my profile metadata:

Pinned Post
The pinned post is an opportunity to showcase your personal story, a personal result or a case
study of someone you already helped.


If you want to give away a creator vibe (and grow faster), it is essential that you limit the number
of retweets and quoted tweets.

The main protagonist of your profile timeline should be your brand.

Show it by making sure that most or all of your posts are your original creation, not someone

Revise this step if you can't gain followers

If you follow all the steps of this guide and you are getting a good engagement rate, but you are
still not getting new followers, the profile is the first thing that needs to be improved.

Step 3. Create Content

The right content is different for different account sizes
The content that will make you grow the most when you have 50 followers is different from the
content that you will need to create when you have 1000 followers.

When your follower count is low, visitors will automatically spend less time to check your

That's why when you are starting out it's important to make it easy and fast for them to
consume and engage with your content.

Content factors
These are the factors that you should consider when creating your content:


Some tips on how to create content

Quick tips to boost engagement:

• Publish less.
• Keep it short.
• Deliver value.

You already decided what are the topics you will talk about in the brand definition step, so talk
about that in 80%/90% of your posts.

Keep your content below 280 characters. Make it easy and fast for your visitors to consume and
engage with your content.

You can still publish 1 or 2 threads per week to increase your authority, but I think that at
beginning it's much better to focus on growth and engaging with other profiles.
As your account grows above 100 follower and you are getting good engagement, you can start
to publish more long form contents and see if it gets enough engagement. If it does, than long
form content is a good way to build authority faster.

Don't post more than once per day, unless you already have 5 or more people liking ALL your
posts in a couple of hours.

If you publish 10 posts per day, you are spreading engagement, and decreasing the chances to
go viral.


To increase readability, separate each sentence of your posts with a blank line.

If in doubt, the best structure to use is this:

1. Hook: a short sentence explaining what result you can get from reading the post
2. Body: the actual tips, lessons, mistakes that deliver what's promised in the hook
3. Takeaway: a punchy sentence that reminds the reader what they learned and why it's

This is not a guide about content creation, so I cannot go much deeper than this, but with
this structure you can very easily get to 500+ followers, if you pack your content with value.
No need to overcomplicate. You can learn and improve as you go.

Here are some type of posts that you can publish to keep your timeline varied, multi-
dimensional and engaging:

How to / tips
Personal story and lessons learned
Share a milestone you achieved / build in public
Ask a question to your audience

It's important to rotate the type of content that you publish to keep the interest high.

When starting out, less is more

If you apply the advice in this step, you are already ahead of 95% of all the creators on X.

Don't overcomplicate this step, keep it lean, and learn as you go.

Less is more.

Step 4. Engage Smartly

This is the most important step for fast growth
This is where all the effort you put in the previous steps will pay off.

On the other hand, if you don't do this right, your growth will be very slow on X, despite having
everything else perfectly in place.

Engaging with the right accounts in the right amount will put your account in front of the right
eyes, boosting your growth to levels that normally you can only see in medium account that
already have 1000+ followers.

This is the power of smart engagement.

The 5 types of engagement

Engaging with other profiles means replying to their posts.

To optimize your growth, you will have to engage daily with 3 types of accounts:

Medium/Big accounts (1000+ followers)

Peer friend accounts (<1000 followers)
New peer accounts (<1000 followers)

It's also crucial to:

Reply to all comments on your profile
Reply to all incoming DMs

How to engage
Always add value to the conversation, and avoid answering with one word replies. Failure to do
so will give you a spammer reputation and it might even get you a shadowban. When you are
shadowbanned, your posts will be hidden for a few days (or more) and your growth will stop
during that period.
You can engage using these 14 types of replies or any combination of them:

Funny reply
Famous quote
Personal story
Ask a question
Link a resource
Add knowledge

Engage with medium/big accounts

Creators and consumers read the comments below the posts of big accounts.
And they check the profiles of the people who comment.

Your comments need to be there.

Post at least 20 comments daily replying to medium/big accounts' posts.

Engage with peer friend accounts

People that engage in your timeline are your friends.

You become their friend by giving back to them.

Engage with them.

At least 20 friends daily.

Overtime you will build a lot of engagement, and this will attract new followers.
By doing this you will also put your comments in front of other small creators that can visit your
profile and decide to follow you.

If you can, engage daily with every single person that engaged with your content in the last 2
weeks. This will help you make strong connections with your audience and position you as a
giver. If you engage authentically, this will do wonders for your brand image.

At the very minimum try to engage and give back daily to the people who engaged with your
content in the last 2 days.

Engage with new peer accounts

If you have less than 500 followers, this is probably the most important thing to do if you want to
grow fast. The more you do it (authentically and by providing value), the faster you will grow.

Find new profiles to engage with in their comments:

they must be profile who inspire you, align with your values, and talk about something you
are interested in, in a way you like (there are plenty, so please don't take shortcuts here, it
will only make your time on X less fun)
if they inspire you, you inspire them
like, comment AND follow at least 20 new profiles every day (do more of this to grow faster)

You can find new accounts to engage with pretty much everywhere:
in the comments below big/medium account posts
in the comments below you friends posts

Don't focus on follower ratio (yet)

I suggest that you ignore your ratio of followers/following accounts (aka follower ratio) until you
have at least 200+ followers, and even then, I would not focus to much on that.

Your #1 priority before that should be to build an audience as fast as possible, an audience that
likes your content and your brand, not the fake status given by a follower ratio.

You can expand your network much faster if you ignore your follower ratio in the first stages of
your account growth.

People will give you A LOT MORE credit for having 500+ followers, than for having a good
follower ratio but only 50 followers.

And if you have a bigger audience and more engagement:

You can test topics, ideas, and messages much faster.
You also have a bigger network effect working in your favor.
The growth of your account will start to compound much earlier.

Just make sure to avoid following more than 500 people. If you do, you should at least
have a 0.6 following/follower ratio. This means that if you are following 600 accounts, you
should have at least 1000 followers. Failure to do so will result in a penalty from the X
algorithm, and this will decrease your impressions.

Reply to comments on your Profile

Answer them daily and never leave an unanswered comment under your posts.

When you start to get 100 to 200 comments every day, then you can start to pick which ones
you want to reply to, if you don't have time.

Reply to incoming DMs

Always answer incoming DMs daily.

Some of the people in your DMs can become life friends. Or your best customers.

Rule #1: give more than you get back and you will get back more than you gave.

Rule #2: see rule #1.

The 3 ways it can wrong

If you add value when you engage with other profiles, and reply to all the comments you
receive, very soon your account will take off.

The are only 3 ways this can go wrong:

you are just spamming other accounts instead of adding value and connecting authentically
you are engaging with accounts that don't inspire you
you stop engaging with other profiles

Now you know what to focus on depending on your goal
Now you know every single step you will need to take to bring your account to any level you
desire, and where to focus your effort depending on what are your goals at any given moment.

Wanna grow faster or connect with more people? Engage more.

Wanna build more authority and trust? Create more content.

Doing this will earn you respect

By following the steps in this guide, you will automatically earn the respect of your followers and
your new friends, as long as your purpose is to connect with and help other people succeed.
And if you are still reading this guide, I am 100% sure that this is what you want.

A crystal clear understanding

Before reading this guide, you might have had a good idea of what is needed to grow on X, but
now you are crystal clear about what you need to focus on and what you can achieve on X, and
how fast.

The more you do it, the less you will have to work, and the faster
you will grow
The more you will put the strategies shown here into practice, the easier and faster growing on
X will become.

After a few days, you will start to feel unstoppable.

Remember that your main purpose should always be to connect with and help other people
succeed, otherwise the success you will find by following the steps in this guide will only be

This is the secret sauce.

These steps are just a shortcut to connect with and help more people, faster.

Start now!
Here you go, my friend!

Don't wait. Start applying these strategies now. It's easy, and the rewards are huge.
Wanna grow even faster?
By following this guide, you can improve your growth rate and grow faster than 90% of other 𝕏

But if you want to achieve results even faster, and you want to work with me, I can help you in 2

1. Profile review
You can book a 30-minute call with me where I check and review every single part of your
profile and give you tailored advice to help you grow faster, and where you can ask me any
question related to your account, your branding and your strategy.

See what they say about me:

You can book a call with me here:

2. Unlimited 1-on-1 coaching

You can hire me for unlimited 1-on-1 coaching:

Unlimited access to 1-on-1 coaching sessions.

Customized action plans and content strategies.
Direct support and real-time feedback from me.

We will work together on these steps:

Step 1 - Branding

We will develop together a unique and compelling personal or business brand on 𝕏, optimized
for consistency, growth and monetization, and tailored to your exact personality and style.

Step 2 - Profile Optimization

We will craft an engaging bio, profile picture, and overall presence that resonates with your
target audience.
Step 3 - Content Creation + Midjourney Crash Course

I will teach you the art of creating engaging content and learn the secrets of leveraging
Midjourney image generation for visual content creation and a consistent brand image.

Step 4 - Engaging + AI Virtual Creative Team

We will enhance your engagement strategies with AI assistance, ensuring your comments
always stand out and have maximum impact on your growth and authority.

Step 5 - Monetization Strategy

Unlock the potential to monetize your X account with the all knowledge needed to build funnels,
crafting compelling lead magnets that lead to sales, collecting emails, and more.

Check here for more info:

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