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Teacher’s perception on illiteracy of deprived section of society and out Of

school children( a case study of Khuzdar city).



The issue of illiteracy among marginalized communities and the presence of out-of-
school children persist as critical challenges within the educational landscape of Khuzdar
city. Understanding the perceptions of educators regarding this concerning
phenomenon is pivotal in devising effective strategies aimed at eradicating illiteracy and
ensuring access to education for all. This thesis aims to delve into the intricate
perspectives of teachers operating within Khuzdar city, exploring their insights,
observations, and experiences concerning the pervasive illiteracy among deprived
sections of society and the concerning prevalence of out-of-school children.

Teachers, as frontline witnesses to the educational landscape, embody a wealth of

knowledge and experiences that encapsulate the multifaceted nature of barriers faced
by marginalized communities in accessing education. Their perceptions not only reflect
the immediate challenges faced by out-of-school children but also shed light on the
systemic, societal, and infrastructural hurdles that contribute to the perpetuation of
illiteracy among the deprived sections of Khuzdar city.

This thesis endeavors to undertake a comprehensive analysis of the perceptions held by

teachers, encompassing their observations regarding socio-economic factors,
community dynamics, government interventions, and educational infrastructure. By
encapsulating these perspectives, this research aims to contribute to a deeper
understanding of the complex interplay of variables that sustain the prevalence of
illiteracy in marginalized communities and hinder the enrollment of children in formal
education systems.

Furthermore, this study aspires to provide actionable insights and recommendations

derived from the perceptions of teachers, aiming to inform policies, initiatives, and
interventions tailored to address the root causes of illiteracy and out-of-school children
in Khuzdar city. Through a meticulous examination of educators' perceptions, this thesis
seeks to advocate for holistic approaches that empower communities, enhance
educational access, and foster inclusivity to mitigate the challenges of illiteracy among
the marginalized sections of Khuzdar city

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