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Trabajo integrador 1er cuatrimestre 2023 - EES Nª5 (ex Colegio Nacional)

Asignatura: inglés

Curso: 4to 2da turno vespertino

Docente: Silvia Benson email:

En este cuatrimestre hemos trabajado con dos verbos: BE y HAVE GOT.

Aquí les pongo videos explicativos en español para que vean como se arman las oraciones
positivas, negativas e interrogativas. (verbo BE) (verbo BE)

Aquí les dejo unas actividades interactivas para practicar. Estas páginas les dan la respuesta

Aquí van las actividades que tienen que entregar resueltas

Actividad 1: Complete using the correct form of BE

1- My home. the living room.

2- Carmen and schoool. We............ in class.
3- Students at Colegio Nacional.................happy. They............not in class.
4- from Olavarria? No, I................
5- ..............your book on the desk? Yes, it...............
6- Catamarca and San Juan............provinces in the west of Argentina.

Actividad 2: Answer

1- Is Shakira a History teacher?

2- Is Azul in the centre of the province of Buenos Aires?
3- Are you good at Mathematics?
4- Are Tinelli and Suar from Azul?
5- Is Carlos Tevez a good tennis player?
6- Are you and your friends at the cinema at the moment?
En estos videos podrán repasar cómo se usa el verbo HAVE GOT en oraciones positivas,
negativas e interrogativas

Aquí van unas páginas interactivas para practicar antes de hacer las actividades que

Ahora a realizar estas actividades y entregarlas!!!

Actividad 3: Complete using the correct form of HAVE GOT

1- I…………………………………. a new computer. My computer…………………………..a lot of

2- Josue ……………………………….three dogs, a canary and a goldfish.
3- …………………Marta…………………….a cat? No, she………………………. She doesn’t like
4- My dog……………………………….big eyes.
5- …………………… ………………………a problem? No, I……………………………

Actividad 4: Circle the correct option

1- My friend (am/ is/ are) in the park. He (have/ has) got a blue bike. The bike (am/
is/ are) under a tree.
2- We (am/ is/ are) happy because we (have/ has) got a lot of friends.
3- The teacher (have/ as) got a big bag. The bag (am/ is/ are) full of books. The books
(am/ is/ are) English books.
4- Giraffes (have/ has) got long necks. They (am/ is/ are) tall animals.
5- Azul (haven’t/ hasn’t) got a zoo.
6- (Am/ Is/ Are) you happy today? Yes, I (am/ is/ are).
7- A gorilla (am/ is/ are) an animal.

Actividad 5: Match questions and answers

1- Are you from China? a- No, he isn’t.

2- Have you got a schoolbag? b- Yes, it is.
3- Is Catamarca a province? c- No, he hasn’t.
4- Are Messi and Tevez football players? d- No, I am not.
5- Is Justin Bieber a teacher? e- Yes, they are.
6- Has Justin Bieber got pink hair? f- Yes, I have.

7- How old is Pamela? g- She is fine.

8- What has Pamela got in her bag? h- She is seventeen.
9- Where is Pamela from? i- She has got red hair.
10- How is Pamela? j- She is Italian. She’s from Rome.
11- What colour is Pamela’s hair? k- She has got a dictionary.

En este cuatrimestre también estuvimos viendo el Presente simple y los adverbios de


Aquí van unos videos con explicaciones en español de estos temas (present simple) (present simple) (adverbios de frecuencia)

En estas páginas interactivas puedes practicar antes de hacer las actividades que debes
_of_frequency/Adverbs_of_frequency_vh1338648jo (adverbios de frecuencia)

Aquí van las actividades que debes entregar

Actividad 6: Complete the text with these words:


Rosa Giordano is in her first year at Bristol University. She studies Physics, Chemistry and
Biology – they´re difficult……………., but Rosa enjoys them and she wants to be a
…………….teacher when she finishes her studies. Rosa and her family…………..40 km from Bristol,
so she gets up early and catches the………… 8:05…………..morning. Her classes finish in the
afternoon, but…………….a week she studies in the library until 6:30. Her cousin Sylvia has got a
flat in the centre of Bristol and Rosa sometimes………………with her. When the two girls have
some free…………in the evenings, they……………meet their friends for a meal and then go to
their favourite dance club.

Actividad 7: Choose the correct answers:

1- At Sonia´s school the students don´t wear a (uniform/ timetable/ language).

2- (When/ Why/ How) often do you go to the cinema?
3- What subjects does Patrick (study/ studies/ studying) at school?
4- When (is/ are/ do) your exams start?
5- Liz (usually/ always/ hardly ever) listens to pop music because she doesn´t enjoy it.
6- I study History, but I don´t really enjoy (him/ it/ me).
7- Do you have lunch in the school dining room? Yes, we (have/ do/ are).
8- Mum (eats/ drinks/ cooks) a hot meal for the family at lunch time.
9- The boys´ father often helps (him/ they/ them) with their homework.
10- We (go/ goes/ going) to school in the morning.

Actividad 8: Correct the mistakes

1- You bring your lunch to school?

2- I uses my computer every day.
3- Sarah don´t drink coffee.
4- What time the film start?
5- Do Pablo watch TV in the morning?
6- My mother doesn´t washes the car.

Actividad 9: Insert the adverb of frequency or frequency phrase in the correct place in the

1- They go swimming. (three times a week)

2- Our classes are interesting. (usually)
3- He gets up befote 10 o´clock. (never)
4- Our cat sleeps in my room. (always)
5- She travels to Europe. (every year)

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