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1. On page 3, it is mentioned that the blood on the murder weapon and the blood on each of
their garments match No clarification required. The blood of the dead. On page 20 it is
mentioned that the blood-stained axe, i.e. exhibit A, is the murder weapon, and on page 22
it is given that the blood on exhibit A could not be identified. We just want a clarification
regarding this. Is it a mistake or is it intentional?

Ans. The blood on the murder weapon (axe) and their respective clothes matched with the blood of
the deceased persons.

The sentence on Page Number 22- “Blood stains on Exhibit (A) could not be identified.”

Is amended to “Blood stains on Exhibit (A) matched with Exhibit (BS 2) and Exhibit (BS 3).”

2. Page number 20: Ehx 1) specifies a blood-stained axe, but the same has not been mentioned
in the Final investigation report, page 11- is it a clerical error?

Ans. There is no clerical error on the part of the Organizing Committee. The absence of certain
details in the evidence requires the teams to interpret them as they see fit. This interpretation
process may involve drawing conclusions, providing alternative explanations, questioning
witnesses, and making legal arguments to support their case.

3. The Forensic Report mentions 4 blood-stained bed sheets whereas the FIR mentions only 2.

Ans. The absence of certain details in the evidence requires the teams to interpret them as they see
fit. This interpretation process may involve drawing conclusions, providing alternative
explanations, questioning witnesses, and making legal arguments to support their case.
However, facts shall not be distorted in any given circumstances.

4. In the Forensic Report under the result of analysis it is mentioned that Blood on Exhibit C2,
D2 and F matched with Exhibit BS 2, but it is nowhere mentioned what Exhibit F is.

Ans. The sentence “Blood on Exhibit C2, D 2 and F matched with Exhibit (BS 2)” on page number
22 has been amended to “Blood on Exhibit C2, D2 matched with Exhibit (BS 2)”.

5. The Final Investigation Reports under 8th point there no mention of the murder weapon(

Ans. Teams to interpret the same accordingly.

6. Is there any fingerprint report of the axe (murder weapon), knife and mobile phone?

Ans. Teams to interpret the same accordingly.

7. Is there any medical report of Aanchal Verma as per the D.K. Basu Guidelines?

Ans. No clarification required. Teams to interpret evidence, conclude, and question witnesses,
without distorting facts.

8. At which stage of the trial is Aanchal Verma in? Has she been charged by the Hon’ble Trial

Ans. The Trial is at the preliminary stages, where a case has been brought before the Sessions
Court, and the opening statements have to begin.

9. What is the toxic substance present in the viscera of the four deceased persons?

Ans. No clarification required. Teams to interpret evidence, conclude, and question witnesses,
without distorting facts.

10. What is the amount of toxic substance in the viscera of the deceased person?

Ans. No clarification required. Teams to interpret evidence, conclude, and question witnesses,
without distorting facts.

11. Is there availability of any CCTV footage evidence of the Sadanand Apartments?

Ans. No.

12. The post-mortem report of Ryan Bisht, the deceased boyfriend, is missing.

Ans. No clarification required. Teams to interpret evidence, and question witnesses, without
distorting facts.

13. It is given in the proposition that the neighbours entered the house by listening to "A Scream
and nonstop cry", who's scream is it?

Ans. No clarification required. Teams to interpret evidence, and question witnesses, without
distorting facts.

14. It said Ryan was found dead and police discovered a Bloodstained knife, whose blood stains
were those? did they match with the blood of Aanchal’s family or Ryan's?

Ans. The blood stains on the knife could not be identified.

15. What is meant by ''Murder Weapon" in describing the crime scene of Ryan?

Ans. Refer to the proposition provided. No further clarification required.

16. How much time does it take to Reach from Anchal's home to Indra Nagar Police Station?
Ans. Refer to the proposition provided. No further clarification required.
17. What is the distance between Aanchal’s home and Ryan’s home?

Ans. 3 km.

18. Can the Prosecution or Defence frame their own kind of story or Facts to fill the gap in
events or facts stated in the proposition without disturbing the given Facts?
In the rule 6.1 in the mock proposition, it is given that students are not allowed to amend, alter
or interpret the undisputed facts in their own way for their sake of convenience. Can students
who participate make a story of their side without altering undisputed facts?

Ans. The participating teams are permitted to utilize the provided facts in a manner that aligns
with their respective arguments. However, it is strictly prohibited for the teams to add,
modify, or distort the Undisputed facts.

19. Also, regarding oath administration, should it be done by both the prosecution and defence
for their witnesses by respective speakers?

Ans. Yes. The oath shall be administered to the first witness by the respective Examiner-in-Chief
of every Participating Team.

20. Can we make prosecution witness as defence witnesses?

Ans. No. A prosecution witness cannot be considered as Defence Witness. The defence witness
shall get a chance to cross-examine the Prosecution Witness.

21. The Panchnama specifies empty packets of Ramelteon, however the undisputed facts (page
2) mention a wrapper containing 10 tablets, so were the tablets consumed or not?

Ans. An empty packet of Ramelteon Rozeren tablets was found in the cupboard.

The following sentence, from Page No. 2 of the proposition is being amended:

“In the closet was also a wrapper containing 10 sleeping pills, which Aanchal had purportedly
bought and put into the meal of the dead.”

Amended Sentence:

“A wrapper, with a label Ramelteon Rozeren on it, was found in the closet which Aanchal allegedly
purchased and placed into the deceased's meal.”

22. Page 3: mentions that the blood on the murder weapon matched the dead, however, the
forensic report on page 22, mentions blood was not identified and also 14, mentions
unidentified blood.

Ans. No clarification required. Teams to interpret evidence, and question witnesses, without
distorting facts.

23. How many pills does a pack of sleeping pills contain?

Ans. No clarification required.

24. Whether the wrapper(undisputed facts) in which 10 sleeping pills were found, the same
wrapper as ramaleon rozerem?

Ans. Refer to Query No. 21

25. Forensic report does not reveal information about any fingerprints on the knife or axe.

Ans. No clarification required. Teams to interpret evidence, and question witnesses, without
distorting facts.

26. Matching blood stains on the murder weapon (axe) was not concluded anywhere in the
forensic report, but it is said that the blood stains matched in the undisputed facts. Which
one should we abide by?

Ans. Refer to question No. 1

27. Can we cross only PW1 and PW2 or can we also cross the PWs whose statements were not
explicitly provided?

Ans. All witnesses who provided statements under Section 161 CrPC can undergo a chief
examination. However, only witnesses who have been chief examined can undergo cross-

28. In the undisputed facts it was stated that the FIR was filed on unidentified people but in the
FIR Aanchal was mentioned as accused?

Ans. FIR was filed against unidentified people. The contents in the FIR to be read accordingly.

29. In undisputed facts it was stated that PW-1 Basant Naik along with his brother entered the
house but his brother's name wasn't mentioned at any point in the FIR Why was his name
left as such?

Ans. No clarification required. Teams to interpret evidence, and question witnesses, without
distorting facts.

30. Are P.I Arjun Sharma and PSI are same persons or they are two different persons ??

Ans. They are two different individuals.

31. The police had alleged that the Ryan and Aanchal jointly committed the crime if so they had
arrested Aanchal at 5:15 and Ryan found dead at 8:30 then why didn't they arrested him soon
after they arrested Anchal.

Ans. No clarification required. Teams to interpret evidence, and question witnesses, without
distorting facts.

32. Which facts carry more authority either undisputed facts or lab reports (forensic reports)

Ans. Undisputed Facts are those facts that both parties agree upon and do not contest. These are
typically foundational facts that serve as the basis for further arguments. Such facts cannot be
altered or amended. On the other hand, Forensic and lab reports are pieces of evidence whose
admissibility, credibility, and relevancy can be challenged by the respective teams as it happens
in the Court of Law.

33. How frequently did Anchal Sharma visited that store to purchase sleeping pills?

Ans. No Clarification required.

34. It was stated that forensic lab has received a knife for testing but no test was done why?

Ans. No clarification required. Teams to interpret evidence, and question witnesses, without
distorting facts.

35. Why did it was said that Urmila died half a day before the report making time But in
conclusion it was said that all the four people died approximately 9 hours ago ?

Ans. No clarification required. Teams to interpret evidence, and question witnesses, without
distorting facts.

36. It was stated that forensic lab has received 5 parcels but that showed 6 items in total as also
they didn’t show ramelteon tablets (sleeping pills)

Ans. No clarification required. Teams to interpret evidence, and question witnesses, without
distorting facts.

37. Whether the blood-stained knife and murder weapon are two different things?

Ans. Yes. They are two separate things. The axe is allegedly the murder weapon.

38. Whether the exclusion of murder weapon in the Final Investigation Report is voluntary or
needs rectification?

Ans. The absence of certain details in the evidence requires the teams to interpret them as they see
fit. This interpretation process may involve drawing conclusions, providing alternative
explanations, questioning witnesses, and making legal arguments to support their case.

39. Whether the blood stains on the murder weapon matched with the blood of the deceased
according to the undisputed facts or whether the findings of the laboratory that there was no
match is to be taken into consideration?

Ans. Refer to question number 1.

40. Whether the exclusion of knife in the Exhibits is voluntary or needs rectification?

Ans. The absence of certain details in the evidence requires the teams to interpret them as they see
fit. This interpretation process may involve drawing conclusions, providing alternative
explanations, questioning witnesses, and making legal arguments to support their case.

41. Whether an Exhibit number must be given to Viscera in the Forensic Report?

Ans. No clarification required.

42. Whether sleeping pills as mentioned in exhibits has been voluntarily excluded from
description of parcels or needs rectification?

Ans. No clarification required. Teams to interpret evidence, and question witnesses, without
distorting facts.

43. The white Punjabi dress belongs to whom?

Ans. The white Punjabi dress allegedly belongs to Anchal Verma.
44. What is the role of the axe in the case, when the wounds are occurred by knife?

Ans. No clarification required.

45. What is the chat history between Anchal & Ryan and from who’s mobile it is derived?
Ans. The chat history was derived from the mobile of Aanchal Verma.
46. What are the info observed or derived from Ryan's Mobile?
Ans. The absence of certain details in the evidence requires the teams to interpret them as they see
fit. This interpretation process may involve concluding, providing alternative explanations,
questioning witnesses, and making legal arguments to support their case.
47. Whether there are any wounds/scars observed in bodies of Anchal & Ryan? If yes, describe the
Ans. There are allegedly no wounds on the body of Aanchal Verma and Ryan, indicating violence.
However, a ligature mark on the neck has been found.
48. Does the unidentified blood on the knife matches with Ryan blood?
Ans. No clarification required.
49. Why is the knife is not listed in the exhibits? Is the knife not used as a murder weapon?
Ans. The absence of certain details in the evidence requires the teams to interpret them as they see
fit. This interpretation process may involve drawing conclusions, providing alternative
explanations, questioning witnesses, and making legal arguments to support their case.
50. Age of Basant Naik

Ans. Mr. Basant Nayak is 59 years old.

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