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1.a) The table lists structures in the musculoskeletal system.

Write the numbers 2, 3, or 4 in the table to show the order of the structures, from the simplest
level of organization to the most complex.

One has been done for you. (3mks)

2.Draw one line from each structure to its function. (3mks)

3.The diagram shows part of the human digestive system.

(a) Name the parts labelled A, B, C and D. (4mk)


B . ---------------------------------------------------------------------

C . -------------------------------------------------------------------

D .-------------------------------------------------------------------

b) Complex carbohydrates are broken down in the human digestive system.

i)Name the elements present in a carbohydrate molecule. (1mk)

-----------------------------, ------------------------, --------------------------

Carbohydrates contain the element carbon.

i) Name the carbohydrate used in respiration. --------------------------------------------- (1mk)

ii)Suggest which of the foods below would provide most energy. -------------------------- (1mk)

Potatoes Butter Cabbage

4.The diagram shows an alveolus and its blood supply.

(a) (i) What is the name of blood component X? (1mk)

A plasma

B platelet

C red blood cell

D white blood cell

(ii) State three ways in which air in the alveolus differs from air in the atmosphere. (3mks)









(iii) Give three features of alveoli that allow efficient gas exchange. (3mks)








(b) Structure Y is a capillary.

Give two features in the diagram which show that structure Y is a capillary. (2mks)






7.Asmaa tested the energy content in a food sample . She set up the following Apparatus .

a) Name the apparatus labeled A, B and C. (3mks)

A. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

B. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

C . --------------------------------------------------------------------

b) State two safety precaution that Asmaa should take when using the apparatus . (2mks)

1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


2. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


c) He measured the temperature of the water before and after heating it with the burning food sample.

Diagram X shows the temperature of the water before it s heated.

Digram Y shows the temperature of the water after it was heated.

i) State the temperature of the water before it was heated. -------------------------------------------------------- (1mk)

ii) By how much did the temperature of the water rise when it was heated with the burning food sample ?

Show your working (1mk)

8.A student placed some glucose in a strong test tube and heated the test tube over a Bunsen flame. The diagram
shows his results.

(a) Suggest which element in the glucose caused the black colour. ---------------------------------------- (1mk)

(b) The student thought that the drops of colourless liquid might be water. Suggest how he could test his idea.





(c) Suggest two safety precautions the student should take when heating the glucose. (2mks)

1 .-----------------------------------------------------------------

2 . ----------------------------------------------------------------

(d) The student thought that heating the glucose further might produce carbon dioxide.

(i) Using the diagram, draw and label changes you would make to the apparatus to find out if carbon dioxide is
produced. (4mks)

(ii) Describe the result you would expect to see if carbon dioxide was given off. (1mk)




(e) After further heating the student wanted to find out if any glucose remained in the test tube.

Describe how he should do this. (3mks)









9. The diagram shows a model that can be used to demonstrate how the lunge inflate.

a) Suggest which part of the human thorax is represented by

i) The balloons ------------------------------------------------------------ (1mk)

ii) The rubber sheet ---------------------------------------------------------- (1mk)

iii) Tube A ----------------------------------------------------- (1mk)

iv) Tube B ------------------------------------------------------------- (1mk)

(b) Describe what happens to diaphragm to help a person breathe in. (2mks)




(c) Describe the role of the intercostal muscles when breathing in. (3mks)



(d) Name the cells in blood that collect oxygen in the lungs. ------------------------------- (1mk)

10.. The diagram shows the human digestive system.

(a) The stomach is involved in digestion.

(i) Using a line and the letter S, label the stomach on the diagram. (1mk)

(ii) Name the food group that starts being chemically digested in the stomach.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- (1mk)

(b) The table shows some major food groups, the enzymes involved in their digestion and the end products of

Complete the table. (3mks)

Major food group Enzyme involved End product of digestion

Starch Maltose

Protein Protease

Lipase Glycerol and Fatty acids

(c) Tick (√) two boxes next to foods rich in carbohydrate. (2mks)

Chicken Chocolate

Potatoes Rice

(d) Explain why dietary fibre is important for the human alimentary canal. (2mks)

10 | P a g e




(e) Products of digestion are absorbed by structures called villi.

(i) In which part of the digestive system are most villi found? -------------------------------------------------- (1mk)

(ii) The diagram shows a villus. Explain how the structure of a villus is adapted for the absorption of the products

of digestion. (3mks)







----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .

11.The diagrams show a sperm and an ovum.

11 | P a g e
(a) On the diagram, name the parts of the sperm labelled A and B. (2mks)
A ------------------------------------------------------------------------
B ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(b) Describe how structures A and B help the sperm to carry out its functions. (2mks)
A. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
B. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
12. The diagram shows part of a cheek cell.

(a) Give a name and function for the parts labelled A and B. (4mks)

12 | P a g e
A. Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


B. Name ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


13 | P a g e

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