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Arry Josh M.


10- Rizal

English Speech

After the pandemic came, all the aspects of life like lifestyles, everyday lives, money, health, education
and many more had been overly affected by it. But now I will be focusing on education. First of all, I
would like to say that my speech is an argumentative one so our stand points can be similar or it may
vary. Now I would like to start with the face-to-face mode of learning. Face-to-Face – Students meet with
the instructor at regularly scheduled times (synchronous learning), primarily in a classroom. Students in
face-to-face courses will normally be expected to be physically present for all or part of the
term/semester. For me it is the most efficient way of learning/teaching It has it’s own pros and cons.


Encourages critical thinking, Real-time interaction, Feel more Comfortable, Better Communication,
Promotes Collaborative Learning, Learn more easily in a familiar, Boost learning, Opportunity to learn
from other students, Students can ask questions and share interesting Reading and writing processes,
More resources and open discussion Improving social skills.

Well obviously if a subject has advantages, too, it has also some disadvantages.


Commuting, Organizing and managerial costs, Health and safety concerns, Limited access to resources,
Lack of flexibility, Higher cost of education, Time constraints.

Of course during the pandemic even the most efficient way of learning is not applicable at all times due
to the risks that’s why we had to resort to the modular distance learning. We must say it has also ups
and downs but majority of the people like me are pessimistic about it. Here are the advantages


Flexible, Student-centered, Accessibility, Simplified, Cost-efficient, Reduced social anxiety, Self-paced

learning, Flexible scheduling opportunities.

As I have said earlier if a subject has advantages, too, it has disadvantages.


Lack of focus, Internet-based flexibility, geographical-bound, accessibility

As we can see in this comparison, the face-to-face learning modality is the best. I myself admits that
there’s really a performance gap in face-to-face and modular distance learning because I got low remarks
on my studies in modular distance learning compared to face-to-face modality where I get hands on my
studies and really manage the situation plus there’s some reported cases of modular distance learners
where their parents do their assigned works even though it’s the only thing they can do to study and
help themselves to be better and learn more but what had happened is the reverse of the expected.

As we can summarize, this simply means that face-to-face mode of learning is more effective and
beneficial to the students and it can access more information and richer understanding through teacher
and other students’ body language and voice and that Modular distance learning had more negative
effects than positive effects; modular distance learning has a detrimental impact on students’ learning

And of course I will always stand my ground and prove my point that even though face-to-face has some
flaws, it will never be topped of by any other modes of learning. That’s all

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