Mine Environment Ii PPT Ol

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Fans are used in mines to cause flow of air.

They are basically of two types:
• Centrifugal Fan
• Axial Flow Fan

A centrifugal fan essentially consist of an

impeller ,rotor or wheel rotating inside a
volute casing . The impeller in turn consists
of several blades or vanes mounted on a
central hub over the driving shaft.When the
impeller rotates ,air is drawn into it at the
hub and is discharged at the periphery into
the casing.
• An impeller, consisting of several outward facing,
curved blades, mounted on a main driving shaft
rotates to suck in air through the axis of the fan and
discharges the air through its periphery into the
volute casing.
• Figure illustrates the impeller of a centrifugal fan with
the notations having the following meanings:
• U – Peripheral velocity of impeller (m/s)
• V – Absolute velocity of flow of air (m/s)
• W – Relative velocity of flow (m/s) i.e., velocity of air
relative to that of the impeller so that V is the
resultant of W and U (i.e., W = V - U or V = W + U)
• VR – Radial component of V i.e., absolute
velocity of flow (m/s)
• VU – Tangential component of V i.e., absolute
velocity of flow (m/s)
• r₁ – radius of impeller inlet (m)
• r₂ – radius of impeller outlet (m)
• Let,
• Q – Quantity of air passing through the impeller
in unit time (m3/s)
• ρ – Density of flowing air (kg/m3)
• Note: 1 and 2 as subscript indicate the above
parameters at impeller inlet and outlet
• The mass flow of air passing through the impeller
in unit time is Qρ (kg/s). This mass is responsible
for rotating the impeller about its axis C.
• The torque 𝜏 responsible for this rotation is equal
to the rate of change of angular momentum from
the inlet of the impeller to the impeller outlet.
• Now,
• Moment of momentum of air at the impeller inlet
= Q ρ Vu₁r₁
• Moment of momentum of air at the impeller
outlet = Q ρ Vu₂r₂
• It is to be noted that only the tangential
component is effective. The radial component
doesn’t have any moment about the axis C.
• ∴ 𝜏 = Angular momentum at outlet – Angular
momentum at inlet
• 𝜏 = Q ρ (Vu₂r₂ –Vu₁r₁) Joules
• Now, the power required for causing this motion
is given as
• P = 𝜏 ω,
• Where
• ω = Angular velocity of the impeller (rad/s)
• P = Power input to the impeller vanes (Watts)
• ∴ P = Q ρ (Vu₂r₂ –Vu₁r₁) ω (Watts)
• But peripheral velocity of impeller, U = r ω
• ∴ P = Q ρ (Vu₂U₂ –Vu₁U₁) (Watts)
• We know that,
• Pressure, p = ρgH
• H = p/ ρg
• Multiplying the numerator and denominator
by ‘Q’ in the above equation we get
• H = Pq/ ρgQ
• pQ is nothing but the power ‘P’ required to cause
• The theoretical pressure head generated by the
impeller is thus given by the equation
• H = P/ ρgQ
• , g being the acceleration due to gravity (m/s2)
• H = (Vu₂U₂− Vu₁U₁)/ g (metres) ----------------------------
• Equation (1) is popularly known as Eulers Equation.
• Let ∝ be the angle between the directions of the
absolute velocity of flow ‘V’ and the tangential
velocity ‘U’.
• ∴ We also have the following relations from Fig.
2, i.e., the velocity triangle,

• Vu₂ = V₂ Cos ₂ and Vu₁ = V₁ Cos ₁∝
• W² = U² +V² - 2UV Cos ∝, which implies
• U V Cos =∝
• (U² + V² − W²) / 2
• Using relations obtained above,
∝ ∝
• H = V₂U₂Cos ₂ − V₁U₁Cos ₁ -------------------

• Substituting the value of UV Cos in
equation (2) we have,
• H = (U₂²+ V₂² − W₂² )/2g - (U₁²+ V₁² − W₁² )/2g
H = (V₂² − V₁²)/ 2g+ (U₂² − U₁²)/2g
+ (W₁² − W₂²)/ 2g
• (V₂² − V₁²)/ 2g
denotes the head representing gain in the kinetic
• (U₂² − U₁²)/2g
denotes the head contributed by the centrifugal
• (W₁² − W₂²)/ 2g
denotes the head due to relative velocity change
from W1 to W2
• The last two terms denoting pressure do not have
any physical significance and, for all practical
purposes, can be considered to be an increase in
pressure observed by an air particle when its
motion occurs from inlet to the impeller outlet.
• Let β be the external angle between the direction
of vectors W and U. Please refer Fig. 3
• W Cos β is the relative velocity between U and Vu
• ∴ U - Vu = W Cos β
• Vu = U - W Cos β
• From Figure
• W Cos β = VR Cot β
• ∴ VU = U - V R Cot β
• Then the Euler equation (1) becomes
H = U₂ (U₂− V R₂Cot β ₂)/ g - U₁ (U₁− VR₁Cot β₁)/ g
• Now, let us assume that the air has no pre-rotation
before entering the impeller. In that case,
• (Absolute velocity of flow) = (Radial component of the
absolute velocity of flow)
• and
• Tangential component of the absolute velocity of flow
• i.e., Vu₁ = 0 and V R₁ = V₁
• Hence,
• H = U₂ (U₂− V R₂Cot β ₂) /g = U₂² − U₂ V R₂Cot β₂)/ g
• Practically, the above parameters are obtained as follows:
• U₂ is obtained from the rotational speed of the impeller i.e.,

• U₂ = 2𝜋 r₂n where ‘n’ is the speed of impeller in

revolutions per second
• β ₂ is obtained from the inclination of the vanes
• VR₂ is obtained from the quantity of air flowing
• VR₂ = Q /Area of discharge of impeller
• = Q/ 2πB r₂

• Where, B = Width of impeller (m)
• VR₂ ∞ Q
The Euler equation
He2 =( U22 – U 2VR2 cot β2)/g
Now plotting He against VR2 or Q we get
the theoretical head characteristics of the
fan .

It represents a straight line which cuts

the H e axis at U2 /g and the VR2 axis at U2
tan β2
which represents the maximum
theoretical capacity.

The slope of the line depends on the value of the angle

β2 .

U22/g is the maximum head possible and is called the

theoretical shut off head ,which is the head developed ,
when no air passes through the fan ,or Q = 0.

The actual shut off head Hs is however much less and

bears a constant ratio with U 22 . (H s = 0.585 U 22/g for
blower off all specific speeds and discharge angles, β 2 )

For radial bladed fan i.e β2 = π /2, H e = U 22/g =constant ,

or the variation of quantity at constant speed of
rotation of the impeller does not effect the Euler’s head.
For backward bladed fan, β2 < π/2
rad ,cot β2 is positive ,or He
decreases with increase of VR2 .
For forward bladed fan, β2> π /2
rad , cot β2 is negative and hence
He increases with increasing VR2.
Where air enters the impeller
with prerotation ,we have at the
He1 = ( U1 - U1 VR1 cot β 1)/g
This equation is similar to the previous one and
gives a similar straight line characterstics
cutting the H e axis at U 12/g .
It is illustrated by the broken line in the above
figure for B 1 < π/2 rad .

Equation can be plotted on the He--- VR2

diagram by suitably converting VR1 in the form
of V R2 from the relation
VR1/VR2 = (area of the impeller outlet)/(area of
impeller inlet
= 2 π r₂B 2/2 π r 1B1= r2 B2/r1B1
Where B1 and B2 are the
widths of the impeller at the
inlet and the outlet
Euler head characterstics for
the fan can then be obtaineds
by deducting He1 from He2 to
obtain He for various values
of VR2.
The theoretical power input to the fan
can be obtained by multiplication He by
Qρg or in other words by KVR2 where K is
a constant depending on the impeller and
density of the air.
By putting Qρg = K
For conditions assumed in equation
theoretical power.
Pe =K (U 22VR2 - U 2 V R22 cot β 2)/g
Plotting this power against
capacity or VR2 we get the
theretical power characterstics .
It is seen from them that for β2 =
π/2 rad , the power characterstics
is a straight line .
For β 2< π/2 rad ,it is a parabola
below the above straight line
and for β2 > π/2 rad , it is a
parabola tangential to and above
the said straight line.
• A characteristic curve is a curve which
shows how the magnitude of one quantity
varies with changes in some other related
• In case of fan for every speed, a set of
curve can be drawn to show the variation
of fan drift pressure, B. H. P. of prime
mover and mechanical efficiency of the
fan, with changes in volume of air
circulated by it.
• Fan characteristic curves indicate:
• How much air a fan can deliver at any
particular pressure.
• How much power is required to drive the
fan for each pressure and quantity
The most important characterstics of a fan is
the head- capacity characterstic which
detremines the applicability to a particular
mine characterstic.

The other characterstics such as of efficiency

and input power capacity being of secondary
Stall Zone in PQ- Curve
• As the resistance of the mine increases, the
quantity of air delivered by the fan reduces..
In this zone, there is insufficient air to
completely fill the space between the blade
sections. The air separates from the trailing
edges of the blades. This portion of the curve
is called stall zone near point P.
• When a fan stalls, there is significant change
in the sound level. Also, the readings of water
gauge and the motor ammeter fluctuates.
Because of the sound and vibrations which
are set up in the blades and in the shaft,
there can be a mechanical failure. Hence the
fan should never be operated in the stall zone.
• All axial flow fans and Backward bladed
centrifugal fans has non- overloading

• Radial bladed centrifugal fans has

overloading characteristics
• For fans which show overloading
characteristics, the motor is installed which is
sufficient enough for the normal design duty
plus a reasonable margin of safety.
• If the quantity of air is allowed to increase, by
the opening of the door, the motor gets
overloaded and may either trip out or burn
Theoretically calculation of hydraulic
losses in a fan is important so to predict
to its actual performance ,which can help
immensely in projecting new designs of
fans .
Hydraulic losses in a fan include
(a) The skin friction and diffusion
lossees in the impeller and the rest of the
fluid path and

(b) The eddy and the separation losses at

the impeller inlet and the outlet .

Hf = fLv2/2gD
f=resistance coefficient
D=mean equivalent diameter of the floe channel
= 4 X area/perimeter
L= length of the channel
V= velocity at the section with mean equivalent
diameter .

Because of the variation of the values of L and D for

various parts of the flow channel and difficulties in
their actual measurement as well as the problem of
selecting a suitable friction coefficient f,
is usually expressed as a function of the
quantity Q

Or Hf =K1 Q 2

Similarly the diffusion losses can be

expressed as

Hd = K 2 Q 2
Where K2 again is a constant for a given
type of machine.

Since both friction and diffussion losses

This equation is in the form of a parabola about the
head axis.
In a given machine ,the eddy and separation loses are
a minimum for a particular capacity Q called the
shockless capacity where the impeller inlet and outlet
velocities agree with the vane angles.
Any increase or decrease of the capacity causes
increased shock loss .
The shock loss is usually expressed as a function of the
di erence between the quantity and the shockless capacity
Or Hs = K4(Q –Qs) 2
The above equation is in the form of a
parabola with its apex at Qs
Combining these two losses we get the total
hydraulic losses .
It should be noted that the best efficieny point
(b.e.p) or the point of minimum hydraulic
losses lies to the left of the shockless capacity
since it is a function of both the friction and
shock losses .Subtracting the hydraulic losses
from the input head we get the actual head .
H= H i – K 3Q2 – K 4(Q – Qs)2

In general axial flow fans are machines with high flow capacities,low head
and very high specific speed.
Mostly they have a single stage with though for high heads two or three
stages fans are used in order to keep the size in limited limits.
In view of the low heads produced by axial flow impellers ,losses due to skin
friction or drag loss become quite significant ,necessitating proper streaming
and polishing of the impeller vanes.
For this reason as well as for consideration of strength vanes of axial flow
impellers take the form of aerofoils

The below figure gives the charcterstics of the fixed vane axial
flow fan
In general, axial flow fans are of higher
efficiency than ordinary centrifugal fans.

The pressure charactristics of axial flow fan

is similar to that of forward bladed fans,but
stall point occurs at a larger capacity,
particuraly at higher pitch.

For covering a wider range of mine

resistance ,axial flow fans can be fitted with
adjustable blades whose angle can be varied
up to +_ 0.26 rad(15 o).
The greatest drawback of a screw type axial flow
fan is its low head coefficient which requires that
the tip speed be very high compared to a
centrifugal fan for producing a given head .
Tip speed can be increased by increasing either
the diameter or the rotational speed . The latter is
more practicable and is usually adopted .
Sometimes it is an advantage particularly in the
case of a small fan ,for then the fan can be directly
driven by a motor and the capital cost of reduction
gearing thus dispensed with .
However high speed tip necessitates stronger
material of construction ,the permissible tip speed
for steel sheet construction being 100 m/s.
Aerofoil blades are usually constructed of
strong silicon aluminium alloy or manganese
bronze and sometimes of of hollow fabricated
stainless steel.
High speed of revolution causes increase in
noise . To mininmize noise , the limiting tip
speed in axial flow fans is usually fixed at 70 m/
This together with construction of strength
restricts the head per stage of axial flow fans to
1-1.25Kpa .
Hence for high heads ,multistage axial flow fans
have to be used. Usually multistage axial flow
fans are made with a maximum of three stages
which generate a head of about 3Kpa .
Beyond this they become bulky and very costly .
In such cases turbo-axial fans or aerofoil
sections backward bladded centrifugal fans
may have to be chosen.
The greater popularity of axial flow fans over
backward bladed centrifugal fans is mainly due
to the flexible duty possible with the former as
well as the relatively small space occupied by it
and its simpler housing

A fan has to be selected basically to meet the

pressure and quantity demands of the mine
which have to be carefully estimated not only
for the present but also for the future covering
the life of the fan.The following are the major
factors that have to be considered in selecting a
mine fan-

(1) Quantity required at various periods during

the life of the mine
(2) Pressure required for circulating this
(3) Altitude or barometric pressure at the fan
site and the temperature of air to be handled
by the fan.

(4) Whether the reversal of airflow required.

(5) Type and speed of motive power available

if any

(6) Degree of permissible sound emission

(7) Initial and running cost

(8) Size of the fan,nature of housing and space
required and

(9) Nature of the air to be handled ,viz humidity ,

dustiness etc

The first two factors out of this is essential for

selecting the size and type of the fan and
theoretically any type of the fan can be
designed for these essential requirements ,but
it is the other factors which ultimately
determine the exact type and make of fan.
The pressure quantity duty of a fan is
selected on the basis if the ventilation
requirements of the mine.

A fan should be so selected that it operates

with as high an efficiency as possible
during major operational life of the mine.

A high efficieny is essential not only from

the point of view of minimizing running
cost but also for keeping down noise.
Usually fans are installed with constant
speed drives so that variation in the mine
resistance shift the operating point along
The exact operating points for these mine
resistance are given by the points of
intersection of the mine characterstics with the
fan characterstics.

The variation in the mine characterstics should

be as small so that it does not change the
efficiency of the fan to a large extent. However ,
when large variation in the
mine resistance do occur other means of
varying the duty of the fan such as varying the
speed ,adjusting blade pitch etc have to be
adopted . From this point of view ,adjustable
vane axial –flow fans are more flexible and
should be preffered where large variation in
the mine resistance are likely to occur.
When the mine characterstics varies over a
wide range over the life of the fan so that the
operation of a single fan over its whole life
becomes inefficient and hence uneconomical ,
multiple installation of fans may be considered
at different stages in the life of the mine.
It is conservative practice to
use the fan static head
characterstic for the
determination of the duty of
operation of the fan.
However, main fans are
generally installed with
evasees. Where the fan is
installed with a diffuser or
evasee, a part of the fan
velocity head is converted to
• Hydraulic efficiency (ηh) is the ratio of the
available head to the total input head
• Volumetric efficiency (ηv) is the ratio of
developed air quantity in the fan to the sum of
developed and leakage quantity
• Mechanical efficiency (ηm) is the ratio of power
absorbed by the impeller (output power) to the
power required to drive the shaft (input power)
• Total efficiency (η) is the product of above 3
• For varying speed but with constant air
density and impeller diameter:
• Quantity varies directly as the speed
• Pressure varies as the square of the speed
• Power varies as the cube of the speed
• Efficiency is constant
• For varying density but with constant speed
and impeller diameter:
• Quantity remains constant
• Pressure varies directly as the density
• Power varies directly as the density
• Efficiency is constant
• For varying impeller diameter but with constant
speed and air density:
• Quantity varies as the cube of the impeller
• Pressure varies as the square of the impeller

• Power varies as the fifth power of the impeller

• Efficiency is constant
Fan Laws summary
Parameters Variable ‘n’ Speed Variable ‘ρ’ Variable ‘d’
Density Impeller Diameter

p n² ρ d²

Q n Independent d³

Ppow n³ ρ d⁵
Thus, for two fans A and B, having the above
mentioned parameters as (p A, QA, Ppow,A)
with variables ( nA, ρA, dA) and (pB, QB, ppow,B)
with variables ( nB, ρB, dB), the fan law
equations can be written as follows:
• p A/ pB = ( nA²ρAdA² )/ ( nB²ρBdB² )
• QA/ Q B = ( nAdA³ )/( nBdB³ )
• Ppow,A/ Ppow, B = ( nA³ρAdA⁵ )/( nB³ρBdB⁵ )
• The major function and utility of fan laws is to
provide a prediction of performance of one
fan when the performance of a similar fan is
known to a reasonable level of accuracy.
• When we install a fan in a mine, its
performance will be determined by the point
at which the mine characteristic cuts the fan
characteristic. The mine or system
characteristic is a curve which shows how the
pressure drop across the mine varies as the
quantity of air varies. The mine characteristic
curve can be drawn using the relation
P = RQ ²which was discussed earlier.
• If we know the value of mine resistance (R),
we can tabulate the values of ‘P’ for different
values of ‘Q’. These values can then be
plotted and we get mine characteristic curves.
The mine characteristic for low, medium and
high resistance.
Air Power
• The useful work done by a fan is to move the
air. The output of the fan is measured by the
quantity of air it moves and the pressure it
puts into the air. These two terms i.e. quantity
and pressure can be combined together and
is called air power.
• ∴ Fan efficiency = 𝐴𝑖𝑟 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 /𝐼𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟
𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑛 x 100
• Although the use of single fan to meet the demands of pressure
and quantity of amine is most efficient practice, a second fan
may also necessary at different stages in the life of a mine
involving large variations in air requirement or mine

• There are situations in which it is advantageous to combine fans

either in series or in parallel at a single location.

• In general, fans may be connected in series in order to pass a

given airflow against an increased resistance, while a parallel
combination allows the flow to be increased for any given
The characteristics curve for fans in series and parallel is shown
in figure .Let us consider two identical fans for series and parallel
Let XY= The characteristics curve for a single centrifugal fans.
ZY= The series characteristic
XW= The parallel characteristic
RA= a mine of high resistance
RB= a mine of medium resistance
RC= a mine of low resistance
The operating point for single fan is D in case of mine RA , H in
case of mine RB , and K in case of mine R C .

• In mine RA , the operating point moves from D to F,

showing that both w.g. developed and quantity
flowing remain unaltered.
• In mine RB the operating point moves from H to J,

showing same increase in both w.g. and quantity.

• In mine RC the operating point moves from K to M,

showing twice increase in w.g. and 50% increase in

• In mine RA , the operating point moves from D to E,
showing that w.g. Developed by both the fans is
about 1.8 times that of the single fan and quantity
flowing is increased by more than 30% .
• In mine RB the operating point moves from H to J,

showing 35% increase in w.g. and quantity

increases by less than 20%
• In mine RC the operating point moves from K to L,

showing negligible increase in w.g. and quantity.

1.In high resistance mine, the series
arrangement gives a considerable increase in
quantity of air flowing (> 30%), where
parallel one gives negligible increase.
2.In medium resistance mine, both thre series
and parallel arrangements give the same
results in the region of about 20% more air.
3. In low resistance mine, the series
arrangements gives a negligible increase in
quantity and parallel arrangement is to be
• An evasee is a gradually expanding meant
for converting a part of kinetic energy in the
air leaving the fan to useful pressure energy.
• Evasee is fitted to the fan outlet in order to
reduce velocity of air by increasing cross-
sectional area of discharge.
• The increase in area should br gradual and
symmetrical in order to minimize shock loss
in evasee.
• From above point of view a suitable angle
of divergence of the sides of evasee is 0.105-
0.122 rad (6⁰-7⁰ ).
• Complete conversion of velocity energy topressure
energy is impossible in an evasee since it would
mean the velocity of discharge to be zero or area of
discharge to infinitely large, which would need
infinitely long evasee.
• Cost considerations usually restrict the ratio of area
of discharge of the evasee and that of fan outlet to
4 : 1.
• if v₁ and v₂ are the velocity of air at the fan outlet
and the evasee outlet respectively, then static head
h recovered in the evasee is given by
h= v₁²- v₂² X ɳ
Where ɳ =efficiency of head recovery
Expressing in terms of pressure recovered Pe,
quantity of flow A and
fan outlet area A
Above equation becomes
Pe = 0.328Q²ρ

For an area ratio of 4:1 and ɳ =70%
• As the name suggests, booster fans are installed underground
for supplementing the air circulated by the main mine fan.

• They may assist the surface fan for ventilation the whole
mine when they act in series with the surface fan, but
such installations are rare since it is always better from

the point of capital cost and efficiency to choose a single

• However, in fiery coal mine where a single high pressure
fan may cause excessive leakage, several low-presser fans
suitably spaced in series insure safer conditions.
• Booster fan usually circulate 25 to 50 m3/sec at
pressure varying from 0.25 to 1kpa, through booster
circulating as much as 140m3/sec at 1.5kpa have been
• It may be note hear that in coal mine in which are highly
liable to spontaneous combustion, it is often necessary
to restrict the pressure difference between intake and
return to 1 KPa.
• Most booster however, used to overcome unusually high
resistance of certain splits or districts in the mine or to
circulate extra quantities to certain districts which need
more air due to concentrated production or excessive gas
emission in them
• Because of their compactness, axial-flow fan have been
found most suitable for the installation as booster
under ground where economy of space essential.

• Besides axial-flow fan with adjustable vanes and

variable speed drives offer a wide range of output
control which is so necessary for booster that are often
required to operate over a wide range of duty.
• Booster fans are normally installed in return airway
so that they do not interfere with haulage.
• Belt drives are common with the drive ( a flame group
motor for gassy coal mines) being placed in an adjacent
rooms ventilated by intake air leaking through the recess
in the passage the driving belt.
• A bypass with a suitable air lock is provided alongside
the way housing the fan is ordered to provided
access across the fan.
• Sometime, if the main airway is required for occasional
transport, the booster may be installed in a bypass
airway with a suitable airlock is provided in the main
• However, it must be born in mind that for efficient
operation, the booster fan should be installed in the
straight airway of uniform cross-sectional area and
bends, particularly sharp ones, should be avoided near
the fan intake or outlet.
• It is well known that the installation of the booster fans in
one district reduce the flow of air in the other district and
may even completely stop the airflow through them if the
booster is not judiciously selected and installed.

• That is why it is necessary and is also required by law that a

careful ventilation survey be made and the ventilation
need of different splits in the mine carefully assessed
before deciding on the installations of the boosters fan.
• Installation of boosters underground increases the total
quantity circulating in the mine which shift the operating
point on the main hand characteristic.
• However, installation of booster normally become necessary
when the overall resistance of the mine is high leading to the

inefficient operation of main fan and under such circumstance

the shift of the operation point due to the installation of the
booster always tends to increase the efficiency of the
of the main mine fan.
• Booster fan are liable to damage by underground
explosions to guard against such contingencies as
well as the stoppage of the booster fan due to any
other reason.
• It is necessary to ensure that in the event of the failure of
the booster fan, a sufficient quantity of air is circulated to
the split by main mine fan in order to prevent the
development of the dangerous atmosphere there.

• It is also for this reason that good maintenance by a

separate underground crew is vital for ensuring
continuous running of the boosters even through it involve
an increase in the maintenance cost of ventilation.

• When the booster fan is installed the w.g. on the return

side of the split, at least for some distances, increases in
relation to that on the intake side and there is some
position in ventilation system of the split where , after
installation of the booster fan, there is no pressure drop
between intake and return. Such position is known as
neutral line.
• The figure shows a single district which has to be
ventilated by booster to be installed in return side .
before installation of a booster every point on the intake
is at higher pressure than any point on the return side
and the pressure drop, may be assumed to be at uniform
rate from X to A (25 mm) and from A to Y (25 mm), the
total drop from X to Y being 50 mm, represented by
dotted line XA and AY.
• F₁ and F₂ are two alternative positions of the booster.
• After installation of booster at the point F₁, the general
effect is to (a)Increase the volume of air in the split,
(b)Increase the pressure drop from X to A
to some value over 25mm as P=RQ².
• The higher pressure drop from X to the face A is
shown by steeper line XA₁.
• The same quantity flows from the face to the booster
and rate of fall of w.g. Represented by the line A₁D from
the face to F₁ is the same as from X to A₁.
• At D booster boosts up the water gauge by, 35 mm,
represented by the line DM.
• The total air leaving the booster at F₁ passes the
point Y and the rate of fall of water gauge,say, per
m length of road is the same as from X to A₁, A₁ to
D,and from M to Y.
• The point P lies on the neutral line NL and at this
point there is no pressure difference between
intake and return.
• At any point between F₁ and P the return w.g. is
higher than intake w.g. And a leakage of foul
return air can take place on intake across the
ventilation stoppings and other places of leakage.
• If the booster is placed close to neutral line
NL between P and F₁ the leakage is negligible
as the pressure difference between intake
and return is then small.
• If the booster is placed at some other point
outbye of NL, say at F₂ , the neutral line is not
developed and intake pressure always
exceeds that of return.

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