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My English


1- What do you think about the video?
The video shows different flags = Drapeaux. It also tells us “nous
dit” that English is spoken allover (autour) the world.

The video shows that English is a major language in different

nations (pays).

2- Did (do au passé) you (tu) learn (apprendre) English before


. Yes, I learned English at school years ago (Il y'a des années).

Un autre exemple avec (ago)= I learned English at school a year ago

or (a day ago).

3- Do you like laguauages ?

Yes, I like English because it is a language that is spoken allover the

world. And I like (j'aime) it ( it pour parler de l’anglais) because I can
easily (aisément) travel abroad. I love it because i can (pouvoir)
watch different english movies and series on (sur) Netflix.
Important Epressions: (expressions importantes)
What do you mean (vouloir dire) ?==> Que veux-tu dire?
Did you go to the shop ? ==> Aller au supermarché
Sorry, I was on the phone. I will call you later. ==> Si
quelqu'un m'appelle et je suis occupée==> Je suis au
téléphone, je te rappelle après.
What do you for a living ? (Que fais-tu comme travail)
Possessive Sentences

Pour exprimer la possession, on utilise le (S’):

My sister’s game: Le jeu de ma soeur

My sister’s coffee: Le café de ma soeur
My brother’s Car: La voiture de mon frère

Whenever (dès que) I have time (j’ai le temps), I go to Kosovo.

What do you do for a living?

==> I work at Interim, so I have different contracts. And I work in
different places.

What do you want to do in the future ?

==> I would like to work with clients, because I love human interactions.

on utilise “Would” pour exprimer une possibilité, un désir, une
Amina: Hi! How are you today?

Fitoré: Hey! I'm doing well, thank you. I stumbled upon (j’ai vu) something
fascinating (fascinante) yesterday. Have you ever heard of the abandoned mansion
on the outskirts of town?

Amina: No, I haven't! What's so fascinating about it?

Fitoré: Well, legend has it that the mansion holds secrets dating back to the 18th
century. People claim to have seen strange lights flickering (bouger – clignoter) in
the windows at night, despite (malgré) it being deserted for years.

Amina: Wow, that sounds intriguing! Have you been there?

You: No, not yet (pas encore). But I'm thinking of exploring it. Who knows(qui sait)
what mysteries (mystère) we might (ma-yt) uncover - discover?

Fitoré: That sounds like quite an adventure! Do you think there's any truth to the

Amina: It's hard to say. Some say it's haunted, while others believe there are hidden
treasures waiting to be found. What do you think?

Fitoré: I'm not sure, but I love a good mystery! If you decide to check it out, count
me in. I'd love to join you.

Amina: Absolutely! It would be great to have a partner in crime. We'll need to plan
our expedition carefully though. Who knows what awaits us in that old mansion?

Fitoré: Agreed! Let's make sure we're well-prepared for whatever we might encounter.
This could be the beginning of a thrilling adventure!

Amina: Definitely! It's like something out of a novel, isn't it? I can't wait to see what
secrets we uncover together. Are you ready to embark on this mysterious journey?

Fitoré: Absolutely! Let's unravel the mysteries of the abandoned mansion and make
history ourselves. This is going to be an unforgettable experience!
Reading Part

In the middle of the journey of our life, I came to myself, in a dark

wood, where the direct way was lost. It is a hard thing to speak of, how
wild, harsh and impenetrable (im-pinitrabel) that wood was, so that
thinking of it recreates the fear (peur). It is scarcely less bitter than
death: but, in order to tell of the good that I found (find) there, I must
(obligation) tell of the other things I saw (voir au passé - see) there (là
bas). I cannot rightly say how I entered it. I was (sleepy), at that point
where I abandoned the true way.

The stadium is impenetrable = Je ne peux accéder au stade

==>What did you do last weekend (weekend dernier)? Did you try anything
new or exciting?

Last weekend, i was with my family. We went (go) to Mulhouse city. We ate in a
restaurant. It is open years ago, but it is my first time there. It is an Italian restaurant
and we ate pizza. After that, We all went to the cinema and then we tried bowling. We
went home very late. On Saturday, we slept very late.

==>Have you seen any good movies or TV shows lately? Any recommendations?

I watched (watch) many series and not many movies. Lately, I watched a series entitled
“Double Piège” (Double Trap). I watched many documentaries (docummentary),
because I learn a lot while (pendant) watching them. I don’t have any preferences,
because I watch different stuff (things). Last week, I watched Barbie, and that’s the last
movie i have seen. Barbie movie is not just for women. It is a movie that defends
women’s rights (droits) and power. It is part (il fait partie) of the feminist movies. There
was a lot of communication - debates around (autour) this movie and the topics (sujets)
we find in the movie. Shops and supermarkets are already advertising (faire de la pub)
for the topics of this movie. If you go to Primark for example, you can find barbie
clothes and customes. If you want my opinion, i don’t understand all the fuss (la folie, le
bruit...) around this movie. I consider it a movie for adults rather than kids (children).
There were many famous (connus) actors that were reunited (réunis) in the Barbie
movie, and that’s what pushed (pousser) people (gens) to watch it. This will make the
actors more successful (avoir du succés). This movie will give us (nous donne) the
confidence we need as women. Despite me disliking the movie, i suggested to some
friends. We have seen many pink stuff everywhere. The main (principal) topic (sujet) was
about women.

Despite or Eventhough = Malgré=> I didn’t like the movie, I suggested it

to some friends.
Women= Une seule femme
Women= Plusieurs femmes

How's work/school going? Do you enjoy what you're doing?

==> Go (aller) ==> Le travail, ça avance ? ==> Yes, it’s going

great actually. I meet many people, and i love the link (lien) that i
create with them (eux). At work, I contribute and help people
who are looking for a job. I try to guide them to have a suitable
job (a job that meets their needs). I advise them and I schedule
(programmer) different meetings with them. We work on their
resumes (CV) together and then I propose their resumes or
profiles to companies (entreprises) and clients. According to the
company’s (answer – feedback – verdict – report), the concerned
person starts the procedure to sign the contract with that
company. If the feedback is negative, we will work more on the
resumes. We can also train for the interview together (ensemble).
We accompany the person until she gets a job.

===> I want to get a job quickly.==> Expression employée pour exprimer son
désir d’avoir un emploi

==> advice= le conseil. To advise = Conseiller.

==> Company = singulier
What's your favorite thing to do in your free time? Any hobbies or interests
you're passionate (passionée) about?

==> In my free time, I like cooking pizza but it’s my dish preference.
For desserts, I like preparing Tiramisu. I like to cook with my mother
who teaches me how to cook and gives me advice (conseil) and tips. We
sometimes (des fois) play together the top chef game to see who is better.
I love cooking different dishes from other cultures to learn more about a
certain culture. I already prepared indian dishes like: cheese Nems. I
tried to prepare sushis, but they were not great. The taste was there, but
I didn’t like the visuals. I also like Italian food like pasta, pizza
margaritta, and Italians are really good at this. I love preparing dishes
from my hometown (ville d’origine). I like to cook Pate. This is prepared
with meat (viande). We can also prepare this with Spinachs (épinards)
and cheese. We eat Pate very hot. Personally, I like salty food more than
sweet food. I don’t have a sweet tooth. I learned to cook for many people,
so I know how to work in large portions. My brother is a very fit
(sportif, il fait attention à sa santé) person. He works out a lot, so I have
to be careful with his food. He eats pasta, potatoes, chicken, fish, less oil
everyday and sometimes we get into fights because of this, Raviolli. He
doesn’t eat outside. He eats lettuce or salad everyday.

==>“Advice” ne se met au pluriel.

==>“Information” ne se met au pluriel.

==> I would like to have good grades this semester =

Everyday Conversation:

A: Good morning! How are you today?

B: Good morning! I'm doing well, thank you. How about you?
A: I'm pretty good, thanks for asking. Did you have a good weekend?
B: Yes, it was nice. I spent time with my family. How about you?
A: I had a relaxing weekend too. I watched some movies and went for
a walk in the park.
B: Sounds lovely. Any plans for the rest of the week?
A: Not much, just work and maybe catching up with some friends.
What about you?
B: I have a few meetings at work and then I'm going to a concert on
A: That sounds fun! Enjoy the concert.
B: Thanks! Well, I better get going. Have a great day!
A: You too! Take care.
Job Consutant Conversation:

Sarah: Good morning, Alex! Thank you for coming in (entrer, venir) today.
How are you feeling about your job search (recherche d’emploi)?

Alex: Good morning, Sarah. Thank you for having me (merci de m’avoir
accueillie). Honestly, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed (beaucoup d’émotions
mais perdu, sad). I have been applying (postuler) to so many positions, but I
haven't had much luck (je n’ai pas eu de chance) with callbacks (appels).

Sarah: I understand. Job searching (la recherche d’emploi) can indeed

(véritablemet) feel like navigating (tourner) a maze (labyrinthe) sometimes
(des fois). Let us start by taking a look (jeter un coup d’oeil) at your CV
(resume). Can you walk me (guider) through (à travers) your current (actuel)
resume and highlight (haylayt) (surligner) areas (aryaz) (parties) where you
think you might (ma-yt) need improvement?

Alex: Sure. Well, I've listed (faire une liste) my previous work experiences
(mes expériences pro) and educational background (éducation), but I'm not
sure if it's really showcasing (montrer) my skills (compétences) and
accomplishments (exploits ou projets) effectively (efficacement)

Sarah: Let's review (revyou) it together then. While (wa-yel) your experiences
are important, it's crucial (croo –shel) to highlight your achievements
(atchivments) and quantify (kwantifay) your contributions wherever (là où)
possible. This will make your CV stand out (se démarquer) to potential
employers. Also, we might (ma-yt) want to tailor it slightly depending on the
specific job positions you're applying for. Do you have any particular job
postings you're interested in at the moment?
Alex: Yes, I've been eyeing (aying) a few marketing coordinator roles. I have a
background in marketing, so I feel like it's a good fit for me.

Sarah: Great choice! Let's customize (personnaliser) your resume (rezumi) to

highlight your marketing expertise then. We'll make sure to include relevant
keywords and phrases (frayzes) from the job descriptions to optimize it for
applicant tracking systems. Additionally, we'll work on crafting a compelling
summary and refining your bullet points to showcase your marketing
achievements effectively.

Alex: That sounds fantastic. I've always struggled a bit with selling myself on
paper, so I really appreciate your guidance in this area.

Sarah: Not a problem at all, Alex. It's natural to feel that way, but with a little
tweaking and some strategic thinking, I'm confident we can create a resume that
truly reflects your skills and experiences. Now, let's schedule a few mock
interview sessions so we can work on your interview technique. Would that work
for you? (est-ce que ça vous va?)

Alex: Absolutely. I think that would be incredibly helpful. I've had a few
interviews recently, but I often stumble (arrêter) over certain questions or feel like
I'm not effectively conveying (transmettre) my strengths (points forts).

Sarah: Perfect. During our mock interviews, we'll simulate different scenarios and
questions commonly asked by employers. This will give you the opportunity to
practice your responses and refine your communication skills in a supportive
environment. By the time we're done, you'll feel much more confident walking
into any interview situation.

Alex: Thank you so much, Sarah. I already feel better just knowing that I have
your expertise and support behind me.

Sarah: It's my pleasure, Alex. Remember, I'm here to help you every step of the
way. Together, we'll get you on the path to your next great opportunity.
Short Story: (histoire courte)

Once upon a time in a small village nestled (situé) between rolling hills,
there lived a young girl named Maya. Maya was known (connue) for
her adventurous spirit and her love for exploring the woods
surrounding (qui entourent) her village.
One crisp autumn morning, Maya decided to embark on a new
adventure. Armed with a basket for collecting wild berries and a sense
of excitement, she set off into the forest. As she wandered deeper into
the woods, she stumbled upon a hidden clearing where a beautiful
waterfall cascaded into a crystal-clear pool.
Enchanted by the serene beauty of the waterfall, Maya decided to take
a break and sat down by the pool. As she dipped her toes into the cool
water, she noticed a flash of color out of the corner of her eye.
Curious, she reached into the pool and pulled out a shimmering blue
With wonder in her eyes, Maya realized that she had stumbled upon a
hidden treasure. Grasping the gemstone tightly, she made her way
back to the village, her heart brimming with excitement.
Word of Maya's discovery spread quickly through the village, and
soon people from far and wide came to see the mysterious gemstone. It
was said to possess magical powers, bringing good fortune to whoever
possessed it.
From that day on, Maya became known as the village's treasure
hunter, exploring the woods and uncovering hidden wonders for all to
marvel at. And though she had found many treasures in her
adventures, none were as precious as the memories she had made
along the way.
And so, with the gemstone safely tucked away, Maya continued to
explore the world around her, knowing that the greatest treasures were
often found in the most unexpected places.

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