CLD 60 - en - V11 - Kap.8

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ECO PHYSICS Interfaces

! Read the safety rules first!

(Section 1.2)

8.1 Introduction 78

8.2 Interface hardware 79

8.2.1 RS 232 interface
specification 79
8.2.2 Connector pin out 79
8.2.3 Computer cable 80
8.3 RS 232 communications
protocol 81
8.3.1 Control signals 81
8.3.2 Communications protocol
between the computer and
the CLD 60 81
8.3.3 Examples 85
8.4 RS232 Command set 86

8.5 Ethernet interface (LAN;

option) 95

8.6 Digital/analog interface

(option) 96
8.6.1 Electrical specifications 96
8.6.2 Signal definitions 97
8.6.3 Signal definitions (dual
output) 98
8.6.4 Signal definitions (CLD63
only) 99
8.6.5 Signal definitions (dual
output, CLD63 only) 100
8.6.6 Connector pin out 101

CLD 60 / August 2011 77

ECO PHYSICS Interfaces

8.1 Introduction
The CLD 60 is equipped with a RS-232 interface which allows the instru-
ment to be interfaced to a host computer. Thus the instrument can be con-
nected to a computer system for data collection and remote control.
Please note that the information in this section relates to specialist pro-
gramming, communications and electronics functions and is highly specific
to the CLD 60 system. The information given is not meant to be a tutorial
and is intended for use by experienced professionals only.
The sections 8.1 to 8.4 contain all necessary information required to inter-
face the CLD 60 via the serial port interface (RS 232) to a computer sys-
tem, and to write a communications driver program.
Furthermore, there is a digital/analog interface which offers the measure-
ment values as analog signals. The measurement mode can be configured
and calibrations can be triggered by means of digital inputs. Simple ana-
lyzer status messages can be read from digital outputs. Details referring to
electronics and functions can be found in section 8.6.

78 CLD 60 / August 2011

ECO PHYSICS Interfaces

8.2 Interface hardware

8.2.1 RS 232 interface specification
Type: RS-232 *)
Baud rate: 300/1200/2400/4800/9600 Baud *)
Start bit: 1
Data bits: 7/8 *)
Parity: odd/even/none *)
Stop bits: 1/2 *)
Signal levels: +/- 8 VDC

*) parameters selectable by menu (see section

8.2.2 Connector pin out

Front (pin) view of 9 pin DB9 connector on instrument rear panel.

------ 5 ----- 4 ----- 3 ----- 2 ----- 1 -----

o o o o o
o o o o
----- 9 ----- 8 ----- 7 ----- 6 -----

Pin number Signal Signal type Interface

1 RDO / RDI receive/transmit 0 bi-directional RS-485 not avail.
2 RxD received data input RS-232
3 TxD transmit data output RS-232
4 DTR data terminal ready output RS-232
5 GND signal ground RS-232/485
6 RD1 / TD1 receive/transmit 1 bi-directional RS-232
7 RTS request to send output RS-232
8 CTS clear to send input RS-232
9 N.C. not connected RS-232

CLD 60 / August 2011 79

ECO PHYSICS Interfaces

8.2.3 Computer cable

Cable to a computer
DB9 female DB9 female

RxD 2 >.............................................. < TxD 3

TxD 3 >.............................................. < RxD 2
GND 5 >.............................................. < GND 5
RTS 7 >.............................................. < CTS 8
CTS 8 >.............................................. < RTS 7
Screen I ............................................. I Screen

Cable to a computer (older version)

DB9 female DB25 female

RxD 2 >.............................................. < TxD 2

TxD 3 >.............................................. < RxD 3
GND 5 >.............................................. < GND 7
RTS 7 >.............................................. < CTS 5
CTS 8 >.............................................. < RTS 4
Screen I ............................................. I Screen

80 CLD 60 / August 2011

ECO PHYSICS Interfaces

8.3 RS 232 communications protocol

The master-slave principle is used between the host computer and the CLD
60. The analyzer (slave) transmits data only when the host (master) re-
quests data.
The master sends a command telegram, the slave acknowledges the com-
mand with an answer telegram.

8.3.1 Control signals

No signal handshake is supported by the CLD 60. Thus a host computer
must be fast enough to handle the CLD 60 data stream.

8.3.2 Communications protocol between the

computer and the CLD 60

a) Data block definition

Data block format
Computer CLD 60
Command message:


Inst. address HI 2 byte ASCII ['00'...'99']

Inst. address LOW

Command Command code





ETX End End message

BCC Block check code

CLD 60 / August 2011 81

ECO PHYSICS Interfaces

Data block format

CLD 60 Computer
Response to a valid command


Error code


Response to valid data request commands


Error code






BCC Block check code

Response to a corrupted message (see Error code definitions)


Error code


82 CLD 60 / August 2011

ECO PHYSICS Interfaces

b) Data format definitions

Data are transferred in ASCII format. If more than one data character is
required, they are separated by commas. The field length of a data item is
fixed. Numeric characters are right justified. Spaces or zeros must be
placed as leading characters. Refer to the command set.
“S” means ASCII S (hex 53)
” ” means ASCII SP
control character (hex 20)
control character (hex 2)

1. Set measuring range of instrument 12 to M3:
<STX> “1” “2” “S” “R” “1” <ETX> <BCC>
2. Set analog output of instrument 3 to 0...20 mA full-scale, 0 % offset
<STX> “0” “3” “S” “A” “2” ” ,” “0” ” ,” “0” <ETX> <BCC>

Error code definitions

The CLD 60 will respond to the host with an “NAK” message if any of the
following conditions occur:

Block check error:

The received BCC did not correspond to the received data.

Command overflow:
The CLD 60 did not receive the ETX and BCC of a command and subse-
quently received a valid new command.

CLD 60 / August 2011 83

ECO PHYSICS Interfaces

Error code byte definition:

7 0
1 IE IW Comm. error code

bit 0...3:
bit 0...3:
Communication error code
0 no error
1 Block check error *)
2 Command overflow *)
3 Invalid command
4 Invalid operation
6 Command not allowed in current instrument mode
7 Reserved
bit 4:
IW Instrument warning bit
Set if any instrument warning pending. The ”Report Status” (RS) command
returns the warning code with the highest priority.
*) NAK acknowledge repeat message
bit 5:
IE Instrument error bit
Set if any instrument error pending. The “Report Status” (RS) command
returns the warning code with the highest priority
bit 6:
Always “1”
bit 7:
Not defined

Block check code

The BCC is generated by XOR-ing every message byte over the message
block - including STX and ETX.
The resulting character is transmitted at the end of the message.

Only the lowest 7 bits are relevant.

84 CLD 60 / August 2011

ECO PHYSICS Interfaces

8.3.3 Examples
a) Valid sequence
Control computer CLD 60
(Master) (Slave)

STX, Address, Command,...Data..., ETX, BCC

ACK, Error code, ETX


ACK, Error code, STX,...Data..., ETX, BCC

b) Transmission errors
The host sends a command to the CLD 60 which receives the message
corrupted and responds with a negative acknowledge.
The host repeats the message. The second trial is successful.
Control computer CLD 60
(Master) (Slave)

STX, Address, Command,...Data..., ETX, BCC

NAK, Error code, ETX


STX, Address, Command,...Data..., ETX, BCC

ACK, Error code, ETX


ACK, Error code, STX,...Data..., ETX, BCC

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ECO PHYSICS Interfaces

8.4 RS232 Command set

(CLD 60: implemented by EPROM version V1.0 or higher)

Caution: This is an open interface; all entries must be made according

to their description. Example: a four digit input parameter must always
include four digits. It is the user's responsibility to transmit meaningful
commands, settings, ranges and requests.

HR n Select “Remote” mode 2*)

n: 0 = off
1 = on
The command HR1 sets the analyzer to Remote mode,
indicated by the appearance of “R” in the upper right
corner of the display. In this mode the keypad on the in-
strument front panel is disabled. Some simple status infor-
mation is still available, however control signals must be
sent via the RS-232 interface. To return the instrument to
local mode (i.e. complete control via the keypad) the
command HR0 must be sent via the RS-232 interface.
On power-up the analyzer always automatically enters
local mode.

1*) Not accepted during “Power Up” phase

2*) Not accepted in calibration function
3*) Only accepted in calibration function
4*) Only accepted in ”Remote” mode

86 CLD 60 / August 2011

ECO PHYSICS Interfaces

a) “Set” commands
The instrument only accepts “Set” commands when in ”Remote” mode
(selectable with HR1). If the instrument is in ”Local” mode an error mes-
sage is returned. In ”Remote” mode the analyzer is controlled by the PC.
In “Local” mode the analyzer is controlled by the keypad.

SR n Set measurement range 2,4*)

n: 0 = M4
1 = M3
2 = M21)
3 = M11)
4 = auto range

n Set measurement range (option analog dual output)

n: 0 = MH
1 = ML

SM n Set measurement mode 2,4*)

Single channel, two-channel analyzer (switching mode)
n: 0 = NO
1 = NOX
2 = NO, NO2, , NOX

SX n,eeeee Set measurement range end-point value 2,4*)

n: 0 = M4
1 = M3
2 = M21)
3 = M11)
eeeee: End point value in ppm or ppb, (by five digits / floating point)
(5.0001) ... 50’000)

n,eeeee Set measurement range end-point value (option analog dual output)
n: 0 = MH
1 = ML

min 1/1000 of the max. end point

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ECO PHYSICS Interfaces

SI n Set filter 2,4*)

n: 0 = slow
1 = medium
2 = fast
3 = off

SI1) n,ddddd Definition of sequential measurement

n: 4 = switch time; dd: 00 to 99
(two digits/floating point)
5 = inhibit time; ddddd: 1.000 to 9.000
(five digits/floating point)

SF2) n,ddddd Set filter times of filters 2,4*)

n: 0 = slow
1 = medium
2 = fast
ddddd: Filter time in seconds, (0.1 ... 180),
(five digits/floating point)

SA m,o,f Set analog output mode 4*)

m: mode 0 = 0...1 V
1 = 0...10 V
2 = 0...20 mA
o: offset 0 = 0 %
1 = 20 %
f: Range 0 = 100 %
full-scale 1 = 50 %
2 = 25 %

SY yy,mm,dd,hh,mm Set date and time 4*)

(year, month, day, hour, minute)

SS n Activate ”Standby” operation 2,4*)

n: 1 = Standby (ozone generator, Peltier and
vacuum pump after 30 secs = off)
0 = return to measure mode (i.e. restart

only for instruments with sequential measurement (CLD 64/66)
number of measuring points to be averaged (second average)

88 CLD 60 / August 2011

ECO PHYSICS Interfaces

b) “Calibrate” commands

CS n,r,m,xxxxx Enter calibration gas concentration 2,4*)

n: 1 = NO
2 = NOX
r: Measurement range [0...3] – compare SR com.
m: Cal. type: 0 = zero-point,
1 = span
xxxxx: concentration in ppm/ppb,
(five digits/floating point)
m = 0: 0...10 %
m = 1: 25...100 %
(of the full scale)

CR n,r,m Return cal. gas concentration

n: 1 = NO
2 = NOX
r: Measurement range [0...3] – compare SR com.
m: Cal. type: 0 = zero-point,
1 = span
Reply: xxxxx concentration in ppm/ppb
(floating point)

CP m,ttt Start calibration procedure 1,2,4*)

(in current NO- or NOX-measurement mode and range)
m: Cal. type: 0 = zero-point,
1 = span
ttt: Time for the calibration process in seconds
three digits (045...999)
(“t” is not necessary every time. If omit-
ted, the last value for t transmitted will
remain active)

CE n Stop calibration procedure 1,3,4*)

(if started with CP command)
n: 0 = escape from calibration procedure without
storing calibration values
1 = terminate calibration procedure and
store calibration values

CC m,s,d Copy calibration values 2,4*)

(operative only in that NO- or NOX channel which
is active under meas. mode)
m: Cal. type: 0 = zero-point,
1 = span
s: Source measurement range [0...3] – comp. SR
d: Target measurement range [0...3] – comp. SR

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SC n,r,xxxxx,yyyyy Set calibration values 2,4*)

n: 1 = NO
2 = NOx
r: 0...3 = measurement range (see SR command)
xxxxx: zero point, (five digits/floating point)
yyyyy: slope, (five digits/floating point)

RC n,r Return calibration values

n: 1 = NO
2 = NOx
r: 0...3 = measurement range (see SR command)
Response: xxxxx,yyyyy
xxxxx: zero point
yyyyy: slope

c) “Test” commands

TT n Reset test function 4*)

n: 0= all components: on
valves: sample gas measurement
meas. mode = the last selected

TD Display raw signal in counts 4*)

(normalized to 0.1 s, ”*” if value not available)
Reply: xxxxxx,yyyyyy
xxxxxx = NOx
yyyyyy = NO

90 CLD 60 / August 2011

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d) “Return” commands

“Return” commands are accepted in both ”Remote” and ”Local” modes.

RD n Display signals in ppm/ppb

Reply: floating point; ”*” if value not available
n: 0 = all values and analyzer status
Reply: b1,b2,a1,a2,c1,c2,cdj,vvvv,hxf,eeee,wwww,io
n: 1 = NO
Reply: b1
n: 2 = NOx
Reply: b2
n: 3 = reserved
Reply: *
n: 4 = reserved
Reply: *
n: 5 = NO2 (NOx - NO)
Reply: c1
n: 6 = reserved
Reply: *

RR Return current measuring range

Reply: n,x
n: [0...3] see SR command (range)
x: A = auto range
F = fixed range

RI Report filter times and active filters

Reply: dl,dm,ds,n(,m)
dl: slow filter time
dm: medium filter time
ds: fast filter time
n: [0...3] see SI command
m: [0...3] see SI command

RI1) n Report parameters of sequential measurement

n: 4 = switch time; dd: 00 to 99
(two digits/floating point)
5 = inhibit time; ddddd: 1.000 to 9.000
(five digits/floating point)

RM Report measure mode

Reply: n
n: [0..2] see SM command

RA Return current analog output settings

Reply: m,o,f see SA command

only for instruments with sequential measurement (CLD 64/66)

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RS Return current instrument status

Reply: cdj,vvvv,hxf,eeee,wwww,io
byte c: bit 0..7 = reserved
byte d: bit 0..2 = Reactor B (0 = non, 1 = 25000 ppb,
2 = 100 ppm, 3 = 5000 ppm)
bit 3..5 = reserved
bit 6 = set
bit 7 = reserved
byte j: bit 0 = Service mode
bit 1 = Non or a steel converter
bit 2..5 = reserved
bit 6 = set
bit 7 = reserved
byte vvvv: reserved
byte h: bit 0 = Scrubber heating (1 = on)
bit 1 = Reaction chamber heating (1 = on)
bit 2 = Additional conv. heating (1 = on)
bit 3 = reserved
bit 4 = Peltier cooling (1 = on)
bit 5 = reserved
bit 6 = set
bit 7 = reserved
byte x: bit 0 = Ozone generator (1 = on)
bit 1 = reserved
bit 2 = Vacuum pump (1 = on)
bit 3 = reserved
bit 4 = Recorder (1 = on)
bit 5 = AUX device (1 = on)
bit 6 = set
bit 7 = reserved
byte f: bit 0 = Remote mode (1 = on)
bit 1 = reserved
bit 2 = Power up phase
bit 3 = calibration active (1 = currently active)
bit 4 = Stand by operation
bit 5 = not used
bit 6 = set
bit 7 = reserved
eeee: Instrument error code (2 byte ASCII, hexa-
decimal coded, i.e. error message error
message E-01 = 0001 in hex (binary
coded E-01 = 0000’0000’0000’0001)
E.g.: three error messages E-01, E-02 and
E-05 at the same time = 013 in hex:
E-01 = 0000’0000’0000’0001
E-02 = 0000’0000’0000’0010
E-05 = 0000’0000’0001’0000
Total binary = 0000’0000’0001’0011
All error messages simuntaneously =
FFFF in hex).
Every bit represents an error message.
E-01: „Setup and Cal. data lost“
92 CLD 60 / August 2011
ECO PHYSICS Interfaces

E-02: „Vacuum failure”

E-03: „Dev. heater circuit error”
E-04: „Scrubber heating failure“
E-05: „Ozonator high voltage failure“
E-08: „Peltier cooler failure“
E-09: „Converter heating failure“
E-10: „Reactor heating failure“
E-13: „Hardware def.! I-Type changed!“
E-14: „Calibration error“
wwww: Instrument warning code (2 byte ASCII, hexa-
decimal coded, i.e. warning W-01 =
0001 in hex, three warnings W-01, W02
and W-05 at the same time = 013 in
hex). Every bit represents a warning.
W-01: „Converter lifetime exceeded“
W-02: „Pump maintenance required“
W-03: „Instrument temperature: low“
W-04: „Instrument temperature: high“
W-07: „Service access set (Jumper)“
W-10: „O3-Up. Ozon not constant!“
W-13: „Range B overflow! Change Range.”
byte i: bit 0 = D IN 1 of NOXIO (see section 8.5)
bit 1 = D IN 2 of NOXIO
bit 2 = D IN 3 of NOXIO
bit 3 = D IN 4 of NOXIO
bit 4 = In1 of NOXIO
bit 5 = In2 of NOXIO
bit 6 = set
bit 7 = reserved

byte o: bit 0 = D OUT 1 of NOXIO (see section 8.5)

bit 1 = D OUT 2 of NOXIO
bit 2 = D OUT 3 of NOXIO
bit 3 = D OUT 4 of NOXIO
bit 4 = D OUT 5 of NOXIO
bit 5 = D OUT 6 of NOXIO
bit 6 = set
bit 7 = reserved

CLD 60 / August 2011 93

ECO PHYSICS Interfaces

RT1) Return current temperature [°C]

Reply: instrument internal, Peltier cooling, reaction cham-
ber, converter, ozone destroyer, ozone generator, vac-
uum pump

RP1) Return current pressure [mbar]

Reply: bypass regulation, reaction chamber, zero calibra-
tion gas, span calibration gas, reaction chamber if inlet
valve closed

RV Analyzer type and EPROM version

Reply: V x.xx 60
x.xx: version

RY Return date and time

Reply: yy,mm,dd,hh,mm
(year, month, day, hour, minute)

RZ Device operating hours

Reply: hhhhh,hhhhh,hhhhh
Vacuum pump (”Count-down” hours), analyzer (”Count-
up” hours), converter (”Count-down” hours)

RX n Return measuring range full-scale value

n: [0...3] see SR command
Reply: n,eeeee
n: measuring range
eeeee: end-point value in ppm/ppb

1*) Not accepted during “Power Up” phase

2*) Not accepted in calibration function
3*) Only accepted in calibration function
4*) Only accepted in ”Remote” mode

not installed sensors will be displayed as “*” (star)

94 CLD 60 / August 2011

ECO PHYSICS Interfaces

8.5 Ethernet interface (LAN; option)

The CLD 60 may be equipped with an Ethernet interface. This allows a

simple implementation into a local area network (LAN). An IP address has
to be assigned to each analyzer. Data communication and exchange can
be performed via RJ45 UTP Ethernet cable.

The switch at the rear panel ( ) of the analyzer activates either the
RS232 or the LAN interface.
Fig.8.5.1. RS 232 – LAN Switch ( )

The software “RealPort” allows the definition of a virtual serial interface in
order to communicate by conventional data exchange programs via net-
work in the same manner as through a COM interface.
Parameter setting for “RealPort” function:
Baud Rate: 9600 *)
Start Bit: 1 *)
Data Bits: 8 *)
(Note: Real Port application requires different settings. Standard
setting: 7 Data Bits!)
Parity: none (off) *)
Stop Bits: 1 *)
Signal output: +/- 8 VDC
*) Parameter may be set (see chapter

Available for CLD62, 64 and 66 only:

ECO PHYSICS is offering a module with firmware NOxNet (option k2 web
kit). This software supports the remote control, display and storage of data
on a local PC, of any connected ECO PHYSICS CLD through internet. For
details see separate manual NOxNet GUI.
A wireless version of NOxNet is available as well.

CLD 60 / August 2011 95

ECO PHYSICS Interfaces

8.6 Digital/analog interface (option)

8.6.1 Electrical specifications
Digital inputs – opto coupler inputs

– High input voltage range: 12 - 24 V or 3 – 5V (J3 – 7)

– High input current: 2 – 4 mA
4 groups and an additional AUX input:

Digital outputs

8 relay outputs with max. voltage of 48 VDC at 0.5 A (non inductive),

realised with switching contacts, either NO and NC respectively.

96 CLD 60 / August 2011

ECO PHYSICS Interfaces

8.6.2 Signal definitions

Digital inputs
Input voltage (12 – 24 VDC; on demand 3 – 5 VDC) = 1
0 = GND
X = doesn’t matter
Zero point calibration 1 0 X X
(NO and/or NOX)
Span calibration 0 1 X X
(NO and/or NOX)
NOX mode channel X X 0 X
NO mode channel X X 1 X
NO/NOX switching mode X X 1 1 (CLD62 optional)

Digital outputs
Relay active = 1 / X = doesn’t matter
Mains ON / PWUP 1 1 X X X X
Ready (measurement) 0 1 X X X X
Warning 0 0 X X X X
Error 1 0 X X X X

Version a1 analog I/O

Range M1 X X X 1 1 X
Range M2 X X X 0 1 X
Range M3 X X X 1 0 X
Range M4 X X X 0 0 X

Overflow X X X X X 0

DOUT MV =0 no calibration mode

=1 calibration mode active


CLD 60 / August 2011 97

ECO PHYSICS Interfaces

8.6.3 Signal definitions (dual output)

Digital inputs
Input voltage (12 – 24 VDC; on demand 3 – 5 VDC) = 1
0 = GND
X = doesn’t matter
Zero point calibration 1 0 X X X
(NO and/or NOX)
Span calibration 0 1 X X X
(NO and/or NOX)
NOX mode channel X X 0 1 X
NO mode channel X X 1 0 X
NO/NOX switching mode X X 1 1 X (CLD62 optional)

Digital outputs
Relay active = 1 / X = doesn’t matter
Mains ON / PWUP 1 1 X X X X X
Ready (measurement) 0 1 X X X X X
Warning 0 0 X X X X X
Error 1 0 X X X X X

Version a2 analog dual output

Range M low X X X 1 0 X X
Range M high X X X 0 0 X X

Overflow X X X X X 0 X

DOUT MV =0 no calibration mode

=1 calibration mode active


98 CLD 60 / August 2011

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8.6.4 Signal definitions (CLD63 only)

Digital inputs
Input voltage (12 – 24 VDC; on demand 3 – 5 VDC) = 1
0 = GND
X = doesn’t matter
Zero point calibration 1 0 X X X
(NO and/or NOX)
Span calibration 0 1 X X X
(NO and/or NOX)
NOX mode channel X X 0 X X
NO mode channel X X 1 X X
NO/NOX switching mode X X 1 1 X (CLD63 optional)
Range M1 X X X 0 0
Range M2 X X X 1 0
Range M3 X X X 0 1
Range M4 X X X 1 1

Digital outputs
Relay active = 1 / X = doesn’t matter
Mains ON / PWUP 1 1 X X X X
Ready (measurement) 0 1 X X X X
Warning 0 0 X X X X
Error 1 0 X X X X

Version a1 analog I/O

Range M1 X X X 1 1 X
Range M2 X X X 0 1 X
Range M3 X X X 1 0 X
Range M4 X X X 0 0 X

Overflow X X X X X 0

DOUT MV =0 no calibration mode

=1 calibration mode active


CLD 60 / August 2011 99

ECO PHYSICS Interfaces

8.6.5 Signal definitions (dual output, CLD63 only)

Digital inputs
Input voltage (12 – 24 VDC; on demand 3 – 5 VDC) = 1
0 = GND
X = doesn’t matter
Zero point calibration 1 0 X X X
(NO and/or NOX)
Span calibration 0 1 X X X
(NO and/or NOX)
NOX mode channel X X 0 1 X
NO mode channel X X 1 0 X
NO/NOX switching mode X X 1 1 X (CLD63 optional)
Range ML X X X X 0
Range MH X X X X 1

Digital outputs
Relay active = 1 / X = doesn’t matter
Mains ON / PWUP 1 1 X X X X X
Ready (measurement) 0 1 X X X X X
Warning 0 0 X X X X X
Error 1 0 X X X X X

Version a2 analog dual output

Range M low X X X 1 0 X X
Range M high X X X 0 0 X X

Overflow X X X X X 0 X

DOUT MV =0 no calibration mode

=1 calibration mode active


100 CLD 60 / August 2011

ECO PHYSICS Interfaces

8.6.6 Connector pin out

Front view of the four sockets for digital/analog signals on the rear of the

Fig. Fig.

Analog outputs on connector A Opto coupler inputs on connector B

J12 (Phoenix MSTB 2.5/6-ST-5.08) J11 (Phoenix MSTB 2.5/9-ST-5.08)
1. shield a1 analog I/O (a2 dual output) 1. AUX IN
2. return A, B, C; D 2. AUX IN
3. channel A NOx (NOx high) 3. COM (IN 1, IN 2, IN 3, IN 4)
4. channel B NO (NO high) 4. IN 1
5. channel C -; for 64,66 NO2 (NOx low) 5. IN 2
6. channel D NOx (NO low) 6. IN 3
7. IN 4
On request only PWRS 24VDC@125 mA
8. GND
9. +
Fig. outputs on connectors C and D
J13 (2x Phoenix MSTB 2.5/12-ST-5.08) NC normally closed (=not activated)
Intended to switch 24VDC @10mA C common
Max. load 48VDC@500mA non inductive NO normally open

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ECO PHYSICS Interfaces

102 CLD 60 / August 2011

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