Demand Letter

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Janee Doe
ABC Elementary School


My legal service was engaged by Mrs. Filipinas to complain about your monetary
obligation to my client, which you had been neglecting to fulfill despite repeated demands.

According to my client, you loaned from her One Hundred Forty-Four Thousand
Seven Hundred Eighty-Four Pesos and 21/100 (P144,784.21) over the past years
and still unpaid until present.

However, when she demanded for the payment of her money, you refused to heed to
such plea and ignored her.

Hence, by virtue of this formal demand, you are hereby directed to settle your
payment five days (5) from the receipt of this letter.

Compliance thereof is demanded and in the event that you fail to meet this demand,
please be advised that my client has asked me to communicate to you that she will pursue
all available legal remedies that will cause you disturbance, augmented expenses and waste
of much time to litigation. And your liability and exposure under such legal action will have a
tremendous effect on you.

Before taking these steps, however, my client wished to give you one opportunity by
complying with this demand within the aforesaid time.

We hope that you will give serious attention on this matter. Thank you very much!

Sincerely Yours,


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