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Reilly Labs Presents…

The 6 Figure
List Template
Earnings & Income Disclaimer












Section 1:
Email Marketing Theory –
Introduction & Motivation (You Can Skip This If You Are Motivated)

Odds are you are reading this right now because you received an email.
Maybe from me, maybe from one of my affiliates…

You saw a subject line that interested you enough to open the message, the
body of the email made you click through to the sales page which then sold you
enough to open your Paypal account or pull out your credit card and purchase
this ebook. Clearly you see firsthand the power of email marketing!

Over the last year I built a business from scratch on the Warrior Forum.
This entire business is built around email marketing, whether it’s my list or my
affiliates – it’s the number one source of traffic and the lifeblood of the business.
As you can see above, from March 1st 2011, till the end of February 2012 I have
pulled in $167,538.52 in affiliate commissions. This figure is ONLY affiliate
commissions generated by emailing my WSO lists. This does not include any of my
own product sales, coaching, upsells, or other sources. The email swipes in this
course generated every cent selling other peoples products.
The emails generated a total of 13,572 affiliate sales in this time period,
average commission per sale was $12.34, and converted at $1.47 per hop. This
means I generated $1.47 for every person that clicked on a link in the emails I
sent out! The figures below the total are individual promotions. The top 5 affiliate
products are shown, from $3,273.50 - $4,915.45. The top product paid a 50%
commission which means the emails I sent out promoting it generated a total of
$9,830.90 in sales!

These numbers are completely possible for any newbie to achieve…

When the affiliate program was launched, I had a list of around 2,000
subscribers. As of right now, at the time of this writing my WSO list is just over

I’ve had as many as 18,000 subscribers on my list, but current active

subscribers are 11,469 (after bounces and unsubscribes).

I will be going over the methods I used to build this list from 2,000 to over
18,000 in under a year in this course. FYI Less than half of my subscribers are
people who bought one of my products, so if you are afraid of product creation,
don’t worry!

The sales methods I go over in this course are not the only methods. There
are many different ‘styles’ that cater to different markets and experience levels.
Some like to build a solid relationship with subscribers before pitching a high
priced product, others such as myself prefer to use the ‘hard sell’ approach and
generate as much money from a subscriber as possible before they unsub. The
hard sell method works well if you are new and can generate quick cash, but it
can burn through a subscriber base quickly if you are not careful. All the principals
I am going over have been split tested and proven to increase deliverability, open
rates, click-through rates, and of course sale conversions.

And with that said, let’s get started with the meat and potatoes!
Get Them To Buy Stuff: Sales Message & Conversion Rate

Before getting into how to generate leads and send effective emails, I’m
going to go over how to pick offers to sell and how to get them to convert. It may
seem backward that I present it in this order, but it’s important you know how to
analyze a market and look for key selling points before you go out and start
generating leads and sending emails. In order for you to collect the right leads,
you need to know about the market place and what you’re selling!

To start off you need to look at the market place as a whole. In any
marketplace, the top 10% of products will generate 90% of the sales and it’s
important to know which products are hot sellers, and which are not.

The key metric I use when determining how strong a product is and
whether I will promote it is EPC or earnings per click. This can also be described as
$/visitor, $/hop, and visitor value. The EPC is how much you earn for every person
you send to an offer. To calculate it you take the conversion rate and multiply it
by the price. Say for example there is a product converting at 10% and the price is

$10 Price X 10% Conversion = $1 EPC

Now some offers will have backend products, and upsells that also pay a
commission. I find a lot of people mistakenly just add up the EPC’s off all the
offers and call it the ‘combined EPC’, however that is incorrect. The formula to
calculate the total EPC for that offer is as follows:

(P1 * C1 ) + ((P2 * C2) * C1)


P1 = Price of first ‘front end’ product

C1 = Conversion rate of first ‘front end’ product

P2 = Price of second ‘OTO’ product

C2 = Conversion rate of Second ‘OTO’ product

Basically only people who buy the first product are seeing the OTO, so you
have to multiply the conversion of the front end product by the EPC of the upsell.
This is very important, the example that follows will illustrate why.

Let’s say you can choose between two products to promote. The first
product, we’ll call it product X, has no upsell or OTO and is converting at 10%. This
product’s price is $17, so it has an EPC of $1.70.

Now there is a second product, we’ll call it product Y, which is also

converting at 10%, but the price is $7 and has a $47 upsell converting at 20%. The
front end product has an EPC of $0.70 and the OTO has an EPC of $9.40!

So which product should we promote? At first glance the huge $9.40 EPC
and 20% conversion is very attractive, and the front end product for product Y is
converting at 10%, same as product X.

If you make the mistake of adding the EPC’s you’ll mistakenly say that
product Y has a combined EPC of $10.10 and is the better offer…

…But when you apply my formula of multiplying the front end conversion
by the back end EPC (since only people who bought the front end product will
ever see the OTO) you’ll realize the combined EPC is actually $1.64.

That’s slightly less than the $1.70 EPC of product X!

This may be obvious to some, and irrelevant to others, but let me give you
a real life example on the next page…
This screen is from Warrior Plus and shows the conversions and EPC’s for
WSO’s that have launched on a particular day. I have highlighted the two offers I
liked and was deciding between promoting. The first one has an EPC of $2.13, the
second one had a front end EPC of $1.16, and an EPC of $5.34 on the OTO.

When you apply my formula to the second offer you get a combined EPC of
$1.74, which means even though it has a great OTO that is converting at 31%... I
made an extra $0.39 per visitor by promoting the first offer instead! That may not
seem like much, but when you are sending thousands of visitors, it adds up
(especially if you are buying the traffic, $0.39 can mean the difference between a
profitable campaign, and a loss)!

Ok so we found an offer in a market that has the highest EPC in the

marketplace… The next step is to pull out the most compelling sales element of
that particular offer. You want something that is unique to the marketplace, and
is a hot topic. The best way to understand this is to study the emails I have
included in this guide. Compare my subject lines and email body to the offers I am
promoting, you will see that I always pull out one major benefit of the product
and focus the email around that benefit. I do briefly mention other benefits,
however as you will learn in a later section, I like to keep my emails short 
When you promote an offer as an affiliate, the product vendor usually pays
you a percentage of the sale. Some advertisers will pay on a per lead basis, but in
the WSO world it is exclusively an ‘earnings per sale’ model. Most offers in the
WSO marketplace pay a 50% commission to the affiliate (this is also the standard I
use for my products). Every time I promote an offer as an affiliate I ask for a
commission increase, and 9 times out of 10 I get it. Just by sending a simple email
message I am usually able to increase my commission rate to 75% and
occasionally 100%.

Increasing my commissions from 50% to 75% is a 50% increase in revenue…

So if you can pull in $100k a year in affiliate commission, just by sending this
simple email to product vendors you can make an extra $50k a year!

This is the verbatim message I send product vendors before I promote:

Hey (Product Owner),

I just requested to be an affiliate for your latest product and was hoping I can get approved
and a bump on the commission to 75%.

I can drive a good a number of sales from my buyers list and other paid traffic sources if the
epc is high enough. These are the results of two past promotions as an affiliate:

Thanks in advance.

- Reilly

Now I always provide a screen shot of the stats from previous promotions
to entice the vendor to give me the bump. When you’re starting out you won’t
have such screen shots, but it still does not hurt to ask. Follow the advice I am
giving in this guide and you will have some stats to show in no time 
Get Your Emails Delivered: Deliverability

When you send spam you quickly learn the importance of deliverability and
just how difficult it is to get your messages into the inbox. For spammers it’s a
numbers game, send as many emails as you can and test different copy to see
what generates clicks. It doesn’t take many emails before the sever you are
sending them from get’s blacklisted and all your messages get sent to the spam
box, or worse, don’t show up at all!

Now of course this ebook is not about sending spam, but legitimate (and
legal) email marketing. 99% of deliverability issues are handled by using a
reputable auto-responder company and always going for double opted in
subscribers. I recommend using multiple auto responder companies, simply
because every company’s deliverability will change over time. Their IP’s and
servers do occasionally get blacklisted, and if your mail is getting sent from a
blacklisted server you don’t have a chance of your email getting delivered!

You usually have no control over which server gets used when you send an
email blast with one of the major auto responder companies. This is why some
emails you send will get inboxed and some won’t, it’s a crap shoot everytime! By
using multiple AR companies, you spread the risk and increase your overall
deliverability rate.
Now using a good auto-responder is only half the battle with deliverability.
There are a few more pitfalls than can send your email straight to the spam box.
The trouble is, these things are not always picked up by the ‘spam tests’ auto-
responders provide you:

According to aweber’s spam test, this email is good to send. If you read it in
the picture above, the subject is ‘fat loss pills’ with the body of the email
containing nothing but spammy keywords and a link to
There is also no text version of the email, only HTML…

This is the spammiest email I could come up with and aweber claims it is ok
to send! Moral of the story, don’t always trust the ‘spam test’ software when
sending emails.
According to, these are the most common ‘spam errors’
their users make when trying to send an email:

1. BODY: HTML has a low ratio of text to image area (1,217 matches)
2. BODY: Message only has text/html MIME parts (971)
3. BODY: HTML has a low ratio of text to image area (729)
4. BODY: HTML and text parts are different (625)
5. Subject is all capitals (324)
6. BODY: HTML and text parts are different (279)
7. BODY: HTML: images with 2400-2800 bytes of words (211)

I never use images in my emails, nor do I ever send attachments. Most

email clients have the ability to block images for the end client, and in my
experience all text emails convert higher than having images in the email. An old
spam trick was to send nothing but an image, since spam filters could not use OCR
to read the text in the images. ISP’s are aware of this tactic and as you can see
from the list above, the most common mistakes are to have too much of an image
as opposed to text in your email. Not using images at all cuts down on most

#5 is using a subject line with ALL CAPS. I find this also to be the case in the
body copy of the email, you want to avoid ‘shouting’ in your email.


CAPS!!!!!!!!!! (Too many punctuation marks is another spam flag)

In fact if you can, avoid using exclamation points and dollar signs all
together. This is especially true for subject lines, and as you will see in the next
section of this ebook, I usually prefer to use question marks in my subjects.

#2 and #6 have to do with the different parts of the email. The simplest
explanation is that every email you send has 2 parts, an all text version and an
HTML version. You will see this when setting up a message in your auto-
responder, they will have 2 fields to fill out. It’s important to fill out both with the
same message. Some email clients only understand text, while other will display
full HTML versions. Make sure you have both!
So use a solid AR company, use double opt-in, no images, don’t use all caps,
avoid exclamation points, avoid dollar signs, and make sure you have both the
text and HTML versions of messages with the same letter…

The last flag is often the most important…

And that’s to avoid spammy words! Now a quick note before I get into
‘spammy words’ a huge mistake people make is try to mask the word. For
example if I want to use the word ‘Viagra’ in an email, I could spell it via.gra,
vi@gra, or many other combinations to trick the spam algorithm.

This is a trick used by many spammers for years, and most spam filters have
already caught on. If you try to mask the word, you’re actually making it worse for
yourself than having said it on some filters. After all why would you try to mask
the word if not to get past spam filters?
Here is a short list of words to avoid when writing your emails:

Cash Millions
Money Earn your degree
Reduce debt Bad credit
Home mortgage Easy income
Problem with shipping Work from home
Problem with your order Lottery
Cialis, Viagra and the like Pay your bills
Cheap meds Free laptop
Weight loss Job alert
As seen on Oprah Foreclosure
Replica watches Bankruptcy
Gift card Timeshare
Take our survey Huge sale
Discount coupon % off
Store credit Holiday savings
Huge deals Free gift
Free download Free shipping
Discount shipping Regarding your order

These are the basics with deliverability; at the end of the day you need to
opt-into your own lists with emails from many different providers and see for
yourself which ones get inboxed, and which ones get flagged as spam.
Get Your Emails Read: The Subject Line & Open Rates

So we got our emails into our prospects inbox, now we have to get them
read it! Let’s dissect how this happens:

Above is a screen shot of my Gmail inbox… Every inbox has a different

layout but most have the same elements. The first thing you see is the sender,
who the message came from. I have tested my open rates and just using the
name ‘Reilly’ as opposed to ‘Jimmy Reilly’, ‘James Reilly’, ‘Reilly Labs’ or other
combinations has had a slight, but statistically significant increase in open rates.
What name you use will have to be tested on an individual basis, but I
recommend using a real name. Not a company name, or a website name, but the
name of an actual person. Keep this name different from other emails, for
example my support emails show up as ‘Reilly Labs Support’ this way support
messages are not missed.

The next thing the reader sees is of course the subject line. Bear in mind
however, in Gmail right after the subject line you see the first line of the body of
the email…

Most marketers start the email with ‘hey (name)’, a dead giveaway that it’s
a sales pitch. Most people when filling out a form do not give their real names and
if they do, it’s not the name people usually refer to them as. For example, when
getting an email from a friend I’d usually be called Jimmy, but on forms where
name is required I will use the name James, or just Reilly. This is a dead giveaway
that the email is a mass mail, so unless you are calling the person by a name they
will respond too, just leave out the name in the emails.

You will notice all of the emails in the swipe file go right into the sales pitch
with no introduction, or complete a sentence started by the subject.

Short subject lines have a higher open rate than longer subjects in my
experience and ending the subject with a question mark or ‘…’ also has a
significant improvement on open rates. These are all things to keep in mind when
crafting your email.

To start off with you need to have your ‘hook’ in mind. This is the unique
element in the offer we are promoting as I described in the last section. Odds are
your subscribers are subscribed to many of your competitors and receive multiple
sales emails a day. You need to stand out from the generic subject lines in order
to get clicked, you need to be controversial and you need to shock them out of
their ‘zombie state’. It starts with a unique benefit, for example if I were
promoting a product on SEO, I could use one of the following:

“How to do SEO in 3 steps”

“Shocking SEO secrets the gurus don’t want you to know”

“Stolen SEO secrets from Google insiders that can rank your site on page 1”

These are fairly generic headlines that can be used as subject lines, each
one slightly better and more shocking than the last. The trouble is, all of our
competitors who do internet marketing have read the same copywriting courses
we have and use these same ‘shocking’ headlines. Our subscribers have been
bombarded with sales message like these and are almost blind to them.

I prefer to be real with my subscribers and keep subject lines short, simple,
specific and unique. The way you do this is by taking one unique benefit from the
product you are promoting and write a simple blurb. For example an SEO product:

“bing gets more traffic then google?”

“common backlinks that hurt your ranking?”

“plugin generates thousands of backlinks on auto-pilot…”

I prefer to generate curiosity in my subscribers rather than greed or hype in
the subject, if they are curious the will open the email which is the sole goal of the
subject line. Bear in mind, your subject needs to be relevant to the body of the
email and the offer you are trying to promote. For example three of my best open
rates came from these subjects:

“Legal Warning (wordpress sites)…”

“we’re all about to be sued…”

“bad news…”

These three subjects had the highest open rate out of any emails I have
sent. Mention anything ‘legal’ in a subject line, and there is no way the subscriber
won’t open it (old spamming trick). The only thing is it has to be relevant to your
email. The first subject was selling a WordPress plugin that generates all proper
TOS and privacy policies for blogs, and the second was a package of legal
disclaimers for off liners. Both offers converted extremely well. The subject ‘bad
news..’ can be used more liberally, but you can only use it every so often with a
group of subscribers.

In the end, the best way to learn how to write good subject lines is to test
them out yourself! Most auto-responders allow you to split test your broadcast
messages. This means you can send two different variations to your list, and see
which subject line generated the highest open rate. Use the included swipe files
as inspiration, and start testing!
Get Them To See The Offer: Body Copy & Click-through Rates

Once the user has received and opened your email, your next goal is

Get them to click through to the offer you are trying to sell…

Pre-sell the offer to increase your sales conversions…

The trick to pre-selling an offer is to know what features and benefits

mentioned in the end products sales letter are the most appealing to your
prospects. This is something you will learn from experience as you send traffic to
different offers and the best way to figure this out for a particular market is to
test. ALWAYS send two emails every time you broadcast for a split test. Half your
list gets one email, half gets the other email. Testing out different features in the
copy will give you proof as to which product features resonate the most in your
market. The most unique, and often contradictory features are the ones that will
be a hit. Such as:

“these backlinks actually hurt your SEO”

“Steal clients from other marketers on facebook”

“software hacks Google to drive more traffic”

Most of my tests confirm that shorter, to the point emails convert better
than long copy emails. If you are going to use a long email, place a link high in the
copy so the user can click through quickly. A second link can be used towards the
bottom of the email to capture those who needed more selling. I rarely go over 2
links in any email and you should never go over 3 links in order to stay spam

In my tests, I found using longer link text increases click-throughs and

ultimately conversions. For example:

‘The ultimate SEO backlink training…’

Instead use…

‘These 3 backlinks alone will skyrocket your ranking overnight (video proof)’
You will find in the swipe files that my link text gradually gets longer as time
went on. In summary use short emails that hammer in on one or two unique
features about the product, and a long link to get them to click through to the

One important tactic I use in most of my emails is to mention something

specific on the sales letter in order to get them to read as much of it as possible. If
the sales letter is converting and has a high EPC, it will do its job of selling the
prospect. Lines such as:

‘check out the video here to see how it works’

‘watch the video here, at 2:45 he reveals this awesome trick’

‘Towards the end of the copy he reveals what this is all about’

Give them something specific to look for in the sale letter so they spend
time reading it, and specific points in a video like in the second line. You will find
most of the emails in the swipe files use this tactic.
Get Them On Your List: Lead Generation

I could write an entire course just on generating optin’s (if this is something
you’d be interested in, please let me know!). In this section I want to briefly go
over a few of the methods I use to generate a constant stream of new leads every

There are a number of different types of customer in every market. In the

WSO world I usually categorize customers into ‘serious business owners’ and
‘WSO junkies’. Serious business owners have cash to spend, usually make decent
money online and a handful are full timers who have quit their day jobs. My
strategy with the higher caliber customer is to sell high ticket coaching programs
and higher priced software solutions. These are harder to target as they are
savvier and usually require a bit more experience to deal with. They love software
solutions that automate their everyday tasks and coaching that can help them in
areas they are less experienced in order to grow.

The ‘WSO junkie’ customers are the easiest to target. From my stats I can
tell you many will buy as many as 7-10 WSO’s a week, will rarely finish the
product and almost never take any real action. They tend to be the serial
refunder’s, they complain, and can be a pain in the ass to deal with. I find a lot of
these customers burn out quickly and will quit internet marketing after 6 months
having claimed ‘they tried everything and WSO’s, or internet marketing in general
doesn’t work’.

The rabid ‘junky’ buyers that we are targeting react on impulse, and buy on
hype. They want quick, easy money, they are afraid of anything technical. Odds
are they are going to be buying the products you see getting launched everyday
with the highest high conversions, so why not make sure they do it through your
affiliate link?

My strategy with this target market is to mail often and sell hard. List the
benefits, lots of hype with short emails to drive pre-sold traffic to a converting
sales letter.

Every prospect on your list has a life expectancy, and a value that decays
over time. Very few of your leads will stay on your list over a long period and buy
everything you promote, which is why my strategy is to sell as much as possible
and mail 1-2 times a day on the highest converting offers.
It’s important to keep your target in mind when you go out and generate
leads. If you use the right strategy but for the wrong market, you will get
nowhere! For example, if you use a higher priced product launch strategy on a list
of ‘WSO junkies’ who love $7 products, you are not going to have great results.
The same goes for pitching hyped up $7 products to coaching students who paid
you 4 figures for private coaching, it will ruin your reputation and they are not
likely to buy in the first place. You need to sell the right product to the right

The easiest and oldest way to generate leads is with a squeeze page. The
squeeze page gets its name from the idea that you are ‘squeezing information’
out of the prospect. You offer the prospect something of value, and in return they
provide you with their email address. In the WSO market there are a few ways
you can use this ageless strategy to collect leads:

Put an opt-in box on your main site and publish content relating to the
warrior forum. Then rank for WSO related keywords, including product and
vendor names. For example you can rank for the keyword ‘Jimmy Reilly’ and ‘The
6 Figure List Template’ by publishing a review of this very course on your blog and
generating backlinks with those keywords as the anchor text. Products from top
vendors can generate thousands of sales, and some customers will search for the
product name to get reviews before buying. This will allow you to capture ‘pre-
sold WSO buyer’ traffic to your list.

Another simple and effective strategy is to publish your own WSO’s (or
products on other marketplaces like Clickbank) to generate a list of buyers. This is
clearly the best source of leads and will convert the highest for you. Selling quality
products for a premium price and paying affiliates to promote would generate the
highest lead quality, followed by releasing a low priced (even as low as $1) report,
and the lowest quality leads comes from offering a ‘free report’ in the
marketplace to get the prospects to opt in. If you’re considering giving away a
free report, try selling for just $1 to increase the lead quality!

Many other products have been written on ranking review sites and
product creation, they are hands down the oldest and still most effective way to
generate a list of buyers in any market for email marketing. I want to go over a
few less common methods for generating leads:
One of the ways I have been generating leads lately is by offering bonuses
on other people’s product launches. You simply provide the vendor with your
auto-responder code and let them give the product away to their customers.
When you have a solid list, it pays to offer a mailing for the vendor without
commission in exchange for putting your bonus on their thank you page. This way
they generate free sales, and you generate leads from his other traffic sources.

You don’t always need a squeeze page to collect the lead. Building useful
software and requiring registration is a great way to build a list. This is exactly
how I built my initial list of 2,000 subscribers, and all of my old WSO’s were
software that allows others to do the same. Build the application so after the user
installs it, the tool is locked and can’t be used. Require the user to register it,
which they do by opting into your list right in the software and you send them an
activation code. This converts way higher than a squeeze page since the prospect
has already gone through the trouble of downloading and installing the software.
Tools like this can be outsourced for as little as $300 on elance.

This method can be applied to any product, even ebooks. Simply zip your
product in a password protected zip file and include a text file that contains a link
to your squeeze page. After they optin you can send them the password to the zip
file so they can access the product. This works better when offering a bonus as
the product vendor can simply send the end product as opposed to having the
optin form on their thank you page.
Section 2:
Swipe Files –
How To Use These Swipes

These are raw email swipes pulled from my auto-responder account during
the period where I pulled in over $168k in affiliate commissions. I haven’t altered
them in anyway, and they are sorted in reverse chronological order. The open
rates, click through rates, subject line, body copy, and live link are all included.
Now you could copy and paste the highest converting emails as is, and just
replace the link with your affiliate link if you wanted to pull out quick cash from a
list… But it’s more important that you learn the principles being used in these
emails, and use them as ‘inspiration’ for your own copywriting.

How These Swipes Are Organized

I have included the entire content from all the emails, as well as open and
click through data. The example below outlines where everything is:


OPEN RATE: (16.3%) CLICK RATE: (7.3%)

SUBJECT: software steals .gov

BODY: Just finished testing this new software the automatically
gets you .gov AND .edu backlinks...

Works on any system, check out the video here to see it in action:

Push Button Software Steals .EDU and .GOV Backlinks Instantly *Proof*...

You own blogs or charge offline clients to run the software

for their sites, it's a no brainer.

- Reilly
The remainder of this book will be the actual email swipes for you to go
through and learn. Let me finish here by thanking you again for picking up this
course, and if you have any questions feel free to drop me a line a
469 172
(5.4%) (2.0%)

whoa... wordpress popup plugin with

I just finished testing out a new plugin that installs pop-ups
on any Wordpress blog -

List building option...

Exit Pop...

Video Pop Ups (Huge)

Now this can be used to in crease the conversions of any sales

page/landing page or sell this feature to local businesses on
their own WordPress blogs.

NO ONE is offering video pop-ups and list-building exit pops to

local businesses, things that are guaranteed to increase their
sites conversions...

This video goes into all the details:

Video Pop-ups, List Building Exit Pops, And Tons More Features Will Increase Your
Conversions (Or Your Clients) And Fill Your Pockets...

Not every day you find two solid pieces of software being offered!

Try these pop-ups on your landing pages, split test them in

and you will see the difference. Or, you can split test a clients
landing page and guarantee them an increase in visitor conversion.

- Reilly
711 398
(8.1%) (4.5%)

backlink software that runs 24/7 (charge

clients monthly for this)...
This is the most complete backlinking solution I've seen...

The software will run 24/7 harvesting and posting backlinks

to yours or your clients site propelling them to the front
page of Google overnight.

More importantly, since it can run forever, your page will

be cemented on the first page!

You have to at least check out this video to see how this
software works and where it gets backlinks:

24/7 Backlink Posting With This Push Button Software - Charge Clients Huge Monthly
Fees For Unlimited Daily Backlinks...

The developer license will allow you to use it on you clients

blogs/sites! Easily charge clients $497 a month to keep this
software running for them, building backlinks!

- Reilly
805 271
(9.4%) (3.2%)

QR Tag software for facebook?

This brand new software will generate QR tags for local businesses
that automatically like their fan page and send them a coupon
right to their phone...

This is huge, just check out the video here, you have to see
it to believe it:

Software Generates QR Tags That Like FanPages And Generate Coupons... HUGE
And Untapped For Offline Clients...

This is great for offline businesses, or just creating flyers

top build an affiliate list for CPA offers.

- Reilly
893 359
(10.4%) (4.2%)

$20k a month offline fixing the

Everyone sells businesses on SEO, squeeze pages, fan pages
and all 'front-end' online marketing...

My buddy Steve has just released a course on how he sells your

clients on a simple system that takes what you've done for
them, and puts it on steroids!

The video here explains what I'm talking about:

Guaranteed $2,500 Check This Week Selling Untapped Strategy To Local

Businesses... (Never Seen Before)

Businesses won;t pay much for a website or SEO... But these

strategies will actually increase the businesses bottom line
and Steve has been charging a fortune for this under-sold service.

And he is willing to guarantee your first check this week...

- Reilly
1,560 700
(19.2%) (8.6%)

Legal warning (wordpress sites)...

Facebook will suspend fan pages, and Google factors this into
their rankings when indexing a site - Legal Compliance!

Odds are your and your clients websites are not compliant with
Google's, Facebook's and other sites terms of service...

Not having the proper Privacy Policy, Terms of service, disclaimers

and a few other little known pages can negatively effect your
sites ranking and put you at risk with paypal, facebook, clickbank
and any other service provider.

Now I just installed a new plugin on all my blogs that handles

everything at the click of a button - an all in one 'compliance'

Check this video out to see how this works:

One Click Plugin Installs Needed And Overlooked Legal Pages To Yours Or Your
Clients Websites (Untapped Much Needed Service)...

Charging offline clients to install this plugin on their blogs

will be an invaluable service (as 90% of the sites I see from
clients are missing these important pages). Easily charge a
few hundred bucks for 5 minutes work :)

- Reilly
859 260
(10.7%) (3.3%)

$1,000+ With 1 Viral Fan Page?

How would you like to earn $1,000 or more with each 'viral'
Facebook fan page you set up... guaranteed?

My buddy Fuad has been building simple Fan Pages to generate

thousands of viral hits to his Amazon affiliate pages and
banking some serious money with this simple system...

Now they'll guarantee this Fan Page method will make you four
figure paydays on Amazon, but imagine the money that could be
made selling viral fan pages to offline businesses, or using it
to build a list and promote CPA offers or Clickbank products!

Check out the video here for proof on how this works:

Viral Fan Pages Generate $1,000+ In Amazon Affiliate Commissions On Auto-Pilot...

*Video Proof*

Facebook is still hot, and with the right offer and targeting,
you can generate massive amounts of buyer traffic.

- Reilly
1,269 616
(15.9%) (7.7%)

plugin generates thousands of

Backlinks are the number 1 factor in your SEO efforts, you
can never get enough!

The process can be tedious but Jeremy Kelsall has just released
a WordPress Plugin that automates the entire process...

The video here will show you how to get yours or your clients
sites to page one with the push of a button:

Instant Page 1 Ranking With The WordPress Plugin That Generates Thousands Of
Backlinks On Auto-Pilot...

Make sure you grab the developer license, install it on yours

and your offline clients WordPress sites for an immediate
boost in rank.

- Reilly
1,097 389
(13.7%) (4.8%)

Software creates pop-over videos on

other peoples pages...
How would you like to put a video advertisement on links to
OTHER peoples sales pages and sites?

My buddy Martin has just released new link shortening software

that adds a pop-over ad to any site you link too -

And has included membership capabilities! That means you could

set this up on your site and charge users for this service
(or even offline clients).

Check out the video here to see how it works:

Link Shortening Software Creates Video Advertisements On Outside

Links.. Membership Software Included...

- Reilly
1,217 551
(15.3%) (6.9%)

'grey hat' plugin ranks on 1st page

using... fake comments?
Google's Panda update is all about content, including blog
comments. A blog with active comment will be ranked higher
than others...

I just tested this new plugin that automates original comment

posting on your blog and saw an immediate boost in rankings.

This plugin alone can help boost you to the first page overnight.

Check the video here to see how it works:

WordPress Plugin Ranks On The First Page Of Google Using Fake Auto-Mated Blog
Commenting To Trick The Panda Update...

The response from this software has been incredible, Tim's

software automates the entire process of making money as an
Amazon affiliate...

The video explains how this works:

Guaranteed Affiliate Income With Automated Amazon Software...

More software to come, and a private coaching opportunity

for a limited number of customers...

- Reilly
1,049 418
(13.2%) (5.3%)

amazon affiliate software automates

Shoppers trust, and their sales pages convert like
crazy! Tim Atkinson has just released his Amazon affiliate
training program, but the real value here is the software...

I got to test drive the software and it automates EVERYTHING!

This is as push button easy as it gets, and with just a little

bit of creativity, you make a lot of money with this powerful

Check out the video here:

Software Automates Your Amazon Affiliate Business And Generates Sales


Great content in the training plus fully automated software

solution makes this an easy way to bank with Amazon.

- Reilly
1,176 504
(14.8%) (6.4%)

QR Tag software and sales materials...

QR Tag consultants make BIG bucks in the offline world...

This is still a hot topic and isn't going anywhere any time
soon (just look at the search trends on Google insights).

I just picked up a complete QR tag business in a box:

QR Tag generating software...

Sales Presentation...

Lead Generating Site...

This is everything you need to get up and running and make your
first 4 figure check in 24 hours guaranteed. The video here goes through
all the details:

QR Tag Software, Lead Gen Site, Sales Pitch, PLR Rights, Sales Video... Business In
A Box *Video Proof*

Jump all over this, if you have yet to book any clients, use
this as an ice breaker and lead gen... If you have a solid
client book, squeeze extra dollars out of each one with this

- Reilly
1,327 721
(16.8%) (9.1%)

offline clients call you after hijacking

their ads?
This is a brilliant way to get offline businesses to call you
and close them 100% of the time...

Dave Iago reveals how he hijacks offline businesses ads to get

them to call him begging to send him a 4 figure check.

Oh, and this is ONE tactic in a huge course on offline marketing

that is guaranteed to make you $1,000 A DAY offline...

Check it out here:

$1,000 A Day Offline By Hijacking Businesses Ads? *Proof*...

Also this has become the fastest selling plugin I've seen...

The coupon craze is alive and well (not going anywhere either)

Add QR tags to the mix and you have a powerful tool for offline
and online marketing:

Coupons And QR Tags WordPress Plugin That Will Have Offline Businesses
Throwing Money At You Like A $2 Stripper...

- Reilly

P.S. My buddy Martin has just released PLR rights to his popular
keyword scraping tool. This is a steal, you can make a small
fortune reselling this popular tool:

PLR Rights To The Scraper Software That Sold Over 1,200 Copies...
1,117 483
(14.2%) (6.1%)

coupon software for WordPress with QR

Both online and offline marketers need to get in on the coupon

This WordPress plugin can help you do just that by generating

coupons with QR tags, redemption codes, the ability to limit
the number of coupons used...

Even creating printable coupons (HUGE for offline businesses)

Check it out here:

WordPress Coupon Plugin With QR Tags, Printable Coupons, And Redemption

Limiting (huge)...

FYI The term 'coupon' has been an expensive keyword to bid on,
and from what I've seen the search volume and CPC keeps going
up... That's a great sign for this trend, it will be hot for
a while!

- Reilly
1,082 395
(13.8%) (5.0%)

Wordpress Geo Targeting With This

Ever see those adds that automatically put your location in them
like "awesome product for residents of {you city}"?

I do a lot of advertising in a number of niches and EVERY test

I have done, using Geo-Targeting has increased conversions!

Now I use it for affiliate marketing, especially CPA, but what

if you offered you offline clients the same power?

My buddy Jameson just released a WordPress plugin that does

just that: Auto-magically adds Geo-Targeting to any blog post
or page...

Check out the video here to see how it works:

Geo-Targeting WordPress Software Increases Conversions Of Yours Or Your Clients

Landing Pages...

No one is offering this to local clients, it's mostly the top

CPA affiliates that are using this technology. If you ever need
something unique to offer a local client, just look at ads
driving you to CPA offers and landing pages. You can almost
always pick up a trick or two that no one on the local scene
is doing ;)

- Reilly
1,409 713
(17.9%) (9.1%)

plugin turns blogs into 'virtual stores'

This WordPress software turns any WordPress blog into a 'virtual
store' selling amazon and other products...

The best part? It optimizes for SEO and helps get backlinks!

It gets your store ranked on the first page for thousands of

keywords in under 30 days...

Check it out in this video:

Software Gets Turns Any Blog Into An Income Producing Store AND Ranks It In

The site is guaranteed to make you at least $30 per month per
blog... Take a few days and install this onto a few blogs
with the multi-site license and be guaranteeing hands off
affiliate income.

- Reilly
1,332 643
(17.0%) (8.2%)

1st page of google in 4 days using these

Going from the 33rd page of Google to the first page in only
4 days using a backlink strategy that takes an hour to implement...

Just add these backlinks to your site and you will see a
huge difference (or charge offline clients for these links):

The Backlinks That Shot This Page From 33rd To 1st Position In 4 Days *Proof*...

- Reilly
1,098 435
(14.0%) (5.5%)

your iPhone app made how much?

I've been killing it with simple iPhone apps lately, ranking
in the app store and using PPI (Way better than PPC) to
distribute my software (desktop soft too)...

My buddy Lane has just released a course on all these dirty

little secrets, I almost wish he hadn't because this is the
stuff where I make most of my income these days and NO ONE
outside of software marketers knows about it...

I'm giving away a bonus on this one too, some cool software:

Top Ranking In The iPhone App Store? How The Heck?

One of my strategies is to give the software away to generate

leads, and monetize it with affiliate offers and CPA commissions.

Not to mention opted-in adware that can drive a huge amount

of traffic at the push of a button.

You can easily outsource software creation on the cheap, and

Lane's course will teach you how to distribute it:

iPhone Apps, Software, And How The Pro's Are Doing This...

More to come...

- Reilly
1,179 441
(15.0%) (5.6%)

Offline clients begging for Linkedin

reputation management?
A Completely unique service to get your foot in the door
with any local business instantly: reputation management.

I just went through a complete course (business in a box) that

explains how to get new clients by offering something no one
else is... and how to become a 'relationship management' expert

The best part is the bonus on the social network 'LinkedIn' ;)

I was shocked to see how Jerome uses it to get clients...

Untapped Offline Service, And Get Clients Using... LinkedIn? BRILLIANT!

More to come

- Reilly
995 320
(12.6%) (4.1%)

Wedding special (huge discount)

The backlink system system used to rank on the first page
of Google instantly...

The complete system to booking offline clients and beating out

every other SEO company...

In celebration of his wedding, Mario Brown is giving away all

of his courses, valued around $700 for a fraction of the cost.

There are a few videos on this page that go over everything:

SEO, Backlinks, Offline Clients, Outsourcing And More For A HUGE Discount...

Great discount, and congratulations Mario!

- Reilly
1,334 650
(16.9%) (8.3%)

plugin creates animated facebook

This WordPress plugin creates professional fully animated
facebook fan-pages without coding...

Check out the example video to see how it can make yours or
you clients fan pages stand out:

WordPress Plugin Creates Unique Animated Facebook Fan Pages In Minutes...

This is hands down the most unique fan page creation tool
I've seen yet! Just show the fan pages to a local client and
watch them beg you to create one for them.

- Reilly
1,108 394
(14.0%) (5.0%)

facebook loophole creates 'one click

How to turn your clicks into email subscribers just by clicking...

How to get ANY affiliate offer approved (even direct linking)

How to get a 'like button' in facebook ads even if you are

linking to someone elses page...

Just a handful of facebook hacks this new report reveals,

check out the video to see what else:

One Click Subscribers, 'Like Button Ads', Direct Linking Any Offer, And More...

This is a must have for online marketers and offline marketers...

Tricks like this put you WAY ahead of your competition.

- Reilly
1,030 283
(13.1%) (3.6%)

product creation on crack...

This is only for serious marketers, and when you watch this
video you'll know what I mean...

Products that solve simple problems in any market don't need

fancy marketing or hypy sales letters... They sell themselves!

My buddy Darren has just released a no BS course on 'problem

solving product creation'. I am talking about both online AND
offline product creation.

Watch his video here, (he gives it to you straight):

'Problem Solving Product Creation' Both Online And Off *Straight Talk Video*

This will work for newbies and experienced marketers, but if

you are a 'WSO addict' and won't do anything with it, then
this one isn't for you...

- Reilly
1,282 572
(16.3%) (7.3%)

software steals .gov backlinks...

Just finished testing this new software the automatically
gets you .gov AND .edu backlinks...

Works on any system, check out the video here to see it in action:

Push Button Software Steals .EDU and .GOV Backlinks Instantly *Proof*...

You own blogs or charge offline clients to run the software

for their sites, it's a no brainer.

- Reilly
1,211 573
(15.4%) (7.3%)

3 wordpress themes with dev licenses

(time sensitive)...
I just scooped up 3 professional Wordpress themes with full
developer licenses (great for offline clients)...

It's a 48 hour sale at a fraction of their normal price.

Insane value, check it out here:

Clients Will Pay Top Dollar For These 3 Professional WordPress Themes...

Your clients would pay a fortune for these themes...

- Reilly
1,260 602
(16.0%) (7.6%)

(PLR rights) facebook software, report,

This is a huge package of facebook marketing software, graphics,
ebooks, and an email follow up sequence to cash in on fan pages...

This is a business in a box complete with sales letters and

everything you need to build a fan page or list quickly, and
the full-up emails to turn them into hungry buyers.

Check out the full package here:

PLR Facebook Software, Report, Email Sequence, Sales Page, And A Kitchen Sink...

I've built a massive list with one of the software titles in

this package (in fact it's my software)

- Reilly
1,202 520
(15.2%) (6.6%)

83.3% conversion rate?

I just finished going through a source of 'hungry buyers'...

Now these are qualified buyers who already pre-qualify themselves

as looking for your services.

Find out what I mean here:

The Highest Converting Lead Source EVER? 83.3% Conversion On

Pre-Qaulified "Hungry Buyer" Lead Source...

More to come...

- Reilly
1,298 564
(16.4%) (7.1%)

instant ranking for buyer keywords...

The right keyword is everything and uncovering 'buyer keywords'
is a step most marketers miss -

I recently stumbled on a way to get Google (and a few other

clever sources) to reveal not only which keywords are hot with
'buyer traffic'...

But which of these keywords are easy to rank for... instantly.

Check out what I mean (and the result) here:

Rank For Buyer Keywords Using These Creative Sources...

Speaking of keywords... More to come on Monday ;)

- Reilly
1,257 523
(15.9%) (6.6%)

Sell domains to offline clients?

What a crazy idea... Why didn't I think of this?

Scooping up local keyword domains and selling them to local


This may be an untapped goldmine, with the number of possible

combinations with domains it it impossible for this to get
saturated anytime soon.

This video on this page explains how this works:

Top Dollar For Keyword Rich Local Domains? Easy To Implement Immediately...

This is quick money for action takers.

- Reilly
2,028 1,239
(25.6%) (15.6%)

Software to create Wordpress themes...

A drag and drop, WYSIWYG editor for Wordpress themes...

Forget buying themes, or hiring graphic artists this will

allow you to create your own themes or themes for your clients.

Check out this video, and the stunning theme examples you can
create with this software:

Point And Click Software To Create Stunning Wordpress Themes For Clients...

More cool software to come, including a brandable firefox add-on

on Monday...

- Reilly
1,265 537
(15.9%) (6.8%)

software hijacks youtube and puts your

links in other peoples videos?
This software is amazing...

It hijacks other youtube videos and puts in your links to make

affiliate commissions or back links.

Check it out here before it sells out:

Simple Software Hijacks YouTube To Plant Your Links In Other Peoples Videos...

Yes this is legal, yes this is whitehat :)

- Reilly
1,372 638
(17.2%) (8.0%)

as promised: 16k in 6 days revealed...

My goal this year is to get as many of my subscribers to 10k
a month as possible. To start off with Luther Landro and I
just released a case study, on how he managed to generate
over $16,000 in sales over the last 6 days.

He had no list...

No reputation...

No affiliates at the time...

And using simple, online method that I have taught only a handful
of coaching clients - He has built a 5 figure a month business

Check out the details in the video here:

*Video Proof* Steal The System Luther Used To Bank $16 In 6 Days...

This method has been used by many others to get to 5 figures

a month quickly...

It is time tested and proven to work. All that is required is

your commitment to action

- Reilly
1,505 792
(18.9%) (9.9%)

Facebook SSL Software and blog video...

Facebook's switch to requiring SSL will be a goldmine to the
few marketers who are equipped ahead of time to offer this
service online and off..

(This BIG change in Facebook is coming October 1st)

Check out this software and marketing package to see what i mean:

Provide The Solution To The Millions Who Need SSL For Their Facebook
Pages With This Radical Wordpress Software, Training, And Marketing Material


Luther Landro and I made a video for my blog (more videos to

come). We want to know what you need to take your business to
$10k a month before the year is over:

Our goal is to help as many people as we can get to that level

by the end of the year (over 5 already have).

We want more success stories, and we want to tell everyone

about them!

- Reilly
1,186 442
(14.9%) (5.5%)

facebook clicks for a penny (cool hack)?

I just stumbled on this way to hack facebook into giving you
clicks for less than a penny...

Time sensitive So check this out here:

Facebook Hack To Drive Converting Traffic For Less Than A Penny...

Send massive amounts of traffic facebook to affiliate offers...

Or just charge offline clients for the service ;)

- Reilly

P.S. I posted a video on my blog with Luther Landro (mentioned

it yesterday)...

But more about that tomorrow ;)

1,159 402
(14.5%) (5.0%)

cold leads become warm (and a personal

Cold calling is a waste of time... Why work SO hard when you
can work smarter.

The trick is to warm the prospects up BEFORE you get on the phone
with them. Now I just stumbled across a method that is an absolutely
brilliant way to warm up your 'cold' prospects so they EXPECT
your call...

Check it out here:

Break The Ice Before You Call... Cold Calling Becomes "Warm Calling"

Work harder... not smarter.

- Reilly
1,505 817
(18.9%) (10.3%)

page 1 rank everytime with these exact

I have been using a new backlink strategy this week (managed
to get my hands on an early copy of this) and I swear...

This will be the only back-linking I do from now on!

Backlinks that work every time even after this new Google 'Panda'
update, and...

How to appear at the top of Google News for every press release
you do! This alone will drive more traffic to your site than
anything else...

The video here explains it all:

Page 1 Ranking Everytime... The Exact Backlinks Revealed &

Google News Top Rank...

The Google News part alone will drive immediate traffic.

- Reilly

P.S. These videos will get you offline clients, version 3 has
just been released:

Offline Video Package To Book Clients...

1,490 749
(19.1%) (9.6%)

mobile, QR Tag, and local rank in 10

There is a little known service that allows you (or more importantly
your client) to rank in local search as well as 'mobile map search'
in as little as 10 minutes...

And this service provides a QR tag generator for businesses

that sign up at no cost!

My buddy Kyle has been selling this service to new clients

as an icebreaker for $197 (easy sale since he's the ONLY one
offering it in his local market)

I reveal what I'm talking about and tell you how to sell it
in the video posted here:

$197 Checks For Signing Clients Up To This Local/Mobile Ranking

Service (Including A QR Tag Generator They Can Use)

The easiest way to avoid hard selling is to just offer something

no one else is offering...

And this service is so far untapped.

- Reilly
1,475 683
(18.8%) (8.7%)

copy-paste facebook template books

$2,000 client...
We have just release the most complete offline system...

Copy-paste templates and sales scripts take you from generating

leads on Facebook (we doubled our list in a week with this)

All the way to closing the deal and getting the check with
the very same presentation we use in the field.

Luther has been handling all my offline sales for a while, and
for his first WSO he is handing you a $250,000 a year business:

Copy-Paste Templates Guaranteed To Book You A $2,000 Client From Facebook...

We guarantee you will book a client in a week with these templates

or Luther will book one for you...

- Reilly
1,060 296
(13.7%) (3.8%)

facebook coaching...
Page one on Google using Facebook to earn passive income with
affiliate marketing...

That is how I could sum this up. I received an early copy of

this training and have been using myself this last week to help
scale up some of my CPA campaigns on Facebook... It has put
money in my pocket.

With that said, you need to check this out:

Live Coaching To Dominate Facebook (offline or affiliate marketing)

And I haven't approached my offline clients with these methods

yet, but it will not be hard at all to get them to open thier
checkbooks again for this ;)

- Reilly
1,337 581
(17.6%) (7.6%) lands offline clients in 48

Just released a new report by Tommie Powers about how he landed
a new offline client in 48 hours using the little known social

These will go fast:

- Reilly

P.S. In case you missed it, this plugin has been doing phenomenal
things to the blogs I installed it on (quick ranking):

WordPress Plugin Ranks Sites On The 1st Page Of Google In 18 Minutes *Video

1,498 792
(19.7%) (10.4%)

WP plugin builds links and ranks in all

search engines?
I spent the night testing this new plugin I found - it automates
the link building on your WordPress site 24/7...

The results this morning have been awesome! I won't tell you
the keywords I was ranking for, but I saw a substantial boost
in ranking overnight on a few niche sites - Monday I get to
charge some offline clients for this ;)

Check out the video here to see how it works:

A WordPess Plugin Guaranteed To Be The Fastest Way To Rank *Video*?

Also check out what keywords they managed to get in first

position on... Serious stuff!

- Reilly
1,402 656
(18.5%) (8.7%)

YouTube hack lands 1st page ranking?

This video will blow you away...

First page ranking immediately by leveraging YouTube:

1st Page *Video Proof* By Out-smarting YouTube Into Ranking For You?

This is accomplished by using YouTube's own ranking system

against Google to propel you to the first page overnight.

The video will explain it better than I can in this email

(and it's going fast)

- Reilly
1,438 712
(19.3%) (9.5%)

huge .edu backlink source...

If you aren't using backlinks from EDU sites, you will fall
way behind on those of us that do...

I just went through another source of one way do-follow links,

all high quality 'authority' links that Google loves. They are
easy to find, in fact Google will even tell you which ones to
use if you do this right...

The video on this page explains it:

100s Of Authority .edu backlinks from these 250 (And Counting) sources...

If you take just 5 minutes and get only 1 link... It's more
than worth it!

- Reilly
1,448 761
(19.5%) (10.3%)

plugin ranks to page 1 in 18 minutes?

Just tested this plugin I found that automatically generates
dozens of authority backlinks every time you post...

My test blog post did in fact rank on the first page for a
keyword in the celeb gossip niche (not an easy thing to do)
in about 25 minutes!

The video here shows you exactly how this all works and demonstrates
ranking in 18 minutes flat:

WordPress Plugin Ranks Sites On The 1st Page Of Google In 18 Minutes *Video

I am installing this on every blog I have now, it even works on

auto-blogs I'm finding (easy money).

I haven't even had the chance to impress my offline clients

with this yet, but guaranteed it will get them opening their
checkbooks again :)

Let me know how it works out for you...

- Reilly

P.S. Speaking of offline clients, I have been trying out old

school direct mail campaigns... These style of post cards are
converting well (though I haven't had the chance to test these
specific ones):

Facebook Fanpage Goldmine With Postcards (gotta see these designs)

1,401 702
(19.2%) (9.6%)

outsource ALL the work...

It's rare I find two things that compliment each other this well...

But what if you could outsource the cold calling and salesmanship
to get offline clients... Then out source all the actual SEO

If you put both of these methods together you will have a true
hands off business. The first is a course on hiring salesman
(without pay I might add) to get you clients:

Your Own Salesman Who Work Without Pay To Fill Your Bank Account...

Now I also just went through this course on ranking niche blogs
using outsourcers (For affiliate commissions):

Auto-Pilot SEO Forces Page 1 Rankings... Cut And Paste... Outsourced...

After reading both of them I can't help but think - what if I offered
the SEO ranking service in Cory's course to the clients I can
get in Will's course?

Every little thing you learn is just a little piece to a larger

puzzle, and the people who can put all the pieces together are
the ones who will be successful.

I would say all you need is to take action on this, but in this
case all you need to do is make your outsourcers take the action :)

- Reilly
1,378 624
(19.0%) (8.6%)

steal celebrities traffic from youtube...

I can't stand Justin Bieber, but he makes me money!

I just finished a going through a course on stealing traffic

from celebrities, something I love doing in my CPA campaigns...

But this one has me topped - $4,141.80 in 7 days from a single

youtube video!

This will blow your mind:

'Justin Bieber' Youtube Video Makes $4k in Under A WeeK?

This method is simple, and will drive converting traffic to the

right offers for $0. How's that for ROI?

- Reilly
1,522 782
(21.1%) (10.9%)

software hacks facebook to get you a

client by monday...
This is an incredibly simple trick on facebook that can work
to get you clients... even if you've never worked offline or
had a facebook account before.

There is also some bonus software that to me is the gem here

(especially since it has an unlimited license)

Watch the video half way down to see the software and how it

Simple software automates this facebook trick to land a client by monday...

This is really one of those "just add action" type of deals.

If you are willing to put this into action, you will have a
client paying you $279 a month by monday.

- Reilly
804 100
(11.2%) (1.4%)

Ali G and Kieran On TMN tonight...

Kieran Mcdonough is in New York City tonight, starting at 8pm
he will have my operations director Ali G on his internet talk
show "Talk Marketing Now"

Late notice I know, but Ali will be giving an inside look into
Reilly Labs and WHITE WAVE MEDIA, and how he recruits JV partners
and affiliates for my business.

Doesn't cost anything, they start at 8pm est:

Should be a good show :)

- Reilly
1,087 471
(15.1%) (6.5%)

plugin 'steals' from spammers...

This is such a brilliant idea...

I always have problems with spam comments on my blogs trying to

steal backlinks and this new plugin sticks them where it hurts...

Steal their traffic AND monetize it on your bolgs, or use it

for your offline clients. Just imagine calling them up telling
them you can turn the spam they get into cash!

Check it out here:

WordPress plugin steals from spammers on your or your clients blog...


Here's and crazy idea to make an extra few bucks on facebook:

Sell ads on your fanpages!

Most of the time marketers sell the entire fanpages to local

clients, but my buddy Pete has been banking on just selling ad
space on his own pages:

$500 per fanpage for selling adspace? Pretty damn clever...

Just add action, this stuff is easier than you think...

- Reilly
1,608 784
(22.4%) (10.9%)

I don't normally do this... but someone

has too
OK I am sick of the fake BS out there...

It is an epidemic, and it is almost 'taboo' to talk about this

problem. I see this stuff EVERYWHERE, clickbank, the warrior
forum, and even worse in the investing niche.

Shot a quick (and shocking) video after some discussion in my

private chat, and posted it to the blog:

One of my members found someone doing this on their

sales letter and was debating whether or not he should call
them out.

You take a risk when you call out another marketer, so I figured
screw that, let me just show you how easy it is to do what I'm
talking about.

I just hope that after seeing this you will think twice about
believing everything you see and we may see some more
scrutiny and healthy skepticism in our market.
It would help us all.

- Reilly

P.S. Feel free to pass this on to anyone who needs to see it.
1,458 783
(20.6%) (11.1%)

.gov AND .edu links?

.gov AND .edu link sources can be found quickly and can rank
your site on the first page overnight...

But the most important thing is how to implement these backlinks

properly in a larger SEO campaign...

Mario Brown and Brian Anderson have released their sources for
these links as well as how they dominate the top SEO companies
with a simple strategy.

Check out the 3 videos post here:

EDU, GOV link sources revealed... and why you are using them WRONG...

This is not only a complete SEO system using gov and edu links,
it's also a how-to for offliners to approach local clients.

- Reilly

P.S. This crazy woman is stealing my clients on facebook!

Whats crazier is how she does it... out from under OUR noses:

Stop this crazy woman! (Or at least find out how she does it)...
867 371
(13.6%) (5.8%)

backlinks by hacking edu sites?

I am finally releasing the method used to have your own edu sites...

Now this isn't just a 'pack' of sites to post your content, I

am going to flat out teach you how to find .edu sites where
you can host your own blogs.

This is going to sell out fast:

Your Own EDU To Create Unlimited Backlinks From, Source Revealed!

I include links and detailed instructions to creating your first

16 .edu sites on top of the instructions to finding your own.

That means:

1. You can get started ranking sites with .edu backlinks


2. You will have access to an UNLIMITED number of these sites

and will no longer have to buy them from anyone.

3. You can sell the backlinks or the entire blog to any offline
or online customer.

I'm giving away the golden goose here:

Never Buy Another Backlink, Use Your Own EDU Sites Instead

More to come soon...

- Reilly
1,125 446
(17.7%) (7.0%)

SMS (mobile) Wordpress plugin...

Call-to-subscribe and text-to-subscribe...
Two terms you will be hearing a lot more in internet marketing.

I just found a WordPress plugin that makes all this possible,

building a list for SMS (mobile texting) marketing. This has
incredible potential for offline and online marketers alike.

You need to see the demo here, just to see how this new
technology works:

Call And Text To Subscribe Tech For WordPress (Demo Will Blow Your Mind)...

You will be seeing this A LOT more, now is the chance to be

among the first to offer it.

- Reilly
933 410
(14.7%) (6.4%)

page one for what keyword???

I don't normally like to mail twice in one day, but I just
stumbled on something HUGE...

My buddy Alex managed to get in the third position on the first

page of Google for a SUPER HOT keyword. No I don't mean some
longtail local BS keyword I mean one of the keywords the average
marketer is afraid to go after.

A $2 cpc keyword, and the actual SEO work takes about 20 minutes,
in fact he reveals the very sites that make him over $1,000 per
month, non of that 'privacy BS' most SEO guru's whine about.

Find out the keyword I'm talking about here:

Ranked First Page For A Hot $2 CPC Keyword In 20 Minutes (POOF)?

You could sell this 20 minutes of work to a local business...

But when you see the keywords he is ranking for, I doubt you'll
want to sell your new found SEO talents ;)

- Reilly
857 366
(13.4%) (5.7%)

plugin that generates unique content?

OK, if you want to rank yours or your clients sites for any
keyword on Google, you need unique, relevant content...

I just installed a new plugin that solves this problem on auto-

pilot. Here's how it works:

1. You enter a keyword, the plugin takes 'sections' of relevant

articles from around the internet

2. The plugin then combines them and spins the text to make it
completely unique

3. It then checks the new content with Copyscape BEFORE turning

it into a new post...

Just imagine how much you can charge your clients for a true
auto-blog... One that actually produces original content the
search engines love.

The video here goes over all the details:

100% Unique Relevant Content Generation... And Google Likes It...

Heck, why not charge a monthly fee to keep updating your clients
site with new content... And the plugin do all the work!

- Reilly
1,242 743
(19.5%) (11.7%)

WordPress Theme steals local leads...

Building lead capture site's for a local business can be big
money... Charging just $500 a site can earn you a full time
income each month with only a handful of clients.

My buddy Brenden just released a Wordpress theme that allows

you to turn any wordpress site into a lead magnet in 15 minutes.

Check out the "featured client box" feature of this plugin -

this alone can be turned into a monthly service:

Local Lead Capture Wordpress Theme, Build $500 sites in 15 Minutes...

- Reilly

P.S. The fast attack SEO series has been considered among the
best courses on getting sites ranked quickly. Craig has just
released a new one on Google Maps....

You have to see how he hacks the big G for the top spot:

Fast Attack Google Hack - Check Out These Results...

No backlinks needed!
830 279
(13.0%) (4.4%)

offline checks for 15 minute service...

A 'no cold calling' approach to snatching up monthly checks
from local businesses by offering them a service that takes
15 minutes a week?

You bet! Clients are BEGGING for help with their ppc campaigns
and are willing to pay marketers to help them spend THEIR money.
I just went through a course on how to find these clients without
and 'cold calls' and how to manage their PPC campaigns in 15
minutes a week...

How to manage this service with 15 minutes of work...

How to make local businesses CALL YOU asking for the service...

Why they will pay you IN ADVANCE to spend THEIR MONEY on Adwords!

There is also a bonus I don't think they mentioned on the thread

called the 'ambush marketing' strategy... Just wait till you
see it here:

Offline Clients Pay You In Advance To Spend Their Money For Them...

I found this to be as cut and paste as it comes...

- Reilly
885 317
(13.8%) (5.0%)

facebook coupons with a plugin

I just found this plugin that creates time based coupons AND
has the option to share on facebook...

You can use this like I am for the viral effect it has to sell
products, or offer the coupon services to your offline clients!

They get massive exposure from these coupons, especially with

the integration of facebook...

Check out the video here to see how coupons work:

Coupon Generating, Viral Facebook, Awesome WP Plugin...

- Reilly
936 450
(14.6%) (7.0%)

'buying season' for this niche is here...

This is one of the most profitable niches online... But only
when you get in at the right time of year!

Calvin reveals the niche I'm talking about here, and why NOW
is the time to get in - search traffic has ALREADY started to
increase for the buyer keywords in this niche.

I am putting this into action myself, it contains everything

needed as well as step by step instructions to dominate this

Now Is The Time To Jump On This Niche Of Rabid Buyers...

Kudos to Calvin for releasing this now, before everyone is

talking about it. Watch seasonal buying like this carefully,
and get in BEFORE the amatuers!

- Reilly
863 273
(13.5%) (4.3%)

you're a slave...
slavery (a 9-5 job) sucks. I've been there, heck I even did night
security for a week (one of the longest I've held a job)...

Mike Carraway has put together a package I WISH I had on the

long overnight shifts trying not to sleep on the job - you see
it is possible to make money and have your bills paid without
doing any work throughout the day.

For those who haven't heard I left the US permanently to travel

the world, currently in Aruba (for the kite surfing). A good 75%
of my income is passive, the remainder comes from WSO's, coaching
and products in the PUA and investing niche.

The reason I am telling you this is because I have experienced

first hand how life changing passive online income streams can be.
I know what it's like to be a slave, and I know what it's like
to travel the world and kite surf all day without worrying about
paying the bills.

This guide describes 8, easy to implement passive income strategies

that are in effect - life changing.

Either way Mike cuts out the myths and lays out the truth in this
video on the thread:

Proof the term 'it takes money to make money' is a lie...

The only thing you have to lose is your job!

- Reilly
924 323
(14.5%) (5.1%)

the facebook letter bomb...

I just finished Dr. Ben's newest course on facebook...

There are 5 methods he reveals out of his 'black book' of tricks.

Tricks with names like "Death Defying Facebook Email Extraction"
and "Facebook Birthday Madness"...

But my favorite (and it's working damn good so far) is the "facebook
letter bomb".

Check out what I'm talking about here:

Facebook Letter Bomb + 4 More Brilliant Facebook "tricks"...

- Reilly
1,073 561
(16.9%) (8.9%)

as promised yesterday...
And so this is live, my new course revealing the biggest untapped
traffic source online (bigger than youtube or even Goggle):

This has NEVER been taught before, hell I've never even revealed
this source to anyone outside of a few buddies.

Advanced stuff broken down for even the greenest newbie :)

More to come...

- Reilly
730 175
(11.5%) (2.8%)

how about some foreplay?

It takes 'sales foreplay' to get your prospects to click on links
and buy buttons...

This is the most under-taught skill in IM. Most newbies direct

raw traffic to affiliate pages and sales letter and 'hope' for
the best.

If you want your traffic to actually take action on sales pages

and affiliate offers you send them too,
then watch this quick presentation video here:

Sales Conversion (check out the funny video on the thread)

(these are quite funny)

- Reilly

P.S. Did you know more web bandwidth is used in Torrents than
in web browsing? I'll be releasing a course on how to tap into
this untapped market tomorrow... Game Changer!
1,010 394
(15.9%) (6.2%)

mobile (iphone) app store ranking easier

than SEO?
You don't have to be a programmer or software 'guru' to get a
piece of the 1.6 billion dollar mobile app market...

In fact when you see the tricks that these top sellers are
using (literately, the top 11 app sellers on the net) you'll
realize how easy it is to market your own... Or charge clients
a huge fee for boosting their own app sales:

The must-have tracking system every top seller uses...

How the top seller boosts his ranking in the app store overnight...

How to get Wired magazine to write a review of your app and

boost sales!

Imagine how much you could charge a client to get them in Wired
magazine, or heck just do what I'll be doing and keep them for
you own use ;)

Get Your Mobile App In Wired Magazine And Boost Your

App Store Rankings...

Has to be the BEST mobile training I have seen.

- Reilly

P.S. One of the best ways to monetize any app is with CPA. If
you haven't seen this yet, you're missing out on easy money:
New Controversial CPA Method Pissing Off Guru's
1,002 437
(15.7%) (6.9%)

best 'hands-off' biz I know...

I have a few monthly membership programs including a live skype
chat, a forum, a work out planner, and a paid investing
newsletter (under the name 'Ethan Emerson' for those in the
investing niche).

By far these are the most hands-off businesses I have, and the best
ROI in advertising dollars.

Now I just stumbled across some powerful (and cheap) membership

software that automates the entire process...

But more importantly, video training that goes into a brilliant

and complete strategy for creating, marketing, and running a
profitable membership.

I just went through the course and there were a few tricks that
I am already implementing in my own membership programs.

Check out the video here to see what the software does, and
just what's possible with a hands off membership biz:

Membership Software That Sells For You?

Easier to set up and get going than you may think, and the best
hands off recurring income I've found...

- Reilly
934 427
(14.6%) (6.7%)

hijack YouTube trends...

YouTube traffic = buyer traffic?

I just stumbled on 27 different money making methods with

YouTube that have completely changed the way I look at the
video service...

Including a method called 'Title Hijack' that I found to be one

of the most innovative ways to get views to your video or channel.

Now there are CPA and affiliate offers that work extremely well
with this sort of traffic... the poker niche for example ;)

But imagine how much you could charge local clients to 'optimize'
their online video and YouTube presence!

Get the full list of tactics here:

'Hijack' buyers from YouTube?

YouTube is overlooked by most

- Reilly
742 306
(11.6%) (4.8%)

found more .edu sites, only a few left...

Just found another offer on .edu blogs, as high as PR 9.

I just scooped up a batch, and the last offer sold out quick!
(especially now that the secret is out...)

Links from these sites can boost your ranking in as little as

3 days (or just sell backlinks to clients/ other marketers):

.edu blogs, Create your own high PR EDU backlinks...

(Will Go Faster Than The Last Ones!

They will sell out fast, In fact I may buy another batch after
I send this ;)

- Reilly
1,074 470
(16.8%) (7.4%)

Google Plus dominated with a WordPress

18,000,000 new subscribers in the first few weeks, all
invitation only...

Yes I mean Google Plus, the newest hot social network from
the big G.

I just stumbled across a brilliant plugin that offers viewers

a Google Plus invitation when they opt-in to your list...

Now this is one of two plugins offered here, and the second
one is even more powerful than the first... Especially for
offline local markets!

Check out the videos here, showing you what I mean:

WordPress Plugin Uses Google Invites To Build Your List...

Google Plus might get bigger than facebook, let's get on this
ride early...

- Reilly
1,344 726
(21.0%) (11.3%)

plugin ranks sites on the first page in 10

This WordPress plugin does all the dirty work when ranking
for local keywords...

You can even import the list of towns and cities to rank for,
this plugin is as push button simple as SEO gets.

Use this for your own blog, or charge local businesses small
fortunes to rank their sites:

Instant Local Ranking With A One Click WP Plugin...

More to come...

- Reilly
919 428
(14.4%) (6.7%)

Own your own .edu blog (going fast!)...

These are going to go fast, .edu sites with PR's as high as 9!

Incredibly valuable backlink potential, or heck sell some

backlinks to your new .edu blog!

Get them here:

Your Own PR 7-9 .edu Sites...

It is limited and the higher PR going first!

- Reilly
860 430
(13.4%) (6.7%)

secret 'fast' $0 backlinks...

The wrong backlinks will get your site or blog sand boxed...

Luckily, there is a little known way to use Google against itself

and know which backlinks Google likes, AND how to find them.

Some of these links are from PR 7 sites, that auto-accept links

without a fee. Check it out here:

Let Google tell you the backlinks they like and where to find them...

Aside from your own blog, imagine how much you could charge a
local business for a 'backlink search' ;)

- Reilly
930 364
(14.5%) (5.7%)

steal some buyer traffic...

Traffic is not created equally, if you want to sell stuff you
need BUYERS to see your sales letters or affiliate offers...

There is a little used source of buyers that 99% of people

overlook (I was one of them)

Forget paying for traffic or ranking in search engines, this

one source is the easiest buyer traffic I've seen:

Newbie Uses New Traffic Source To Bank A Quick $345.23...

This traffic is instant, and easily monetized with affiliate


- Reilly
1,464 873
(22.8%) (13.6%)

SMS (mobile) coupon software...

How about selling a local business the ability to send coupons
via text messages?

Or better yet, use this marketing in your own online business

to send surveys, and affiliate offer links right to mobile

This is just ONE feature of this Social Media Software...

Check out this video to see the rest (and why I'm going to find
out where the heck he had this video made!):

SMS coupons, Monitor Social Keywords, Crazy Software...

It's a permanent license to this powerful software.

- Reilly

P.S. Charles Kirkland has released a guide on affiliate marketing

and after going through it I realized I would be doing you a
disservice by not recommending it (he is a real clickbank
apex affiliate):

Real Super Affiliate Tells All...

1,170 617
(18.2%) (9.6%)

cut and paste offline action plan...

Stop experimenting and trying to 'figure out' how to attract
local businesses! I just found a cut and paste action template
that takes all the guess work out.

The catch? You actually have to put it into action. If you can
do that, this is a no brainer. Just a few of the templates
included in this:

pre-written sales letter,

auto-responder sequence,

phone script,

webinar template,

webinar sales script

And that's just the beginning...

This is as simple, and cut and paste as it can get!

Check out the video here:

Cut and Paste template to attract local businesses to you...

No guesswork involved, just an actionable plan with everything

you need to get your first client tomorrow.

- Reilly
999 433
(15.5%) (6.7%)

software steal's from launches?

There are always a small group of affiliates who get on the
leader-board of EVERY Clickbank launch, and they do it without
paid traffic or lists.

So how do they do it?

By ranking for 'buyer keywords' just before the launch with

simple affiliate pages, using custom software!

I had no idea just how easy it was until I saw this:

Software use's loophole to rank for every launch...

Their secrets out, and now you can get in on and bank from all
those big launches. Heck there's a launch almost everyday these

- Reilly
1,108 468
(17.1%) (7.2%)

facebook 'status auction' makes how

Ok I just finished this facebook course created by some
mother in Tampa, and although these tactics may sound cheesy:

the 'wall of likes'

the facebook 'scavenger hunt'

the 'status auction'

and another I won't reveal...

These are so simple, and cost nothing to implement but have

generated over 180k fans to some fan pages...

And when you see the monetization strategy, you may consider
quitting your day job to sit on facebook all day:

Cheesy, Easy, And No Cost Facebook Marketing...

Now I need to go back to my facebook account...

- Reilly
1,092 388
(16.9%) (6.0%)

hack into facebook...

This is your way to tap into the biggest source of buyer
traffic since before the first Google slap...

Tim Atkinson is a true 'facebook expert' and has made over

$300k so far in 2011 promoting clickbank products through fb.

I don't expect this to be live for very long, but check out
this video on how you can get started for $0:

$600 a day from facebook ppc starting with $0?

And it's not a scarcity tactic, this will probably be removed

for reasons you might remember ;)

- Reilly
1,217 652
(18.8%) (10.1%)

Wordpress affiliate program?

I just stumbled on a complete sales system built around

This system includes product delivery,

Multiple payment processor support, affiliate support,

membership support...

Heck even tracking and charting right through the admin!

There is also something included that nothing else I've

seen offers...

The ability to split test your offers!

Check out the video here:

Finally... A Serious WordPress Selling System...

- Reilly

P.S. Ben just launched his Google places method that made him
over $70k, check this out here:

Google Places Hostile Takeover...

1,170 540
(18.5%) (8.6%)

Google maps for WordPress, PLR

Newest WSO from Reilly Labs is now live...

Generate Google maps right on your WordPress blog.

Check it out here, early bird pricing for 48 hours:

Google Maps For WordPress, Brandable With PLR...

And of course this plugin is brandable with full PLR rights :)

- Reilly
1,092 623
(17.3%) (9.9%)

Groupon + mobile for an easy $197 a

Groupon is still massively untapped, especially with local

Now when you combine Groupon with this clever mobile 'coupon'
strategy, you have a unique service that almost no one is

Check out the video here to see what I mean:

Groupon + Mobile = Easy $197+ a month...

And yes, I also think you can charge A LOT more than $197 a
month for this service ;)

- Reilly

P.S. This WordPress theme is so good, I will be ripping it off

soon (good artists copy, great artists steal):
WordPress Theme I'm Going To Steal...
1,381 752
(21.8%) (11.9%)

wordpress theme for mobile, fan page,

and local search all in one...
This WordPress theme instantly creates a local site, a mobile
version, and an iframe ready (facebook) minisite out of any

It also includes support for QR codes, auto-responders, short

codes, and a host of other features you have to see.

For offline clients this is a no-brainer, simply install it

on WordPress and your work is done!

Take a look at the other features and the demo here:

Local site, mobile site, facebook site, all in one...

Hands down, the best WordPress theme I've seen yet.

- Reilly
1,135 564
(17.9%) (8.9%)

spy on local reviews?

Are you providing local reviews and citations to you or your
clients websites?

This is an absolutely crucial step after getting any page ranked

on the first page Google in order to keep it there.

This video explains what I mean:

Auto-Pilot Local reviews, I bet you forgot this...

No one is offering this local businesses!

- Reilly
1,153 537
(18.2%) (8.5%)

wordpress autoblog that doesn't suck?

This WordPress plugin turns your niche blog into a profitable
'review site' auto-blog in minutes...

This is literately plug and play here, it creates the content

and monetizes it with your affiliate links. The trick to a plugin
like this, is to set up as many blogs as possible in different

Once they start pulling in commissions you can either collect

passive money or sell them on flippa.

Check out this video to see how it works:

Plug and play plugin... (HINT: Sell these sites on flippa!)

More to come

- Reilly
1,351 704
(21.3%) (11.1%)

edu, gov links for $0...

This is push button SEO at it's finest...

There are so many plugins out there that handle the on page
factors for ranking for keywords, and now we have a solution
for offsite!

Watch this video, you literately pick a keyword, press go, and
you are provided with .edu, .gov, and high PR links in minutes:

Unlimited push button backlinks?

very cool stuff...

- Reilly
1,286 635
(20.3%) (10.0%)

facebook makes QR codes profitable?

ok this has to be the best use for QR codes I've seen...

This 'secret' web app connects QR code scanning with facebook

likes and both offline and online businesses are going crazy
for it.

Check out how it works here:

Facebook makes QR Codes Useful?

more to come...

- Reilly
970 382
(15.4%) (6.1%)

controversial way to profit from

Maria Gudelis has just released an eye opening course how she
banked over $45k from a 'cheapskates' market.

In fact I have a little confessional posted here...

Check out the 'confessional video' I posted on how I got started

in this 'cheap' market almost a year ago:

Find out how I got started pulling cash from this cheap market...

I'm in the members area for this now, and there are a ton of
surprises waiting...

- Reilly
1,059 438
(17.7%) (7.3%)

your video just went viral?

Ok, how about staying on the beach eating free food, shooting

And getting paid to do it all?

This has to be the coolest thing I have ever seen, and Mike is
teaching video marketing methods I have never heard of...

And how he is accidentally living the life of a rock star as a


Accidentally became a YouTube star using SIMPLE marketing...

Use these video marketing strategies for your own business or

do what mike does and get offline businesses to pay you to be
a video rock star.

- Reilly

P.S. Just watch the video on the thread, if you're like me you'll
learn one of his tactics just by seeing what he does here...
963 364
(16.1%) (6.1%)

in a crisis...
What if you were in a crisis and needed cash NOW?

Darren has put together a series of methods that are proven

to generate income in 48 hours or less:

Quick cash for a crisis (or to buy shiny things)

These are solid ways to make money, designed to get you out of
a jam...

But you don't have to be in a jam to implement the strategies

that Darren teaches here.

- Reilly
1,047 559
(18.2%) (9.7%)

make Google your bitch...

How does a first page ranking in 30 minutes sound?

In fact, I'll prove it to you... And show you how I got

YOUR clients to call me off the hook begging to pay me $500
for this simple hack:

Proof: 1st Page in 30 minutes...

A newbie marketer Kyle Kasterson showed me this and we

immediately started making bank about 3 months ago...

Now we're sharing the wealth :)

- Reilly
912 362
(16.0%) (6.3%)

Bing local bigger than google?

Screw Google!

Everyone and their mother has a page ranked with Google places
it's saturated, it has become a difficult market to sell...

Did you know Bing controls over 30% of the market and is growing

And the best part...

NO ONE is ranked properly and NO ONE is selling Bing local

rankings to local businesses!

This new course explains everything you need to know on how to

rank in Bing quickly, and how to sell the service to offline

Screw Google... Bing Is Gonna Be HUGE...

Bing will be a hot topic very soon...

- Reilly

749 9
(13.6%) (0.2%)

New WSO - QR Codes For Wordpress...

New brandable wordpress plugin with full PLR rights just released,
should be a top seller:

I have a few more brandable plugins like this coming out, with
built in lead capture, a new feature that I took from the now
closed desktop products.

This one allows you to put QR codes on any wordpress blog...

and a whole bunch of other features I won't mention here.

Check it out, leave me a comment with any suggestions!

- Reilly
1,045 530
(18.9%) (9.6%)

wordpress themes that hacks facebook?

Phil Henderson just released 12 wordpress themes that will
"SEO" your facebook fan pages...

This is the easiest traffic I have ever seen!

Also I am only half way through the videos that are included
with this (over 4 hours worth) and the way he monetizes facebook
is revolutionary -

"$1,500 in 5 days from one crazy niche on facebook" - Find

out the niche Phil is talking about:

12 themes to hack traffic from facebook - and get paid!

The 'extra special bonus' he includes is worth the ENTIRE thing.

- Reilly
883 409
(15.9%) (7.4%)

Hordes of traffic from... Youtube?

I just finished a guide on how to generate over $200 a day in
Clickbank commissions and let me spoil the report for you...

The traffic is all from Youtube!

The method is incredibly clever and easily outsourced, in fact

if you're an off-liner you could probably charge a fortune for

Now my recommendation would be to take the traffic generating

method used here and direct it CPA offers on Neverblue or
Azoogle or your favorite network. This would make
a lot more than Clickbank in my experience...

Steal this guys YouTube traffic method...

Either way, this is quick easy buyer traffic from a source that
is under-used.

- Reilly
1,003 484
(18.0%) (8.7%)

screw mini sites!

I am sick of every guru talking about these 'mini-sites' in
super tiny niches that make them like $100 a month...

Then they tell you all you have to do is make 100 of these
sites and you'll finally make enough money to quit your job,
assuming Google doesn't bump them in the mean time when they
change their algorithm...

That said I finally found someone who gets it right...

I just finished Simon Greenhalsh's surprisingly long course

on dominating niche markets with ONE authority site.

He doesn't even pay for the content on his authority sites

and he reveals the method he uses to get 100% click through
rate son these sites...

That's right, his niche authority sites have 100% click through's
to the affiliate offers:

Screw Mini-Sites, Become The Authority...

No cost content, strong authority base in search engines, and

100% CTR makes this THE COURSE for niche marketing.

- Reilly
1,072 574
(19.3%) (10.4%)

QR tags that steal clients?

Local businesses love QR tags and mobile marketing, especially

I just finished a report about this $0 software that generates

clients who are ACTIVELY looking for this technology.

Now Dave spends the first half of the report explaining exactly
how to service these rabid buyers with a combination of QR and
mobile marketing...

But the real gem is the way he gets these clients to ring his
phone off the hook on auto-pilot!

Check out the final bonus Dave is offering here, it could be

it's own offer:

Proven no cold-calling formula to get new clients...

QR tags are still hot, and with this method your competitions
clients will be ringing your phone off the hook tonight...

- Reilly
809 365
(14.8%) (6.7%)

16 years old and first offline check!

This kid has a constant flux of offline clients CALLING HIM...

He received his first $1,500 at 16 years old!

Kenster, another offline superstar has just partnered with this

'child prodigy' to release the hand-holding step by step guide
on how they pull in 4 figure checks from clients almost daily -

You will be SHOCKED at the simplicity of how he's been doing it:

So easy a 16 year old can do it... And has!

One of the bonuses is the very contract they use when booking
a client. This contract alone would cost $500 to have someone
draw up.

- Reilly
913 370
(16.8%) (6.8%)

traffic ponzi scheme...

I just finished a step by step guide to using a 'ponzi scheme'
(not the illegal kind) on Amazon's forum to drive a ton of
buyer traffic...

Jay has been using this source to generate an extra $250 in

sales to his bank account:

>>> $250 a week with this?

Check out bonus number 2 from Jason Fladlien :)

741 268
(13.6%) (4.9%)

Amazon Kindle Gold Rush...

There is an absolute gold rush on kindle ebooks right now
especially books written in a few 'secret topics'...

My buddy Cory just released his tell all on releasing kindle

books, and get this...

He is using PLR content and can get a new book out in 2 minutes!

Cory reveals the hottest selling topics and where to get unique
PLR content to quickly churn out new cash generating books.

His secret price point strategy alone will DOUBLE your kindle
sales guaranteed:

Amazon Kindle, A New Gold Rush?

Listen, this is easy money here. My personal kindle biz has

finally been producing respectable numbers and after reading
this guide, I'm confident I can double them next month.

- Reilly
831 372
(15.3%) (6.8%)

hack twitter to get to #1 on Google...

This is huge...

Maria Gudelis reveals why Twitter is even better than pay-per-click...

And this is only 1 of 14 modules on her newest WSO!

In fact here's the link because I don't want to spoil the other
big surprise she has:

Twitter Trick, Offline Checks, And Even The Kitchen Sink...

Oh and if you hate taxes as much as I do, check out bonus #1 ;)

- Reilly
764 344
(14.0%) (6.3%)

10 minute video makes $76,882 in 4

$76k in four months using a 10 minute video...

Russ is practically giving away the script and everything you

need to duplicate his results.

Step by step and you can have it together in an hour, producing

income hands off immediately:

10 Minute Video Makes 6 Figures...

I've been using sales videos a lot recently, and was blown away
by the tactics Russ uses here.

We've been seeing 6% conversions on $197 prices using this

stuff, it works!

- Reilly
791 294
(14.6%) (5.4%)

amazing facebook software to create

your own games?
This is amazing!

Let me just say that I personally have been making great money
on facebook programming games, something you USED TO have to
be a programmer to do...

This new software allows you to create flash based facebook

games without being a programmer. Two words...

No Brainer!

I only release about one WSO a month these days because I have
been spending my time making facebook games and cashing in on a

First check out this software, no programming needed:

Create Facebook Games Without Programming...

Now let me give you a hint without revealing what popular

facebook games I am secretly behind:

When you use CPA offers to monetize the games, for example
giving a player 'extra turns' or more points when they fill out
a survey...

You are able to do what I am doing right now:

Sitting on my laptop in a hotel as I travel the world over the

next year.

- Reilly
929 425
(17.1%) (7.8%)

getting wordpress site to page 1 in 5

The chatter about this is insane, it delivers in a way that is
rarely seen, and will probably turn out to be one of the best
sellers in a long time...

Give this course to your outsourcer, heck he even shows you

where to get the outsourcers...

Wordpress makes SEO easy if you do it right, and this is the

step by step plan you need to get either your, or your clients
Wordpress site on page one in 5 days:

Collect $1,500 from a local biz for ranking their wordpress site
on page 1 of Google in 5 days...

They are also offering skype support so you can learn the process
directly from Damon himself.

- Reilly
929 425
(17.1%) (7.8%)

getting wordpress site to page 1 in 5

The chatter about this is insane, it delivers in a way that is
rarely seen, and will probably turn out to be one of the best
sellers in a long time...

Give this course to your outsourcer, heck he even shows you

where to get the outsourcers...

Wordpress makes SEO easy if you do it right, and this is the

step by step plan you need to get either your, or your clients
Wordpress site on page one in 5 days:

Collect $1,500 from a local biz for ranking their wordpress site
on page 1 of Google in 5 days...

They are also offering skype support so you can learn the process
directly from Damon himself.

- Reilly
1,032 526
(19.1%) (9.7%)

Wordpress plugin for google maps...

How about putting an interactive map on your clients Wordpress site?

This new plugin is literately a push button solution...

And trust me clients will pay a fortune for this, something I've
normally had to program from scratch!

You can incorporate all the features of Google maps, displaying

the businesses location right on the site including directions
and the outside street view of the location!

Just watch the video of how simple it is to set up Google maps

using this plugin:

Add directions, Google maps, and street view to Wordpress in 3 minutes...

It's still cheap and the license lets you install the plugin
on as many blogs as you want!

- Reilly
955 493
(17.7%) (9.1%)

mobile marketing is freakin easy...

Like it or not mobile is the next big thing in marketing...

I FINALLY found a toolkit that gets anyone in this game,

a system that capitalizes on everything the mobile space
has to offer:

"Cellular mailing lists" to build a list of numbers you can

send text messages too...

QR codes for video and other media for users to scan with
their phone...

Creating mobile versions of local businesses current sites...

The best part of this package is the marketing material, created

by a TOP graphic artist and includes brochures, letterheads...

My god, it's everything you need to get in on the mobile game:

Done for you step by step mobile marketing toolkit...

There is a temporary price lock in effect that I heard will be

lifted in the next day or so, at which point the price will

This package is huge, I haven't even listed all the features

and bonuses here. Matt always over-delivers.

- Reilly
1,170 752
(21.6%) (13.9%)

Wordpress theme that gets clients?

What an incredible package...

The wordpress theme alone is worth a fortune, preloaded blog

posts and all!

Ryan also includes a PLR ebook on how to get listed on Google

that you can give to offline clients on lead capture sites...

And he listed the names of all the outsources he uses to get

the work done after he collects $2,000 checks.

This will truly allow you to live the 4 hour work week lifestyle:

2 Wordpress templates, All his out-sourcers, and that's just the beginning...

Check out the video commercial he also includes, this has to

be the first time I've seen something like this offered...

- Reilly
908 409
(16.8%) (7.6%)

twitter can actually be profitable?

How does making $233 a day after 60 minutes of work sound?

I just found an automated system that works 24/7 driving traffic

from twitter -

And the traffic converts!

My own tests converted even better then the 18.75% that Faud was
able to achieve, costing nothing but an hour of his time and
making $233 a day!

You don't even need an active twitter account, in fact, I

recommend starting with a fresh account even if you already
have followers:

$233 a day after 60 minutes of work on twitter...

I made A LOT of money with twitter early in my IM career, and

this is the first 'white hat' method I've seen that actually
works... And I've seen them all.

- Reilly
877 316
(16.3%) (5.9%)

'borrowed traffic' generates 15,283 hits?

Why pay for traffic when you can borrow it?

This is certainly one of the best kept secrets in traffic


Don't buy traffic, don't build traffic from SEO...

Borrow it!

Truth is at least 80% of my own sales come from borrowed traffic

and John Rhodes is letting the cat out of the bag!

This will start driving traffic instantly and what's more

important is that it will drive 'buyer traffic' to your site:

15,384 hits in 12 minutes from 'borrowed traffic'...

I wanted to get this to you as quickly as I could before the

price goes up.

Before you spend another minute on SEO, or another dollar on

paid traffic you really need to take the time to try this out.

Borrowed traffic is some of the highest quality, and easiest

to generate traffic online.

- Reilly
775 262
(14.4%) (4.9%)

picking up women the same as picking

up offline clients?
You have to see this 20 minute interview with Adam Nolan,
a former dating coach turned online and offline marketer who
reveals the sneaky way he closes deals...

It's posted right on this thread here:

Watch The 20 Minute Interview Here...

Also, he's including a 'black book' of businesses as well as

the very presentation he gives to land clients...

This is everything you need to close the sale on local businesses

- Reilly
1,022 485
(19.1%) (9.0%)

facebook software that gets offline

This was just released and all I have to say is... wow!

Kevin Koop has just released his 'offline lead machine', a

system that will not only get the prospects to call you, but
actually pre-sells them into wanting to hire you!

What really got my attention here was bonus number 1 -

How to use Facebook to get your foot in the door with local

They are even including a developers license to facebook

software that makes this whole thing a breeze:

Complete 'no cold call' lead gen system using facebook...

This has to be the most complete system for lead gen being sold
right now, I haven't even mentioned what I consider the best
part of this package (you'll have to check this bonus out for

- Reilly
879 416
(17.1%) (8.1%)

New WSO From Reilly - $535k Offline

What if you managed to get a fortune 500 company to pay you a
half a million dollars to do their marketing?

Let me give you the link first, because this will sell out fast:

New WSO - Landing Big Ticket Offline Contracts...

In my latest WSO I reveal the strategy used by my marketing

manager to book offline contracts with McDonald's, Adobe,
Proctor and Gamble, and the Department of Defense...

I promise you, this is a strategy any marketer can use to either

dominate the local scene, or to go 'big game hunting' and land a
6-7 figure contract with a publicly traded company...

And even a government contract...

Did you know different departments of the United States government

openly post work contracts online?

In fact there are 233 contracts open right now in the 'marketing'

Lou Mourelatos, the newest recruit to the Reilly Labs team has
spent the last few years doing offline marketing for the biggest
companies in the world. I recently took him on to run the offline
marketing division of my company after being awe struck at the
caliber of clients he has worked with in the past.

One thing that stuck out at me immediately was how he landed

a marketing contract with Adobe...

He sent a single email out to a contact in the company, a contact

he found from a lead database...
This one email was enough to get their attention, and land a
6 figure contract!

I grilled Lou over the phone on how he pulled this off, the
answer shocked me...

It was something so simple, yet so incredibly brilliant...

Lucky for you I recorded the call and you can listen to him
reveal all, his lead sources, his strategy, and what he actually
offers these companies that gets their attention:

Half A Million In One Offline Contract...

Whether you take these strategies to local businesses or you

go after the big names, take action on this and get the results.

- Reilly
616 209
(12.0%) (4.1%)

350k opt-ins by a newbie...

This was absolutely brilliant! John Cornetta an IM newbie
has built a massive list, over 350,000 quickly using some
'ninja tactics'...

For example one of the strategies allows him to keep 30%-50%

more subscribers, and this is a trick I NEVER see anyone doing...

He even goes into a strategy to convert social media traffic

into pure gold, and here I was hating on facebook all this time...

No ordinary list building course:

The Money Is In The List?

You have to see the brilliant move he uses to increase

conversions on his OTO pages by 30%. This alone is worth
the whole thing.

- Reilly

P.S. I think it should not come as a surprise to find out I

make a good amount of money building and mailing to my lists.
I can honestly say just putting one of these strategies to work
in my own business will pay for an extra vacation this year -

It's that good...

Sneaky Freakin' Ninja Lists...

557 177
(10.9%) (3.5%)

land a $500 client in 6 weeks or John

sends you a $100 bill...
What a crazy guarantee...

You really cannot lose here, John is confident enough in what

he is teaching to offer a crisp hundred dollar bill if you fail...

Now I went through the material and I can see why he's making
this offer - here are the takeaways I got from it:

A sales strategy with 94% profit margin...

the little template that has made John $1,631 so far in 2011,

How to land as many $500 clients as you can handle...

And he's giving the first client to you:

Guaranteed To Land You An Offline Client (Or He Pays You)...

Also, check out one of the bonuses, how to land a 6 figure

client using this same method...

This is the one that really got my attention ;)

- Reilly
926 482
(18.1%) (9.4%)

found the g-spot...

Did you know Google is lying to us with their keyword tool
and page rank?

They're calling it the 'g-spot' conspiracy, and after discovering

it, Mike was able to rank for 18,000 keywords and bring in an
extra 37,000 visitors to his site...

He's using 3 'quick fixes' that rank his sites for THOUSANDS
of keywords rather than just a handful,

and it works quickly...

This is a new way to look at SEO:

37,000 Visitors From 18,000 Keywords By Finding The 'G-Spot'

You'll be laughing at people who do old fashioned 'keyword'

research after you see this.

- Reilly
907 420
(17.7%) (8.2%)

get offline clients to look for you...

$1,897 is what one of Sam's students made on his first week...

This is what brought my attention to this program, and what

I found was a very clever and unique way to get clients.

Now this is a complete course, but what they are doing here
is a method to get clients CALLING YOU literately the same day:

$1,897 in one week without cold calling?

This course is all about immediate results, no cold calling

or salesmanship needed.

Take action with this as soon as you learn the method, the
sales copy on the thread does not do this product justice,
it's that good

- Reilly
707 283
(13.8%) (5.5%)

offliners using affiliate programs?

I just finished a massive course on offline marketing, what
should be considered the bible as far as I'm concerned. It
covers everything but one thing stood out in my eyes...

An affiliate program for offline marketers...

In video 5 Pete and Ken talk about an innovative way to grow

your offline business. After seeing this I can understand why
they have so many clients that they have been turning them

Also, just have a look at video 12 one of the BEST I've seen
on this topic, and it's the surest way to grow any business

Army Of Affiliates For Offline!!

More offline stuff coming out of Reilly Labs next week, one
thing in particular I PROMISE will change this game...

- Reilly
916 469
(17.9%) (9.1%)

page 1 in 24 minutes by an offline

This may be a new record...

A newbie gets listed on page 1 in Google in 24 minutes, making

over $500 a month instantly!

Imagine showing results like this to an offline client, ranking

on page one during your presentation...

Heck use the software I gave away and you could do it even faster.

Newbie Sets The Record: First Page In 24 Minutes + Proof

If you missed the software, send the reciept from this one
and I'll send you a link.

- Reilly
1,154 639
(22.5%) (12.4%)

wordpress plugin boosts search rankings

AND conversions?
This plugin is a simple design that actually boosts search
ranking and increases conversions (have had it installed on
one of my blogs for a few weeks now)

I was amazed at how well it works, and how simple it is.

Install this plugin on your blog (or a clients blog) and see
the results for yourself:

Instantly Boost Ranking And Conversion (I tested it myself)

As much as I hate wordpress, the modular design makes these

things so easy.

- Reilly
805 357
(15.7%) (7.0%)

media buying for offline clients?

I found a course that is absolutely fantastic, in fact I'm
putting it into action right now and I KNOW it will put a
huge amount of money in my pocket very soon.

Media buying isn't for everyone, it really is how the big boys

Most 'newbies' run away scared as soon as you mention it...

But what if you took these strategies and presented them to

offline clients? What if you took the time to become an expert
in media buying and approached local businesses about managing
their own media buying campaign!

I don't know anyone doing this currently and I think it's

an untapped opportunity...

The lessons in this course are some of the best I've seen,
you can tell this guy spends his time doing media buys and
not writing 'how-to' courses.

I think this sales letter sucks, no hype, no scarcity. It tells

it like it is and over delivers on the product:

Best Media Buying Course I've Ever Seen (Offline Potential)...

Personally I'm taking what I learned reading this and applying

it to my own business. If you have a successful online biz let
me assure this is how you take it to the next level!

- Reilly
853 394
(16.7%) (7.7%)

booking offline clients with a video?

I'm an old school sales guy who would always tell you to stick
with good old fashioned cold calling and direct mailing to
generate leads for your business - but this unique method is
something that is NEVER used, and will make you stand out

Just imagine this:

You send a pre-made letter to a potential client asking them

to watch a video...

And after watching they contact you begging to hire your


And get this... The letter template is included as a bonus,

and these simple yet highly effective videos can be outsourced
when you use this sales strategy.

Even if you get someone who is on the fence, this package

includes a plr report you can send them, as well an
"SEO rank finder" that shows them where they rank and how you
can improve their business in REAL TIME!

This is a steal, just use the materials provided and follow

all the steps. You will have a new client before the end of
next week:

How Do These Cash Sucking Videos Get Clients This Excited?

- Reilly
983 461
(19.2%) (9.0%)

spend $1 to make $7?

You have to love when the student beats the teacher...

Tommie Powers had perfected a method to spend $1 per lead

and to make that lead generate $1 per month. Simple strategy,
one we all use in our business.

Now one of his students went ahead AGAINST Tommie's recommendation

and changed a working system.

The result...

$7,044 a month after just 7 weeks!

That's over 7 times what his original system could produce.

If you could make $7 a month for every $1 you spend in this

system, how much money would you spend?

Check out bonus number 3, I mean can he make this any

freakin' easier to duplicate the process:

Rebel Student Makes 7 Times What The Teacher Made...

This is a scalable system, a system that is nearly identical

to the one I have been dedicating 90% of my time to lately.

Just absorb this case study and take action on it immediately.

- Reilly
886 451
(17.3%) (8.8%)

facebook software, online and offliners

NEED this...
I'm speechless at the possibilities here, this new lead
generation software for facebook is the most innovative thing
I've seen in a while...

This may very well change the way lead capture is done, and
I guarantee you will see some big name guru's using this
very same software soon (I've already started using it).

Normally when you want to capture an opt-in people need to

enter their email address and click a button. 9 times out
of 10 they give a fake email just to get whatever you are
offering them.

With this, all they do is click a button and their facebook

email is added to your auto-responder instantly.

If you have offline clients, imagine going to them and saying

how in one click you can steal visitors facebook emails...

And facebook approved the app!!

Check out the bonus half way down the page, these things are
high quality as well:

Facebook Approved App To STEAL Leads...

As a software guy who does over 7 figures in my affiliate

business, I can tell you it's the technology and innovations
like this that seperate the men from the boys in this arena.

- Reilly
967 466
(18.9%) (9.1%)

email template to get an offline client in

24 hours...
This offline newbie Charles went from $0 to over $90k a year
in 2 months by stealing the sales tactics of some big names.

In his broke desperation he went on a skype chat with Mario

Brown and a number of other offline super stars while they
shared their sales scripts and email swipes...

Charles did a simple 'copy paste' job to send to prospects

and ended up with $90,780 in annual contracts...

in 2 months!

I went through all the scripts and templates are they are
fantastic. Now please don't be a complete newbie here, if
you take these swipes and make them your own, put your own
spin on them and make the marketing targeted to the clients
you go after...

You can make a lot more than just $90k

Also, just look at bonus #3, I'm not gonna tell you what it
is, but when you see it you should know why I think it's
worth the whole thing:

Offline Newbie Closes $90k In Contracts With Stolen Tactics...

Copy and paste what this newbie copied and pasted and you will
duplicate his results...

Add a twist, make it more targeted to your customers and you

will takes his results and multiply them by 10.

- Reilly
845 407
(16.5%) (8.0%)

$52k in 4 days (time sensitive)...

...and that's just the bonus!

Tim Atkinson is a beast on Clickbank, the guy does well over

4 figures daily with a simple system.

Not to mention doing his own 7 figure launches...

This offer he just put out should be WSO of the month as far
as I'm concerned. This is the big dog stuff broken down in
simple steps...

He includes 4 pieces of software that get results in 45 minutes

of taking action...

All the work and commissions are earned right before your eyes!

Now the biggest thing I got out of this was the bonus he offered.
His last WSO was live for only 4 days, and he did $52,308.15.

Tim breaks down EXACTLY how he made this happen...

It's the sales record as far as I know, and I have spent

all day just studying this one BONUS!

Just look at the sexy proof he has on the page:

Video Proof - Students Who Copied, Pasted, And Made Money!

Like I said, this has my vote for WSO of the month like his
last one. Take action on this immediately!

- Reilly
1,032 563
(20.2%) (11.0%)

1st page results in 6 'phases' (be blown

I just finished a guide that blew me away!

Getting to page one on Google is freakin easy, in fact I

didn't want to recommend this since alot my 'competition' is
also on my list.

"set-and-forget" backlink source,

The single EXTERNAL link that will propel you to the top of
the rankings fast (who knew?)

increase click through rates 250% (increased mine so far)

There is just so much packed into it and it's way too under priced.

Oh and if you are an offline marketer, the best place to learn

SEO is from a guy who makes over $25k a month with just his

You read that right, Craig shows you step by step how he pulls
in 5 figures a month by targeting buyers with his SEO

$26,843 Last Month Using SEO??

I've already started putting them to work on ALL of my sites.

- Reilly
703 275
(14.4%) (5.6%)

$8k a month offline in 24 hours...

Mario signed up 10 clients netting him an extra $8,243 a month
and he did it in 24 hours. He did this using a method that I
myself had used in a different industry to get clients...

And frankly he does it better!

Now you actually get to see him use this pitch to a client
live. That's right, you get to watch him deliver the pitch
to real clients...

This is the first of it's kind I think...

Now you also get the power point presentation he used, and
the method and pricing structure he uses to approach local

The bonuses include live webinar training, and I expect this

will sell out quickly.

They reveal alot about the method right on the sales letter
so you could even just steal the idea:

$8,243 A Month In 24 Hours...

- Reilly
818 434
(16.8%) (8.9%)

21,290 visits... using plr?

Selling unedited PLR in a hot niche using other peoples SEO
work to make quick cash in 14 days...

Do I have your attention?

That's exactly Joel is doing here, and it works!

I hate SEO, you have to wait months for results and even then
you can never predict just how much traffic you will receive
and how it will convert...

So why not just jump in on other people's work?

What I love even more, is how Joel use unedited PLR to pull
in the cash...

At the end of the day, this 5 step method pulls in cash. Just
follow what he did to duplicate his results, and then scale
scale scale!

This Works Like Freakin' Magic...

Joel even shares his landing page template as a bonus, this

is one of those offers that if you don't make money...

Maybe you should consider staying at your day job.

- Reilly
981 604
(20.1%) (12.4%)

crazy software for offline marketers...

Why work hard when software and robots can do it all for you?
Christian is collecting $750 a month from his offline clients
to literately push a button on this freaking thing...

He outlines his entire method for getting his clients and the
service he provides right on the sales letter (so you can just
learn it by reading)...

Then the video demonstrates how easy this software makes it.

Whether you just steal his idea or grab the software check
this out:

Steal This WSO's Idea...

The bonuses were also well done, they get right to the point.

- Reilly
737 361
(15.1%) (7.4%)

offline madness...
$14,000 in 14 hours? You bet, in one week Brenden landed 9
clients using something so simple that I was shocked I hadn't
seen it before...

You need to see where he outsources the actual work, his ROI
is incredible...

I especially loved bonus number 2, the very email template

he used, one you can take action on immediately.

If you get in soon, you will have direct access to Brenden

via skype as well, so you can pick his brain:

$14,000 In 14 Hours?

As an old school salesmen I can tell you bonus number 5 is

one of the most important things you will learn when selling
in the offline world. This is also the first WSO I've seen
to include something like it.

- Reilly
950 555
(19.5%) (11.4%)

facebook on crack...
I hate facebook, and most people teach some bs methods on
getting likes and having lots of friends. They miss out on
what I consider the most important part...

Making the freakin money!

Now I just found something, the first facebook guide that actually
makes sense, and will put dollars in your pocket.

And he's including a viral script to automate the method!

This includes a big section on getting traffic from facebook

but more importantly...

The best guide to actually monetizing it I have ever seen.

Don't wait on this one, they have the price set to rise:

The Only Facebook Guide I Liked...

I'm actually going to take a second look at facebook now after

seeing this guide...

- Reilly
1,088 638
(22.3%) (13.1%)

new wso - trial offer...

I am limiting this offer to only 100 people. This is a 5 day
trial and it will sell out fast:

Get In With The Guys Who Are Making It Happen...

Great ideas being shared so far, as well as direct access to

my team. If you are looking to take your game to the next level,
this is the place to be.

Serious people only, I will be closing it off until new slots

open at which point the price will be raised.

- Reilly
1,046 657
(21.6%) (13.5%)

wordpress theme that doesn't suck?

I have a few niche blogs out in the wild that pull in some
steady income...

This theme I found practically forces visitors to click on

you ads, AND it handles on-page SEO.

The ease if set up is incredible, it will randomize ad locations

to combat ad blindness,

automatically match the link color of adsense ads to your

site's default,

automatically tracks click through's on the different ad


This is literately a set it and forget it blog creating machine.

It would take 10 minutes to set one up, and you're onto the
next one.

The bonus is even better, a no-nonsense guide to link building.

So set up the theme to handle ads and on-site SEO, follow the
link building guide to drive traffic...

And you can have an income producing blog quickly.

Check out the results he's had with these mini sites:

Enormous Time Saver...

How many would you build if you could create set and forget
income streams?

- Reilly
927 471
(19.2%) (9.7%)

we're all about to be sued...

The Feds are cracking down in our industry. Jeremery Shoemaker
(shoemoney) has been in court 25 time in the last 6 years,
Frank Kern was shut down and sued by the FTC early in his career...

I've personally been sent cease and desist orders from Hertz
Car, Twitter, and a celebrity who's name I won't mention
(part of the order I received)...

Recently, Full Tilt Poker and a numerous other poker sites

have been indited for bank fraud...

Do I have your attention yet?

Your IM business is at risk. Even though we all have good

intentions and run our businesses ethically, there are laws
and FTC compliance issues that I can tell you most of us are
unintentionally breaking.

I have just found a training course that I am making my entire

team watch, not only that but I'm about to drop a huge amount
of money retaining a lawyer to look over EVERYTHING I do.

This is mandatory if you take your business serious:

Your IM Business Is At Risk...

There is a live workshop as well that I will be attending.

This is not something we can take lightly, either get compliant

Or deal with it when you get sued. And never think you are too
small for it to happen, I've had issues, I've seen an old mentor
get locked up, you don't have to be as big as the guru's for the
fed's to take notice.
934 507
(19.3%) (10.5%)

one of the best niche's revealed...

This came as a surprise, one of the most profitable niches
hiding right under our noses...

And it's a niche I should have known like the back of my hand!

Ronnie reveals it in the thread here:

Bigger Niche Than IM...

Ronnie's a great guy and has been in this game longer than most.
The stuff he does with plr impressed the hell out of me when
I met him at practical profits a few months ago.

He's a great guy to know and ALWAYS over-delivers on content

and this package he put together is no different. Everything
you need to capitalize on this niche, and frankly...

I may take a little hiatus myself to put this into action.

- Reilly
889 493
(19.2%) (10.6%)

new wso - secret ninja stuff...

Whoa! This is stuff I've been working with recently and it is

There are a few people mailing and they always sell out quickly
so here's the link:

Secrets Of The Invisible List...

Top secret stuff from the marketing underground that I have

uncovered (at quite some expense I might add).

I can't wait to hear the results you guys get from this, this
is the biggest thing to hit marketing in years...

- Reilly
768 354
(16.6%) (7.7%)

oh my god...
I have never sent 2 emails in the same day but...

I literately stopped everything I was doing when I started

going through this course...

Video Proof Of 1st Page Rankings Quickly

Charles is in the apex club at click bank. That mean's he is

one of the top 100 out of all the affiliates on their network.

This is a step by step guide on getting traffic with SEO,

He covers every search engine not just Google here and I am

in awe at this...

Like I said, I'm so blown away by this that for the first time
in my IM career I am sending a second email on the same day:

The ONLY SEO Course You Will Need...

Just go through this and thank me when you're on page 1.

- Reilly
614 247
(13.3%) (5.3%)

first time on camera...

Big response from yesterday's video (my first time on camera
and it was windy!) and I wanted to answer a few of the questions
I've been getting. First, in case you missed it, here's the video:

Ok, so here are a few FAQ's:

The chat is an open 24/7 skype group that myself and my

team use daily. You will be connecting with us everyday. is live and members of the chat can start posting

their offers right away:

The one on one coaching includes lifetime access to the chat,

webinar's, and WSOJV site.

The chats will be very casual, with the webinar's being the
hard core training.

We will be looking at joint product/ JV proposals as they are

made in the chats.

Hope that answers all of your questions, and once we fill this
chat we will close it down until spots open up again.

This will be launched as a WSO soon, just wanted to make sure

previous customers get a chance to get in early :)

- Reilly
667 212
(14.5%) (4.6%)

Live chat with Reilly...

Just released, this will fill up fast! Watch the video (A
little windy in the beginning but only the first part):

Watch This Video...

I released a limited one time coaching program a while back

as well as a private forum 'profit hackers'.

I get emails every day asking to release it again, and this

time I've come up with something better...

Check out the video to see what I mean:

Watch This Video...

Should be an exciting group.

- Reilly

615 205
(13.4%) (4.5%)

he just had to one up me didn't he?

You know I love friendly competition, and John Rhodes just
HAD to one up me on this one...

Naturally I buy this offer to see what it was all about and
WOW John never disappoints!

Making $1,000 a day seems to be a growing trend on the

Warrior Forum, and you know what?

It's easy when you can scale something simple.

If you've seen any of my whole 2 info products you know that

I can develop and get a product to market quickly...

But again John seems to have one upped me with his '2 hour
product creation method'.

This is a must have, I study this guy's stuff extensively so

hopefully I can one up him on the next one:

$40k in 40 days...

This will most likely make WSO of the day so I wanted to get
it to you early so you can get the lowest price.

- Reilly

628 238
(13.6%) (5.2%)

his girlfriend did what???

I deal with a lot of newbies who always have the craziest ideas
in this business...

Most of the ideas are completely retarded and it takes a good

6 months for a newbie to 'get it' and make dollar 1.

Now a buddy of mine recently convinced his girl friend to give

internet marketing a try after handing her a copy of the 4
hour work week. I HATED that book by the way...

He thought it would be interesting to 'turn her loose' and

let her figure this whole game out for herself. A week later
she had come up with the typical crazy newbie idea... But
the weird thing were the results she had:

over 12,000 active users on facebook

A huge email list

HUGE JV partners in every niche

and most importantly...

SALES in her paypal!!!

Her fresh eyes had discovered methods that the pros had missed,
using coupon sites, classified sites,

the one crazy email she sends that make JV partners BEG to
work with her...

You just have to see exactly what this girl came up with in
her first 2 weeks as an internet marketer:

>> My Buddy's Girlfriend Shocks The Old Pros...

Newbies can simply model her method and the old pros can pick
up a few new tricks on this one. It's like when they say
children have an easier time learning a new language...

It seems newbies can be the most inventive since they come

with a fresh set of eyes to this business.

Maybe I should hire a few more newbies to the Reilly Labs team...

- Reilly
851 337
(18.5%) (7.3%)

black hat copy...

I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw this...

Kevin Rogers is one of the best copywriters in the business.

The guy has worked directly with John Carlton and has written
the sales letters for some of the top selling clickbank
launches in the last few years...

I'm talking launches that do millions in a few days...

In fact I personally have planned on hiring Kevin for my

upcoming clickbank launch, and his fee is well into 5
figures, he's that good!

So what's the offer?

A training video where he takes you through all the elements

of some of his top selling clickbank sales letters...

Letters that I usually rip off when writing my own.

Look at the end of the day, if you want to learn from one
of the people that I have personally learned from and intend
to hire to write my sales letters, this is where it's at:

The True Mastermind Behind Million Dollar Launches...

Watch this video, and study everything this guy does. I have
written sales letter for my WSO's that convert at over 30%.

Most of those letters are built by ripping off something Kevin

had written for a click bank launch. If you take internet marketing
serious, at all, then study this freaking course! You'll thank
me later ;)

- Reilly
838 432
(18.3%) (9.4%)

91,271 pageviews...
I recently hired someone to SEO my blog, something I've
neglected to do since I'm a paid traffic guy. I started looking
for courses and offers to help me learn a few more tricks and
struck gold with an older offer I found...

If you read carefully you'll see that this guide was originally
created to train this guy's SEO team on a formula of sorts for
them to follow. This is what sold me on it, and I'm glad it did.

The one trick to help avoid the Goggle farmer update is worth
the price of the whole thing...

Discount pricing still available:

Best SEO Course In Quite Some Time...

I hate doing SEO so I find the best guides out there and give
them to my outsourcers to go to work. In order for that to
work, you need step by step formula type guides for them to
follow, and this is exactly what I was looking for.

- Reilly
824 369
(18.0%) (8.1%)

hack google images...

I have a few sites in the celebrity gossip niche that get's
all their traffic from Google images. I simply scrape images
from other celebrity blogs and use the right captions, you
have no idea how many people search for celebrity names in
Google images.

These were a few 'secret auto-blogs' I run that make me some

money with CPA, locking the content with a pop-over survey...

Easy money.

Now it seems someone is letting the cat out of the bag :(

I just picked up this course on hijacking Google images, and

I have to say it's pretty damn good! I'll be implementing alot
of the strategies into my image auto-blogs and should give them
a nice boost in traffic.

Hack Google Images For Free Traffic NOW!

"First page in 72 hours" - One of the testimonials, and I will

tell you this is completely doable. Combine this with an auto-blog
in the celeb gossip niche and CPA Lead...

And you have one of my ninja money makers ;)

- Reilly
796 352
(17.4%) (7.7%)

go after the buyer keywords...

You don't need alot of traffic to make money - you need the
right kind of traffic. Some of the highest converting traffic
you can get comes from ranking in the search engines for product
related keywords.

I just stumbled on an interesting method, you start by finding

'emerging products' on clickbank, products that are slated to
be the next big thing but don't have as much competition.

You then create a small 'Google friendly' site and rank for
all the buyer keywords relating to that product...

This may sound like alot of work, but trust me, after you see
this you'll be astonished at just how easy this is:

Newbie Goes From $0 To $118 A Day...

He's closing this on April 12th so I wanted to get this out

to you as early as possible.

Check out the bonuses, he's giving away a wordpress guide by

Jason Fladlien!

- Reilly
939 540
(20.5%) (11.8%)

hooked you up with this software...

Ok so I found this offer that was giving some cool software
away to only the first few buyers. The bonus is practically
over (only like 5 left) but I got the owner to PROMISE me
to give any of my customers access to the software.

The software is a viral content generator and is the biggest

part of this course.

Grabbing it through my link ensures you get a copy of the beta

version, even though she is about to close the bonus:

Secret Back Door Link To Get The Limited Bonus...

The course itself is all about getting viral content out on

youtube, facebook, twitter and other social networks.

Like i said, the software is the best part here and you are
guaranteed a copy as one of my customers :)

- Reilly
931 377
(20.4%) (8.3%)

how the hell??

The best money making methods are simple and scalable. New
twists on an old trick that skyrocket results.

I just finished reading a report where the author made over

$1,700 in 48 hours by applying a small twist to an old method.

Early pricing might sell out fast so here's the link:

SO How The Hell Did I Manage To Generate $1,716 In 48 Hours???

He keeps adding bonuses, and one of them is an offline hybrid

method I haven't seen before.

So how the hell did he make that money so quickly? Well as

soon as you find out, take immediate action on the strategy
and let's see if you can top his numbers.

- Reilly
712 213
(15.7%) (4.7%)

and the winner is...

March's affiliate contest has just come to a close...

I will be updating the leader board tonight, so tomorrow

morning if you had promoted any of the Reilly Labs products
check the leader board on Profit Hackers! The winners will
need to shoot me an email to work out all the prize details.

This month we are looking for the next WSO super stars...

If you haven't seen it, Will Perkin's released a WSO with

the help of the Reilly Labs team and pulled in over
$15,000 in 7 days:

Instant WSO Super Star...

I am ACTIVELY looking for the next superstar to help turn

their WSO's into cash cows. The top 3 winners of last months
affiliate contest will come first, and priority will be given
to the top affiliates this month as well. is scheduled to launch this month, and you will be

able to hire a personal JV launch manager to oversee you WSO
and help recruit affiliates.

Exciting stuff and as I said before, the best way to get noticed
is to be an affiliate. You can sign up and promote all the Reilly
Labs WSO's here:

Affiliate Offers

- Reilly

795 337
(17.6%) (7.5%)

4 hour work week on crack...

I have been big into outsourcing to grow my business and
work less hours, and I just found a GOLD MINE that can help...

This is primarily geared toward offline marketers so if you go

after local clients will this will be an even bigger help to
you than it was for me.

The bonus on outsourcing and ad copy swipes for hiring was

worth the price for me, but if you're an offliner...

Check out bonus #4, how to get realtors to pay you $2,000 a
month for a SIMPLE service

The 4 hour consultant...

Discounts for early buyers so I wanted to get this to you

before Mike Lantz or someone else send a flood of buyers and
the price gets raised :)

- Reilly

1,071 635
(24.1%) (14.3%)

new wso - a first for Reilly :)

This is a completely unique look at a market that has turned
out to be bigger than I ever imagined...

Being my first ever ebook I priced it low but don't let that
fool you. I promise you, when you are done with this book you
will never look at the Warrior Forum the same way again...

Will sell out fast:

$30k In 30 Days...

There really isn't anything else to say, just look at the

testimonial on the sales letter from Will Perkins who made
over $15,000 this week from scratch with this...

- Reilly

797 317
(18.2%) (7.2%)

membership site in 7 days...

Membership sites are the way to go for recurring income, but
they are not easy to get started. I just found this offer,
a complete steal from one of the best in the business...

This will include a live webinar...

a look-over shoulder series...

Pricing strategies...

how to pick the red hot niche...

and a challenge to take action where it seems you could win an

iPad 2.

Whether you start them yourselves, or you want to do them for

offline clients, this is a must. Check out the number she pulled
in from just one of her membership sites half way down the page:

Converting Membership Site In 7 Days Live...

Maria has a multi-million dollar business. Being able to watch

her as she builds a money making membership site in 7 days is
huge opportunity.

I believe she is limiting the seats on this too.

- Reilly

876 364
(20.0%) (8.3%)

kindle on crack...
I mentioned before that I am on a hiring and outsourcing spree,
the things I've been able to accomplish with this new team have
been incredible! It allows me to take any idea that makes a little
bit of money and scale it up almost over night...

Now I found this offer where Mike Carraway talks about how he
is able to make an average of $4 a month for every kindle book
he publishes. Of course when I saw that I thought maybe it's something
I can get one of my new outsources to scale for me...

Then I kept reading his sales letter and found out he teaches
you a place to get this process outsourced for pennies!!!

Real Hands Off Recurring Income AND Where To Outsource It...

That sold me, not only is this a simple method to make recurring
income, but he shows you where to have the process outsourced.

That means not only will you have monthly income on auto-pilot,
but the business will also GROW on auto-pilot and THAT is what
separates a real business, from just another money maker.

- Reilly

1,038 518
(23.6%) (11.8%)

I bought this offer earlier because it had a funny name, (yes
I am a sucker for cheesy advertising). It turned out to be
better than I ever thought, and have been making a few changes
to all my sites based on some of the tricks in here...

900 backlinks from one article submission...

12 sites that replace article marketing...

A list of items that should be on every review site (I immediately

added them to mine)...

...and that's just the stuff I IMMEDIATELY put into action after
reading. There's a ton more I haven't mentioned:

Beat On Google Like A Dominatrix...

Check out the last bonus on the page, one on one coaching!!!

It's selling fast so I wanted to get this out as quick as I

could before it becomes WSO of the day and the price gets raised.

- Reilly

1,237 731
(28.7%) (16.9%)

just a gift, some cool software :)

I've had some incomplete software sitting on my computer for
about 2 months now. It was supposed to be a big launch, had a
JV partner, and people told me it would be revolutionary to
SEO using videos.

Well the JV partner had dropped out and I got pissed so I never
completed it. The software is like 90% done, it works, and it's
extremely powerful in the right hands.

Now I was just going to trash it, but since I've been falling
behind on a few expected updates for my customers...

I figured why not just give the thing away. After all, it may
not be finished but it does work:

Ultimate Video SEO Solution

What's the catch? An OTO before the download page you can just
skip at the bottom.

On a side note you'll be seeing some new names and faces with
Reilly Labs because I've been on a hiring spree. Trying to do
everything myself has caused me to fall behind on alot of things
so I've begun to hire, and outsource and focus on the important

One person in particular you'll be hearing from is a good friend

of mine, Ali G. I worked with Ali back in my wall street days
and have known him for years. Former bank rep, mortgage processor,
and proprietary trader for a hedge fund here in NYC.

Smart guy who has direct access to me on a daily basis so if

you get email replies or you see communication from him, just
know it's not some outsourced help desk, he's in the office right
next to me and can get things done quick.
I've also been outsourcing some developers which will allow
me to get updates and fixes out quicker as well as enter new
markets. Things like brandable adobe air apps, brandable phone
apps, all sorts of fun stuff.

I might even start taking freelance development work for the

team. Hand picked and led by me, you know this will be THE
go to team for software development.

Anyone immediately interested can reply...

Should be fun...

- Reilly

961 460
(22.4%) (10.7%)

video tab on google places??

I found this offer that was going over ways to get offline
clients with a sales strategy pitching google places. Simple
and effective system that works, but at the end...

How to put video tabs in google places??

It's always these little things that take a solid strategy and
turns it on it's head and gives you a REAL edge.

Check it out here, it's mentioned at the bottom as part of

the pre-launch:

Video In Google Places

I mean that's a no brainer service to offer your clients who

already want to be ranked well in google. It also makes a good
ice breaker, you mention google places to a potential client,
you get the usual -

"yea I heard about it"

But to have the rebuttal "Ever put a video on there to increase

you exposure?"

Now you have a sale!

- Reilly

1,012 386
(23.8%) (9.1%)

Just released an update for the facebook iframe plugin. You
will need to uninstall the previous version and install the
new one. Also, the training videos have been updated and can
now be downloaded to give to the end customer. We have also
put together an ebook you can give to the end customer.

Everything is on the same thank you page, customers should

have an email from Justin with a direct link. If you missed
his email just reply with your transaction ID and I'll send
it over.

For those who haven't seen, this has become my fastest selling
WSO, and it will close permanently on March 31st (The JV partner
on this is making me close it):

Facebook WSO Link

Affiliate contest is almost over! Top affiliates get to JV

with Reilly Labs on a launch.

- Reilly
937 554
(22.9%) (13.6%)

new WSO - facebook VERY LIMITED

Somehow I convinced Justin Wheeler to let me sell a limited,
brandable, PLR version of his popular Facebook fan page Creator.
It's basically a Wordpress plugin that solves the biggest and
hottest issue in our market right now: Facebook's switch to

I don't think I need to tell you how fast this will sell out:

Facebook Fan Page Solution With PLR

If you haven't noticed, every WSO relating to this topic has

sold hundreds of copies, even the crappy ones. This is a
huge market, lots of demand, lots of hype around it and now
anyone can get in by selling - or - just giving away the
solution to this problem.

For those wondering, this does count towards the affiliate


Also, I released a beta version of the website indexers version

2.0 in the beginning of the month. This will be moved to a 'public'
beta version so anyone who owns the tool will have access :)

In the mean time, this will be a big seller so you will have
to act quick:

Facebook VERY Limited

More software updates and new stuff to comeing this week.

- Reilly

788 448
(19.5%) (11.1%)

offline WSO - URGENT!!

I wanted to get this to you as early as I could, who knows how
fast this will go. This WSO is a no brainer for off-liners, and
at this price you're practically stealing it:

Brutally Simple Offline System

There's few people I can really vouch for, but having met
John Rhodes a few months ago...

I can honestly say he's the real deal. This offer he JUST
released is a quick way to put cash in your wallet. The
guys got a million ideas a minute, and this is one you need
to get to work on now.

Check out the 'secret 3 words' he uses to book clients in 60

seconds revealed half way down the page, worth reading even
if you don't buy:

Secret 3 Words To Land Clients

This is an urgent one, I have no idea how long he is keeping

this offer open or how fast his stuff will sell out. His WSO's
sell even faster mine so you if you blink you might miss it!

- Reilly

777 433
(19.7%) (11.0%)

new wso... plr software to help newbies

I just released a new WSO, brandable wordpress plugin that
can help newbies monetize their blogs. I think anyone who
resells this stands to make alot of money:

Monetize In 30 Seconds

The affiliate contest ends March 31st and this will be a hot
offer to promote! Now's your chance to win this thing and get
Reilly to work for you next month :)

This plugin started out as an SEO plugin, my wordpress

programmer emailed it me and asked "do you think you can sell
this?" The funny thing was I saw the SEO potential in his
idea, but decided to test it one of my niche blogs to promote
affiliate offers instead.

Had some interesting results on a few of my auto-blogs and

realized there is some serious potential here for even newbie
marketers. But I figure it's better to make it brandable and
give you the chance to sell this technology, either as an SEO
plugin, or a way to monetize a Wordpress blog.

More to come...

- Reilly

P.S. The current top affiliate on my leader board was getting

close to $2 per hop on the last offer. Just throwing that out
there :)

571 203
(14.5%) (5.2%)

increase conversions...
All the traffic in the world won't make you a dime if you can't
convert your visitors into leads, and leads into buyers. I just
finished reading a course on a few tricks to increasing your
conversions, and I have to say, this is the most complete course
on converting traffic I have seen:

Revolutionary Conversion Boosting Tricks

Every aspect of your business is covered, from squeeze pages

to email clicks, to sales letters. I promise you will find at
least one gem in this course that will help you pull more money
out of your business.

Put just one of these tips into action and it will pay for itself
many times over:

Check Out The Proof On This Sales Letter

The price is locked for the next few days, but there is currently
alot of buzz around it, so I imagine the price will increase soon.

- Reilly

723 327
(18.5%) (8.4%)

i hate social media...

I don't have a facebook, a twitter, or a myspace and I'm proud
to say I have never played farmville. Always considered them
to be 'time wasters' if you are a business owner.

Well it seems 'social media skills' are in high demand these

days, some places paying as much as $400 an hour for 'experts'
to develop a social media strategy.

Whether you freelance to offline clients or would consider

getting a job as a 'social media expert' (yes, it turns out
this is real) you need to see this:

Becoming A Social Media Strategist

You need an edge. Offline marketing is all the rage right now but
like any industry that booms, it will eventually get saturated.
If you are pitching the same services as everyone else you will
eventually be force to compete on price, a losing battle that
cheapens everyone.

If you want to be one of the few who have longevity in this

business you need to have something different to offer. You
need to keep up with the trends, be aware of new technology
and even get a little innovative.

I hate social media, but it's a hot topic. People want this
service, and We don't want to be left behind because our
competition knows a few extra tricks on facebook:

Follow The Hot Trends

Don't forget: The more action you take, the more money you
- Reilly
616 276
(15.9%) (7.1%)

offline marketing, everything you need

to make it...
Offline marketing is easy money, when you approach it correctly.
Getting clients, selling clients, providing a service, it might
seem complicated but it doesn't have to be...

I just found a course that goes into detail on EVERY aspect

of offline marketing. From getting the clients, to what services
to offer, to how to actually do the service.

This is complete, and if you don't make money with this, you
should consider flipping hamburgers instead of internet marketing:

Offline Marketing Crash Course

This was just released this morning and I wanted to get it out
to you before they raise their prices. If you're willing to
actually do what they teach you, you will make 6 figures in
2011. I know an 18 year old kid who does offline marketing in
his spare time making over $100k a year, and I even told him
to invest in this course.

If your an old pro I still recommend it, if just one of these

strategies gets you an extra client, or gives you something new
to offer, it pays for itself 10 times over.

If your new and scared this is a great COMPLETE course on offline

marketing. There have been many courses, but none that are this
complete. I expect to hear some success stories from you soon:

Quit Your Job Already

I hope to see you in the 6-7 figure club soon...

- Reilly
785 408
(20.5%) (10.7%)

this is a must if you do WSO's...

If you are not doing WSO's you are missing out on the biggest
and easiest way for any newbie to make money online. And I mean
alot of money, heck I've done over $10,000 since the first of

It's easier for me to come up with products being a programmer,

but the truth is there are newbies who are doing WAAY better
than I am with just there first WSO.

Check this out if you don't believe me:

Over $9,000 in 48 Hours??

I've done well with WSO's, but it usually takes me 3-4 days
to hit that many sales so I HAD to see what the heck he was

I learned some interesting points reading through it, and will

be applying the strategies in my next WSO's. I'll beat that 48 hour
record of his :)

Although, the record for WSO's I believe stands at well over

$30k in the first week, things have really changed with that
forum and I only see it getting bigger.

This is simply a must, whether you have never done a WSO,

never considered doing one, or maybe you're an old pro:

A Must Read On WSO

2 Weeks from now you can send me a thank you when you make
4-5 figures from your own WSO ;)

- Reilly
966 562
(25.2%) (14.7%)

i hate this facebook iframe thing...

If you haven't heard facebook will no longer be supporting
their FBML anymore. That means apps and fanpages will have
to start using their new iframe based system!

I get alot of emails everyday from customers asking me to

build a simple solution to the problem and was hard at work
before I found this:

Solution To Facebook Change

Seems someone has beaten me to the punch! This is a simple

solution using wordpress that makes everything easy. Now you
won't have to hire an expensive programmer like me to set
up your facebook apps and fan pages.

What I like about this most is the way it uses wordpress.

Most of the time web based software is a pain to install and
manage, but you when you build something around wordpress the
entire process is easier enough for newest newbie.

Check it out, one way or another you WILL need a solution to

this switch:

You've Been Warned About This!!!

Don't say Reilly didn't warn you about this!!!

- Reilly

1,064 605
(28.1%) (16.0%)

software update and info... important

I received a ton of hate mail after releasing my last WSO.

Not really, but I did get alot of great feedback and feature
suggestions for the software, and have released an updated
version. I also have some valuable resources here:

Software Update

The blog post is a no BS no fluff look at QR codes from the

perspective of a programmer/marketer rather than a guy selling
you info. More importantly there are a few resources you guys
should check out that will tell you everything you ever need
to know about those pesky QR tags.

More stuff for you to buy soon...

- Reilly

770 428
(21.1%) (11.7%)

New WSO - my coolest release yet...

QR Tags are all the rage right now. You see them everywhere,
everyone wants them. There have been a bunch of very successful
WSO's recently teaching you how to sell QR Tags them to local

My WSO takes it a step further, as usual ;)

Brandable software, especially in this hot new niche will sell

out faster than my usual titles so here's the link:

Quantum QR Generator

Profit Hackers you can get this title in the usual place. I've
had a TON of people asking me to build this, and I may expand
on the software to include all bar-codes not just the current
populate encoding.

Personally I hate the idea of barcodes, I think there is much

better technology out there than this. Hell, QR isn't even the
best choice for matrix bar-codes. But as I've learned, it's
not always the best technology that gets adopted and becomes

New Wordpress WSO this weekend as well, and I MIGHT release

a keyword tool I had built last month. Then again I might just
give it away only to Profit Hacker members...

Talk Soon...

- Reilly

563 298
(15.7%) (8.3%)

offline marketers need this...

I rarely take offline clients but when I do I charge $10,000
upfront plus the fee for any work I do. How can I charge such
outrageous fees? The answer is simple:

I can do things 99% of other marketers can't.

One of the things I offer businesses is custom QR codes. QR

tags are 2D bar codes that can hold information. End consumers
can scan these tags with their phones to view the companies
website, or contact information.

These tags are becoming extremely popular, especially here in

New York where every subway poster seems to have them.

Now I built my own software to generate theses tags and have

been thinking about releasing it, but it seems someone beat me
to it...

...he who hesitates is lost:

QR Tags

This is a great course that gives you everything you need to

offer QR tags, also known as DataMatrix Barcodes to offline
customers. I've been offering them for a while now, and I
can tell you they work and clients will pay top dollar for

Check out the offer here:

Offer Matrix BarCodes To Offline Customers

More on offline tactics soon...

- Reilly
512 241
(14.4%) (6.8%)

Affiliate contest and huge JV

Here it is, the first official affiliate contest for Reilly Labs.
I promise this contest will be a life changer...

...when you see the first prize I've announced, you'll see why.

All the details are here, as well as a secret surprise that only the
affiliates get to know about :-)

Affiliate Contest

This contest will only get bigger, the prizes will get more insane,
and you have the chance to put your name on this, when we make history.

- Reilly

760 384
(21.5%) (10.9%)

New WSO, Brandable Wordpress

Software is hot right now, especially Wordpress plugins. This latest
offer is a brandbale plr wordpress plugin that can generate exit pop-ups
on any wordpress blog. Huge market potential with this one I ALMOST didn't
want to include plr rights...

Will sell out fast so check it out here:

WP No Escape

Profit Hackers members can grab the plugin in the products and offers
section of the forum. You need to be a full premium member ($97 a month)
in order to have access to the thread here:

Profit Hackers Forum

Tons more plugins on the way in the next few weeks as well as new
desktop software.

I will be using Mike Lantz's affiliate program for the month of March
and will be announcing an affiliate contest in the next few days.
Version 2 of the website indexer is scheduled for March 1st, and I
will re-launch every other offer in the days following.

This will give all affiliates plenty of products to promote during the
contest. The top ten affiliates will have access to the outside offers
section of profit hackers, and I will promote their offers in a JV.

Their products will also be included in my affiliate program, so you

will have a small army of affiliates ready to promote your offers!

More to come...

- Reilly
780 412
(22.7%) (12.0%)

insiders club for WSO's and other

I'll be giving away the next two brandable software titles to members
of the new insiders club. This program will be a huge value to those
that get in early:

Profit Hackers

The first WSO will be a brandable Wordpress plugin that sets up exit
pops on any page you specify. This is all set for launch this weekend.

The second WSO will be brandable desktop software, scheduled to launch

in 2 weeks.

Members of the new insiders forum will get them at no cost, even before
the actual launches!

Tons of more features including JV opportunities, affiliate access,

and consulting. Check them all out here:

Profit Hackers

Talk Soon...

- Reilly

845 476
(27.0%) (15.2%)

Closing WSO's...
I am closing down all of my WSO's. The time has come to turn this
into a more serious business, I show you how I plan to do this as well
as provide you with some cool start-up resources here:

Closing Offers And Building A Business

When you start a business it's important to structure it correctly,

this is something I failed to do with my brandable software biz mainly
because I did not take it seriously. This was little more than an
experiment to see if there was any interest in this type of software.

Now I've only released one product this month, mainly because I've been
hard at work re-structuring the entire business model. I thought about
releasing an ebook or video series teaching you how to do this, but I
figure it gives me something to blog about instead.

Off shore accounts, virtual offices, trademarking, and everything in

between, You can read all about it here:

Closing Offers And Building A Business

As you will read above there is more to come real soon...

- Reilly

P.S. All emails will come from '' in the future.

511 170
(16.8%) (5.6%)

let's meet for a drink...

Ok first, here's the replay on Keith Dougherty's presentation last
night. Keith doesn't just talk about his unique strategy, he actually
puts it to work live on the call!

There is so much potential in this strategy, in fact towards the end

I reveal just why I think this strategy is something everyone should
learn, and how I will be using it personally in the coming months to
sell more software in my business:

Keith's Awesome Replay

On a side note, I'll be going to the 'practical profits' meeting in

Orlando next weekend, so anyone who is signed up will get a chance to
meet me and a few of my friends. Keith will be there, he'll be doing
a live no pitch seminar along with a few others.

Personally I think I might be sneaking out early to do some surfing...

If anyone is like me and has a short attention span for these types
of seminars, I still recommend you go just for the opportunity to
network with other successful marketers. Worst case you have a few
drinks with some of the presenters (and Reilly) then sneak out with
me to hit the waves! Jet skis anyone?

You can check it out here (not an affiliate link, I'm not even a
presenter, I just think it's a great chance to meet everyone):

Practical Profits

Hope to see you guys there.

- Reilly

397 116
(13.1%) (3.8%)

LIVE on the call right now

We are live on the call right now waiting for you.

Keith is getting ready to create that new income

stream LIVE.

Jump on here:


- Reilly

399 60
(13.1%) (2.0%)

LIVE Webinar is Tonight

Just a quick reminder, the LIVE
Webinar is tonight at 7:00pm
Eastern (NY Time). You can see
full details below regarding this
powerful new system.

Register now to secure your spot:


Email From Yesterday


Every once in a while I stumble upon a little gem or innovation that

makes me wonder why I never thought of it before...

This is certainly one of them, and I am considering it 'required training'.

I have invited (truthfully pestered for about 2 months until he said yes)
Keith Dougherty to teach a marketing strategy that is completely unique
and very similar (actually better) than something I've been trying to
do in my business.

This is something that requires no list, no seo, no ppc, and exploits a

2,400,000 unique visitor free traffic source. You guys know I only
use unorthodox strategies that work in my personal business, and this
is one of them.
Join us tomorrow Tuesday, January 18th @ 7:00 PM EST (New York Time)

Keith will demonstrate this system live:

Why am I REQUIRING you to attend this webinar? Because I have been working
on strategy similar to what Keith does, and was BLOWN AWAY when I saw
how he implements it.

I tend to complicate things but he makes the entire process so simple

I had to get him on a webinar so I could use it as an excuse to watch
him and learn how to do this myself :)

Again tomorrow Tuesday, January 18th @ 7:00 PM EST (New York Time)

Pull up a chair next to me and Keith and get ready to see exactly what
I mean:

And if you've been on my list for any amount of time, you know I have
NEVER endorsed anyone before.

The potential for this strategy is going to increase dramatically very

soon based on some things I've heard from insiders at a few big software

I'll tell you about it on the Webinar ;)

- Reilly

581 132
(19.1%) (4.3%)

webinar training...
Every once in a while I stumble upon a little gem or innovation that
makes me wonder why I never thought of it before...

This is certainly one of them, and I am considering it 'required training'.

I have invited (truthfully pestered for about 2 months until he said yes)
Keith Dougherty to teach a marketing strategy that is completely unique
and very similar (actually better) than something I've been trying to
do in my business.

This is something that requires no list, no seo, no ppc, and exploits a

2,400,000 unique visitor free traffic source. You guys know I only
use unorthodox strategies that work in my personal business, and this
is one of them.

Join us tomorrow Tuesday, January 18th @ 7:00 PM EST (New York Time)

Keith will demonstrate this system live:

Why am I REQUIRING you to attend this webinar? Because I have been working
on strategy similar to what Keith does, and was BLOWN AWAY when I saw
how he implements it.

I tend to complicate things but he makes the entire process so simple

I had to get him on a webinar so I could use it as an excuse to watch
him and learn how to do this myself :)

Again tomorrow Tuesday, January 18th @ 7:00 PM EST (New York Time)

Pull up a chair next to me and Keith and get ready to see exactly what
I mean:
And if you've been on my list for any amount of time, you know I have
NEVER endorsed anyone before.

The potential for this strategy is going to increase dramatically very

soon based on some things I've heard from insiders at a few big software

I'll tell you about it on the Webinar ;)

- Reilly

821 433
(28.5%) (15.0%)

update for the stealth links plugin...

I woke up this morning to about a million emails about my newest plugin
requesting a number of different features. The one feature that has
been requested the most is to cloak the url in the task bar after the
plugin performs a re-direct.

So I spent the morning updating the plugin to do just that!

Now when you send a user to an affiliate link, the url remains on your
page. For example, if I wanted to send you to google:

To use this new feature just uninstall WP Stealth Links and install the
new version from the same download link as before.

What's that you say, you don't own WP Stealth links? Well allow me to
redirect you to the sales page through my cleverly cloaked link:

There will be more updates soon with additional features based on the
feedback I get. So if there is a feature you are looking for, don't
hesitate to ask. Some of the features I will be implementing:

1. Requiring registration to capture leads

2. Placing backlinks to your site on the users main page
3. Tracking clicks on the affiliate links
4. Cycling pages using Googles website optimizer

I'll be hard at work on these as well as a new release I'm hoping to

get out by Friday.

- Reilly

975 487
(32.6%) (16.3%)

first wordpress WSO...

From what I've seen this is the first of it's kind! Wordpress plugins
are all the rage it seems, and there is alot of money to be made selling
plugins that offer push button solutions to common problems.

This plugin does just that, AND it's brandable AND it includes
re-sell rights. Will sell out fast so check it out here:

WP Stealth Links

As much as I hate working with php, a friend of mine has been making a
fortune selling plugins so I couldn't resist jumping into this market.
Especially when I watched him build a simple plugin in front of me in
about an hour!

There will be an entire line of brandable plugins coming, plugins that

can do things I didn't even know Wordpress was capable of not being a
php programmer myself. I have partnered with my 'Wordpress genius'
friend and will be buildling desktop branders to make his crazy
creations brandable and sell-able for the non-techy marketers.

On a side note I will be updating the desktop product line but before
I do I will be releasing 2 new products that use the new interface.

The first will be a product that will help you offline marketers get
leads for mortgage companies. Should be released in the next week.
I've been getting a ton of requests for software to help you offliners
out there. Don't worry, Reilly is hard at work developing software
solutions you can offer your offline customer :)

The second product will be a better version than one of the top selling
consumer products of all time on Clickbank. I hate this product and
decided it was time I build one that blows it out of the water and level
the playing field by giving all my customers a brandable version to
compete directly with them.
FYI As much as I hate this product, I have made alot of money as an
affiliate. Now my customers get to be their competitors :)

More to come during the week

- Reilly


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