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Sri Lanka Institute of Robotics

PLC Programming Ladder Revision Tutorial 1

(1) For the following questions take F1, F2 as Q0.0 and Q0.1. For A, B, C, D, take I0.0, I0.1,
I0.2, I0.3
I. F1 = A.’B’ + A.B
II. F1 = A’.B + A.B’
III. F1 = (A + B) + (C+D)
IV. F1 = A.B + C.B’
V. F1 = A’ + B.C’
VI. F1 = A’ + B’.C’ + D.C’
VII. F1 = A’.B’.C’ + B’.C.D’ + A’.B.C.D’ + A.B’.C’ (simplify)
VIII. F1 = B’.D + B’.C’ + A’.C.D’
IX. F1 = (A + B)’ + (C + D)’
X. F1 = (A.B.C.D)’
XI. F1 = (A.B)’.(C.D)’
XII. F1 = ((A’.B) + (C’.D))’
XIII. F1 = A.B , F2 = A + B
XIV. F1 = (A’ + B’) + C , F2 = F1’.D + F1.D’
XV. F1 = ((A’.B’ + A.B)’. (C’.D + C.D’) + (A’.B’ + A.B). (C’.D + C.D’)’)’. (A’.B + A.B’)
+ ((A’.B’ + A.B)’. (C’.D + C.D’) + (A’.B’ + A.B). (C’.D + C.D’)’)’. (A’.B + A.B’)

I. There are two push buttons A, B. when both switches on or both off a motor must on.
II. There are two push buttons A, B. if either one switch is on motor must stop. Otherwise
III. A conveyor belt has three failsafe sensors A, B, and C and one emergency switch D. the
conveyor stops under the following conditions.
 Emergency switch is pressed
 Sensors A and B are activated
 Sensors B and C are activated

Derive the truth table for above system and implement the ladder program.

IV. Designing of an emergency call display unit

A train consists of seven carts pulled by an engine. If there is an emergency condition in
a particular cart, it can be informed the engine driver by pressing a push button on each
cart. The railway department wants to develop a digital system such that when the
emergency button is pressed in a particular car, that car’s number should be displayed
in the driver’s dash board using a seven segment display. If no button is pressed, the
display remains off.

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Draw the functional block level diagram of the proposed digital system. (System is
going to implement using a one seven segment and a driver IC.)
Implement the PLC program.

V. Weighted vote display

A company has nine shares and they are divided among A, B, C, and D in such a way that
A owns one share, B and C own two shares each and D owns four shares. Each of those
persons has a switch to close when voting yes and to open when voting no for the
company decisions. When voting, each person’s vote has a numeric value which is equal
to the number of shares owned by the person. The total vote value of A, B, C and D
should be displayed with a seven segment display, but the individual voting is not
required to record. If no one voted for the decision, the display should be blank. Design
a PLC system.

(3) Explain the scan cycle of a PLC.

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(4) Describe briefly the output of the following ladder program.

I0.0 Q0.0

I0.1 Q0.0

(5) What is the difference between the normally close instruction and NOT instruction?

(6) Explain the difference between normal inputs outputs and immediate input outputs.

(7) Explain positive transitions and negative transition contacts.

Positive Transition contact

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Negative transition contact

(8) State the use of NOP operation.

(9) In a system there is one push button A and one output to the motor. When A is once pushed
motor must start. When A is pushed again motor must stop. (Toggle Action) implement the
ladder program using bit logics only. Cannot use counters.

(10) Design of a simple DC motor control system.

Forward Motor
PLC Driver


 Initially motor must in disable mode (Stop). When disable forward, backward must
have no effect on the system.
 When start button is pushed three times motor must enable. (Ready to start)
 If motor is in enable mode, we must be able to control the motor direction using
forward and backward pushbuttons.
 To disable the motor again stop push button must push three times.

Note: you cannot use counters to implement this system. Bit logics only.

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