Feedback Amplifier

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On completion of this period you would be able to :

• Define feedback.
• Need for feedback.
• Types of feedback.
• Define negative and positive feedback.
• Advantages and disadvantages of negative and positive
• Compare negative and positive feed back.
9AEI303.33 1
Topics to be discussed:

working of amplifiers and their parameters.

Topics under discussion:

what is Feed back?

Comparison of different types of feed back.

9AEI303.33 2
What is Feed back?
• The process by which a fraction of output energy is
injected back to the input is called feed back.

• The amplifiers using this technique are called feed back


9AEI303.33 3
Characteristics of basic amplifiers

Important characteristics of an amplifier are its :

• Voltage gain.
• Input impedance.
• Output impedance.
• Band width.

These parameters are more or less fixed for a

basic amplifier.

9AEI303.33 4
Need for feed back

• The parameters of a basic amplifier are required to

changed as per the need.

• These changes can be brought out efficiently by

introducing feed back in the amplifier.

9AEI303.33 5
Types of feed back
Depending upon the effect of feed back signal there
are two types of feed back.

• Negative feed back.

• Positive feed back.

9AEI303.33 6
What is negative feed back?

When the feed back signal decreases the

net input signal i.e., the feedback signal is
1800out of phase with respect to input
signal, it is called negative or
Degenerative feed back.

9AEI303.33 7
What is positive feed back?

When the feed back signal increases

the net input signal i.e., the feedback
signal is in phase with the input signal,
it is called Positive or Regenerative
feed back.

9AEI303.33 8
Advantages of Negative Feed back:
• Improves stability in gain.

• Reduces distortion.

• Reduces the noise level at the output.

9AEI303.33 9
Disadvantages of negative feed back

• decreases the gain.

• decreases the distortion.
• decreases the noise.

Due to these features:

it is used in amplifiers.

9AEI303.33 10
Disadvantages of positive feed back

• Increases the distortion.

• Increases the noise.
• Poor stability.

Due to these features:

• it is seldom used in amplifiers.
• it is used in oscillators.

9AEI303.33 11
Comparison of positive and negative feed back
Negative feed back Positive feed back
Feed back 1800out of phase with the In phase with the input
signal input signal. signal

Net input Decreases Increases

Gain Decreases Increases
Noise Decreases Increases

Stability Improved Poor

Uses Amplifiers oscillators

9AEI303.33 12
Principle of feed back.
+ +
Rs Io
Ii I
Mixing Basic V Sampli Vo
vs net amplifi ng
work er networ -
- A k
Vf network
. β

Block Diagram of Feed Back Amplifier

9AEI303.34 13
• Feed back amplifier is one in which a part of the
output of an amplifier is fed back to the input.

• It consists of
basic amplifier with a gain A.
feed back network.
sampling network.
mixing network.

9AEI303.34 14
Basic amplifier

• This stage simply amplifies the signal that is

present at its input .

• The voltage gain of this amplifier is “A.”

9AEI303.34 15
Feed back network

It is usually a passive two port network which

may contain resistors , capacitors & inductors.

9AEI303.34 16
Sampling Network

• Using this network, we sample the output voltage or

current. The sampled energy is fed to the feedback
network linearly in series or shunt with the output network.

Sampled Signal is Voltage Sampled Signal is Current

9AEI303.34 17
Mixing network

• This network mixes the feedback energy with the

applied input. The feedback signal is connected in
series or in shunt with the input signal.


9AEI303.34 18
Gain of negative feed back amplifier


A gain of amplifier without feedback Xi

difference signal
Xs input signal. Af
feed back amplifier
9AEI303.34 19
Negative feed back is applied by feeding the
fraction of the output voltage βXo back to the
amplifier input.
Xi = Xs-Xf
Xf = ß.Xo
Xo = A.Xi
Substituting in Xi
Xo =( Xs- ß.Xo)A
Xo(1+A. ß) = A.Xs
Xo/Xs = A/(1+A. ß)
Xo/Xs is called the gain of the feed back amplifier.
Af =A/(1+A.β)
9AEI303.34 20
Advantages of negative feed back amplifier.
• Increased stability.

• Increased band width.

• Less distortion .

• Reduces non linear distortion and noise.

• Input and output impedance can be modified as


• High fidelity i.e., more linear operation.

9AEI303.34 21
Disadvantages of negative feedback

Reduces the gain of an amplifier.

9AEI303.34 22
Basis of classification

Classification of negative feed back

amplifiers is based on the method
of mixing and sampling employed.

9AEI303.35 23

Negative feed back amplifiers are classified into:-

• Voltage series feedback amplifier.

• Current series feedback amplifier.
• Current shunt feedback amplifier.
• Voltage shunt feedback amplifier.

9AEI303.35 24
Voltage series feedback amplifier

Vs V amplifie Vo R
i L


Vf back
This connection increases the input resistance
and decreases the output resistance .

9AEI303.35 25
Current series feedback amplifier
Vi amplifie
Vs Io R



This connection increases both input resistance

and output resistance
9AEI303.35 26
Current shunt feedback amplifier
Is βIo I amplifie
i Io R L


I f
This connection decreases input resistance and
increases the output resistance.
9AEI303.35 27
Voltage shunt feedback amplifier

Is I i
amplifie Vo R

βVo r

I f

This connection decreases both input resistance

and output resistance.
9AEI303.35 28
Signals in feedback amplifiers
signal Type of feedback
Voltage Current Current Voltage
series series shunt shunt
Output signal
Voltage Current Current Voltage
Input signal
Voltage Voltage Current Current
signal Voltage Voltage Current Current
signal Voltage Voltage Current Current
Gain A
Voltage Trans Current Trans
gain Av conductan gain Ai resistanc
ce Gm e Rm
factor β Voltage Resistan Current Conducta
ratio ce Vf/Io ratio nce If/Vo
Vf/Vo 9AEI303.35 If/Io 29
Voltage shunt feedback amplifier

• A resistor is connected between the collector and

base of the transistor.

• The output voltage Vo is much greater than the input

voltage Vi and is 180 degrees out of phase with Vi.

• The portion of output is connected through the

feedback resistor Rf to the base.

9AEI303.36 30 30
Voltage shunt feedback amplifier

9AEI303.36 31 31

• The feedback current If=(Vi-V0)/Rf ~V0/Rf = β V0.

• Feedback factor β = -1/Rf.

• The feedback current is proportional to the output

voltage, this circuit is an example of voltage-shunt
feedback amplifier.

9AEI303.36 32 32
Current series feedback

• The feedback signal is the voltage Vf across RE and the

signal is the load current Io.

• The feedback signal Vf= Io RE.

• The feedback voltage is directly proportional to the output


• The feedback factor β = Vf/Io= -Io.RE/Io= -RE.

9AEI303.36 33 33
Current series feedback

9AEI303.36 34 34
Current shunt feedback

• A two transistor CE amplifier with feedback from the

second emitter to the base of first through the resistor Rf.

• The input current is the difference of the current at the

base of transistor due to Vs and the current If.

• This is smaller than the magnitude of current without


9AEI303.36 35 35
Current shunt feedback

9AEI303.36 36 36
• Feedback signal If =RE Io/ (Rf + RE.)

• Feedback factor β = If/Io = RE/(Rf +RE.)

Rf >>R E

β = R /Rf

9AEI303.36 37 37
Voltage series feedback

• Common collector amplifier is also known as emitter


• The output voltage Vo is developed across the emitter

resistor RE and is fedback to the input in series.

• The feedback factor β = Vf/Vo = 1.

9AEI303.36 38 38
Voltage series feedback

9AEI303.36 39 39
Comparison of different feedback amplifiers
S .No Characteristics Voltage Voltage Current Current
series shunt series shunt
1 Stability of transfer Improves Av Improves Improves Improves Ai
gain Rm Gm

2 Frequency & phase decreases decreases decreases decreases

3 Nonlinear decreases decreases decreases decreases
4 Noise decreases decreases decreases decreases

5 Bandwidth increases increases increases increases

6 Output resistance decreases decreases increases increases

7 Input resistance increases decreases increases decreases

9AEI303.36 40 40
Voltage amplifiers

• The primary function of a voltage amplifier is to raise the

voltage level of the signal.

• The voltage amplifiers are designed to achieve

maximum voltage amplification.

• Small signal amplifiers give large output voltage taking

small input signal amplitudes.

9AEI303.39 41
Voltage amplifiers

• The first few stages in the multistage amplifier are used

to achieve only voltage amplification.

• Only very little power can be drawn from its output.

9AEI303.39 42
Power amplifiers

• A transistor amplifier which raises the power level of the

signals is known as transistor power amplifier.

• This amplifier can feed large amount of power to the


• Power amplifiers are also called large signal amplifiers.

• In general the last stage of multi stage amplifier is the

power amplifier.

9AEI303.39 43
Differences between power and
voltage amplifiers
S.No Voltage amplifiers Power amplifiers

1 These are small signal These are large signal

amplifiers amplifiers
2 Power output is small Voltage output is small

3 The transistor with high β The transistor with low ß is

is used used
4 Collector current is less Collector current is high

9AEI303.39 44
5 Input signal voltages are very Input signal voltages are
low in magnitude high in magnitude

6 R-C coupling is used Transformer coupling is


7 The devices used are low The devices have to supply

current devices with large output large currents and are of
resistance low output resistance
8 Cascading and cascoding is Push pull complimentary
used symmetry and Darlington
circuits are used
9 Heat generated is very less. No Considerable heat is
cooling arrangements are generated. Cooling
required arrangements are required
9AEI303.39 45
Differences between power
and voltage amplifiers

S.No Voltage amplifiers Power amplifiers

10 Output must be free from Reasonable distortion is

distortion permitted.

11 Their operation is restricted Non linear operation is also

to linear portion. allowed

12 Used as preamplifier Used in output stage

9AEI303.39 46
The characteristics that make an amplifier as voltage
amplifier are:

• Higher value of β (>100) – thin base.

• Low input resistance.

• High collector load resistance.

• Low collector current.

• R-C coupling.
9AEI303.39 47
The characteristics that make an amplifier as power
amplifier are:

• Thick base i.e., smaller value of ß.

• Collector current is high.

• Low collector load resistance.

• Transformer coupling.

9AEI303.39 48
Power Amplifiers

• Converts DC power from supply into AC power.

• They are large signal amplifiers.

• Larger portion of load line is used during signal operation

than small signal amplifiers.

• Classification is based on percentage of input cycle for

which amplifier operates in its linear region.

9AEI303.40 49
Classification of Amplifiers based on

• Audio frequency or AF power amplifiers used in the

audio range i.e. 20 Hz to 20 KHz.
Example : Public Address System etc.
• Radio frequency or RF power amplifiers used in the
radio frequency range from 30KHz to 3MHz.
Example : Radio receiver etc.
• Video frequency or VF power amplifiers used in the
video frequency range > 3MHz.
Example : TV receiver etc.

9AEI303.40 50
Classification according to Period
of Conduction
• Class A power amplifier.
Conduction angle θ = 360o i.e. full cycle

• Class B power amplifier.

Conduction angle θ = 180o i.e. half cycle

• Class C power amplifier.

Conduction angle θ <180o i.e. less than half cycle

• Class AB power amplifier.

Conduction angle 360o< 9AEI303.40
θ >180o i.e. more than half cycle51
Class A Power Amplifier

The period of conduction is 3600

(Full Cycle)

9AEI303.40 52
Class B Power Amplifier

• Period of conduction is 1800 (Half Cycle)

9AEI303.40 53
Class C Power Amplifier

• Period of Conduction is less than 1800

9AEI303.40 54
Class AB Power Amplifier

• Period of Conduction is greater than 180, less than


9AEI303.40 55
Classification based on Configuration

• CE Amplifier.
Uses CE configuration

• CB Amplifier.
Uses CB configuration

• CC Amplifier.
Uses CC configuration

9AEI303.40 56
Class b power amp

• An Amplifier is biased at cut-off (class-B)

• We can get more output power for a given amount of

input power

• It is more difficult to implement the circuit in order to get

a linear reproduction of the input waveform.

9AEI303.41 57
Class-B push-pull Amplifier


9AEI303.41 58

• Two Transistors are connected in push-pull


• It consists of two centre-tapped transformers T 1&T2 and

two identical transistors Q1&Q2.

• Transformer T1 is secondary centre tapped input

transformer and is a phase splitter

• It is required to produce two signal voltages that are 1800

out of phase.

• T2 is an output primary center tapped transformer.

9AEI303.41 59

• T2 is required to couple the a.c. output signal from

the collector to the load.

• Transistor Q1 and Q2 are biased at cutoff.

• To get a balanced circuit, two emitters are

connected to the centre tap of T1 and Vcc supply to
the centre tap of T2.

9AEI303.41 60
• With no input signal transistors Q1 & Q2 are cut off.

• No current is drawn from the Vcc supply.

• Input signal is applied through center tapped


• The inputs supplied to the bases of two transistors are

out of phase.

• Thus the two transistors conduct on alternate half cycles

of the input signal.
9AEI303.41 61
• Current for each transistor flows opposite directions
through Secondary of T2 transformer.

• The magnetic flux set up by each currents result in

opposite flux.

• Net flux is Zero.

• Transformer is not required to handle a large flux due to

d.c. currents.

9AEI303.41 62
• During positive half cycle of the input signal, base of Q1 is
positive and Q2 is negative.

• Q1 conducts and Q2 is off.

• During negative half cycle of the input signal, base of Q1 is

negative and Q2 is positive.

• Q1 is off and Q2 conducts.

• Each transistor handles one half of the input signal.

• Output transformer joins these two halves and produces full

sine wave.
9AEI303.41 63
Advantages of Class B push – pull power

• Possible to obtain greater power output.

• Efficiency is higher (78.5%)

• Negligible power loss at no signal.

9AEI303.41 64

• Higher harmonic distortion.

• Self – bias cannot be used.

• Supply voltages must have good regulation.

• Transformers are bulky and expensive.

9AEI303.41 65
Class-B Operation

n Vout t0 t1
t0 t1 t2

Fig 11.1

In class-B operation collector current flows only 1800.(Half cycle).

9AEI303.42 66
Class-B operation

• More output power is obtained than class-A amplifier.

• The transistor dissipates no power with zero input signal.

• Overall efficiency is 75%.

• Power dissipated by the transistor is less in class-B


• Average current drawn by the circuit is smaller than that

of class-A amplifier.

9AEI303.42 67
Q-point location for class-B operation

Fig 11.2

The Q-point is at cut off.

9AEI303.42 68
Q-point location for class-B operation

• Class-B amplifier is biased at the cut off point, Icq=0 and


• It is brought out of cutoff and operates in its linear region

when input signal drives the transistor into conduction.

• The output is not a replica of the input.

9AEI303.42 69
Max value of A.C. o/p power in class-B Amplifier

• Location of a Q-point for class-B amplifier along with

maximum variation of Vce and Ic with largest possible signal.

• In a class-B amplifier power is developed only during one half

cycle of the input signal.

• PO(ac)=1/2[VCP/√2].[ICP/√2]=1/(4*VCP.ICP).

9AEI303.42 70
Advantages of push-Pull amplifier

• Circuit efficiency of a class-B push-pull amplifier is 78.5%.

• No power is drawn from the d.c. supply under no signal


• Eliminates even order harmonics in a.c. output signal.

• Due to the absence of even harmonics the circuit gives

more output per device, for a given amount of distortion.

• No d.c. component in the out put signal.

9AEI303.42 71
Applications of Power Amp

The AF power amplifiers are used as output

stages in the audio equipment such as
• Radio receiver.
• Tape recorder.
• TV receiver.
• Public address system.
• Stereo system.
• Sound system in cinema theatre.

9AEI303.43 72

Audio frequency power amplifiers are used in

• Telephone circuits.

• Repeater circuits.

9AEI303.43 73

Radio frequency power amplifiers are used at

the output of broadcast transmitters for feeding
large power to the antenna.

• Radio transmitter.
• TV transmitter.
• Radar transmitter.
• Satellite transmitter.

9AEI303.43 74

Power amplifiers are also used in

• Industrial electronic equipment.

• Medical electronic equipment.

9AEI303.43 75

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