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Onilne Bus Ticket Booking System ( Obtbs)(1)

Foundation of information systems and society (Addis Ababa University)

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Addis Ababa University

School Of Information Science
Industrial Project 1
Hulu-Bus Transportation System
Web-Based Long Distance Bus Ticket Booking System
Prepared By:
Group Members ID
Selam Belayneh UGR/6552/12
Tihitena Amare UGR/6780/12
Tsedenawit Lemma UGR/2064/12
Woletemaryam Liyew UGR/5126/12
Yonatan zewdu UGR/9017/12
Yordanos Shiferaw UGR/1953/12

January, 2023

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1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 7
1.1. Overview .......................................................................................................................... 7
1.2. Background of the organization ....................................................................................... 7
1.3. Statement of the problem ................................................................................................. 8
1.4. Objectives of the project .................................................................................................. 9
1.4.1. General objectives ..................................................................................................... 9
1.4.2. Specific objectives .................................................................................................... 9
1.5. Feasibility study ............................................................................................................... 9
1.5.1. Technical Feasibility ............................................................................................... 10
1.5.2. Economic Feasibility .............................................................................................. 10
1.5.3. operational feasibility.............................................................................................. 12
1.5.4. Schedule feasibility ................................................................................................. 13
1.5.5. Social feasibility...................................................................................................... 13
1.6. significance of the project .............................................................................................. 13
1.7. Beneficiaries of the project ............................................................................................ 15
1.8. Methodology .................................................................................................................. 15
1.8.1. Data collection ........................................................................................................ 15
1.8.2. System development methodology ......................................................................... 15
1.9. Development Tools and Technologies ........................................................................... 18
1.9.1. Front end development tools ...................................................................................... 18
1.9.2. Back-end tools ............................................................................................................ 19
1.9.3. Modeling and documentation tool .............................................................................. 20
1.9.4. Deployment Environment........................................................................................... 20
1.9.5. Development Environment ......................................................................................... 20
1.10. Scope of the project .................................................................................................... 20
1.11. Risks, assumptions and constraints ............................................................................ 20
1.11.1 Risks............................................................................................................................... 20
1.11.2. Constraints ................................................................................................................ 21
1.11.3. Assumptions.............................................................................................................. 21
1.12. Phases and deliverables of the project ........................................................................ 22

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1.13. Work-break down structure ........................................................................................ 23

1.14. Project Schedule ......................................................................................................... 26
2. Business Area and Analysis Requirement definition............................................................ 28
2.1. Overview ............................................................................................................................ 28
2.2. Business area analysis .................................................................................................... 28
2.2.1. Activities/functions of the organization .................................................................. 28
2.2.2. Problems of the current system (using a selected frame work) .............................. 29
2.2.3. Forms and reports of the current system ................................................................. 30
2.2.4. Players of the existing system ................................................................................. 31
2.3. Requirement Definition .................................................................................................. 31
2.3.1. Functional requirement ........................................................................................... 32
2.3.2. Non-functional requirement ........................................................................................ 33
3.Object Oriented Analysis ........................................................................................................... 35
3.1. Overview ............................................................................................................................ 35
3.2. Use Case Modeling ............................................................................................................ 35
3.2.1. UI Identification .......................................................................................................... 36
3.2.2. Business Rule .............................................................................................................. 38
3.2.3. Actor Identification ..................................................................................................... 39
3.2.4. Designing the use case diagram .................................................................................. 39
3.2.5. Use case description .................................................................................................... 41
3.3. Conceptual Modeling ......................................................................................................... 49
3.3.1. Class diagram .............................................................................................................. 50
3.3.2. Class description ......................................................................................................... 52
3.4. Sequence diagram .............................................................................................................. 55
3.5. User Interface Prototyping ................................................................................................. 60

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List of Tables
Table 1.1 1Estimated operation cost of existing system ............................................................... 11

Table 1.2 1Estimated operation cost of proposed sysetm ............................................................. 11

Table 1.3 1 Estimated benefit of proposed system ....................................................................... 12

Table 1.4 1 Risk type .................................................................................................................... 21

Table 1.5 1 Phases and deliverables ............................................................................................. 22

Table 1.6 1 Work break down structure........................................................................................ 24

Table 3.1 1 UI Identification ......................................................................................................... 36

Table 3.2 1 Business rule .............................................................................................................. 38

Table 3.3 1Actor identification ..................................................................................................... 39

Table 3.4 1 Use case description for login .................................................................................... 41

Table 3.5 1 Use case description for ticket reservation ................................................................ 42

Table 3.6 1 Use case description for cancel ticekt ........................................................................ 42

Table 3.7 1 Use case description for check ticket availability ...................................................... 43

Table 3.8 1 Use case description for make payment .................................................................... 44

Table 3.9 1 Use case description for print ticket .......................................................................... 44

Table 3.10 1 Use case description for Add route .......................................................................... 45

Table 3.11 1Use case description for update route ....................................................................... 45

Table 3.12 1Use case description for delete route ........................................................................ 46

Table 3.13 1Class description ....................................................................................................... 52

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List of Figures

Figure 1.2 1Gantt chart ................................................................................................................. 27

Figure 2.1 1 Ticket form ............................................................................................................... 31

Figure 3.1 1Use case diagram ....................................................................................................... 40

Figure 3.2 1Class diagram ............................................................................................................ 51

Figure 3.3 1Sequence diagram for login ....................................................................................... 55

Figure 3.4 1Sequence diagram for reserve ticket .......................................................................... 56

Figure 3.5 1Sequence diagram for cancel ticket .......................................................................... 56

Figure 3.6 1Sequence diagram for Add route ................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 3.7 1Sequence diagram for delete route ............................................................................ 57

Figure 3.8 1Sequence diagram for update route ........................................................................... 59

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List of Acronyms

OBTBS=Online Bus Ticket Booking System

BR= Business Rule
HTML=Hyper Text Markup Language
MYSQL=My Structured Query Language
PHP=Hypertext Preprocessor
SDLC=System Development Life Cycle
UI=User Interface
WBS=Work Break Down Structure

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1. Introduction
In today’s tech era, Internet has become much popular around the world. Almost all the devices,
which are known as smart devices, can connect to the internet and access data from any corner of
the world. There was a time when people used to waste their valuable time just to get a price of
information. Now the technology is more advance than compare to any of previous times. One of
the blessings of technology is web application. It allows users to interact with the system from
anywhere as long as they are connected to the Internet (IBM, n.d.).
Here the system we are going to discuss is "Online Bus Ticket Booking System" which is
completely a web-based system. As already mentioned above the Internet has made the user’s
interaction through the system easier, so this web-based system can connect to respective servers
for accessing data which will surely help users to purchase the bus ticket or reserve their seats
online with-out waiting on queue. Moreover, in recent days people are likely to travel to get some
relief from their monotonous life. In this modern tech era, they want a system that will enhance
the portability, accessibility, as well as user friendly. So here we are going to develop a web-based
system, which we already stated above, having all the features that will make it more friendly and
In this system, we provide different types of buses categories like Abay, Golden, Habesha, Africa
and others. The system manages details that are related to traveling fare details, seat availability,
details of booking, bus type, bus details, seating arrangement, passenger enquiry. The charges for
the ticket depend on the distance the customer wants to travel.
In this system we provide the features to the passengers like passengers can choose available seats
themselves. This system also provides the admin facilities like manage bus, route, and schedule
1.1. Overview
This chapter introduces about organization’s background, project objectives, project scope, project
schedules, and methodology of the project.
1.2. Background of the organization
The idea of modern land transportation in Ethiopia was first started during the time of Menelik ||
in which he brought a single vehicle from abroad. The idea then developed by Emperor
Hailesilassie and grown into many services. From that time onwards people of Ethiopia tried to
replace the transportation on the back of animals to modern means such as vehicles and the use of
these vehicles became the part of the people’s life. Although there was transportation by that time,
its amount was very small.

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Currently in Ethiopia there are 7 intercity transport companies. Those are Abay bus sky bus, selam
buss, golden bus, yegan bus, habesha bus and ethio bus. The buses are luxurious tourist buses with
a capacity of 51 seats which are equipped with Air conditioner, fridge, monitor, & safety belt so
that passengers are entertained by DVD/VCD music/film, Cake & soft drink or plastic packed
water/Juice while travelling (reporter, n.d.).
The main function of this long-distance travel bus companies is to transport the passengers from
one city to the other on the specified travel date. To accomplish this task bus company, perform
different activities. These are Assign bus, price, schedule, route, driver for the specific trip, register
passenger data, and finally issue ticket for the passenger. If a passenger wants to buy ticket first,
they have to go to the respective bus company ticket office physically, provide some personal
information detail for the ticket attendant then pay in cash for the ticket and finally receive their
The online bus ticket booking system (OBTBS) is an online web-based system that tries to
incorporate very easy and user-friendly services through robust real-time webservices. The system
brings the above-mentioned separate bus companies into one platform where passenger can have
access of them. The system enables passengers and bus company employees transact in real time
which means every request is handled seamlessly. This makes it more convenient and easier to
reach customers in the shortest time possible while also giving more controls for the passengers.
This website has various kinds of information that helps passengers regarding booking of tickets.
It enables users to search the bus availability, the exact fare, the arrival and departure time of the
bus, reserve ticket and print ticket. If the user wants to cancel it, they can easily, do it before
The focus of the project is to computerize traveling company to manage data, so that all the
transactions become fast and there should not be any error in transaction like calculation mistake,
bill generation and other things. user of this system can easily operate this system anywhere in the
country where they have internet access and booking of tickets with just few clicks. The system
can also update and manage data very efficiently and without any hassle.
1.3. Statement of the problem
This project will support and manage online bus ticket booking system. we are developing a system
in response to the problems in the current manual bus ticket reservation operations, services and
transactions that are enumerated below.
Bus company assign turns and destination places, schedules, routes and drivers manually. This
process is a great task that requires much time and effort to accomplish. Turns and places are
expected to be assigned for all destination areas. Therefore, doing tasks manually is time
consuming and tedious. In addition to this, doing this task manually is also prone to errors.
For a customer to know which bus is ready to go to the place he/she wants, he/she must search it
through the respective bus company ticket offices and ask the ticket attendant of the office about
the available buses. There is customer services phone number of the offices for the passenger to
give information about schedules but their phone number is mostly busy. This cost passengers both
time and effort.

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If a customer wants to buy ticket, he/she must visit ticket offices physically which costs time and
money of the customer. And then pay for the ticket in cash.
Customers do not have a means to get all the different bus companies in one platform since all of
them are located in a separate ticket office.
Passengers are expected to keep their paper ticket all the time throughout their travel until they
reach to their destinations.
Furthermore, the current system has no database for storing both bus detail and passenger
information. The current manual system records information about buses and passengers in paper
documents. Recording information using paper documents is not reliable since it may be lost or
harmed by certain damages. In addition to this it is hard and time taking to search and get specific
information from a huge paper document. And if someone wants to get information after some
time, it is hard and sometimes impossible to get this information.
It is clear that the current system has shortcomings as far as the functionality is considered.
Therefore, the project we develop bridges the gaps mentioned above. This will be done by
implementing OBTBS, a viable solution to make the bus management and ticket booking process
concise and efficient on both the passenger and bus company employee’s end.
1.4. Objectives of the project
Project objectives are what we plan to achieve by the end of our project. This might include
deliverables and assets, or more intangible objectives like increasing productivity or motivation.
Project objectives should be attainable, time-bound, specific goals we can measure at the end of
our project (, 2020)
1.4.1. General objectives
The general objective of this project is to design and implement an Online Bus Ticket Booking
System (OBTBS) that allows customers to book ticket online.
1.4.2. Specific objectives
To achieve the general objective, the following specific objectives are identified:
✓ Analyze and study the state of the art of long-distance transportation system
✓ Analyze and design the limitation of the existing system
✓ Record all data related to buses
✓ Specifying the functional and nonfunctional requirements of the proposed system
✓ Design proposed system to solve the existing problem
✓ To design the system to support both Amharic and English language
✓ Implementing the proposed system
✓ Test and maintain the proposed system
✓ Deploy the new system
1.5. Feasibility study
Feasibility analysis is carried out in order to evaluate the project or system practicality. As part of
a feasibility study, the objective and rational analysis of a potential business or venture is
conducted to determine its strength and weakness, potential opportunities and threats, resources
required to carry out, and ultimate success prospects. It is a comprehensive evaluation of a

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proposed project that evaluates all factors critical to success. As the name implies, a feasibility
analysis is used to determine the viability of an idea, such as ensuring a project is legally and
technically feasible as well as economically justifiable. It tells us whether a project is worth the
investment- in some cases, a project may not be doable. There can be many reasons for this,
including requiring too many resources, which not only prevents those resources from performing
other tasks but also may cost more than an organization would earn back by taking on a project
that is not profitable (simplilearn, 2022).
1.5.1. Technical Feasibility
This assessment focus on the technical resources available to implement the project It helps
organizations determine whether the technical resources meet capacity and whether the technical
team is capable of converting ideas into working systems. Technical feasibility also involves the
evaluation of the hardware, software and other technical requirements of the proposed system
(simplilearn, 2022).
The project will be developed using PHP framework at the back end while using bootstrap and
JavaScript for the frontend. For the database, MYSQL is the preferred option. The team has learned
these web designing languages to an extent and is willing to work on improving their skills in these
web development technologies during the first phase of the project. Because of all these reasons
the project is technically feasible.
1.5.2. Economic Feasibility
This assessment typically involves a cost benefit analysis of the project, helping organizations
determine the viability, cost and benefits associated with a project before financial resources are
allocated. It also serves as an independent project assessment and enhance project credibility-
helping decision-makers determine the positive economic benefits to the organization that the
proposed project will provide. This will also show the financial risks and opportunities involved
in this project. (, 2002)
The system is said to be economically feasible for two reasons. First The system can be developed
with the available funds of the organization and thus ensuring the economic justification. Second
The system is capable of generating financial gains for the organization, that is, the projected
benefits of the proposed system outweigh the estimated cost. Economic justification includes a
broad range of concerns that includes cost benefit analysis.
The economic feasibility study was carried out under the following areas:
▪ Cost of operations of existing system
▪ Cost of operations of proposed system
▪ Cost of development of proposed system
▪ Benefits of the proposed system cost of operations of existing system
Financial records, like annual budget payroll and others were scrutinized and ticket office
managers each section in charge in the bus company office was interviewed to determine the
manpower cost, operating cost, material cost and overhead cost for the calculation of unit cost of
each operation in the office.


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Table 1.1 1Estimated operation cost of existing system

No Item Quantity Per Year Unit Price (in Total Price (in
Birr) Birr)
1. Papers 50 Packet 500 25,000

2. Pen 20 packets 200 4000

Ticket print 20 100,000

3. Employee salary 14 Employee 7000 98,000

4. Phone 4 2000 8000

5. Total Material 235,000

Cost Cost of operations of the proposed system

Table 1.2 1Estimated operation cost of proposed system

Item Quantity Per Year Unit Price (in birr) Total Price (in birr)

Employee Salary 6 Employee 7000 42,000


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Papers 1 Packet 500 500

Pen 1 Packet 200 200

Computer 3 23,000 69,000

Total Material Cost 111,700 Benefits of the proposed system

Table 1.3 1 Estimated benefit of proposed system

Project Benefits Description Benefit in Birr

Increased Revenue Additional revenue could be 2,000
coming from the
advertisement of other
organizations on the website
Resource Cost Saving Employee reduction 56,000
Paper and related cost 19,300
Ticket print cost reduction 100,000

Total 177,300

Cost Benefit analysis of the proposed system is:

Cost Benefit Analysis=Benefit/Cost=177,300/111,700=1.587
Based on the cost benefit analysis the proposed system is economically feasible.

Apart from these, the following can be the intangible benefits of the proposed system.:
▪ Faster response time and accuracy in providing information can improve the quality of
▪ Availability of statistical information from the system which can lead to effective
decision making and elimination of wastage.
▪ Saving of future expenditure in collection development because of the possibility of
sharing resources
1.5.3. operational feasibility
This assessment involves undertaking a study to analyze and determine whether and how well the
organizations need can be met by completing the project. Operational feasibility studies also


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examine how a project plan satisfies the requirements identified in the requirement analysis phase
of system development (simplilearn, 2022).
This system will tremendously help everyone involved. From our interview with both the
passenger and office employee working there, the existing system has many issues, most of which
affects the achievement of goals. Our proposed system will fix most of these issues and realign
bus companies with their organizational value, making the system operationally feasible.

1.5.4. Schedule feasibility

This assessment is the most important for project success; after all, a project will fail if not
completed on time. Schedule feasibility tell us whether a project will be completed in time. In
scheduling feasibility, an organization estimates how much time the project will take to complete.
(, 2002)
AS of writing this paper we have approximately 5 months to complete the project fully. Phase 1
of this project has a deadline of the first semester (January 27 2023). Phase 2, has deadline at the
end of the second semester
The team plans to finish all functionalities within this time period and since implementation of the
system requires a higher level of profession and accountability, we plan on simulating the system
on local host servers.
Furthermore, the team is committed to accomplish project tasks on time, making it feasible in
terms of schedule.
1.5.5. Social feasibility
Social feasibility is one of the feasibility studies where the acceptance of the people is considered
regarding the product to be launched. It describes the effect on users from the introduction of the
new system considering whether there will be a need for retraining the workforce (simplilearn,
Generally, computerization brings fear of unemployment amongst the existing stuff. The
automation of OBTBS will not create unemployment problems but will create new job positions
like system manager, system analyst, programmers, etc. it will also relieve the existing
professionals from their routine clerical activities, so as to enable them to perform intellectual
professional duties which will need reorganization of staff. The reorganization of staff will lead to
job improvement as well as job satisfaction. Thus, due to the above-mentioned reasons our project
is socially feasible.
1.6. significance of the project
There are several reasons why Online Bus Ticket Booking System is significant these are:
▪ Convenience: Online bus ticket booking systems allow customers to book and purchase
tickets from the convenience of their own devices, eliminating the need to physically visit
a ticket office. This can save customers time and effort.
▪ Increased Efficiency: Online bus ticket booking systems helps bus operators increase
efficiency and streamline their operations. By automating ticket sales and reducing the need
for manual data entry, this saves time and reduce the risk of errors.


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▪ Multiple bus type options: OBTBS provides multiple bus type options for passengers as it
brings different bus companies in one platform.
▪ Improved Customer Experience: Online bus ticket booking systems provide real-time
information about bus schedules and seat availability, making it easier for customers to
plan their trips. Additionally, OBTBS provides valuable data and insights into customer
behavior and preferences, allowing bus operators to make informed business decisions.
▪ Increased Sales: By offering a convenient and efficient way to book tickets, online bus
ticket booking systems can help bus operators increase sales and reach a wider customer
▪ Environmental Benefits: Online bus ticket booking systems helps reduce the environmental
impact of the transportation industry by reducing the need for physical ticket offices and
printing paper tickets. This can lead to a reduction in paper waste and energy consumption.
Overall, online bus ticket booking systems have the potential to revolutionize the way people book
and purchase bus tickets. By improving efficiency, increasing sales, and providing a better
customer experience,


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1.7. Beneficiaries of the project

An online bus ticket booking system provides benefits to a number of different stakeholders,
1. Customers: Online bus ticket booking systems allow customers to book and purchase
tickets from the convenience of their own devices, eliminating the need to physically visit
a ticket office. This can save customers time and effort. Additionally, online systems
often provide real-time information about bus schedules and seat availability, making it
easier for customers to plan their trips.

2. Bus Operators: Online bus ticket booking systems can help bus operators increase
efficiency and streamline their operations. By automating ticket sales and reducing the
need for manual data entry, bus operators can save time and reduce the risk of errors.
Online systems can also provide valuable data and insights into customer behavior and
preferences, allowing bus operators to make informed business decisions.

3. Travel Agents: Online bus ticket booking systems can help travel agents offer a wider
range of services to their clients. By being able to access real-time information about bus
schedules and seat availability, travel agents can provide more accurate and up-to-date
information to their clients. Additionally, online systems can make it easier for travel
agents to process and manage bookings, reducing the time and effort required to complete
these tasks.

4. Environment: Online bus ticket booking systems can help reduce the environmental
impact of the transportation industry by reducing the need for physical ticket offices and
printing paper tickets. This can lead to a reduction in paper waste and energy
Overall, an online bus ticket booking system provides benefits to customers, bus operators, travel
agents, and the environment. By improving efficiency and providing real-time information,
online systems can help make travel more convenient and accessible for everyone.
1.8. Methodology
Methodology is a standard process followed by an organization to conduct all the steps necessary
to analyze, design, implement and maintain information systems. It a method that describes the
activities involved in defining, building, and implementing a system; method is
framework(, 2008).
1.8.1. Data collection
To collect data required to build the project we used document analysis and observation.
document analysis; - we tried to analyze the documents that the bus companies used to store
information such as how they register user information, how they organize the information of ticket
buyer, what information’s are required to buy a ticket, the information a ticket should contain …,

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we incorporate the information we gained in to the proposed system. Document analysis of a

manual system of bus ticket booking system provides a lot of information that can be useful for
making it web based system. Here are some of the key pieces of information that we found from
the document analysis:
1. System Requirements: The manual system documentation provides a clear understanding
of the requirements of the bus ticket booking system. This information is used to determine
the scope of the web-based system and what features are required.
2. Business Processes: The document analysis helps to identify the business processes
involved in the manual system, such as ticket booking, payment, confirmation, and
cancellation. These processes are going to be automated in the web-based system to make
it more efficient.
3. User Interfaces: The manual system documentation provides information about the user
interfaces that were used in the manual system. This information is used to design the user
interfaces for the web-based system.
4. Data Storage: The manual system documentation provides information about the data
storage mechanisms used in the manual system, such as paper records or spreadsheets. This
information is used to design the database schema for the web-based system.
2 Observations: - the other method we used is observation we tried to see how they register a
customer to buy a ticket, what the ticket looks like and what information a ticket should contain.
Observing a manual system of bus ticket booking provides valuable information for making it web
based. Some of the key pieces of information that are found from observing the manual system
1. User Workflow: Observing the manual system in action provides a clear understanding of
how users interact with the system, including the steps they take to book a ticket, make
payment, and receive confirmation. This information is used to design the user interface
and workflow for the web-based system.

2. Inefficiencies: Observing the manual system in action helps identify areas of inefficiency,
such as repetitive tasks or manual data entry. These inefficiencies are addressed in the web-
based system by automating these tasks or reducing the need for manual data entry.

3. User Pain Points: Observing users interact with the manual system provides insight into
their pain points, such as difficulties in finding information or completing tasks. These pain
points are addressed in the web-based system by improving the user interface and
simplifying the user experience.

4. User Feedback: Observing users provides an opportunity to gather user feedback about the
manual system. This feedback is used to inform the design of the web-based system,
ensuring that it meets the needs and expectations of users.


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5. Technology Limitations: Observing the manual system helps identify technology

limitations. These limitations are addressed in the web-based system by incorporating
updated technology.

Overall, observing the manual system of bus ticket booking provides valuable insights into how
users interact with the system and identify areas for improvement. This information is used to
design a more efficient, user-friendly web-based system.
1.8.2. System development methodology
Development approach
Object oriented Approach: The method of system development paradigm that we selected is the
object-oriented approach because this approach is helpful for us to represent the different phases
of the project through many diagrammatic representations such as activity diagrams, use cases,
sequence diagrams, class diagrams, etc. Generally, we choose object-oriented development design
because of:
▪ These techniques have a reusability feature
▪ These techniques provide greater opportunities for users to participate in the
t process
▪ Increases flexibility
▪ Improves quality
▪ It is the latest, powerful, easy and highly usable
▪ Increase domain and design reuse
Process Model
Iterative process model
The process model we used is iterative process model. we select iterative model because, to
design our project we are required to review and design in each phase iteratively to meet user
▪ Flexibility: - this model allows as to make changes at any stage without affecting the
scope of the project.
▪ Improved Quality; - this model allows as to identify and fix problems early in the
development process. this leads to improved quality.
▪ collaborations: - encourages collaboration between our team members, leading to a better
overall understanding of the project goals and requirements.
▪ Helps to get quick end user feedback and make enhanced system
▪ Easily identify missing functionalities


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Figure 1.2 1 Iterative model

1.9. Development Tools and Technologies

Development tools are tools that support the rapid implementation of software applications upon
a programming platform. Tools are solutions that programmers utilize to create, edit maintain and
debug programmers or applications. Some examples are compilers, code editors, debuggers, visual
programming methods, GUI designs and framework generators. (, 2022)
1.9.1. Front end development tools
Front end development is that part of software development that is visible to the users, the user
interface (UI) with which the users can interact. It transforms the complicated backend portion of
to an understandable user’s perspective through graphical way. It aims at achieving a perfect user
interface, speed, performance, and availability (, 2022).The front-end
development focus on the client-side of the development, meaning it focuses on what the user
visually sees first in their browser or application and interact with them.
For our project Front end languages include CSS and JavaScript.
We select Java script because:
o Java script is bowser independent
o It allows the creation of interactive web pages
o Cascading style sheet is a language used to describe presentation of a document
written in HTML or XML.
o It describes how elements should be rendered o screen, in speech or on other media.

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o It is one of the core languages of the open web and is distributed across the browsers
according to W3C (world wide web consortium) specification.
▪ Bootstrap
We select Bootstrap because:
o It is free and open-source front end web frame work for designing websites and
web applications.
o It contains HTML and CSS based design templates for typography, forms, buttons,
navigation and other interfaces.
o It is easy to use any one with just basic knowledge of HTML and CSS can start
using Bootstrap
o It has responsive feature: Bootstrap responsive CSS adjusts to phones, tablets and
o It is compatible with all modern browsers (chrome, fire fox, internet explorer and

1.9.2. Back-end tools

Back-end development refers to the server-side of an application and everything that
communicates between the database and the browser. This type of web development usually
consists of three parts: a server, an application, and a database. Code written by back-end
developers is what communicates the database information to the browser. (Stewart 2021).
For the project we have chosen a PHP framework for our server-side scripting language while
integrating it with object oriented MYSQLI as the database.

▪ MYSQL server
We select MSQL DBMS because:
o MYSQL database is fast
o MSQL database is free to use
o MYSQL database is compatible with PHP platform
We select PHP because:
o PHP can work a variety of plat form including window and UNIX. The base part is
that PHP is the most efficient with the most popular server, which is Apache.
▪ Apache
Apache is an open-source and free web server software that powers around 46% of
websites around the world. The official name is Apache HTTP Server, and it's maintained
and developed by the Apache Software Foundation.
Advantages of using Apache
It is open source, reliable and stable software. It is also easy to configure and has easily
available support in case of any problem.


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1.9.3. Modeling and documentation tool

This project will use the following modeling tools:
▪ MS-word: we prefer it due to its ease of use plus the fact that it can be used on different
operating systems.
▪ MS-PowerPoint: It is a software that we use for our presentation purpose.
▪ Lucid: provides collaborative online diagramming to make it easy to draw flowcharts,
UML, mind maps and more. It offers visual collaboration suite that helps our team see and
build the future from idea to reality.
▪ Figma: Figma is a powerful design tool that helps us to create anything: websites,
applications, logos, and much more. We prefer to use Figma because it lets us to share
design files and collaborate in real-time quickly with our entire team.
1.9.4. Deployment Environment
Apache Web Server - It is a free and open-source web server that delivers web content over the
1.9.5. Development Environment
▪ Visual Studio code
▪ PHP8
1.10. Scope of the project
The project is going to be done to include the following areas of tasks involved. These are:
▪ Involves data registration of bus and manipulation of these data
▪ Adjusting turns/schedules for the bus that are serving the society
▪ Passengers can view available buses and routes
▪ Passengers can book for ticket
▪ Update and delete some recoded data’s
The following areas are does not included in this scope
▪ Cannot formulate and establish tariffs
▪ It does not give permission w for the bus companies which is given from transport office
1.11. Risks, assumptions and constraints
1.11.1 Risks
Risk implies future uncertainty about deviation from expected earnings or expected outcome. Risk
measures the uncertainty that an investor is willing to take to realize a gain from an investment
(economictimes, 2023).


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Table 1.4 1 Risk type

No Rik Type Possible Risk Solution proposed

1 Loss of data It might be possible that the data stored might Work done should have at
storage devices get lost due to damage of hard disk least two backups
2 Schedule The underestimation of schedule might Proper time management
happen due to inexperience of optimization should be maintained
3 Cost The degree of uncertainty that the project Proper cost estimation
budget will be maintained. understanding the should be there
cost drives
4 Development Availability and quality of the tool used to
Make the software
make the project available and have proper
training on
5 Data Communication gap between the developing Frequent meetings should
communication members of the project be organized for better
6 Application The application might be complex for some Keep the design simple
complexity users
7 Maintenance At some point there may be a failure Proper use of the resources
problems so as to avoid any hardware
failures and taking timely
8 High workload There might be workload over some members Divide the work into
smaller tasks
1.11.2. Constraints
Constraints of online bus ticket reservation system are:
➢ Time constraint: The time allotted for the project to complete is not enough
➢ Inconvenience (Lack of information): There were problems while eliciting requirements
because the company workers were busy serving customers and some were not willing to
give information
➢ The data stored is prone to cyber attacks
➢ Online systems require high speed internet connectivity
➢ Risks of computer virus
1.11.3. Assumptions
▪ The users will have smart phone and access to the internet
▪ The user will know how to navigate through the internet
▪ Bus companies have stable electricity and internet connection to operate the system
▪ The servers have 99% uptime


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There will be some limitations within the proposed system those are listed below:
➢ There may be Unwillingness of some respondents to give a correct answer
➢ Respondents may not respect appointment time

1.12. Phases and deliverables of the project

The phases that we undergo through developing this project are:

Table 1.5 1 Phases and deliverables

Phase Activities Deliverables

Project planning and Identify the need of our Schedule

selection project. plan, and select a Feasibility
development project Report
from all possible projects scope
that could be performed.
Analysis determine the Specification document:
requirement of the requirements report
system to meet the user System use case modeling
needs and reducing the Activity diagram
cost of implementation. Sequence diagram
And also, to make the Class modeling
system understandable
by all stakeholders
Design requirement document is Collaboration diagram
converted into a format Component diagram
that can be implemented Deployment diagram
and decides how the User interface design
system will
this phase, we will
consider and manage
effectively the main
components, which are


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quality, timeliness, and

System implementation In this phase, Turn Fully developed website
and operation phase system specifications
into a working system
that is tested and then
put into use. The
activities we perform
during this phase
includes coding, testing,
and installation.

Testing fully access in real time for user and web applications
Make sure that the end
user experience will not
be negatively affected
Deployment Software release, Installed and configured system
installation, and
performance monitoring
User manual preparation Prepare a document that User manual document
helps users.

1.13. Work-break down structure

A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a visual, hierarchical and deliverable-oriented
deconstruction of a project. It is helpful diagram for project managers because it allows to break
down their project scope and visualize all the tasks required to complete their project.


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Table 1.6 1 Work-break down structure

Break Down Responsible

1 Chapter one: Project Introduction

1.1 Background of the organization and study Selam Belayneh

1.2 Statement of the problem Tihitiena Amare
1.3 Objective of the project Yonatan Zewdu
1.3.1 Specific objective
1.3.2 General objective
1.4 Feasibility Analysis Yordanos Shiferwa
1.4.1 Technical Feasibility
1.4.2 Economic Feasibility
1.4.3 Operational Feasibility
1.4.4 Schedule feasibility
1.4.5 Political Feasibility
1.4.6 Social Feasibility

1.5 Significance of the project Tsedenawit Lemma

1.6 Beneficiary of the project Woletemaryam Liyew
1.7 Methodology Selam Belayneh
1.8 Data collection Method
1.7 Development Methodology

1.8 Development tools and technologies Tihitiena Amare

1.8.1 Frontend technologies
1.8.2 Backend technologies
1.8.3 Documentation and modeling tools
1.8.4 Deployment Environment
1.8.5 Project management tools

1.11 Assumptions and constraints Tsedenawit Lemma

1.11.1 Risks
1.11.2 Assumptions
1.11.3 Constraints
1.11.4 Limitation of the project


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1.12 Deliverables of the project Yonatan zewdu

1.13 Work-break down structure Yordanos Biruk
1.14 Project Schedule Woletemaryam Liyew
2 Chapter Two: Business Area Analysis and Definition

2.1 Business Analysis Selam Belayneh

2.1.1 Activities/functions of the existing system Tihitiena Amare
2.1.2 Problems of the current system Tsedenawit Lemma
2.1.3 Forms and reports of the current system
2.1.4 Players of the existing system
2.2. Requirement definition Yonatan zewdu
2.2.1Functional requirement Yordanos Shiferwa
2.2.1 Non-functional requirement Woletemaryam Liyew

3 Chapter Three :Object Oriented Analysis

3.1 Introduction Selam Belayneh

3.2 System use case Woletemaryam Liyew
3.2.1 UI identification
3.2.2 Actor identification
3.2.3 Designing the use case diagram
3.2.4 Use case description
3.3 Conceptual modeling
3.3.1 Class diagram
3.3.2 Class description
3.4 Sequence diagramming
3.5 User interface prototyping
4 Chapter Four: Conclusion of Phase1 All Team members

5 Chapter Five: Object Oriented Design

5.1 Review of the first phase Selam Belayneh
5.2 Introduction to the chapter Tihitiena Amare
5.3 Class type Architecture Woletemaryam Liyew
5.3.1 User interface Layer
5.3.2 Process/controller Layer
5.3.3 Domain/Business Layer
5.3.4 Persistent Layer
5.4 Collaboration Diagram Yonatan Zewdu


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5.5 Component Diagram Yordanos Shiferaw

5.6 Deployment Diagram Selam Belayneh
5.7 Relational Persistent Diagram Tihitiena Amare
5.8 User Interface Tsedenawit Lemma
5.8.1 User interface flow Diagram
5.8.2 User Interface Design
6 Chapter Six: Object Oriented Implementation
6.1 Introduction Woletemaryam Liyew
6.2 Implementation technology Yonatan Zewdu
6.3 Testing and testing Procedures Woletemaryam Liyew
6.3.1 Unit Testing Thitiena Amare
6.3.2 Integration Testing
6.3.3 System Testing
6.4 Deployment/Installation Process Tsedenawit Lemma
6.4.1 Hardware and software Acquisitions
7 Chapter seven: Conclusion and Recommendations
7.1 Conclusion Yordanos Shiferaw
7.2 Recommendation Tsedenawit lemma

1.14. Project Schedule

A project schedule indicates what needs to be done, which resources must be utilized, and when
the project is due. It's a timetable that outlines start and end dates and milestones that must be met
for the project to be completed on time. The project schedule is often used in conjunction with
a work breakdown structure (WBS) to distribute work among team members. The project schedule
should be updated regularly to gain a better understanding of the project's status


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Figure 1.2 1Gantt chart


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2. Business Area and Analysis Requirement definition

The purpose of Business Area and analysis requirement is to assess the activities and players of
the existing system. Also write the functional and non-functional system requirements that
represent the characteristics of OBTBS.
2.1. Overview
In this chapter we analyzed the current system which comprises point out the activities and players
of the existing system and identify the problem of the current system using PIECES framework in
order to make out all the functional and non-functional requirements of the new system to be
developed. It also goes through the current system’s description, its flaws and diagrams that depicts
the general overview of the new system. In addition, the proposed system functional and non-
functional specifications are discussed in this chapter. It also notes down and explains several
potential solutions for dealing with the current system’s challenges and coming up with better
2.2. Business area analysis
The aim of business area analysis is to understand the needs of the business stakeholders and
defining the characteristics of the solution to meeting those needs. It is used to identify and
articulate the need for change in how organizations work and to facilitate that change.
Understanding how the business works to achieve its goal is the aim of business analysis. In this
section we will figure out how the organization goals relate to specific goals. We will define how
stakeholders and different organizational units interact in our business study.
2.2.1. Activities/functions of the organization
In this section we briefly review the current system used by different long-distance buses. Even
though there are different bus company such as Abay bus, Golden bus all of their operations are
similar for purchasing ticket. Currently the bus ticketing offices has no automated system for
buying tickets and keeping client’s data in computerized way.
In the current system on the customer side in order to buy ticket passengers need to visit the
respective bus ticket office physically. The other method is to obtain a ticket by paying through
bank, but this method is inconvenient to the passenger because the customer must first make sure
there is available seat by making phone call to the company customer service phone number which
is very difficult due to their line is mostly busy causing discomfort to the customer. After reaching
the ticket offices customers are expected to wait long queue particularly in holiday times. Then the
ticket attendant asks passengers some personal questions that are required for traveling. These
questions are listed below:
✓ what is your full name?
✓ what is your phone number?
✓ where you want to go?
✓ When you want to go?
✓ Which route you want to go?


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After the question is completely answered the ticket attendant gives the ticket which holds the
above detail information’s to the passenger and the passenger pay the money for the ticket in cash.
Currently all the above asked passenger personal information is stored in the ticket office in paper
format in the shelf.
The main tasks of the existing system are summarized below:
➢ Register passenger
➢ Sell ticket for registered passenger
➢ Give information about the travel schedules for the passengers both in person and by phone
➢ Store passenger information in to paper logs
➢ Gives ticket receipt for passengers
➢ Assign, update and delete bus, schedule and route details.
2.2.2. Problems of the current system (using a selected frame work)
The PIECES framework developed by James Wither is used as a means to classify problems of
the existing system. PIECES stand for Performance, Information, Economics, Control, Efficiency
and Services. PIECES framework breaks down the key elements of the project and identifies the
stages in the developing and maintenance state (simplilearn, 2022).
Performance in PIECES framework is used to identify the response time and throughput of the
system. According to the dictionary, response time means the time taken for a system to react to a
given event while throughput means the amount of data passing through a system. In the current
manual system used by bus stations there is a delay in each procedure since the recoding, reserving
and storing process is done manually and physically, time is wasted in each process one by one.
The recording of passenger detail and reserving ticket is slow since the process is done by pen and
paper. The proposed system will solve these problems with easier, mechanized process. The
retrieval data is quick thanks to the processors in the system and there is little to no delay with
proper use. The database and online web application help improve the overall performance.
Information in the framework is to identify the proper out-put, input and data storage of the system.
Sometimes the recorded data are inaccurate or missed because of human mistake in the current
system. Time taken to search for a certain data can be time consuming and cost can be built if there
are requests from the clients or members. The proposed system can overcome the issues by using
the database. The database can be easily used by the admins by just typing the data. The
information can also be presented in physical form too by printing. The redundancy of data can be
avoided and the data can be stored in the server as well as cloud storage. Information is very well
organized, flexible and in aa useful format with the help of the database.
The expenses spent to buy paper, pen and storage units are high in the current system. With a one-
time investment in the proposed system, the expenses can be greatly reduced. Although there is
new expense for the bus company which is the one-time installation fee and maintenance fee, the
proposed system can help the bus station workers in many perspectives in a long run.


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Control and security

In the existing system, it is difficult to control the system because there is no privilege in data
accessing. Here the necessary reports may not generate at exact time so it may occur security
violence. The system should not provide sufficient protection for access and manipulation of the
records associated with the system. So, it is not easily protected and used resources properly
➢ Control over the data is too difficult and it takes long time
➢ Input data is not adequately edited
➢ Redundantly stored data is inconsistent/unreliable in different files.
In manual operation, most of the activities are prone to wastage of resources like papers, man
power, time, and so on to produce the corresponding out puts. This makes the current system
insufficient while utilizing resources. There should be a mechanism that reduce wastage of
resources and that make the system to be efficient. As a result, the new system will reduce wastage
of resources and make it efficient.

2.2.3. Forms and reports of the current system

Current bus placement, buying bus ticket and bus reservation services is manual. The system asks
the responsible workers to provide report. As we have observed and also interview the system
managements the report generating mechanism is manual that is kind of report is written on paper
by system workers and then it will be transformed to for the manager once in some time interval.
The forms used in the current system are listed below:
▪ Ticket form
▪ Passenger record


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Figure 2.1 1 Ticket form

Ticket Registration form

Requirement for ticket registration form: presence of the passenger is required.
Information Gathered: full name, where he/she want to go, when to go, which route to go and
phone number
2.2.4. Players of the existing system
An Actor is a person, organization, or external system that plays a role in one or more interactions
with the system. In the existing system the following Actors are involved:
➢ Passengers
➢ Managers
➢ Ticket attendant (Clerk)
➢ Employers
➢ Bus enterprises
➢ Bus scheduler

2.3. Requirement Definition

Once the aims of the project have been established, the work of eliciting, analyzing, and validating
the system requirements can commence. This is crucial to gaining a clear understanding of the
problem for which the system is to provide a solution and its likely cost. The requirement phase
translates the ideas in the minds of users into formal document. The requirement designer must
strive for completeness by ensuring that all the relevant sources of requirements are identified and


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consulted. Requirement analysis helps in splitting complex requirements into smaller units which
will be clearly defined and reviewed. This section includes functional and non-functional
requirements of the system described below
2.3.1. Functional requirement
Functional requirements are product features of functions that developers must implement to
enable users to accomplish their tasks. So, it is important to make them clear both for the
development team and stakeholders. Generally functional requirements describe system behavior
under specific conditions.
Online bus ticket reservation system has the following functional requirements:
For Passenger
1. Register: the system allows users to register themselves to our system using their own
password and username, users first have to register in order to use the system
2. Log in: After registering, a user can log in to our system and perform various activities
such as reserving a seat, booking a ticket, canceling a ticket, viewing available buses,
viewing the schedule, and so on.
3. Reserve ticket: the system allows a user to reserve a ticket online and have to pay 3 days
before the trip
4. view available ticket: the system allows a registered user to see available tickets and seats
and choose which is convenient for them
5. Make price comparison: The system allows passengers to make price comparison between
different buses available on the system.
6. Payment and able to print ticket: The system allows make payment and able to print ticket
for passengers
7. See bus departure and arrival of every bus: The system allows the user to see when the bus
arrives and departs. The admin will post and update information about the bus and available
8. Cancelling the reserved ticket: if the user can’t attend a trip the system allows them to
cancel a ticket the user can’t attend a trip the system allows them to cancel a ticket.
For Admin
1. login: the system allows the admin to log in and perform different activities such as assign
bus for trip, assign schedule, route, departure and arrival time.
2. Assign route: the system allows the admin to assign which bus is going on which route.
3. Assign schedule: Admins assign schedule of for the bus which travel
4. Generate report: Bus company Admin can generate report
For Super Admin
1. Login: - Manager can login using the password and username given
2. Add Bus company: Manager can add bus company into the website and give user name and
password for the respective added bus Admin
3. Delete Bus company: Manager can delete any bus company from the website as per their interest


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4. Update Bus company: Manager can edit details of bus company that are already in the database
or registered.

For Driver:
2.View placement: Allows driver to view which bus is he/she going to drive
2.3.2. Non-functional requirement
Non-functional requirements are a set of specifications that describe the system’s operation
capabilities and constraints and attempt to improve its functionality. These are basically the
requirements that outline how well it will operate including things like speed, security, reliability,
data integrity and son on.
Online bus ticket reservation system has the following non-functional requirements to achieve its

1. Product Requirements

Usability Requirement
The system will provide an easy-to-use graphical user interface so user can easily learn how they
can use the system. So, little knowledge on how web pages can be accessed is required for the
user. The system will be user friendly and availability of FAQS and contact section makes using
the system easy and also the product will support multiple languages such as Amharic and English.

Performance requirements define acceptable response time for system functionality. Response
time of the bus reservation system should be few seconds most of the time. Response time refers
to the waiting time while the system access, queries, and retrieves the information from the
databases. The load time for passenger interface shall take no longer than few seconds. The login
information should be verified within less seconds. The system works 24 hours per day and 7 days
a week. The passengers’ information must save in few minutes into the database after the end of
The information will be refreshed at regular intervals depending upon whether some updates have
occurred or not. The system shall respond to the registered user or Admin in not less than two
seconds from the time of the request submittal. The system shall be allowed to take more time
when doing large processing jobs. Responses to view information shall take no longer than
5 seconds to appear on the screen.
The system has to be reliable due to the importance of data and the damages that can be caused by
incorrect or incomplete data. The system will run 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.


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The system should accurately provide real time information taking into consideration various
concurrency issues. The system shall provide 100% access reliability
Efficiency Requirement
Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) - Even if the system fails, the system will be recovered back up
within an hour or less.
Maintainability and portability requirement
The system should be easily maintainable, easy to upgrade and make adjustments. As it is known
every system needs to be maintained and modified, so we will try to make the code easily readable
and write the comment along with necessary to the codes. In addition, changes (new Admin
addition, password changes, database changes) must be verified once per day at least. The system
should provide automatically notification to Admins by e-mail about item’s overdue, reservation
results, availability of reserved seat and so on.
Error handling:
The system will check user inputs to the system to handle error. It handles and show error by
displaying the error message when the user enters the invalid input.
Backup and recovery:
The process of backing up refers to the copying and archiving of computer data by using removable
storage media such as externa hard disk so it may be used to restore the original data after a data
loss event occurred.
Availability (Ubiquity):
The system should be available for the user and will be used 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.
The system will be available in everywhere (where internet service reach) and at all time for those
who have access to use the system
The system will contain the required documents needed to implement the project.
Security requirements and permissions
There are different categories of users namely passenger, Admin and manager. Depending upon
category of the user access rights are decided. It means if the user is an administrator, then he/she
can be able to modify the data, delete, append and so on. Only system administer has the right to
change system parameters, such as time change, adding new bus and others. The system should be
secure and users need to be authenticated before having access to any personal data. The system
will be secured as much as possible so that there is permissible information flow regarding to who
can do what. Passengers only have the right to access retrieved data from the database. All system
data must be backed up every 24 hours and the backup copies must be stored in a secure location
which is not in the same building as the system.


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3.Object Oriented Analysis

Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) is the procedure of identifying software engineering
requirements and developing software specifications in terms of a software system’s object model,
which comprises of interacting objects. The main difference between object-oriented analysis and
other forms of analysis Is that in object-oriented approach, requirements are organized around
objects, which integrate both data and functions. They are modeled after real-world objects that
the system interacts with. In traditional analysis methodologies, the two aspects function and data
are considered separately. Grady Brooch has defined OOA as, “Object-Oriented Analysis is a
method of analysis that examines requirements from the perspective of the classes and objects
found in the vocabulary of the problem domain” (Booch, 2010).
Object-Oriented methods enable us to create sets of objects that work together synergistically to
produce software that better model their problem domains than similar systems produced by
traditional techniques. The system is easier to adapt to changing requirements, easier to maintain,
more robust, and promote greater design code reuse object-oriented development allows us to
create modules of functionality. Once objects are defined, it can be taken for granted that they will
perform their desired functions and you can seal them off in your mind like black boxes. Your
attention as a programmer shifts to what they do rather than how they do it (Bahrami, 2017).

3.1. Overview
Accordingly, to the definition of the object-oriented analysis- in this section of the project, it will
demonstrate the analysis of the business area in terms of the new system that is to be developed.
This phase will essentially focus on what the system is supposed to do. This will be dealing with
activities including user interface and business rules identification, system use case modeling,
sequence and activity diagramming. Finally, the proposed system prototype will be presented.

3.2. Use Case Modeling

Use Case Modeling helps analysts analyze the functional requirements of a system. Use Case
Modeling helps developers understand the functional requirements of the system without worrying
about how those requirements will be implemented. The process is inherently iterative, analysts
and users work together throughout the model development process to further refine their use case


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models. Although use case modeling is most associated with object-oriented analysis and design,
the concept is flexible enough that it can also be used within more traditional approaches.
A use case shows the behavior or functionality of a system. It consists of a set of possible sequences
of interactions between a system and a user in a particular environment, possible sequences that
are related to a particular goal. A use case describes the behavior of a system under various
conditions as the system responds to request from principal actors. A principal actor initiates a
request of the system, related to a goal, and the system responds. A use case can be stated as a
present-tense verb phrase, containing the verb (what the system is supposed to do) and the object
of the verb (what the system is to act on). (Joseph & Joey, 8th edittion)
3.2.1. UI Identification
User interface (UI) is the point of human-computer interaction and communication in a device. It
is also the way in which a user interacts with an application or website. A user interface can be
identified by an absolute number, or the interface type. An absolute number uniquely identifies a
user interface among all user interfaces. The user interfaces are numbered from 0 and incrementing
by 1.

Table 3.1 1 UI Identification

UI ID UI Page Name Actors who access Description

the page

UI_01 User sign up page User Allows users to register

to the website
UI_02 Log in page User, Admin, Allows to gain access to
Manager the website by entering
username and password
UI_03 Landing page All Actors A page that contains
basic description about
the system and gateway
for the user, Admin and
Super Admin
UI_04 Route list page User Displays available
routes and their
UI_05 Book Page User A page that prompts the
user to enter basic
details for booking


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UI_06 Payment option page User A page that prompts the

user to choose available
payment options.
UI_07 Add route page Admin A page that prompts the
admin to enter detail
information of route to
be added
UI_08 Update route page Admin A page that prompts the
admin to update route
detail information
UI_09 Delete route page Admin Allows the admin to
delete existing route
UI_10 Add bus company Super Admin A page that prompts the
super admin to add bs
company details
UI_11 Delete bus company Super Amin A page that allows
Super admin to delete
registered bus company
UI_12 Update bus company Super Admin A page that allows
super admin to update
existing bus company
UI_13 Cancel page Passenger A page that allows
passenger to cancel
reserved ticket
UI_14 Check ticket Passenger Allows the passenger to
availability page check for available
UI_15 Print page Passenger Allows passenger to
print their ticket
UI_16 User Dashboard Users A page that contains the
Page links to the services
UI_17 Profile Page Users A page that contains all
lists of basic
information about the
UI_18 Generate report page Admin A page that allows the
admin to generate


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3.2.2. Business Rule

Business rules often tell you whether you may or may not do something. They may also be the
input criteria used for making more complex business decisions that will ensure compliance
throughout the business. Business rules can apply to individuals, general corporate behavior, or
business processes. Business rules can be turned into requirements, which ensures they can be used
in software development as a way to specify the software system's requirements. (Ambler, 2004)

Table 3.2 1 Business rule

Id Business rule name Description Constraint

BR1 Book for ticket A passenger books ticket All passengers must be
registered online prior
to booking ticket
BR2 Reserve ticket A passenger reserves seat
Must pay for the
reserved seat before 3
days of the departure
BR3 Bus company request Bus company request admin Must first pay
registration to be registered into the registration Fee
BR4 Payment When a passenger books for Must be the appropriate
a ticket must pay money. amount of money for
BR5 Cancellation/Refunds Passengers can cancel their 50 % of paid money
booked tickets must be refund for the
BR6 Security Security of the website Every user must have
unique credentials
which are verified by
the system
BR7 Route operations Admins add, delete and Admin Must first
update route details logged in to the website


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BR8 Company management Super admin adds, delete Super admin must first
and update bus company log in to the website
BR9 License A proof given by the Bus company must first
transport office for a bus be licensed to be
company registered to the website

BR10 Bus company type There are different types of Bus company must be
bus company such as long long distance travel
distance and intercity type
BR11 Registration Bus company can register to Bus company must first
the website pay registration fee

3.2.3. Actor Identification

An actor is someone or something outside the system that interacts with the system. An actor can
be human being or another system or device. An actor is represented by a stick figure.

Table 3.3 1Actor identification

Actor name Description

Passenger Someone who books ticket online

Admin Person who manages their respective bus company
Super Admin Person who manages all bus Admins overall
Driver Person assigned by the admin as driver for specific bus

3.2.4. Designing the use case diagram


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Figure 3.1 1Use case diagram


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3.2.5. Use case description

Table 3.4 1 Use case description for login

Use case name Login

Use case id UI-01
Actor User, Admin, Super admin

Description Login is authenticating user, admin, super admin to grant privilege

Precondition User, admin and super admin must be registered

There must be login form
Basic course of action 1. User wants to log in
2. User opens landing page <<UI_03>>
3. User selects “sign in” button
4. User enters user name and password
5. User clicks log in button
6. System validates user name and password
7. User enters system home page
8. Use case ends
Alternative course of A6. If the user enters wrong user name and password
action A7. The use case resumes at step 4
Post Condition The admin, manager, and user login to the system


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Table 3.5 1 Use case description for ticket reservation

Actor Passenger

Use case id UI-02

Use case name Ticket reservation

Description It allows reserving seat

Pre-condition Passengers must login
There must be available seat
Basic course of actions 1. Passenger wants to reserve ticket
2. Passenger opens landing page <<UI_03>
3. Passenger log in to the system
4. Passenger opens reservation page <<UI_05>>
5. The system displays reservation form
6. Passenger fills departure and destination and search for available
7. The system displays available tickets based on the search
8. Passenger click reserve button
9. System gives back the reservation id and journey information
10. Use case ends
Alternative course of A7. If passenger enters incorrect departure and destination then
actions system
displays error message
A8. The use case resumes at step 6
Post-condition The passenger reserves a ticket

Table 3.6 1 Use case description for cancel ticket

Actor Passenger

Use case id UI-03

Use case name Cancel ticket

Description It allows the passenger to cancel the reserved ticket

Pre-condition Passenger must reserve seat

Basic course of actions 1. Passenger wants to cancel reserved ticket

2. Passenger opens landing page <<UI_03>>


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3. Passenger log in to the system

4. Passenger opens cancellation page <<UI_12>>
5. The system displays cancellation form
6. Passenger fills the required data
7. User clicks on cancel button
8. System displays confirmation of ticket cancellation
9. Use case ends
Alternative course of A8. If passenger enters incorrect data that is required system displays
actions error message
A9. The use case resumes at step 6
Post-condition The passenger cancels reserved ticket

Table 3.7 1 Use case description for check ticket availability

Actor Passenger

Use case id UI-04

Use case name Check ticket availability

Description Allows the passenger to check if ticket is available

Pre-condition Passengers must login

Basic course of actions 1. Passenger wants to check ticket availability

2. Passenger opens landing page <<UI_03>>
3. Passenger log in to the system
4. Passenger opens check ticket availability page <<UI_14>>
5. The system displays check availability form
6. Passenger fills departure and destination and search for available
7. The system displays available tickets based on the search
8. Use case ends
Alternative course of A7. If passenger enters incorrect departure and destination then
actions system
displays error message
A8. The use case resumes at step 6


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Post-condition The passenger checks for ticket availability

Table 3.8 1 Use case description for make payment

Actor Passenger

Use case id UI-07

Use case name Make payment

Description Allows passenger to make payment for ticket

Pre-condition Passenger must log in to the system

Basic course of actions 1. Passenger wants to make payment for ticket

2. Passenger opens landing page <<UI_03>>
3. Passenger log in to the system
4. Passenger opens payment page <<UI_06>>
5. The system displays required form to be filled
6. Passenger fills the form and click pay
7. The system gives back payment id and confirmation
8. Use case ends
Alternative course of A7. If passenger enters incorrect data, then the system displays error
actions message
A8. System resumes to step 6
Post-condition Paid for ticket

Table 3.9 1 Use case description for print ticket

Actor Passenger

Use case id UI-07

Use case name Print ticket

Description Allows passenger to print ticket

Pre-condition Passenger must log in to the system

Basic course of actions 9. Passenger wants to print ticket

10. Passenger opens landing page <<UI-03>>
11. Passenger log in to the system


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12. Passenger opens print page <<UI-15>>

13. The system displays requested page
14. Passenger print button
15. The system displays message successfully completion of print
16. Use case ends
Alternative course of None

Post-condition Printed ticket

Table 3.10 1 Use case description for Add route

Actor Admin

Use case id UI-07

Use case name Add route

Description Allows admin to add new route

Pre-condition Admin must log in to the system

Basic course of actions 1. Admin wants to add new route

2. Admin opens landing page <<UI_03>>
3. Admin log in to the system
4. Admin opens add route page <<UI_07>>
5. The system displays form to be filled
6. Admin fills the required form and clicks add route button
7. The system displays message successfully addition of route
8. Use case ends
Alternative course of A7. If admin enters incorrect data, then system displays error
actions message
A8. The use case resumes at step 6
Post-condition Route added

Table 3.11 1Use case description for update route

Actor Admin


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Use case id UI-07

Use case name Update route

Description Allows admin to update details of existing route

Pre-condition Admin must log in to the system

Basic course of actions 9. Admin wants to update route detail

10. Admin opens home page <<UI_03>>
11. Admin log in to the system
12. Admin opens update route page <<UI_08>>
13. The system displays form to be filled
14. Admin fills the required form and clicks update route button
15. The system displays message successfully addition of route
16. Use case ends
Alternative course of A7. If admin enters incorrect data, then system displays error
actions message
A8. The use case resumes at step 6
Post-condition Route updated

Table 3.12 1Use case description for delete route

Actor Admin

Use case id UI-08

Use case name Delete route

Description Allows admin to delete existing route

Pre-condition Admin must log in to the system

Basic course of actions 1. Admin wants to delete existing route

2. Admin opens home page <<UI_03>>
3. Admin log in to the system
4. Admin opens delete route page <<UI-_09>>
5. The system displays form to be filled
6. Admin fills the required form and clicks delete route button
7. The system displays message successfully addition of route


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8. Use case ends

Alternative course of A7. If admin enters incorrect data, then system displays error
actions message
A8. The use case resumes at step 6
Post-condition Route deleted

Table 3.13 1 Use case description for Register

Actor Passenger

Use case id UI-09

Use case name Register

Description Allows passenger to register to the website


Basic course of actions 1. Use case starts when passenger opens the website
2. The system displays Landing page<<UI_03 >>
3. User selects “Login” button
4. User selects “Create one here” button
5. The system displays sign up page<<UI_01>>
6.. User inputs required information
7.The system displays user dashboard page <<UI_16>
8. Use case ends
Alternative course of A6. If user enters incorrect data, then system displays error message
actions A7. The use case resumes at step 6
A8. User is prompted to check inputted sign-up information
Post-condition Account Creation

Figure 3.14 1 Use case description for Ticket Booking

Actor Passenger

Use case id UI-10

Use case name Ticket Booking

Description It allows Booking ticket

Pre-condition Passengers must login


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There must be available seat

Basic course of actions 1. Passenger wants to book ticket

2. Passenger opens landing page <<UI_03>
3. Passenger log in to the system
4. Passenger opens booking page <<UI_05>>
5. The system displays booking form
6. Passenger fills departure and destination and search for available
7. The system displays available tickets based on the search
8. Passenger click book button
9. System gives back the booking id and journey information
10. Passenger make the payment using given booking id
Use case ends
Alternative course of A7. If passenger enters incorrect departure and destination then
actions system
displays error message
A8. The use case resumes at step 6
Post-condition Ticket booked

Figure 3.16 1 Use case description for generate report

Actor Admin

Use case id UI-011

Use case name Generate report

Description Allows passenger to register to the website

Pre-condition Admin must be logged in

Basic course of actions 1. Admin launches the system

2. The system displays Landing page<<UI_03 >>
3. Admin log in to the system
4. Admin browses generate report page
5. The system displays generate report page<<UI_18>>
6.The system displays message successfully completion of the use
7. Use case ends


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Alternative course of A4. If Admin enters incorrect credentials, then system displays error
actions message
A5. The use case resumes at step 3
A6. User is prompted to check inputted sign in information
Post-condition Report generated

Table 3.17 1 Use case description for view placement

Actor Driver

Use case id UI-12

Use case name View placement

Description Allows driver to view placement

Pre-condition Driver must be logged in

Basic course of actions 1. Driver launches the system

2. The system displays Landing page<<UI_03 >>
3. Driver log in to the system
4. Driver browses generate report page
5. The system displays View page<<UI_04>>
6. Use case ends
Alternative course of A4. If Driver enters incorrect credentials, then system displays error
actions message
A5. The use case resumes at step 3
A6. User is prompted to check inputted sign in information
Post-condition Viewed placement

3.3. Conceptual Modeling

A conceptual data model is a representation of organizational data. The purpose of a conceptual
data model is to show as many rules about the meaning and interrelationships among data as
possible. Conceptual data modeling is typically done in parallel with other requirement analysis
and structuring steps during systems analysis. The process of conceptual data modeling begins
with developing a conceptual data model for the system being replaced, if a system already exists.
This is essential for planning the conversion of the current files or database into the database of
the new system. It is one kind of data modeling and database design carried out throughout the
systems development process. (Joseph & Joey, 8th edittion)


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3.3.1. Class diagram

A class diagram is an illustration of the relationships and source code dependencies among classes
in the Unified Modeling Language (UML). In this context, a class defines the methods and
variables in an object, which is a specific entity in a program or the unit of code representing that
entity. Class diagrams are useful in all forms of object-oriented programming (OOP).
In a class diagram, the classes are arranged in groups that share common characteristics. A class
diagram resembles a flowchart in which classes are portrayed as boxes, each box having three
rectangles inside. The top rectangle contains the name of the class; the middle rectangle contains
the attributes of the class; the lower rectangle contains the methods, also called operations, of the
class. Lines, which may have arrows at one or both ends, connect the boxes. These lines define the
relationships, also called associations, between the classes. (, n.d.)


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Figure 3.2 1Class diagram


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3.3.2. Class description

Table 3.13 2Class description

Class Name Attribute Data Type Method Description

Passenger First_name string (15) Check_availability() A passenger
Last_name string (15) Reserve_seat() is someone
phone_number varchar(12) Book_seat() who travels
Make_payment() by bus and
Print_ticket() is in need of
FAQS_view() a ticket for

driver Admin_username varchar(15) Register() Responsible

Admin_password varchar(15) View_placement() for
varchar(12) operating
bus safety

reservation Reservation_id varchar(12) Holding a

departure_city varchar(12) Reserve() seat for a
departure_date date Confirm_reservation() specific
first_name varchar(12) Cancel_reservation() journey
last_name varchar(12) Check_availability()
phone_number varchar(12)

payment payment_id varchar(12) pay() Exchanging

price money receive_comformation_pay() money for a
date Date service

schedule departure_ place string(15) Assign_shedule() List of

arrival_time string(15) Update_schedule() departures
departure_time Date Delete_schedule() and arrivals
arrival_place Varchar(15) for specific
departure_date Varchar(15) route
destination_place Varchar(15)


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ticket Seat_number varchar(15) Print_ticket() A document

View_ticket or proof of
for a

book Book_id varchar(15) Book() Reserving a

seat on a

driver Driver_id varchar (15) View_placemet() operating

Driver_name varchar (15) the bus
Driver_phone varchar (15) safely and
on the

conformation confirmation_id varchar(15) Send_conformation() Gives

confirmation_type varchar(15) agreement
route_destnation varchar(15)
route_arrival varchar(15)
destination_time varchar(15)
arrive_time varchar(15)

Route route_id Varchar(15) route_assign() Journey

route_name Varchar(15) update_route()
Price Money delete_route()
arrive_time Date route_schedule()
destination_city Varchar(15) route_reschedule()
departure_city Varchar(15)
route_distance Varchar(15)
bus_id Varchar(15)

super_admin admin_id Varchar(15) add_bus_company() A person

user_name Varchar(15) delete_bus_company() who
update_bus_company() manages
the system


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FAQ FAQ_id varchar(15) View_FAQ() provide

with quick
answers to
queries and
they might
have while
booking a
bus ticket

Admin Admin_id Varchar A person

Admin_username Varchar who
manages a
specific bus


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3.4. Sequence diagram

Sequence Diagrams are interaction diagrams that detail how operations are carried out. They
capture the interaction between objects in the context of a collaboration. Sequence Diagrams
are time focus and they show the order of the interaction visually by using the vertical axis of
the diagram to represent time what messages are sent and when (simplilearn, 2022).

Figure 3.3 1Sequence diagram for login

List of Actions
1. User wants
to login and
opens home
2. User clicks
login button
3. user enters
user name
and Figure
4. system
user name
5. system
searches for
6. system
searches for
7. system
8. user


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Figure3.4 1Sequence diagram for reserve ticket

List of Actions
1. passenger
wants to
ticket and
opens home
2. passenger
clicks login
3. passenger
enters user
name and
4. system
user name
5. system
searches for
6. system
7. passenger
request for
8. system
9. passenger
enters the
10. system

Figure 3.5


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Figure 3.5.1 Sequence diagram for cancel ticket

List of Actions
1. passenger
wants to
cancel ticket
and opens
2. passenger cl
icks login
3. passenger
enters user
name and
4. system
user name
5. system
searches for
6. system
7. passenger
request for
cancel ticket
8. system
9. Passenger
data and
click cancel
10. system


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Figure 3.6 1Sequence diagram for Add route

List of Actions
1. Admin wants
to Add route
and opens
home page
2. Admin clicks
Add route
3. System
displays form
4. Admin fills
form required
5. Admin clicks
submit button
6. System verify
filled data
7. System Add
route database
8. System
displays succe
ssful Added


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Figure 3.7 1Sequence diagram for delete route

List of Actions
1. Admin wants
to delete route
and opens
home page
2. Admin clicks
delete route
3. System
displays form
4. Admin s fills
from required
data for
5. Admin clicks
submit button
6. System
verifies filled
7. System
delete route
8. SystemFigure 3.8
diagram for
update route


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List of Actions
1. Admin
wants to
route and
home page
2. Admin
3. System
4. Admin fills
5. System
filled data
6. System
7. System
displays s


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3.5. User Interface Prototyping

Prototyping is an experimental process where design teams implement ideas into tangible forms
from paper to digital. Teams build prototypes of varying degrees of fidelity to capture design
concepts and test on users. With prototypes, you can refine and validate your designs so your
brand can release the right products (simplilearn, 2022).


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Figure 3.3 2User interface prototype


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Link prototype:


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We covered the background of the manual bus ticket purchase system which we did our
investigation on in Chapter One. We have established the issue statement and project objectives;
as well as specified the parties that our project benefits; and a picked data gathering and system
techniques that are appropriate for this project.
In chapter two, we identified the existing system activities, we analyzed their business processes,
recognized the difficulties that occurred in the present system, examined ticket forms that are
utilized, and identified the participants in the system. Following that, we determined the system's
functional needs in order to tackle the difficulties revealed throughout the analysis process with
the existing system. In addition, in the fundamental modeling the nonfunctional requirements of
the system and the collaboration across various classes has been modeled.
In chapter three, we used object-oriented analysis to identify the major components of the system,
such as the Use case, User interface identification, Business identification, Actor identification,
designing the Use Case Diagram, Use Case Description, Conceptual Modeling, Class Diagram,
Class Description, Sequence Diagram, User Interface Prototyping for OBTBS.


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Bittner, K., & Spence, I. (2003). Use case modeling. Addison-Wesley Professional.

Rosenberg, D., & Scott, K. (1999). Use case driven object modeling with UML (pp. 1-4). Reading:
Addison-Wesley Professional.

Galitz, W. O. (2007). The essential guide to user interface design: an introduction to GUI design
principles and techniques. John Wiley & Sons.

Valacich, J. S., & George, J. F. (2022). Modern Systems Analysis and Design (2017, ). Pearson.

Ambler, S. (2002). Agile modeling: effective practices for extreme programming and the unified
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Dennis, A., Wixom, B., & Tegarden, D. (2015). Systems analysis and design: An object-oriented
approach with UML. John wiley & sons.

Distilled, U. M. L. (1997). Martin Fowler. This is an excellent book explaining UML diagrams
and the notations behind it.

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international conference on Software engineering (pp. 3-12). IEEE.
Carr, M., & Verner, J. (1997). Prototyping and software development approaches. Department of
Information Systems, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 319-338.
Wan-Kadir, W. M., & Loucopoulos, P. (2004). Relating evolving business rules to software
design. Journal of Systems architecture, 50(7), 367-382.
Mahalakshmi, M., & Sundararajan, M. (2013). Traditional SDLC vs scrum methodology–a
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3(6), 192-196.
Maylor, H. (2001). Beyond the Gantt chart: Project management moving on. European
management journal, 19(1), 92-100.


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