Activating Background Knowledge and Objective Discussions

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Students are NOT Empty Vessels

The truth is that the human brain has an intricate number of neural pathways that are
all interrelated and connected in amazing ways and that a teacher who can engage that
brain can use it to great advantage.


-Jeone Brunner: Curriculum is built in a spiral with many iterations from simple to
complex, learners can get better and better at what they do

-In other words, when you write your lesson plans, keep in mind that knowledge and
skills in language is not a one and done proposition since students are very likely to
forget information that isnt constantly repeated

=> Warm-up is a perfect way to acomplish two things.

Objective discussion

-An objective discussion can be held at any point in a lesson: Some learners may
assume that objectives of the class are out of their control => objective discussions
can be held with more success if students already begin to see a certain amount of

-But for an idealized situation, there's no doubt that sharing objectives before
instruction is sound advice. Most learners in most situations want to know where they
are being led and learners tend to do better when they are given a target to aim at.

-You may achieve better results in an objective discussion by doing the following in
any order.

1. Clearly stating the instruction, including subtasks (You will be able to

answer a phone call that includes a greeting, a request for help, a display of

information, and a closing statement…all in English!)

2. Checking for understanding (Tell me, in your own words, what are the parts of

a normal phone call)

3. Discussing the importance of the objective (Why ) : best to ask

probing questions to get answers from students

4. Establishing specifics (You will be required to identify and use 15 new phrases

in a speaking test tomorrow.)

-Remember that as you write your own objectives, whether they are shared with a

class or not, it is important to have specific objectives

-Thus, action words such as identify, state, recognize, and

demonstrate are preferred to more static verbs such as know, believe, feel, and

How to write objective

When you write an objective, think about what the students will do after activities to
demonstrate that learning has occurred.

Make your objectives observable and measurable.

Does it matter?

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