2019 Comp 1 - Model Paper Answers

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. WY WV Centre Candidate _ nit3| fo 315 GCSE ws WJEC crr2ut0-1 12]H1481 €dUGAs cbac iia Rietue GEOGRAPHY B ~ Component 1 Investigating Geographical Issues TUESDAY, 21 MAY 2019 ~ AFTERNOON ‘hour 45 minutes hes \ For Examiners se only oe oy model Maximum] — Mark ‘Question animes fe the pager a fet 1 2 z There are other ansnes That well be Se f + fi : 2 est Curreck too, we Th enjenclton a a] 32 wih the mark scheme ce a ADDITIONAL MATERIALS Resource Folder. In adton to this paper you may use a calculator anda ruler if required. INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES ‘Anower al ofthe question in this examination paper Use black ink or black bal-point pen, Do nat use gel pen. Do not use correction {uid ‘rite your name, centre number and candidate number inthe spaces at the top ofthis page. ‘write your answers inthe spaces provided in this booklet. Hf adtonal space is required you should use the lined page(s) atthe end of this booklet. The ‘question numbers) shouldbe clearly shown. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES ‘Te number of marks is given in brackets [atthe end of each question or pat-question ‘You are reminded that assessment wil take into account your ably o spel punctuate and use ‘grammar and spedlalt terminology accurately in your answer to question 1(). MAY19C112U10101 oo ‘Thome 4: Changing Places ~ Changing Economlos “Answer all questions. Tick (/) three feaures in the ist Belew which are indleators of cepivation, 1. Most towns and cits in the UK have distinctive zones. One ofthese isthe zane of deprivation, Feature Tek” Low eine rate High evel fcr ownership High ove of veering W Low eva employment v High level ofincome Low level of good heath ‘mr ro} 02, i | ey Study Figure 14 below. Figure 14 Levels of deprivation inthe city of Newcastle-upon-Tyno, NE England Describe the patie of deprivation shown on ths map. «i The highest level oy depasabicnen..jrthe South, oy, Mercastle. feths.8, OB mei and Matson te s ye Mowe e_tiample_d a eee nA ele and lends - _ Depitalten..ishiyneit.ntteace.... ths. Riier Tyas Muth Turn over. (©) ()_Tick(/) which ofthe folowing statements best describes the land use of he can} °™” (Cental Business Dstt. Land Use Tek) Mainy small factories and warehouses Mainly shops offices and restaurants v Mainly retail parks and ielsure centres Mainly new housing estates (Many cles have high volumes of traffic, Study Figure 1.2 below, Figure 1.2 The flow of traffic into and out of a CBD betwoen 9.00am and 9,05am, Er a eS wat @ we : « Drive 04 5 | “The amount of affic flowing out of the CBD at Point A between 8.00am and) cn” 9.05am was 100 vehices. Which of the arrows inthe table should be used fo show the traffic at Point A. Figure 1.2? Tick () the corect box i) Tick) oe (i) Compete the table below to show information for rafic going Into the CBD: (3) + names of roads in rank order of numberof vehicles the numberof vehicles on each ofthe roads. + the loa numberof vehicles going ino the CED. Rank Order Name ofRoad Number of vehicles Highest | western avenue 125 Coutyie, Cond [08 Southpark ve 35, tomate _| Nala Ceca 0 ota 552 (i) Large volumes of traf going into the CBD has led to pedestrianised zonesin some| Uxottes. Suggest one advantage and one disadvantage of creatng pedestiansed| zones na cy ci. i avantage [tis Ser for...ptechrinns...a...fhtat is oa bongpisouehty cont Fil NO Disadvantage. appt —enigfl..ndt_be. thls... _prale neocbethe_ shyps,.maltiog wit hracee fy hoe be aces cloupping, boys. fete 05) eectcu. ene ‘Turn over. 6 0 (0. Give one reason why the population of tes inthe UK is increasing. a There. uceakee. emalosmenk oper hails jn ckres, Aah anton Halt is ra sake Voces pram ther .ol.op the Uh .oc..gttm cle cambnts © Sxkin wy moira npr sens canep omen lenpaveing. ireuyeath Sifts can alee cbs su ends, acd ty tact_ao_the cond. Thos badd sedhuis congedton anh the amrwvol op pullubive.n opsie_heae.gasss._cebeased,.theetyert..ols..tdesidg clibol es. Ln rauing_lransgulh sales weddl obo acon. Lat slles CadAag! diel. cauily and acces... 2b 1h Hs ci gercaniag, oan coreey cold be spect [let rece Scerucrisshinability..foc @xample fhe Elizabelh line.écti.ai). i. 30..qpeaing. in Lacan. Eirally .ipenving empl ike cuele lanes can. ba adie. ear tents ellos 0d ang nua. fhe veil BLANK PAGE PLEASE DO NOT WRITE ON THIS PAGE 07. Turn over, (8) Study he information below. They show some features of urban and rural areas of the UK Figure 4.3 Changes in house prices 2007-2017 20000 240000 Average pric \ SSP SSS SKK SS a Feature Urban | Rural of total population am | 18% Retpeenaiaese | | Raoemwnemere [woe [sox Elgon seesesnt [on | som Figure 1.8 Changes to rural services \Volunieers run some rural services such as buses, post ‘offices, Ibrries and shops to prevent them closing, 08 9 \What conclusions can you reach about the socal and economic issues facing rural areas of UK? 7 ‘Your ably to spel, punctuate and use grammar and specials terminology accurately wil «assessed your answer fo ths question is Reval meas ove pains Sereeal. Socal end cans see jec.esamph..}iyas...1:.8..heed...Lhal rucel_huse, poses are sayag}antly Irighee Shon aban oes, Thb.soadd cnt, tlis harder. sor euty_peoph, be poy bucses,.alfough be gep. Z clas ars Ping. wibh... cts. lver 4. saenye gp. $10.he th. 201? Compacehtp..290.600._ ir vibon oncas agi eared by jaded 0h LO tO LEE En A drclor i. Seon ay Pew. Th means Heey,we be ees okey Iunbe seen..and...trtekcd and Jeri heelbhconth Seppe. Aosbber sasia | bth? Lam 00.) 30. Zui cen. hare. oveess_ te Fipogel _broadberd thir can leed_b._| diyilal_exddstun and can dls be on ecenome__ Ds. entinil rad bs. hacer du ncsk grom heme Reval grea, bart_ahishex propulhion oy people ack Oh alh.ocseticed.Th...codd bean econemne oe a then com hare limited. incames..onh.t..0d fe, able Ww. sgend mine in Iucal senvnes Ke ships, thee stony ._than...hers.y clase. - Finally siene...ccml.atcad.chy..c Senvitcs Wee uses. AL Shween, HO Bite bonkeaflauat sol clue. Oo a miu omecemes ema ‘Tum over. 0 altar vere htm the ec D9 pri a, hehnan ine tonaik, bebnen recoil nad Met ul Meg. 8a End of Question 4 ra, BLANK PAGE PLEASE DO NOT WRITE ON THIS PAGE ma n ‘Turn over, 2 ‘Theme 2: Changing Environments ‘Answer all questions. (@) Coastal areas are affected by many different physical processes. Complete the sentences| Stow by ang the sored wets om he bo (a hydraulic action joints weathering ole ation sation ols abrasion | } jaroks postion Some ks have vertical ines of weakness called The breaking don of ak bythe wind and ai by panos sscates £02609, inthe cise called vy! nl sath.e ty he waves and town agate cits ected... ‘The force of waves compressing ar into weakness “The process where rocks are picked up (©) Study the map inthe separate Resource Folder. The map shows part cf the isle of Wight (0) What isthe distance along the Tennyson Trail footpath from the Coastguat Cottages at 301848 fo the viewpoint at 3258537 i tb ens, co 13 (i). Figure 2 below shows part of the area on the map inthe Resource Folder. twas] ‘oxy taken in grid square 3085, Figure 24 tn which direction waste potograpa taken? @ The () te carect bax below Direction Tiek (”) North-west North-east South-west Y South-east Name the features marked A,B and Con Figure 2, using the map inthe Resource Folder. o) Feature Letter « ite ints g The Needles A Alum Bay c West High Down FFetiond Bay 13 eect rename ‘Turn over, “ (i) The Neottes are an example ofthe coastal landform ‘stacks’ Describe how a stack} “*” {s ormed, You may draw dlagrams in the space below fo suppot your answer. {4 A stck fi .ulacslyacen..caceb buy oo beadlend.,._~Ftstly. o.fadKer,ccack a nealas tate heed ard. and..byd trodes hb Snk.n..cart...ceahally .abiasien ond. Vighadi adivn ym fe con wakes the nag Mag he become on cts AS lhe-avshgcvecs, lhe lop tnseppukd_s calla peses ile anpleorsitg otal, thin land called on stak.. Hudrndsdadien , Sele ard aboston will conhdve be te hue gy de stack begere ik feo wil) Collapses Jeencig beh iodo inp SA coastal eresden, athen_wihers and. 6 (© Figure 2.2 below shows the amount of potential erosion around Toland Bay in heise a \Wight (Potential erosion isthe amount of eraion that could cecur who management) | Figure 2.2 Potential erosion rates around Totland Bay o 10-year time periods erosion in metres 2018-2025 1941 2025-2035 1924 [2005-2045 taat 2046-2085 18.28 2056-2005 1610 “The median value for potent erosion fs 15.23 m, Give one limtation of using the) ‘median as a measure of potential erosion y The...oned tan doesnt acknewledge exbeme volves . (Calculate the mean of potential erosion rate between 2015 and 2065, Show working below, 114) Fist ten tes % 110 = 78-04 FF 0" — 16-6 = Mean IS. 26 mes cveccncus ena Tum over. 16 (lil) Explain one way in which human activity can increase coastal erosion. Gilding..greynes be rop..sed arent. ond reduce _| leog, Shore“ del...cam.caus..Aevanival.g 104 7..cyrdim The mean aroce....o.rasten lakes plow sablec.alvoy Ihe Coash cas sedivenh. ive anil. ..ho.foeticl, Bel.. {()Toreduce erosion rates some planners suppor the old the tne’ method of coastal ‘management. Explain why there are conficing wews on this mathod of ‘management 5 bbid the Liat odd. whhert Iracd ery reer 0 wedv.lecep the conshliag...hrere tte. fe sng Hangh Ihe wie of Sea walls: meh gray nes. Homeownen on the..cousk. magn, be Soc btd the re oasik meem...hevhences.ane.prelcbed.. pom sone 2n5}00 , maiobaiding te vale oy Yrer: land, Honeror Lhyhenmental sag.dD4 3° ch. cold damage Cowden, ond _ansine| nabilals.. Heed engiiverida & he rena eapeasire.Son walls con.cosl sS0y. pe: mek, $2... dee. with lec geyer say, bus. spent. ori. Foal hard engirerds coh. ut gvoares Con ipurease erasien. raks oliog Jha consh. fH (i2my Irere may drape Oreall , hil fe de® vasvsktoble due 1 the problems cavseh avd cost ond moioteanme, Althoyh psinesses owners wel ike it on Sb pled Jew uilihord pyer eommpk yen ive cream selke BLANK PAGE PLEASE DO NOT WRITE ON THIS PAGE 17 Turn over (0) Study Figure 23 below. Figure 2.3 Some areas of the world are at significant risk from rising soa levels ‘and increased frequency of storms. 2X alte UKs population ve Key: = aorta isktom ings ea | | 90% oe ant Mates | | estan mae toe es | | 19 “The increased frequency of storms and rising sea levels wil have a greater impact on| ‘coasal communities in LICSINIGs compared © ICs" Vow tr oyu are wn is tent? a jolly caqiee bal Gawc Slee Evislly.. many LCs hat __odhigh.prspelive. ee pal Phat live asae...tee vost .pulbiony tem ob: raikt. 64.0 Sco lectl,yac..r0mple..celey £0... ths Malis rs less Shon A onthe cae see tere! LAr de _nek bare The. sanwoni..cacars.v.be..abk. ha dovilA. sem degences. bo con re $e Neat lib 68d ALCS oonk slede mea. Lelt.68_enakh..macs. abe tels tnd stirs fe Stegeten eiomgk_ in. Londen et hares Themes...Battice ler tol tea. |..oy ls. Maldsiss...Male, has 2.5.0 all and Mhal..cos) £.£0.mibler bil ner.peuil jee by. Tagan. LiCs alte theesore dent hare navaey be. 5 »...cobsld ayhe.fleodids,.2f..t0s2opul expe damesed Sonne. al _ = Us. ealso meee. .xeloemble be shetend,focé mpl. Fey onl Pasian soln. -Philigpiies. on Taeuibsildidg ses samke,eol_can be adhubeged andi posh duck hae. Ya oneceay J eebuld compact fe wide Climak..Chaoys..and v6.0.9, fem tereli.con..coate clirale i peg... lel Cob... aehres...0LCS....nad bs ebk, Wed Send mabigels ayers) exe. chonge : fi alt neal scl fel. bybeapidal dosms ee aa Endofauestion? —ciyjeu!\ ywnsve To 20 ‘Thome 3: Environmental Challnges ‘Answer all questions. ls. (@) Study Figure 2 which shows the climate ofa hot semi-arid grassland area Figure 34 ~ Climate ofan area of hot semi-arid grassland 20, a a ()Tlek (7) the two correct statements about the graph. a) Statomonts Tick) March isthe wettest month June has the greatest range of temperature February isthe hottest month vv | The minimum temperature never drops below 20°C ily and August have low rainfall and lower maximum temperatures There is more ran in November and December than there sn May and June. (© Colt e ange a epee h February Show yeurworing below fi So 1e = 76 page= lb te © ee etna tnt nen brn too giuss cheetah cata Cavs |] Zebra] Creel am em Producer Primary Consumer Secondary Consumer Terry Consumee 21 2 () Explain why vegetation can survive inthe climate of hot semi-ard grasslands. (@) veqtlation har audapled ,_se- samme Baobab. bees Juve. Mack le dunks... Prat con. sds noter The, i lta bruas...geom Heorres te cedeve meter Juss. Leash os hanipiredon Acacia hees...nex leny tee vets sh con cess. waber.dese ween Ds. gre. nth... Ley clus hers so canupy np Keer _b_iaerea se cheale andl su reduce. wake [oss (©) Fora named ecosystem you have studied (other than hot semi-arid gassland) describe how the ecosystem has been managed. Name of ecooystem 12 Piel. Can focesh. thi.ovtand,calyo.fenecellin rses.ov ged end wed athe thom The” while forest. Teves ar. cbi,_sslenk lar both bis been Javed ta sayoce a Creahing.gcaleded reeree.. antl thaliny Shu inns hannios..calny ond vSuoy le cticgurdit Thi angen vars... uthaue sabre ong ioleeperance. aren, 8 Tivpiial caingecests..are..mansyed.....heeea gelechie Layo 23 (©) Study Figure 3.2 below, which shows how much of each continent Is under threat from seserticaton "AREAS THREATENED BY DESERTIFICATION Extreme desert akeady o @ Ver high isk of destin Ey Han iso deserttcaton 5) Moderate risk of desertification conse veces teow arg te nmatin one. Teche weeds eet ea tomes done —_Aiicn— ‘The connen with he largest percentage area thigh risk of desertcation is. shemls Signs wo ter appropiate acsquen which coud be use 1 reeset he aa a ae reomenn2.Prapollienal tiles ‘oncom ena ‘Turn over, Py (i) Explain why human activity can increase the process of deserticalin, o Human! can overs rs... ores Toran cabte wil) “kill ne vegetabten. So. Mbe..c20 81» tngey _ bolld....he Soil_eros ton Avail ben ty hive...» Svelennt..ol ine hei makes y hin shulley...ard 5. ntlindaesoit.opslhea aol teak os_octe.Ihe Spats, cousiy...,ti]_e.05 on, aaain Ieading ty desech}rinBe . The free cools alte dent halk Pre sos) fo gelher BLANK PAGE PLEASE DO NOT WRITE ON THIS PAGE 2. Turn over, 2% (@ Study the photographs and map below, which show some strategies to reduce desertification, Figure 3.4 Use altornative moder farming techniques. Figuro 3.5 Encourage the growth of now turban settloments away from desort areas. Figure 3.6 Support projects such as the Groat Green Wallin Aira 7 Evaluate how successful strategies like these could be in reducing the spread off desertion ‘a Ib io lage scale prrjednyaed, Combe... agree. buf fle Sahar fins slowed - Creu Pete _utban sellemenb cums rom deeds ju Sus. 3S ens cble and Com cteluce He 25-6, oy Lurg.je.oreos erpenitncios dessthpads Hon ye £0 ty ae woke fly [cide aloabie gacmina._Iechaiyes. Dhak. lt dilele cuiT ravhrtenl e.care “Sal esabbin.. has och Geb). teil) alie..bely cedsee fhe ik og desethipbokon, thindes. elke MlGs..sdbs sb, L. sl Ubbalely Pruxgh, mang oy desc shokeysts cll cl. sae as_dedands.en_had ne. high and olomate heoye 0 makids, cleselhyekter. anes Likely The. at..surte...conal | coalk..£vccesspel..Mge sures. Like. sin Bends fale 0 Hecmccingshpes Chak can_help prrnf Sit) erosion drwe slipe, End of Question 3 gtthte.!ncaghl It be Gch ai Sips art. thal L$ END OF PAPER 2 omen “Turn over. ‘asst umber 28 “Raitional page, Wrequied fon numbers) inthe lafchand margi

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