Ip Project

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In partial fulfillment of the course Informatics Practices (065) of class 12 th

for the academic year 2023 – 2024 by :


Class & Section : XII “A”

Ht No : ________________

Department of Computer Science

Army Public School
R.K Puram Secunderabad



This is to certify that this project has been submitted by :




In partial fulfillment of the course Informatics Practices (065) of class 12 th

for the academic year 2023-2024 to the Department of Computer Science, Army
Public School, R.K Puram Secunderabad . Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi is a
record of bonafide work carried out under my guidance and supervision.

The results embodied in this project report have not been submitted to any
other institute for the award of any Degree or Diploma

Guide Name : P.LAKSHMI

Designation : PGT (IP)

Signature of the Teacher Signature of the External



At the outset I am thankful to our school for giving me the opportunity to

prepare the project report using Python Pandas I would like to express my
gratitude to all my teachers and my laboratory Instructor who have constantly
guided In the completion of my project work

Thanking you one and all

Yours Truly,





S.No Topic Page No.

01 Problem Statement 5

02 Abstract 6

03 System Requirements 7

04 Technology Used 8-9

Python 8

Pandas 8

DataFrame 8

CSV File 9

Data Visualization and matplotlib 9

05 Coding 10

06 Implementations 11-13

07 Conclusion 14

08 Bibliography 15


GDP data is comprised of multiple components, including

consumption, investment, government spending, and net exports.
Presenting these components in a coherent and visually accessible
manner is challenging, and there is a need for graphical methods that
effectively capture the nuances of each contributor. Over a 10-year
period, GDP may exhibit various temporal trends and patterns
influenced by economic cycles, policy changes, and external shocks.
Graphical methods should not only represent the overall trajectory but
also highlight key turning points, peaks, and troughs to aid in the
interpretation of economic events. Graphs should be designed with
user engagement in mind. It's essential to develop graphical
representations that capture the attention of diverse stakeholders,
including policymakers, economists, and the general public. Interactive
features might enhance user exploration and understanding. The
ultimate goal is to create graphical methods that not only visualize
data but also assist in informed decision-making. Explaining the
implications of GDP trends, identifying potential areas for policy
intervention, and communicating economic forecasts are vital aspects
that the graphical methods should address.


This research project focuses on developing innovative

graphical methods to effectively communicate and explain the
nuanced trends within the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) data
over the last 10 years. The multifaceted nature of GDP, influenced
by diverse economic factors, presents challenges in conveying
the information comprehensively to a wide-ranging audience. The
project addresses key challenges associated with presenting
GDP data, including the multi-dimensional nature of its
components, temporal trends, sector-wise contributions, and the
need for user engagement. By leveraging advanced graphical
techniques, the aim is to create visualizations that not only
capture the complexity of GDP but also facilitate a clear and
insightful understanding of its dynamics. The anticipated
outcomes of this research project include adaptable graphical
methods that go beyond conventional representations, providing
a holistic view of the economic landscape over the past decade.
These methods aim to assist decision-makers by highlighting key
trends, enabling comparisons across sectors, and offering
insights into potential areas for policy interventions. Ultimately,
this project contributes to bridging the gap between complex
economic data and user comprehension, fostering a more
informed and inclusive understanding of the GDP trends over the
last 10 years. The research findings have the potential to impact
diverse sectors by enhancing the accessibility and usability of
economic data for a broad range of stakeholders.


System ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rating 1.0 Windows Experience Index
Processor Intel® Core™ i3 CPU M370 @2.40GHz 2.4GHz
Installed memory 4GB (3.80 GB usable)
System type 64-bit Operating System
Pen and touch No Pen or Touch Input is available for this Display
Computer name, domain and workgroup settings--------------------------------
Computer name : user-PC
Full computer name: user-PC
Computer description:
Workgroup: WORKGROUP
Windows activation-----------------------------------------------------------------------
Windows is activated
Product ID: 00426-oem-8992662-00010

Anaconda Jupyter Note Book
Used Online Jupyter Note Book


Python. Python programming language was developed by Cuido Van Rossum in

February 1991 Python is an easy to learn yet powerful object oriented
programming language. It is a very high level programming languages like C, C++,
Java etc.

Pandas. Pandas is the most popular library in the scientific python ecosystem for
doing data analysis. Pandas are capable of many tasks:

❖ It can read or write in many different data formats (integer,float,double,etc.)

❖ It can calculate in all the possible ways data is organized i.e.. across rows
and down columns.

❖ It can easily select subsets of data from bulky data sets and even combine
multiple datasets together

❖ It has functionality to find and fill missing data

❖ It allows you to apply operations to independent groups within the data.

❖ It supports reshaping of data into different forms.

❖ It supports advanced time-series functionality (Time series forecasting is

the use of a model to predict future values based on previously observed

❖ It supports visualization by integrating matplotlib and seaborn etc.. libraries.

Data frame. A DataFrame is a Pandas structure, which stores data in

two-dimensional way. It is actually a 2D (tabular and spreadsheet like) labeled
array, which is actually an ordered collection of columns where columns may store
different types of data eg.., numeric or string or floating point or Boolean type etc..,
Major characteristics of a DataFrame are:

❖ It has two indexes or we can say that two axes- a row

Index (axis=0) and a column index (axis=1)

❖ Conceptually it is like a spreadsheet where each value is identifiable with

the combination of row index index in general and the column index is
called the column name.

❖ The indexes can be of numbers or letters or strings.

❖ There is no condition of having all data of same type across columns; its
columns can have data of different types.

❖ DataFrames are value mutable (its values can be easily changed)

❖ DataFrames are size mutable (rows/columns can be easily added or


CSV File. Refers to the tabular data saved as plaintext where data values are
separated by commas.
The CSV format is popular as it offers following advantages:

❖ A simple, compact and ubiquitous format for data storage

❖ A common format for data interchange.

❖ It can be opened in popular spreadsheet packages like MS- Excel, Calc


❖ Nearly all spreadsheets and databases support import/export to CSV


Python’s Pandas library offers two functions read CSV () and to CSV () that
help you bring data from a CSV File into a dataframe and write a data frame’s
data to a CSV file.

Data Visualization and Matplotlib. Data Visualization basically refers to the

graphical and visual representation of information and data using visual elements
like charts, graphs and maps etc.

Data Visualization is immensely useful in decision making unveils patterns,

trends, outliners, correlations etc in the data helping decision-makers understand
the meaning of data to drive decisions.

The Matplotlib is a python library that provides many interfaces and

functionalities for 2D graphics. Matplotlib is a high quality plotting library of python
that provides both very quick way to visualize data from Python and publication-
quality figures in many formats.

The Matplotlib library offers many different named collections of methods;
PyPlot is one of such interfaces, a collection of methods within Matplotlib which
allows used to construct 2D plots easily and interactively.



CONCLUSION. In conclusion, the application of graphical methods to explain
the GDP data over the last 10 years has proven to be a valuable and insightful
approach. Through the development and implementation of innovative
visualizations, this research has addressed the complexities inherent in GDP
datasets and successfully communicated key economic trends to a diverse
audience. The incorporation of interactive features in the graphical representations
played a crucial role in engaging users and fostering a dynamic exploration of the
data. This not only enhanced the accessibility of the information but also
encouraged stakeholders to delve deeper into specific aspects of GDP, leading to
a more informed interpretation. In summary, the research project successfully
demonstrated the effectiveness of graphical methods in elucidating the complex
patterns and trends within GDP data over the last decade. The outcomes of this
research have practical implications for decision-makers across various sectors,
enabling them to make more informed choices based on a clearer understanding
of economic dynamics. As we move forward, the insights gained from this project
can contribute to the development of standardized and universally applicable
graphical methods for explaining economic data, fostering a more transparent and
accessible dialogue surrounding GDP trends.


❖ Informatics Practices Class XI and XII by NCERT

❖ Informatics Practices Class XI and XII by Sumita Arora


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