Assignment 2

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Homework 2

University of Windsor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
ELEC 2240 - Signals and Systems

Submission: Submissions should be through Brightspace. There is a 24-hour grace period after
the due date without a penalty. Late submissions and email submissions will not be accepted.

1. (9 points) Determine whether or not each of the following signals is periodic. If the signal is
periodic, determine its fundamental period.

(a) x1 (t) = cos(3t + π3 ) sin(5t + π6 )

(b) x2 (t) = 3 cos(3t + π3 ) + 2 sin(5t + π6 )
(c) x3 (t) = ej(πt−3) + ej(5πt−1)
(d) x4 (t) = jej5t
(e) x5 [n] = 10 cos( 6π
7 n + 2)
(f) x6 [n] = sin(100n)
(g) x7 [n] = 3 sin( 6π 7π
7 n) + 2 cos( 8 n)
(h) x8 [n] = 3 cos( 6π 7
7 n) + 2 cos( 8 n)
(i) x9 [n] = jej5n

2. (4 points) Find and sketch the even and odd components of the following signals:

0, t≥0
x(t) =
e2t , t<0

e−2t , t≥0
x(t) =
e4t , t<0

3. (3 points) Express each of the following complex numbers in Cartesian form (a + jb):

sBJksDRPrf96kfrB1XsIog 1
(a) 0.25e−j3π
(b) 5ejπ/4+2
(c) jej3π/4
4. (3 points) Express each of the following complex numbers in polar form (rejθ , −π < θ ≤ π):
(a) −4
(b) 3j
(1 + j)10
(1 − j)10
5. (2 points) Find an expression for the following signals in terms of the unit rectangular and
triangular pulses:
x1 (t)

−1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 t

(b) Hint: Two signals can be added or multiplied!

x2 (t)

−8 −6 −4 −2 2 4 6 8 t

6. (3 points) Sketch the following signals:

(a) x1 (t) = u(4 − t) − u(t − 2)
(b) x2 (t) = u(t − 6) + u(3 − t)
(c) x3 [n] = u(n) + 2u(n − 4) − 3u(n − 10)
7. (10 points) Determine which of the following systems are linear, time-invariant, memoryless,
causal, or stable:
(a) y(t) = β1 x(t − t1 ) + β2 x(t − t2 )
(b) y(t) = x(τ )dτ

(c) y[n] = nx2 [n]

(d) y[n] = (x[n − 1] + x[n] + x[n + 1])
(e) y[n] = sin(x[n])

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