VE EFN2 Tests Unit04

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Unit 4 test

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ___________

1 Complete these tables.

Verb Noun
1 ____________ blood
2 ____________ bruise
3 ____________ cough
4 ____________ swelling

Adjective Noun
5 ____________ dizziness
6 ____________ infection
7 ____________ swelling

2 Complete this text with the past simple or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.
My daughter Carlie (8) ____________ (play) with her friends in the garden this morning when
she (9) ____________ (start) to have problems breathing. She (10) ____________ (say) her
chest (11) ____________ (feel) tight but she (12) ____________ (not wheeze).
I (13) ____________ (call) the community nurse and she (14) ____________ (give) me
instructions to control the breathing.

3 Choose the correct words in italics.

15 How would you / you would describe the pain?
16 On a scale of one to ten, how bad is / bad how is the pain?
17 The pain does / Does the pain move at all?
18 How did long / long did the pain last?
19 Can you tell me / me tell how it started?
20 Anything that it makes / makes it worse?
21 How do you / you do feel about the pain?
22 Does it hurt / It does hurt when I press here?

4 Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

23 _____ is a fine powder that is produced by flowers.
A Wheeze B Pollen C Mucus
24 The body sometimes produces a thick liquid called _____ .
A pollen B irritate C mucus
25 Patients who _____ make a noise when they breathe.
A irritate B wheeze C relieve
26 To _____ means to stop the feeling of pain.
A relieve B pollen C irritate

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5 Complete this text with the words in the box.
finally first next then

To use the peak flow meter, (27) ____________ sit up straight. (28) ____________ breathe in
deeply. (29) ____________ hold the tube to your mouth and blow out hard and fast. Do this
three times. (30) ____________, compare the three readings and take the average.

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