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yt a (¥) on the correct answer. ‘ (Or) 4 5. (Or) 6. 10. 1. 12. 13. 14. 15. Or) 16. ney Solved Papers Physics (10" Which of the following is : ng is an example of simple harmoni 2 (a) the motion of simple aan of simple harmonic motion i (b) the motjon of ceiling fan One spinning of the Earth on its axis (d) a bouncing ball on a floor he mass of the bob of a pendulum is increased by a factor of 3, the period of the pendulum’s motion will: b) (a) be increased by a factor of 2 @) remain the same (©) be decreased by a factor of 2 (a) be decreased by a factor of 4 Which of the following devices can be used to produce both transverse and longitudinal war (M141,15s) fC) Device used to produce both transverse and longitudinal wave is: (a)astring ~ (b) aripple tank (@) a helical spring (slinky) (d) a tuning fork Waves transfer: (G151,0151,B1511,G161,SL1711)(M201)(L211) (a) (a) @ energy (b) frequency (c) wavelength (d) velocity Which of the following is a method of energy transfer: (G221) (d) Which of the following is a method used to transfer energy? (SL4611,B1711,S1171) (a) conduction — (b) radiation + (©) wave motion — (@ all of these In a vacuum, all electromagnetic waves have the same: (a) (S\A6181,M1711,SL171,Mi811,B2211,G2211) @ speed (b) frequency (c) amplitude’ (d) wavelength A large ripple tank with a vibrator working at a frequency of 30 Hz produces 25 complete waves in a distance of 50 cm. The velocity of wave is: (61411) (4) (@53cms' — (b) 60cms” (c) 750cms" @ 1500cms* Which one of the following characteristic of wave is independent of the others? . (0161, F211,0221,L221) © (a) speed (by frequency @amplitude (A) wavelength ‘The relation between v, fand Aofa wave (b) (MA5IT, M161,SL161,Sr1711,Mi81,M1911)(SL201)(B221,Sr2211,R2211) (a) of =A @ fazv (va=f (d)vsdlf. All Pi ‘The main categories of waves are: (Masi,Bi61,D171) —(b) (a) 1 @2 (c)3 @4 hich waves do not require medium for their propagation: (D16ID) (©) (A) Sound waves (B) Mechanical waves (@) Blectromagnetic waves (D) All of these waves The spring constant is: (uist,ciem)’ (c) FE x (a) F =ma (b) w= mg @k=-— (d) k= = ‘the time period of vibrating mass spring system, when ifs mass become hi st) (©) ein same (b) become half (@ Increased (a) Decreases What is the S.1 unit of frequency? (oistan, suusieism)—(b) Wesond, (a Herzortiz (©) Ampere (a) Newton é The formula of Hook’s law i ‘The equation of Hooke’s Law ($1151,M1611,8171,01811) whee pa-kX (xX =-KF (d)K=-FX Formula for the time period of mass attached to spring is: («151,8151)_(b) Im T=4f, @) k k aanft ©T=2%, (a) T = 22. i gro 19. 20. 21. Se 22. Qu: Ans: vity (Inertia (a) Air resistance (b)Tension in string (@ Force of gravity (¢ jist of: @ JJectromagnetic waves consist of: tic field ; tSectre Held Oe ond magnetic fields (c) gravitational field eae ie 6 The relation between time, speed and di a ao e (a) vet (byV =dt @V=— ani a ‘That wave in which the vibratory motion of partic ‘um perpendicular to motion of wave: Racal wae i (a) Longitudinal waves Qprvanrverse eave | (©) Electromagnetic waves verse ea abe If the length of simple pendulum is doubled then its time period rid be: af | @= ) f @Vz (d) 27 When 1= 1.0 m then the time period of Simple Pendulum is: (6151,S1221) (a) @1.99Sec _(b) 2.11 Sec (©) 1.89Sec (d) 1.88Sec ‘The equation for the Time Period of Simple Pendulum is: (mim) (b) @T= fe @) ra2n[t @T= aft @ reonlt g g In Simple Harmonic Motion, Velocity at extreme position is: © (a) Maximum (b) Minimum 3 a @0 (d) Sometime maximum sometime minimum If f= 4Hz and A= 0.4m,then speed of the wave will be: (ma4s)m221,0221) (a @ 1.6ms" (b) 0.16ms® — (c) 16ms™ (@) 160ms" ‘Waves produce on string are: @ @ Transverse waves (b) Electromagnetic waves (c) Longitudinal waves (@) Radio waves Iff = 90 MHz, V = 3 x 10'ms" then wave length will be: (@)3333m_—” (6) 333m ©) 33.33 m @ 3.333m One complete trip of a vibrating body about its mean position is: (@) @) Vibration (b) time period (©) Frequency) wave length ‘The number of waves passing through a point in one second is called: (m1s1(a) (Frequency — (b) Displacement _(c) Wavelength (4) Amplitude Kinetic energy of mass spring system is maximum at: (©1511,D2211,Sr221) (b) (a)Extreme position (@) Mean position (c) A and B Both (@ None of these In which state of matter longitudinal waves move faster? (stisiism) (b) (2) Liquid (@ solid (©) gas (d) liquid and solid bot When did Christian Huygens invent the peridulum clock? (sissy (a) @ 1656 (b) 1756 (©) 1856 @ 1956 X-Rays are waves: (2) Mechanical (®yElectromagnetic _(c) Statio1 4) Longitudinal When water waves enters the region of shallow water their wins ecetesetl @ Decreases —_(b) Increases (©) Become zero (d) Remains sat? ‘When a body moves to and fro about a point, its motion is called:(qist) 0) | (a) random motion @®) vibratory motion (©) linear motion (d) rotatory motio® | If the length of a simy ts time period? Formula: ple pendulum is doubled, what will be the change ® (G151,M171,0370) T ade ft : ® This formula shows that time period will increase by increase in the length | TS ere HONEY Solved Papers Physics (10 3 Q2: A ball is dropped from a certain height onto the floor and keep bouncing. Is the Motion of ball Simple Harmonic? Explain. (wien) Ans: It is observed that after cach bounce its height and its potential energy are decreasing. And time period is also decreasing. As time period is not constant and total energy is not conserved so the motion of ball is not simple harmonic motion Q3: A student performed two experiments with a simple pendulum. He/ She used two bobs of different masses by keeping other parameters constant. To hisher astonishment the time period of the pendulum did not change! Why? ‘Ans: As we know the formula for time period, Tal & This formula shows clearly that the time period T depends on ‘its length and does not depend on its mass, Therefore, when a student performs two experiments with simple pendulum by using two bobs with different masses by keeping all other parameters constant then 7'of the pendulum does not change. Q.4: What types of waves do not require any material medium for their propagation? (¢z2 ‘Ans: Electromagnetic waves do not require medium for their propagation and can travel through vacuum. Examples: Radio waves, Television waves, X-rays, Heat and Light waves. Q5: Plane waves in the ripple tank undergo refraction when they move from deep to shallow water. What change occurs in the speed of the waves? ‘Ans: As we know that the speed of wave is directly proportion to its wavelength. ‘As when they move from deep water to shallow water, wavelength decreases 80 its velocity (speed) also decrease: Define simple harmonic motion and write its equation. : (MA5I1,SL151811,D1511,B151,D161,SL181,F2211) When an object oscillates about a fixed position (mean position) such that its acceleration is directly proportional to its displacement from the mean position and is always directed towards the mean position, its motion is called SHM. Equation: aeex sinus Describe four characteristics of simple harmonic motion. (G161,SL171,G181,D201,SL211182211) A body executing SHM always vibrated about a fixed position. Its acceleration is always directed towards the mean position, The magnitude of acceleration is always directly proportional to its displacement from the mean position i.e., acceleration will be zero at the mean | position while it will be maximum at the extreme positions. {iv) Iis velocity is maximum at the mean position and zero at the extreme positions. Define vibratory motion. (R1S1,M211) To and fro motion of a body about its mean position is known as vibratory motion. State Hooke’s law. (OR) State Hooke’s law and write its equation. (LAS11,R1511,M191,D2011)(Sr2211,F2211) Hooke’s law states that within elastic limit, the strain produced in an object is | directly proportional to the applied stress. Equation: =-kx | Q40: Define spring constant. (OR) Define spring constant. Write its formula also. (¢FLSEG171L.SLA71LL211.11.M2i1.1221.82211) | Ans: _Itis the ratio of the force affecting the spring to the displacement caused by it. Formula: x=-= x Or) Kis aconstant called the spring constant defined as, ibe ay. The value of k is a measure of the stiffness of the spring. Stiff springs have 2 soft springs have small value of k. 10! toring fors HONEY Solved Papers Physics 1 wat at by ; 211) (Man, 1 eff us iin prerariniets osetieiimearakiyt 71,0181 StF performing osejfja't) Ans: The force which always pushes or Med restoring, force. iotion towards the mean position 1 called eT TE time period, Q.12: Define simple pendulum and write the ermined? " n be deter Or) How time period of a Simple Pendulum can re tar RIRTT Fray . 19) SHM. It consists of a small bob of mags" Ans: A simple pendulum exhibits SHI fixed at its upper end. suspended from a light string of length fix Equation: 7 re ee Q.13: Define time period. OR Write the eae taerasemyonsiiee at Ans: Tee by a vibrating body to complete one vibration is called time perc Formula: peo. 7 Q.14: What is the role of mass in Time Period of a Pendulum? (man) Ans: Time period of a pendulum is given by the formula, T=2" 8 « : It is clear that time period of pendulum is dependent on its length and acceleration, not on its mass and amplitude. ite its unit (SL201,D211,M211,p; Q.15: Define frequency. Write its unit. (SL16I,Sr1611,Sr171,R1711)($ Dz, Ans: The number. of waves of sound per second is called frequency. no.of waves of sound time(sec) frequency = Unit: Hertz(Hz) : ; i Or) The number of vibrations per cycle of a vibrating body in one second is called its frequency. Unit: Hertz(Hz) Q.16: Define amplitude. (FX61LLA71.M1711,D171.Mi811,L181.Sr1811.B18L.SL21,M2in Ans: maximum displacement of a vibrating body on either side from its mean position is called its amplitude. Q.17: What is meant by Damped Oscillation? ae (G27 Hh M4711/M181,SL2011,D201,L 2011 S+2211,R2211,M221 S122) Ans: The oscillations of a system (nthe Presence of some resistive force at oscillations. Shock absorbers in automobiles are one practical application of damped motion. : Define wave motion. en tt6H.01711,Sr4711,L18H1,sLis1)(02011,L201.11(021) A wave or wave diorc® iS @ disturbance in the medium which care te Particles of the medium to under; 0 vibrator ti ir mean position in equal intervals of time, = motion about their ie Q.19: What are mechanical waves and electromagneti 3? Write an example Or) Define two) basic types of waves, ree eae eal Woe itFA71%,8171,Mastt,sristady pa; 11 $1210) Ans: Mechanical Waves: Waves which require any medium EEE RL are called mechanical waves, Examples of mechanical waves are water wave sound waves and waves produced on the string and springs. : Electromagnetic Waves Jyaves which do not require eny medium for ef Propagation are called mechanical waves. Revs isi nl rays, heat and light waves a Radio waves, television waves Q.20: What is the difference betwe Or) Define transverse waves and ‘aves, Al: le. (cist L1611,1171 F271 Mary Rito RTM Cea 0) Ans: Longitudinal waves: Longin waves are er MaBHT) F221 C2 cA Particles of the medium move back and fo; irection © Propagation of wave. mth along the dire For example, sound waves. longitudinal w: se waves: the medium vibrate perpendicular to the direction of prop: For example, waves on the surface of water an light waves are examples of (51171,6161,02311) are closer together are meant by compress ts of waves where called compressions. Q.22: What is the function of Ripple tank? OR) What is uticles of the medium of Ripple tank? (M2011)(5L201.11,02311) ‘Ans: Ripple tank is a device used to produce water waves ‘and to. study their characteris Q.23: Define Refraction and Diffraction of Waves, (MA51,S11 NY). 161,61611, G1 711,51171,L1811,G3811,F1811,Sr181,01811.224) Ans: Refraction of Wave: When waves from one medium ente direction of travel may change. This phenomenon Is Diffraction of Waves: The bending or spreading of waves around obstacles or slits is called diffraction. | How many times, a human ear drum can oscillate in one second? (B1511) Human ear drum can oscillate 20,000 times in a second. What is meant by Vibration? One complete round trip of a vibrating body about its one vibration. Differentiate between vibration and frequency. (D18II)(SL2011) Vibration: One complete round trip of a vibrating body about its mean position is called one vibration. Frequency (f): The number of vibrations per cycle of vibrating second is called its frequency. It is denoted by f- : Q.27: Electromagnetic waves do not require any ‘medium for their propagation, why? Give reason. (1911,D22I1) Ans: Electromagnetic waves are formed when an electric field couples with a magnetic field. These two fields are perpendicular to each other. As these mannetice formed between two fields hence these waves do not require a medium for their production or propagation. ong Question om All P rd Define Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) and also prove that the mass attached to a spring shows Simple Harmonic Motion. (p21) (15161511 $r1511,0151i,G1611,MAGI,F471,SL171,Sr17%R171,0170)(L1811,SL1S1,R19411) ‘Ans. Simple Harmonic Motion: Simple harmonic motion occurs wher displacement from the mean position and is al i f Mass Attached To A Sj rin the second medium at some angle their called refraction of waves. he sharp edges or comers of (R161) mean position is called body in one in the net force is directly proportional to the Jways directed towards the mean position, ring: Motion One of the simplest types of oscillatory motion is that of horizontal mass- spring system (Fig). Feo 6 HONEY Solved Papers Physics (10) ____-- a displacement x o> a Stach ‘Or compressed through & small displ x from can position, it exerts the force F on the mass. tional to the change; — to Hooke’s law this force is directly Propo Be in length x of the spring Le. : Fa ckx a sition O, and es : i Where x is the displacement of the mass from its mean p IS g constant called the spring constant defined as: k sift ff sprin, The value of k is a measure of the stiffness of the spring. Stiff springs hay, large value of k and soft spring have small value of k As F=ma a Therefore, k =- 4 x Or ke m ae-x., Q) oe It means that the acceleration of a mass attached to a spring is fiealy Proportional to its displacement from the mean position. Hence, the horizontal motion of a mass-spring system is an example of. ‘simple harmonic motion. Initially the mass m is at rest in position mean O and the resultant force on the mass is zero (Fig. a). Suppose the ass is pulled through a distance x up to extreme Dosition A and then reesed (Fig. b). The restoring force exerted by the spring on the mass will pull it towards the mean position O. Due to the restoring force the mass moves back, ‘owards the mean position O. As the mass moves from the mean position O to the 8 force acting on it towards the mean position steadily the. speed of the mass decreases as it moves towards the Sine Position B. The mass finally comes briefly to rest at the extreme position B (Fig, ¢), Ultimately the mass returns to the mean Position due to the restoring force. This process is repeated, and the mass continues to oscillate back and forth about the mean position O. Such motion of a Mass attached to a spring on a horizontal frictionless surface is known as Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM). The time period T of the simple harmonic motion of a mass ‘m’ attached to a spring is given by the following equation: T=2n fm Q.2: Prove that motion of ball in ball and bowl system is simple harmonic motion. Ans: Ball and Bowl System: (RA8II, F1611,M201.11,8201,1201 ‘The motion of a ball placed in a bowl is another e» a manie oth xample of simple harmonic motion. Boy Ball A C4 8, beagles . Fig. When the ball is at the i - Mean position O, that is, at the centre of the bowl, net force acting on the ball is zero, In this Position, weight of the ball acts downward and is equal to the upward normal force of the surface of the bowl. Hence there is no motion. Now if we bring the ball to position A and th hi ten release it, the ball will start moving towards the mean Position O due to the restorin; ig force caused by its weight. At position O the ball gets maximum speed and due to inertia it moves towards the extrem? Position B. While going towards the position B. we > ©8 Eat meoe + . eee eee over Solved Papers Physics (10 7 | Feilall its energy is | ° out sition placed ina ou to Rietion Thus the to and fro motion of the ball about a a8 Prove that the in a bowl is an example of simple harmonic motion o- that the motion of simple pendulum exceuting simple harmonic muy ans Motion of a Simple Lr) C3711, F4711,818I1)(D201)(L201)S12111)(02411K220 The motion of t - smell Malco iy of simple pendulum is simple harmonic motion if it 1s png a bob St mascara tie ie to prove tl { considers a simple pendulum faving on ‘A’, the only fore the length of pendulum is '’. When the pendulum is at rest eed fom its mean ¢ acting is its weight and tension in the string. When it is spied fT fo aroond Position to another new position sty 'B' and released, it x abel its mean position. Suppose that at this instant the bob is at wim Force Acting On The Bol We f the bob (W = mg) acting vertically downward. I 7. Tension in the string (T) acting along the string. The weight of the bob can be resolved into two rectangular components: a. mgcos @ along the string. b. mgsin@ perpendicular to string. , Since there is no motion along the string, therefore, the component mgcos 9 must balance tension (T). i.e. mgcos@=T ‘This shows that only mgsin @ is the net force which is responsible for the acceleration in the bob of pendulum. During its motion towards point B, the velocity city of the bob becomes zero as it | ofthe bob decreases due to restoring force. The velo | reaches the point B. The restoring force mgsin @ still acts towards the mean position | Rand due to this force the bob again starts moving towards the mean position A. In this way, the bob continues its to and fro motion about the mean position. i endulum is directly proportional to | ‘As the acceleration of the bob of simple p displacement and is directed towards the mean position, therefore the motion of the bob is simple harmonic when it is given a small displagemens venie motion. Write down its four properties. (G151)(St200) Q.4: Define simple harm: Or) Describe four features of simple harmonic motion (S.H.M). (R16L.D3711SL201) Ans. Simple Harmonic Motion: Simple harmonic motion occurs when the net force is Gueetly proportional to the displacement from the mean position and is always directed towards the mean position. -A body executing SHM always vibrated about fixed position. ody eration i always directed towards the mean positon (iii) The magnitude 0 jon is always directly proportional 10 its | Uisplacement from the mean position ie acceleration will be zero at the | sp aeeition while it will be maximom at the extreme positions. | (iv) Its velocity is maximum at the mean position and zero at the extreme positions. | QS: Explain different terms ‘used in simple harmonic motion. (01st) | Ans. (i) Vibration: One complete round trip of a vibrating body about its mean jon is call led one vibration. Wt “The time taken by a vibrating body to complete one Meee : is called time period. It is denoted by T. The unit of time period is second (s). (ii) Frequency (0: ‘The number of vibrations per cycle of a vibrating body in one quency (Pits frequency. It is denoted by f. The unit of frequency is hertz (Hz). It is reciprocal of time period ie., f= /T >) Giv) Ampiltude (AX: The uuximam displacement of a vibrating body on enher wide ii ive new position is called its amplitude. Mts unit is metre (mn). 0.6; Whit le dumped oscillations? Kixplain how damping progressively reduces the wmplitude of oveillations’? — (1161,8e4711,o1mrax1(L2241 2211) med Oscillations: Fee a: aystem in the presence of some resistive force are damped owciflations Ans Shock absorbers m automobiles are one practical application of damped motion, A shock absorber comnts of a piston moving through a liquid such as oil. ‘The upper part Of the shock absorber is firmly attached (0 the body of the car. When the car travels over bump on the road, the car may vibrate violently, ‘The shock absorbers damp these vibrations (reduce the amplitude) and convert their energy into heat energy of the oil Q.7: Define wave motion. Also explain activities to farming tee wares. oy or) Explain with an activity “waves as carrier of energy”. “"(stzan) An ‘A wave is a disturbance in the medium which causes the particles of the medium to undergo vibratory motion about their mean position in ‘equal intervals of time. Dip one end of a pencil into a tub of water, and move it up and down vertically (Fig), Fig: Wave The disturbance in the form of ripples produces wie eater which move away from the source. When the wave reaches a small piece of cork floating near the disturbance, it moves up and down about its original position while the wave will travel outwards. The net displacement of the cork is zero. The cork repeats its vibratory motion about its mean position. Activity: Take a rope and mark a point P on it. Tie one end of the rope with a support and stretch the rope by holding its other end in your hand (Fig). Fig: Waves produced on a string w, flipping the rope up ‘ ; i ip and down regularly will set up a wave in the rope Vibrating yp! l0Wards the fixed end. The point P on the rope will stat be pete down as the wave passes across it. The motion of point P will Dependences at to the direction of the motion of wave. tn eiched antes neray carried by the wave depends on the distance of the the amplitude ra ils rest position. That is, the energy in a wave depends on per second to he wave, If we shake the string faster, we give more enerz¥ energy nef seo wave of higher frequency, and the wave delivers more ‘Ond to the particles of the string as it moves forward. © WONEY Solved Papers Physics (10"") 9 Importance: ; Waves play an important role in our daily life. It is because waves are carrier of energy and information over large distance Q.8: Explain longitudinal waves and transverse waves. (F611) Or) Define mechanical waves and explain its types in detail. (R201,02011,st211,F2211) Ans: Mechanical Waves: Waves which require any medium for their propagation are called mecha ical waves._It has two types. @ Longitudinal Waves: In longitudinal waves the particles of the medium move back and forth along the ae ee os ey a Explanation: Longitudinal waves can be produced on a spring (slinl laced on a smooth floor or a Jong bench. Fix bne end of the slinky with a rigid support and hold the other end into your hand. Now give it a regular push and pull quickly in the direction of its length. LP PILLLLLLLAL DD I-H FRISIULIAD 29.2 9 9TITIF—B ‘omprmnlan— Relanien Comer Fig: Longitudinal wave on a slink’ A series of disturbances in the form of waves will start moving along the length of the slinky. The compressions and rarefactions move back and forth along the direction of Motion of the wave. This type of wave is called longitudinal waves, (i) Transverse Waves: In the case of transverse wave : es, the motion of particles of the medium is Perpendicular to the motion of wave. Explanation: We can Produce transverse waves with the help of a slinky. Stretch out a smooth floor with one end fixed, Grasp the other end of the slinky and move it up and down quickly. A wave i Troughs Crest: The crests are the highest poi i i Points of the particles of the medium from the iti Trough: ‘The troughs are the lowest points of the Particles of the medium from the maa eae The crests and troughs move Perpendicular to the direction of the wave. Thi cs type of wave is called transverse wave, ie ve a relationship between Speed, frequency and way. elength of a wave, Or) Prove that V =f, (St221,0221) Ans: We know that, CsmsastMu7Lciathristtaseansiait wasn Velocity = oelance ved t In case of wavelength, d =A v Hence we can write: ul One 7 Teng the forrml ven ano) Lea Baample§s Koti udent performs an expertinent with waves in water, The ste ‘a wave to be 10 cm. By using 4 stopwateh ps the student measures , fa Mating ball, tarts a wave in one part of a tank of measures the wayelengtt ye a thorns observing the © frequency of 2 Hy. If the student = Hee baw long will H take the wave 0° ‘cach the opposite side of the tan, 2m away? delim fe He «Ae lOcm= Olm A 2 H2)(0. Im) ).2 ms speed and distance is represented by the following The relationship between time, equation. The time p' of a simple pend Earth? What will be i th on the Moon Teng! OR) A simple pendulum completes one vibrati when g =10 ms~*. (F151,Sr151,M191,8291,F191) Bm =Belt & ion in 2 s. Calculate its iength, (221, F221,S¢220) olu Time period = T = 2s @ Length on Earth = g.=10ms” We know that, T=2an/— 8 ‘Time period on Earth, Taking square, we get, r or Tee Al) 4x" Putting the value in (1), we get, (2X10) 4G.14y 1 Aete "ToS oe (a * |, =1.02m @) T=2s y NX Length on Moon = wee HONEY Solved Papers Physics (10" 8, = 10ms g 1.67ms? ‘Time period on Moo Taking square, we get, le) &= | Or Be = EB Putting the values in (2) we get, _ 2) 0.67) “4G Z _ 4x1.67 ™ 4x9.85 6.68 ~ 39.4 1, =0.17m Q.2: A pendulum of length 0.99m is taken to the moon by an astronaut. The time period of the pendulum is 4.9 second. What is the value of “g’ on the surface of the moon? (M1511, M911,0191,Sr1910)(L221, R220) Solution: Length =! = 0: Time period = T = 4.9s eel) Putting the values in (1) we get, _ 43.14)? x0.99 Sn" (45) _4x9.86%0.99 aa 2401 _ 39.05 80" 34.01 , =1.63m 8? eas Fi ‘ods of a simple pendulum of 1 metre length, placed on a ean on Moon. The value of gon the surface of Moon is /6th ofits value on Earth, where Be is 10 ms” Solution: l=Im Dien, SecussRSeRSSeRSeRSCRSSESS sto sneered I rarer HONEY Solved Papers Physics (10”) 16 Q9: At one end of a ripple tank 80cm across, a SHz vibrator produces waves whose wavelength is 40mm. Find the time the waves need to cross the tank, Solution: frequency= f =5Hz 40 wavelength = = 40mm = m= 0.04m time=1 =? 80 = 80cm = — = 0.8m width m 100 We know that, v=fa Vv =5x0.04 v=0.2ms" So, t= = Vv 08 t=—— 0.2 t=4s | Qu0: What is the Wavelength of Radio Waves transmitted b: i | y FM Station at 90MHZ? Where IM= 10° and speed of radio waves is3x10' ms", (Bisn) Ans: Solution: frequency = f = 90MHz =90x10° Hz(1M=10°) wavelength= 1 =? speed=v=3x10' ms!=? We know that, v=fl aa af ~ 3x10 Hx10° 4zsxlo* 0 A= xe ~3x100 90 42300 _ 99 333m

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