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Riddick 1

Tavion Riddick

Mr. Reno

ENGL 1101

7 September 2022

Being a Civilians

The day started like any other day; I was teaching a class about the Civil Rights

Movement for U.S. History class. Comparing what happened in class to what happened today, to

what they learned about U.S. History, could never compare. “Ok class, what was the year that

the Civil Rights Act was passed?” I spoke. I knew that only one person would raise their hands,

and like clockworkise, Conner raised his hand.

“Uh, it was 1866,.” Conner said.

“Correct,” I answered. Conner was a good student; he always does whant he is told with

no complaints. The only problem was that he was always late to class, and always talked to that

Gwen. I always thought Gwen was a bad influence on Conner, but Conner obviously had a crush

on her, and always reminded me of me when I was younger.

Class was getting so boring that I even got bored. That all changed quickly, there was a

big explosion heard, and felt sending the entire class a back, falling on the floor as the window

shattered. Luckly, the shards of glass did not hit anyone, but that did not stop the fear, everyone

in the class was silent or groaning from the fall. I was still trying to get back up, so confused that

I did not even ask if anyone was ok. When I got up, all I saw was Conner standing there looking

outside seeing many strange flying vehicles in the distance, hearing only fire, and screaming.

And like clockwork, the amber alert alarms on everyone's phones started to ring. Usually when

getting an amber alert, you try your hardest to stop it from ringing without even reading it, but
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that day was different. For the first time in my life, I read the alert, it stated, “Be caution and

sSafe, unknown outer-space flying vehicles are attacking New York city. Remain calm and

Safesafe,.” the alert said. The words now haunted me to this day, I was so shocked and confused,

that I even forgot the students that were with me before a student spoke up.

“Ms. Jackie? What are we going to do?” Zach, our class clown said, frightened and

scared. AnoOther students started to speak up after Zach. Asking questions that I did not even

knoew the answers to, except Conner, he was asking if he can use the restroom, which was not a

suitable time to ask. Looking outside was like looking at the end of world, which was want many

students thought what was going on. Trying my hardest to regain my composure to comfort the


“Ok students, I know it looks dangerous outside, but if we stay calm, we can remain

unharm and we can even find a safe place to hidden.” I said.

“ARE WE EVEN SAFVE THO!?” A student askedsaid.

“WHAT PLACE CAN WE EVEN BE SAFE!! Another student said as well.

“Ms. Jackie, can I please use the restroom?” Conner said again.

“NO!!” I said, annoyed.

“BUT WHAT ABOUT MY FAMILY? I don’t even know if they are safe,.” Zach said.

“You can called them, ok everyone try to call them, to see if they are ok,” I said, trying to

calm down.

But after saying that statement to called their families, made me realizeI realized my

daughter. Jane, she iswas still ats her elementary school and does not even have a phone. She is

the only family I had left, my parents and husband had die before, and if anything happens to her

I could not live with myself. I started to panic more then I was before, all the what if started to
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appeared. What if Jane got hurted, what if she is kidnapped, or what if she dies?. My first

thought was to drive to her it was just a 10 minutes drive from her school to back here, at least

she is with me and I know she is safe, but to leave my class is even worse, I could be fired or

worse something bad happens to my class. Anxiety and fear overtook me, I could not hear any

thing, I stop talking to my students to try to comfort them because I was not in a good mindset

and confused and scared of losing my loved ones. That was heard a voice calling for me, when I

look back to realized it was Gwen.

“Your daughter?! Ms. Jackie, your daughter, do you know if she is save?” Gwen asked., I

was confused and shocked. I am not one to brag about my daughter or even mention her that

much but Gwen, GWEN is asking me about my daughter to me.

“Uh...I don’t know if she is save, and I’m about to go get her if that ok?” I said, confused.

“Got it, but how long is the drive, because I can get her for you because I know you can

go because you know teacher.” Gwen said

“Thank you, Gwen,.” I said.

But as I started to gain some hope, another explosive happens again, but this time it was

closer to us. Senting us back again when I got up I saw the aliens. The aliens was nothing I saw

before, it did not look human, did not look like an animal, it looked like a creature undescribable,

I could not even describe how many hands and feets it had. It was terrifying like looking at a

horror movie monster but it was covered in limbs and blood, and there was multiple of them. The

only I could tell was they were holding a weapon and coming for us.


trying to keep my students safe.

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“Uhh... Ms. Jackie, Conner is missing,” Zach said.

“WHAT!?” I said shocked “Ugh, he must have went that restroom,” I said annoyed and

angered, but Conner was the last thing that I care about. I needed to keep the remaining students

safe and get Jane quickly.

“Follow me, class,” I said, “we can go thought the back of the school!”

As the class started to follow me outside toward the back of the school, trying to dodge

the blasts and debris. When we got out in the back is where all the cars were at, my car is so

close to me, and I even got my key with me. My idea was to lead all the students to their cars and

letting some of them to riding with me and anyone else with a car. When I got my car, I was

about to put my keys into the car to unlock it, but then I heard a yell,. “LOOK OUT BELOW!!!”

from the mysterious person. When I turn to see what made that voices, I saw a giant human-like

individual falling high from the air. When I saw this “person” falling, I was frozen in confusion

and fear. I was thinking so much about how confusing this situation was, until Gwen grabbed me

away from the falling giant. When the “person” falled, it crash on my car, like it softened the fall.

My car was absolutely destroyed by some random man falling on it. After getting out of shocked,

I have a better look at the man that destroyed my car. He looks like a very hairy animal but you

could tell that was a person underneath the fur, like you were looking at werewolf in the middle

of this transformation. I could tell that the creature was just fighting the aliens so I thought at that

moment that it is one of the “good guys” in this situation, still did not stop my anger of the fact

that my car was destroyed. The creature got up, holding it is head in pain before realizing what it


“Oh, sorry about your car Ms. Ja- . . . ...I mean Miss, I’m sorry for your car,.” He said.

“WHAT ARE YOU,” Gwen said, bluntly.

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“Oh, I’m Monster Man,” He said, then stand up triumphantly “-and I’m here to save the

day from this aliens!”

“You destroyed my car!?” I said in a moments of shocked.

“I said I’m sorry, Miss,.” Monster Man said.

“You destroyed my car!” I said again, started to get angry.

“Look, I will pay for it after this alien invasion!” He said.

“YOU DESTROYED MY CAR!!!!” I yelled at the Monster Man. I was furious, I was so

close of getting my kids safe, and like is reality itself, sent a flying giant from the sky, out of

nowhere to ruin it. At that moment, I started to cry, this entire situation I was so worry about my

little girl being in danger and everytime I think I can go help her some worse happens. Conner’s

disappearance, then the aliens invaded the school, now this. That many of my students are

injured or worse dead. Gwen is with me and is the reason I am still alived, but she is still a kid

and is risking her life helping a teacher for a girl she never met. I was done, I felt more defeated

then anything I felt in my life.

“Ms. Jackie, Ms. Jackie, MS. JACKIE!!” Gwen yelled at me trying to get me to move.

I looked back to see the aliens back walking towards us. I thought that it was over, my

story ends here being shot at by aliens. I just knew that I could not have gotten my daughter

back, I did not even gotten out of school yet. I started to feel sorry for Gwen, she was probably

was going to die as well, and all she wants was to help me out. As the aliens’ blasters wereas

raised getting ready to fire, I blacked out.

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When I woke up, I was in room it looked like a living room inside someone house. It

looked tattered and destroyed, with holes and broken glass everywhere. As I started to get up, I

heard a familiar voice.

“MOMMY! MOMMY! MOMMY! You’re finally up from your nap,.” mMy daughter,

Jane, said.

“Nap?...Oh I was just dreaming that explains everything. I love you, Jane!” I said.

Everything started to make sense now, the aliens, my bad luck, and that Monster Man was all

just a crazy dream, I had. That Iis what I thought as first, until Gwen walked in.

“Nope, it was all real, you just passedt out after getting shot at by a laser beam,” Gwen

said. “I told you to move many times and you didn’t listen, Ms. Jackie. But luckly, that Monster

Man blocked the shot, only leaving you unconscious. And then Monster Man brought us to my

house, after getting your daughter, ain’t that right Jane.”

“Don’t for get about the iIce c Cream, that he bought us.,” Jane added.

“Oh yeah, we got iIce cCream,.” Gwen said.

“During an alien invasion?” I said in confusion.

“He was very sorry for destroying your car, speaking of which, he got you some money

for your car,” Gwen said. I check the money it was not as much to buy a new car, it was like 56

dollars, like what is he a high schooler.

“Ok?” I said, “So, what happened with those aliens? aAre they still attacking?” I asked.

“Oh yeah, you missed the big explosion, someone places a bomb on their mothership

blowing it up which destroyed all of the aliens . . . .somehow,.” Gwen answered.

“Oh,.” I said, but truly I did not even care as long as my little girl is with me, I truly do

not care about is only on in the world. With her I know that I’ll always will be happy.
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This is a very good story. Work on revising it—get help from the Student Success Center,

if you want, Look for issues with verb tenses, agreement, run-on sentences, sentence fragments,

and unclear meaning.

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