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Research Question: How does the type of fuel affect the energy density when burned?

Hypothesis: If the fuel's temperature rises, then the density will decrease due to the increased temperature.
When the temperature increases, the molecules move faster and spread farther apart, occupying greater
volume. Hence, the density will decrease due to the rising temperature.
​ Gathered four different types of fuels: Methanol, Ethanol, Propylene Glycol, and Isopropane fuel.
​ Used four spirit lamps for burning each fuel type.
​ Recorded the initial and final temperatures and masses for each type of fuel.
​ Ensured a consistent temperature increase of 5 degrees Celsius.
​ Recorded the initial and final masses after burning each fuel type.
Data Collected:

Fuel Type Initial Temp (C) Final Temp (C) Initial Mass (g) Final Mass (g)

Methanol 30 35 70.62 70.55

Ethanol 27 32 101.24 100.46

Propylene Glycol 22 27 143.92 143.48

Isopropane fuel 20 25 122.91 122.54

Data Analysis:
​ Calculated the change in temperature and change in mass for each type of fuel.
​ Observed that the final masses are slightly lower than the initial masses, indicating a loss of mass
during burning.
​ Noticed that the final temperatures were consistently 5°C higher than the initial temperatures, as per
the experimental protocol.
​ Analyzed the relationship between temperature change, mass change, and fuel type.
​ The data suggests that as the temperature of the fuel increases during burning, there is a slight
decrease in mass.
​ The hypothesis stating that the density will decrease as the temperature rises is supported by the
experimental results.
​ Further analysis could involve calculating the energy density of each fuel based on calorific values and
mass changes observed.
​ Possible sources of error include variations in burning efficiency, heat loss to the surroundings, and
inaccuracies in temperature measurement.
Recommendations for Further Research:
​ Conduct additional trials to validate the findings and reduce experimental uncertainties.
​ Explore the impact of factors such as burning duration and combustion efficiency on energy density.
​ Investigate the environmental implications and combustion by-products associated with different fuel
Overall, the investigation provides valuable insights into how the type of fuel affects energy density when
burned, laying the groundwork for future research in this area.

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