GC Assignment

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College of social sciences and Humanities

History of Ethiopia and the Horn (Hist 1102)
Group Assignment for Graduate students
Total weight 20%
I. Instructions:
 An assignment should be clear, brief and neatly emphasized the core ideas of
 Good hand writing or computerizing has its own value
 Your term paper must have a standard cover page, group members and their
ID No. likewise table of content, summary and reference for originality of
you work.
 The term paper not excessed more10 pages and less than 5 pages.
 The assignment will have presentation at the end of the class.
 Copy from other group will result the cancellation of your score to zero
 The submission date of an assignment will be in one week only
II. Read the Questions carefully and write it accordingly.
1. Explain the main contributory factors for the success of solomonic dynasty to
power and why the dynasty used mobile camp for at least two centuries?
2. Mention the achievements of Zagwe dynasty and factors for its downfall in
Ethiopian political history.
3. List down the cause and consequence of skirmish between Sultanate of Adal
and Christian Kingdom in 16th century. In connecting to the clash what factors
were push foreigner intervention?
4. Mention the factors for Population Movements of Ethiopia in different eras and
its effect in the horn of Africa.
5. Explain the two major faces for the making of the modern Ethiopian Empire.

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