MBrace Laminate Adhesive (UK)

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Adhesive for MBT-MBrace® FRP 'laminate'

Description of product Technical data / Typical

M B T - M B r a c e ® ADHESIVE is the adhesive for MBT-
Composition Two component epoxy based adhesive
MBT-MBrace ® FRP LAMINATE SYSTEM is based on Colour Grey
ready to use carbon LAMINATE that provides high tensile Specific gravity @ 20°C 1.80
strength combined with light-weight and is used for Compressive strength >60 MPa
flexural reinforcement (plate bonding) of concrete and Flexural strength >30 MPa
Full cure 25°C 3 days
wood members.
Bonding, ASTM D4541
Concrete >3.5 MPa
Fields of application Steel > 5 MPa
25°C 40°C
Pot life 1 hour 30 mins
For use as a structural adhesive when used in Cure rate 5 hours 2 hours
conjunction with MBT-MBRACE® LAMINATE SYSTEM. Full cure 5 days 3 days

• Fixing MBT-MBrace ® L o w M o d u l u s L a m i n a t e
• Fixing MBT-MBrace ® H i g h M o d u l u s L a m i n a t e Packaging

Features and benefits Available in 8 kg units

• High Strength
Application procedure
• Non-Slump
• Strong Adhesion Preparation of substrate:
• Chemical Resistant
• Impact Resistant • The surfaces of elements that are still in good
• Non Shrink condition or restored with MBT-MBrace Laminate
• Epoxy Based Adhesive should be profiled or roughened. With
• Easy to use degraded structures, the whole layer should be
removed by scarifying, hydrodemolition or similar and
Supplied in pre-weighed units then structural restoration carried out with e.g.,
Emaco S88C T o r Emaco S66 T.
• Remove oils, grease, dust or any other loose
material from the surface.
• Remove laitance to expose aggregate.
• Apply the layer of MBT-MBrace Primer by roller or
brush and wait until dry for the Adhesive application.

Clean up the LAMINATE surface with suitable solvent

(MEk or Acetone).
Mechanically mix component A before adding component
B (mixing ratio 2A : 1B by weight).
An 8 kg pack is sufficient to cover 13m² at 1.5mm
When component B has been added, mix for thickness.
approximately 3 minutes until a smooth mix has been
obtained. Storage
Store at ambient temperatures in cool, dry warehouse
Apply one layer of MBT-MBRACE® LAMINATE conditions in manufacturer's sealed containers.
ADHESIVE 1.5 mm thick on both the surfaces (concrete
Shelf life
using the relative roller, exert a constant pressure by
moving the tool both ways in the direction of the fibres.
Up to 12 months if stored according to manufacturer's
Clean up.

Cleaning: Watchpoints
Tools must be cleaned immediately after use with FEB
CLEANING SOLVENT. Surfaces exposed to U.V. rays should be protected within
two days (maximum seven days) with the special product
Curing f r o m t h e M A S T E R S E A L ® line in order to ensure perfect
bonding between the protective layer and FRP.

M B T - M B r a c e ® ADHESIVE will cure at temperatures as 03/2001 MBT-ME revised 04/2002

low as 5°C although at lower temperatures cure is


The information given here is true, represents our best knowledge and is
Health and Safety based not only on laboratory work, but also on field experience.
*For full information on Health and Safety matters regarding this product
the relevant Health and Safety Data Sheet should be consulted. However, because of numerous factors affecting results we offer this
information without any guarantee and no patent liability is assumed.
The following general comments apply to all products.
All products should be used in accordance with the Manufacturer's
As with all chemical products, care should be taken during use and instructions. No responsibility can be taken by the manufacturer where
storage to avoid contact with eyes, mouth, skin and foodstuffs, (which may conditions of use are beyond our control.
also be tainted with vapour until the product is fully cured and dried). Treat
splashes to eyes and skin immediately. If accidentally ingested, seek It is the responsibility of the user to obtain the most up-to-date datasheet
medical attention. Keep away from children and animals. Reseal which supersedes all previous literature.
containers after use.
For additional information or questions, contact your local Feb MBT
Solvent Based Products representative.

Use in well ventilated areas; avoid inhaling. Suitable respiratory equipment

may be needed, e.g. when spraying. Can cause skin, eye irritation. Wear
protective eye shields and gloves during use. Do not smoke or allow
sparks or naked lights when stored or in use.

Powder Products
Should be handled to minimize dust formation; use light mask if excessive
dust unavoidable. Cement powders when wet or moistened can cause
burns to skin and eyes which should be protected during use.

Resin Products
Can cause irritation, dermatitis or allergic reaction. Use protective
equipment particularly for skin and eyes. Use only in well ventilated areas.

Chemical products can cause damage; clean spillage immediately.

MBT Middle East LLC P.O. Box 37127, Dubai, U.A.E. Whilst any information contained herein is true, accurate and represents our
best knowledge and experience, no warranty is given or implied with any
Tel: +971 4 8818123 Fax: +971 4 8818701 recommendations made by us, our representatives or distributors, as the
conditions of use and the competence of any labour involved in the application
www.mbt-middle-east.com e-mail: marketing@mbt-middle-east.com are beyond our control.

As all MBT technical datasheets are updated on a regular basis it is the user's responsibility to obtain the most recent issue.

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