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Titluri disponibile (și) în format electronic

Ching, Francis D. K.; Jarzombek, Mark M.; Prakash, Vikramaditya, A Global History of Architecture, Wiley,
Fletcher, Banister, Sir, A History of Architecture on the Comparative Method, 1953 sau alte ediții
Harbison, Robert, Travels in the History of Architecture, Reaktion Books, 2011
Roth, Leland M.; Roth Clark, Amanda C., Understanding Architecture. Its Elements, History, and Meaning,
Routledge, 2018

Titluri posibil disponibile numai în format tradițional

Ache, Jean Baptiste, Éléments d’une histoire de l’art de bâtir, Paris, 1970
Basdevant, Denise, L’Architecture française des origines à nos jours, Librairie Hachette, Paris, 1971
Benevolo Leonardo, Oraşul în istoria Europei, ed. Polirom, Iaşi, 2003
Chastel, André, L’Art Italien, Frammarion, Paris, (1995) 2004
Cruickshank, Dan (editor), Sir Banister Fletcher’s A History of Architecture, 20th edition, The Royal Institute
of British Architects and The University of London, 1996
Curl, James Stevens, Dictionary of architecture, Oxford University Press, 1999
Fleming, John, Honour, Hugh, Pevsner, Nikolaus, The Penguin Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape
Architecture, Penguin Books, (1966) 1999
Gelertner, Mark, Sources of architectural form. A critical history of Western design theory, Manchester
University Press, Manchester and New York, 1995
Gympel, Jan, Histoire de l’architecture de l’antiquité à nos jours, Paris, 1997
Gympel, Jan, The Story of Architecture: from Antiquity to the Present, 2008
Harouel, Jean Louis, Istoria urbanismului, ed. Meridiane, Bucureşti, 2001
Howard, Deborah, The Architectural History of Venice, Yale University Press, 2002
Kostof, Spiro, A History of Architecture. Settings and Rituals, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, 1995
Kruft, Hanno-Walter, A History of Architectural Theory from Vitruvius to the Present, Princetown
Architectural Press, (1994) 2007
Moffett, M., Fazio, M., Wodehouse, L., A World History of Architecture, Laurence King ed., London, 2003
Mumford, Lewis, The City in History, London, 1961
Norberg-Schulz, Christian, Signification dans l’architecture occidentale, éditions Mardaga, 1988
Pevsner, Nikolaus, An outline of European Architecture, Penguin Books, 1964
Roth, Leland, M., Understanding Architecture. Its Elements, History and Meaning, 2nd edition, Westview
Press, 2007
Saint, Andrew, Arhitect and Engineer. A study in sibling rivalry, Yale University Press, 2007
Sutton, Ian, L’Architecture Occidentale de la Grèce antique à nos jours, Thames and Hudson SARL, Paris,
(1999) 2001
Watkin, David, A history of western architecture, Laurence King ed., London, 2000
*** Larousse. Istoria Artei, ed. Univers Enciclopedic, București, 2006
Voitec-Dordea, Mira, Renaştere, baroc şi rococo în arhitectura universală, ed. Regia Autonomă Monitorul
Oficial, Bucureşti, 2000
Dordea, Mira, Note de curs, UAUIM

Diferite stiluri

Ackerman, James S., Palladio, Penguin Books Ltd., London, (1966) 1991
Bazin, Germain, Classique, Baroque et Rococo, Librairie Larousse, Paris, 1965
Benevolo, Leonardo, The Architecture of the Renaissance, London, 1978
Berence, Fred, Renaşterea italiană, ed. Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1969
Blunt, Anthony (ed.), Baroque and Rococo: Architecture and Decoration, London, 1978
Burke, Peter, Renaşterea europeană. Centre şi periferii, ed. Polirom, Iaşi, 2005
Busch, Harald, Lohse, Bernd, Baroque Europe, London, 1962
Castex, Jean, Renaissance, baroque et classicisme. Histoire de l’architecture 1420-1720, ed. de la Villette,
Paris, 2004
Chastel, André, Artă şi umanism la Florenţa pe vremea lui Lorenzo Magnificul, ed. Meridiane, Bucureşti,
Castex, Jeam, Renaissance, baroque et classicisme. Histoire de l`architecture 1420-1720, éditions de la
Villette, éditions Hazan, Paris, 1990
Curl, James, Steven , Classical Architecture: An Introduction to its Vocabulary and Essentials, with a Select
Glossary of Terms, Bartsford, London, 2001
Da Costa Kaufmann, L’Art en Europe Centrale, Flammarion, Paris, 2001
Frommel, Christoph Luitpold, The Architecture of the Italian Renaissance, Thames and Hudson Ltd, London,
Gombrich, E. H., Moştenirea lui Apelles, ed. Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1981
Gombrich, E. H., Normă si formă, ed. Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1981
Harbison, Robert, Reflections on the Baroque, Reaction Books Ltd., London, 2000
Hopkins, Andrew, Italian Architecture from Michelangelo to Borromini, Thames and Hudson Ltd, London,
Hubala, Erich, Baroque & Rococo, London, 1989
Lemerle, Frédárique, Pauwels, Yves, L’architecture à la Renaissance, Flammarion, Paris, 2005
Murray, Peter, L’architecture de la Renaissance italienne, Thames & Hudson, London, 1988
Norberg-Schulz, Cristian, Baroque Architecture, Electa Architecture, Milan, 2003
Norberg-Schulz, Cristian, Architecture du Baroque Tardif et Rococo, Gallimard / Electa, 1994
Panofski Erwin, Renaştere şi renaşteri în arta occidentală, ed. Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1974
Portoghesi, Paolo, Rome of the Renaissance, London, 1972
Summerson, John, Architecture in Britain. 1530-1830, 9th edition, Yale University Press, (1953) 1993
Summerson, John, The Architecture of the Eighteenth Century, Thames and Hudson Ltd., London, (1969)
Summerson, John, The Classical Language of Architecture,Thames and Hudson Ltd., London, 1996
Summerson, John, Architecture in Britain: 1530 to 1830, 9th edition, Yale University Press, 1993
Vasari Giorgio, Vieţile pictorilor, sculptorilor si arhitecţilor, ed. Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1968
Wittkower, Rudolf, Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism, 2nd Edition, London, 1998
Wittkower, Rudolf, Studies in the Italian Baroque, Thames and Hudson Ltd., London, 1975
Wittkower, Rudolf, Palladio and English Palladianism, London, 1974
Wittkower, Rudolf, Art and Architecture in Italy, 1600 - 1750, Harmondsworth, 1965
Zevi, Bruno; Benincasa, Carmine (ed.), Venti monumenti italiani, Torino, 1984
Zevi, Bruno; Benincasa, Carmine (ed.), Venti complessi edilizi italiani, Torino, 1985
Zevi, Bruno; Benincasa, Carmine (ed.), Venti spazi aperti italiani, Torino, 1986


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