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CELTA Lesson Plan Please complete all sections of the plan before Teaching Practice Preparation.

Name: Name Surname Date: 16/07/12

Teaching Practice TP4 Level: Pre-intermediate


Length of lesson: 40 mins Main lesson Grammar Vocabulary Functions Reading Listening Speaking
focus: Writing Pronunciation

Main Lesson Aim By the end of the lesson students will… Sub Aim(s) By the end of the lesson students will…

By the end of the lesson the students will have learnt to differentiate between the By the end of the lesson the students will have developed their dictionary skills
meanings of work and job and learnt expressions using the word work. through reading dictionary entries.

By the end of the lesson the students will be able to produce sentences using the
target vocabulary.

Personal Aims Teaching skills you want to focus on in this lesson – consider feedback Assumptions What the students already know (about the language, activity,
from your previous lessons. topic) that will help them with this lesson.

I need to ask open questions. In the previous lesson by Charlie the students practiced using countable and
uncountable nouns, so I don’t expect problems with explaining the difference
I need to use simple CCQs to check vocabulary. between work and job. Most of the students ought to be aware of the word
dictionary. In the previous lesson by Lori the students practiced using the present
I need to use more pair work.
simple so they should be able to use the ending –s with the 3rd person.

Anticipated Student Problems and Solutions Specific problems students may have with language and/or skills.

Problem Solution

The students won’t know the word “roadie” and “solution”. Give definitions.

The students may have a problem with the phrases with the verb work. Give examples and synonyms where possible.

Anticipated Managerial Problems and Solutions Specific managerial problems you may have.

Problem Solution
I will have odd numbers of SS. I will have one group of three.

I won’t have enough time to do all the exercises. I will set up a time limit for every task and skip Ex13 if necessary.

Materials Reference the materials (books, resources, websites) you are using (eg. Go Board Plan To help you organise your board work, draw a plan of what you are
for it!, David Nunan, People’s Education Press, 2002, p.46). You must reference all going to write on the board and where.
handouts, attach a copy of each to your plan and keep these together in your portfolio.
Remember! Keep the number of handouts to a minimum.

Dictionary (noun)

Just right, Jeremy Harmer, Ana Acevedo, Carol Lethaby, Marshall Cavendish Roadie (noun)
Education, 2006, p.32

n=noun 
Solution (noun)


Language Analysis What new language (grammar & vocabulary) are you teaching/ reviewing? Show how you will help learners understand it.

Form Meaning Pronunciation

A breakdown of the form/ part of speech of the target How you will convey and check meaning (eg. visuals, How you will clarify pronunciation problems (eg.
language timelines, situations, CCQs) stress marks, contractions, weak forms, phonemic
transcription, features of connected speech – as

Dictionary (noun) I use it if I don’t know the word. Do I have a dictionary now? Dictionary
Who has a dictionary? Or Does ... have a dictionary?

Roadie (noun) a person who travels on tour with musicians and helps them roadie
with technical work. Point to the picture. Do singers have a
roadie? Do football players have a roadie?

Solution (noun) The answer to the problem. My friend didn’t know what to do solution
and asked me for advice. I helped. My friend was happy. Is
that a solution?
To work in (phr.verb) My mother is a shop assistant. She works in a shop.

To work as (phr.verb) I work at school. So I work as a teacher.

To work for My friend is a manager. He works for a big company.


To work on (phr.verb) You are doing an exercise. That means that you are working
on it.

It’s the same as find.

To work out (phr.verb)

To work with (phr.verb) When you work in pairs. You work with your partner.

Procedure Please indicate all stages in enough detail for the reader to understand exactly what the teacher and students are doing.

Stage Name of stage Stage Aims Purposes Procedure What the T & Ss will do Tutor’s comments – do not write here.
(eg. Lead-in) of stage (eg. T introduces the topic of travel and tells class
Time (eg. 0-5) (eg. To engage Ss in about his last holiday.
Interaction (eg. T>Ss/ the topic) T puts Ss in pairs and invites them to tell each other
S>S) about their last holiday.
T conducts FB with some egs. from the class.)
0-1 Intro to lesson T tells ss her name

1-3 To set the context T writes the word dictionary on the board and asks
Lead-in What is it? Why do we need it?
SS-T T asks CCQs. Do I have a dictionary? Who has a
dictionary? Or Does ... have a dictionary? Do you
use a dictionary?

3-6 To ensure Ss can T hands out the task and tells ss to look at dictionary
Introducing language understand the target entries (Activity 11). The teacher asks open
in context language. questions, e.g. What kind of words are they? (nouns)
SS-T What do the C and U mean? (countable and
uncountable) How many meanings do the words
have? (2 each) Are there any examples? (yes, in
italics) Is the word job countable or uncountable? Is
the word work uncountable? Can we say works?

6-11 To ensure Ss know T tells Ss they are going to complete sentences a-g
Controlled practice how to use these with the words work or job. Ss do the task
S-S words. individually and then compare their answers with a
Feedback To ensure Ss were T goes through students’ answers.
able to use the words

Controlled practice To give Ss practice in T tells Ss they’re going to learn some useful
S-S matching words with expressions with the word work (Activity 12). T goes
their meanings. through the items in the second column and explains
the word solution if necessary.
T tells Ss to match the items in the columns and does
the first one with the class. T gives Ss time to
compare their answers with their partner.
Feedback To ensure Ss were T goes through the answers with the class and asks
able to use the words them to give their own examples.
properly and elicit
more phrases that can
SS-T go with each verb.

22-27 To make sure Ss can T asks the Ss to complete the sentences with a
Controlled practice use the phrases with work+preposition combination from Activity12.
S-S the word work in Tells Ss to compare the answers with their partner.
sentences. Goes through the answers with the whole class.

Speech practice To ensure Ss can (Activity 14) T goes through the questions with the
produce sentences class and tells them to answer these questions. T
using the target monitors Ss while they write and helps with
vocabulary. vocabulary if Ss ask.
S-S (Activity 15)T tells Ss to have conversations with
their partner about the items in Activity14 and
encourages them to ask extra questions
T monitors the Ss.

38-40 T asks different pairs to have their conversations for

Whole class feedback the class.

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